Birthday decorations - the best ideas and tips when choosing design options (120 photos and videos)

Some balloons

The easiest way to decorate a room is to decorate the room with birthday balloons, which today can be ordered from almost any agency.

You can make the decoration yourself - you just need to fill them with high-quality helium and let them float to the ceiling, or, if it is not possible to do this, simply scatter all the balloons around the room.

As a beautiful and bright addition, you can use satin ribbons and confetti.

In the last few years, it has been especially popular to create various shapes directly from balloons. To do this, you just need to connect them together, taking into account the color and size.

Collective gift for the hero of the day

Guests for the anniversary gather gradually, so I recommend engaging the most punctual ones with one common creative activity. Here are the options (all this can continue until the last minute of the celebration during pauses):

The big picture for the hero of the day

Nowadays we sell ready-made canvases on a stretcher. All you need to do is ask a person with artistic abilities to come up with a funny coloring book about the hero of the occasion. Place jars of paint next to the canvas and invite guests to paint areas of the picture. The end result should be a collective masterpiece that will last for a long time.

Magnetic hearts

It's also simple. Wooden blanks are sold for pennies in craft stores. Magnetic tapes on double-sided tape too. Set up a separate table with paints so your guests can create unique greeting magnets for you.


If you don’t want guests to use paints, invite them to make a collage about the hero of the day. To do this, you need a large sheet of Whatman paper attached to a wall or some kind of board. And next to it, put lots and lots of clippings from glossy magazines. Beautiful houses, cars, model figures, bright accessories (bags, jewelry, gloves, shoes), perfume, etc. You can take photos of gorgeous islands with palm trees, pictures with bouquets, jewelry. You also need a lot of cut out faces of the birthday boy, which guests will paste along with pictures onto a sheet of paper. Use a glue stick.

If your guests have a good imagination, a cool collage with wishes of “good luck, health, love and wealth” will remain as a keepsake. People sometimes make such “wish cards” for themselves; you can find many examples on the Internet.

World map with labels

It also makes an interesting gift for the hero of the day. This is especially relevant if you have invited guests from different countries to your anniversary. For example, someone specially flew in from America, Israel or a European country. Hang up a map on which guests will mark their city with special stickers. Great!

However, if all your relatives and friends live in the same city, hang up a map of the city. Let guests tag their home or street. It’s also clear!

Using garlands in decoration

If you are planning a children's party, then making decorations for your child's birthday with your own hands is an integral process. Easy to make paper garlands without any help.

The material can be absolutely anything - classic colored paper, corrugated or shiny, and even glowing in the dark.


Showing a series of photographs with funny comments is always a great success. Yes, you will need to tinker a little, but the result can be viewed many times and repeated at the next home anniversary many years from now.

Historical excursion

Each person has especially valuable photographs that evoke vivid emotions and warm memories. It is from such frames that you can make a presentation for the hero of the day. A walk with mom in a stroller, fishing with dad, in class with friends, on a swing with your girlfriend, wedding shots, the birth of your first child, family New Year's gatherings, etc.

Making numbers

Today, looking through birthday decoration ideas, it is no longer possible not to come across elegant numbers that would correspond to the age of the birthday person.

The most common option is to make a simple number directly from thick cardboard, and then decorate it with decorative flowers made from paper.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Take colored paper and cut out a small circle from it;
  • Cut one strip in a spiral;
  • Connect the resulting strips, twisting them neatly into a small bud;
  • Finished flowers must be fixed to the number with glue;

If you want your flowers to really pop, try experimenting a little not only with the number size, but also with the color.

Lottery with prizes

Everyone loves lotteries. All! Come up with cute prizes that you will give to a few lucky people during the holiday. To organize a lottery, simply take a small round vase (aquarium) and ask on thick cards to write or draw a good congratulation for the hero of the day and write your name. At some point, announce a prize drawing. Draw cards, read wishes out loud or comment on pictures, and reward the winners.

If there are children at the party, make a separate vase for them and “randomly” pull out all the cards. Kinder to everyone, otherwise there will be tears)).

