Decorating gifts: modern ideas and tips for choosing decorations for gifts (120 photos)

Everyone loves to receive gifts, but not everyone knows how to give them. It’s not enough to choose a good gift, you also need to pack it properly. Of course, this can be done in special stores, but it’s great to do it yourself, isn’t it?

The packaging must match the theme of the gift and the occasion for which it is given.

Obviously, you shouldn’t wrap a birthday gift in a package with a picture of Santa Claus, or wrap a New Year’s gift in paper with the inscription “Happy March 8th!”

If you are not completely sure about a particular package, it is better to choose something neutral and not related to any specific holiday.

No, it doesn’t have to be plain paper, you just need to choose patterns that are more neutral and not tied to any specific theme.

Where can I get the packaging?

Gift wrapping materials can be purchased at a florist, craft store, office supply store, or similar places.

On sale, especially before some major holidays, there is simply a huge selection of packaging for every taste and color: bows, bags, wrapping paper, boxes.

You can buy anything, but it’s much more interesting to create this packaging yourself, without spending a lot of money, but putting your soul into it.

Idea 3

The idea is designed for students, but if you slightly adjust it, it can be used in offices, schools and other institutions.

An announcement is posted near the dean's office that the person who is going to be pranked is asked to appear at the dean's office regarding expulsion (transfer to another faculty). It is advisable to persuade the secretary, and if possible, then the dean. A person who comes to the dean’s office waits for the dean for some time and is worried. Instead of the dean, friends come out and present a gift.

If we are talking about a schoolchild, then you need to agree with the secretary and the director. Or you can connect the class teacher and the head teacher. Let them challenge the hero of the occasion about academic performance or bad behavior. And you will congratulate the whole class and give them a gift. This turn of events will come as a complete surprise.

You can congratulate an adult in a similar way. Include your boss and team in your congratulations. Let the boss call the birthday boy to his place for a “reprimand.” When the surprised birthday boy arrives, he will find not only the boss in the office, but the entire team. After this, you can start congratulating and presenting a gift.

You can’t start congratulations right away. Previously, the boss can reprimand the “offending” birthday boy. And only then colleagues will enter the office and present a gift.

Gift wrapping for the New Year

New Year is a holiday on which everyone gives gifts to each other, so let's start with that. Making New Year's gifts is a very creative, interesting and atmospheric process. It will help you immerse yourself even more in the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday, especially if you watch New Year's films and drink warm cocoa during the process.

Jewelry as a gift for a girl

“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” says the lyrics of one musical composition by a famous pop group. Yes, indeed, it is a rare girl who is absolutely indifferent to jewelry, so such a gift is always relevant.

Watch the girl and listen to her desires. This way you will definitely understand what kind of jewelry to give her.

Quite often, girls hint at what kind of gift they would like to receive. However, if she doesn’t say anything like that and doesn’t hint in any way, you can use a trick. Go shopping with her, visiting jewelry stores. Observe what shop windows the girl stops near and what she pays attention to. This way you will find out what she likes.

Observe what accessories the girl uses . For example, you obviously shouldn’t give a bracelet as a gift if during the entire time you’ve known each other you’ve never seen such a piece of jewelry on her hand.

Separately, it is worth mentioning rings as a gift to a girl. Receiving such a gift for any representative of the fair sex means a hint of an offer to visit the registry office and register the relationship. If such a rendezvous is not part of your plans, do not give a ring .

This rule does not apply to happy family men. Here everything is the other way around. Giving your wife a ring made of precious metals is a great idea for a wedding anniversary gift. But there is a difficulty here too. Rings have a range of sizes, so if you don’t know your spouse’s finger size, give her earrings or a pendant as a gift.

Gold earrings with diamonds, SL (price on the link)

The chosen decoration must meet modern fashion trends, which are constantly changing. For example, it used to be customary to give a brooch as a gift only to older women. However, now this accessory is used everywhere, regardless of age. The same can be said about massive rings and jewelry made of pearls or decorated with this delicate stone.

Silver brooch with spinel, SL (price on the link)

Let us remind you that gifts made of gold only to close people. In other cases, such an expensive gift looks out of place. If you have a long-term relationship with a girl, and you are still ready for a ring, give her a chain, bracelet or earrings.