Unusual turntables/forfeits

When answering the question of how to make a decoration for a birthday, you should pay attention to various rosettes and pinwheels made of colored paper. They are often called forfeits and are ideal for maintaining the holiday mood throughout the evening.

Making them yourself is very easy. Moreover, it will be interesting to involve party guests in this process.

Dance battle

This happens in the second half of the holiday, when guests have a desire to get up from the table and stretch their legs. The charismatic host manages to organize the dance battle very effectively, but you and I need to make do with minimal effort. It is best to divide the guests into 4 groups and invite them to pull out a piece of paper with the name of the dance from their “hat”. There is no need to speak out loud - we just give the teams the opportunity to mentally prepare and remember the basic movements. We are preparing recordings of 4 dances, for example: rock and roll, gypsy, latina, hop-hop. Each group dances one dance in the center, while all other guests make a large circle and support. This won’t work in an apartment, so the teams simply dance one by one.

It would be nice to give out some accessories - funny plastic glasses, bandanas, scarves, beads, etc.

Among the dancers, a large inflatable figure looks impressive (they are called “walkers”). They are inflated with helium and have weights in the legs. The figure moves with the air flow, so it seems that this is another dancer at the anniversary.

If such a dance battle is difficult to organize, let your guests at least lead a round dance in honor of the birthday boy.

Holiday for men

Speaking about the design of any room for a male birthday boy, it is worth first of all noting that in this case the main thing is to adhere to the rule: a little rigor and simplicity in the interior is the best solution.

When decorating, it is better to pay more attention to the design of the table for guests. For example, a tablecloth of a bright color, like red, will perfectly emphasize the solemnity of the evening.

You can also use candles in unusual candlesticks for the holiday, as well as glasses decorated with ribbons.


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But it is best to avoid decorating the hall with multi-colored balloons, since men cannot always appreciate their beauty. A few simple things and you can achieve a fantastic evening atmosphere.

The banquet itself

The main responsibility for holding the holiday rests with the presenters. If it was decided to do without professional help to organize the holiday, then they are chosen among employees and friends. These should be people who are sociable and endowed with artistry. Remember that after a while you will have to celebrate a silver or golden wedding and the anniversaries will again ask for help, which is very important for the organizers of the holiday.

First of all, presenters should focus attention on the hero of the occasion. That is, congratulate her on behalf of all the assembled guests. If colleagues are present at the anniversary, then initially attention is paid to the woman’s professional activities.

As a rule, it is said about her merits and how mono will lose production, enterprise, organization after such an employee retires. If the director is present at the banquet, then he must say these words. In order for the speech to sound cordially and sincerely, it is better to warn the boss in advance that he will be given the floor at the beginning of the event.

Sample congratulation text: Ladies and gentlemen! At this holiday today, the closest and dearest people gathered for our dear... We, people who have worked with the birthday girl for many years, are also present at this banquet. (IO), always approached the work responsibly and professionally. But in addition to professional qualities, this person is endowed with high human virtues. For many years (IO) offered her fragile shoulder to support her colleagues. On this day, I would like to wish only the best to such a wonderful person. Of course, health, love and women's happiness come first on this list!

Holiday table decoration

It is recommended that the boss give the floor at the beginning due to the fact that, due to his busyness, he may be at the holiday for a short time.

Particular attention should be paid to congratulations from your husband. He must say the words if there is an opportunity to sing a song or give a dance for his beloved woman. Congratulatory words can sound in poetic form, it can just be a beautiful classic verse dedicated to a woman and praising her beauty and hard work.

The holiday script should contain not only congratulations, but also interesting pranks, games and skits.

Photos of birthday decorations

Selfie with the hero of the day

Immediately announce that each guest must take a selfie with the hero of the day before leaving. It’s better to allocate a separate smartphone for these purposes so that all the frames are together, otherwise you won’t be interrogated later.

I once organized this, and was grateful to myself for this idea. This is so cool! Then you can make a collage and hang the poster in a frame. You can simply view footage of the cheerful faces of the guests.

These are all the ideas I wanted to describe today. If I remember something, I'll be sure to add it. As always, please write additions in the comments! Let all the celebrants of our country have fun!

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