Gold bracelet with topaz, SOKOLOV (price on the link)

Jewelry as a gift is popular . In particular, we are talking about products decorated with Swarovski crystals. These are artificial stones, processed in such a way that they sparkle no worse than diamonds.

When choosing a gift for a girl, additionally consider the following points:

  1. Consider the size of the product and its appearance .
  2. Check to see if the gift recipient is allergic to precious metals.
  3. Make sure the girl wears jewelry at all.

Personalize your gift with engraving. Women especially appreciate this non-standard approach.

Packing with a beard

To create this gift wrapping you will only need a sheet of craft paper (or baking paper), a sheet of printer paper, scissors, glue, two buttons, red paper and a pencil.

The gift box should be wrapped in craft paper or baking paper. From printer paper you need to cut out an abstract figure that at least vaguely resembles the beard of Santa Claus.

We glue the beard onto the box, on top, in the place where the eyes should be, we glue buttons (you can just draw eyes), and in the middle above the beard and mustache we glue a circle cut out of red paper.

As a result, we get a beautiful package, and on it is a recognizable face with a beard, a red nose and two eyes.

Like a marriage proposal

Perhaps the most popular meaning of a given ring is a marriage proposal. There are thousands of interesting options on how to do this in an original way.

  • A classic technique is to present a symbol of love in a glass of champagne
    . Place a ring in the lady's glass in advance or arrange with the waiter to have him do it. You can make a toast to drink the glass to the bottom, then the girl will find your gift.
  • Also one of the most popular ways is dessert. Treat your loved one with some delicious dessert by hiding a gift inside in advance.
  • Bouquet of flowers
    . If your lady love loves flowers, give her a bouquet. Attach a ring to the brightest or central flower (it is better that it is not fully open), you can use transparent double-sided tape to be sure.
  • Another well-known option is a surprise in an envelope
    . You can either leave the envelope somewhere visible or send it via courier.

Ring in rose

This will come in handy

: read what gifts to choose for your brother when he turns 18.

  • It will be an unexpected surprise if you leave the ring on a shelf in the closet where the girl looks every day or on the bedside table
    . The main thing is that at the moment when the girl discovers the gift, you are nearby so that you can add warm words and tender kisses to the gift. You can do the same by leaving a gift while the girl is sleeping, but then you should attach a note, this will be the best thing about waking her up.
  • Ring in a chocolate egg
    - suitable for those with a sweet tooth. Buy a chocolate egg, carefully open it without crushing the foil, divide the egg in half and take out the yolk, from there you need to get a toy, and instead of it put a ring and some short note. Then, slightly heat the knife and run the back side along the edge of half the egg, stick the other half, and wrap it in foil. The surprise is ready. You can also use walnut shells using a similar principle.
  • Quest.
    You can imagine everything in a playful way. Make a quest around the house, putting notes in different places to tell you where to look and where to move, or play a game of hot and cold.

Romantic quest

  • Engagement or wedding of friends
    . If one of your friends is getting married, this is a great way to propose to your loved one. Agree in advance with the bride so that she does not throw the bouquet, but gives it to your chosen one, at this moment get down on one knee and hand over the ring. The surprise effect will make an unforgettable impression.
  • Lots of boxes.
    Place the ring in a small box, then in a larger box, and so on in any quantity. The girl will get tired of opening dozens of boxes, but it's worth it. You can do the same with a matryoshka doll.
  • Another of the most classic techniques is a decorated hotel room
    . Rent a hotel room, decorate it with candles and rose petals, and put a box with a ring in a visible place, you can also put a small note next to it.

This is interesting

! Read the article on what to give for a paper wedding: original gifts for a young family.

Packaging with a wreath

The set is exactly the same as for the previous version: white or craft paper and paints.

We wrap the gift in packaging, draw two green circles in the middle, a larger one and a smaller one inside it. This will be the base of our wreath. Now we fill the space between the circles with green colors and draw balls, berries, bows, and whatever comes to mind.

As a result, we will get a very atmospheric packaging that can be made together with children, inviting them, for example, to draw dots and curls.

The star of the program is potatoes

Let’s reveal the most interesting secret: how can you wrap New Year’s gifts using potatoes? Very simple! You need to cut the potato in half and cut out some shape on the cut side (Christmas tree, heart, triangle, whatever).

The potato will serve as a stamp for us, which we will dip into paint and print on wrapping paper. The result will be very stylish and beautiful, and it will take a minimum of time to create.

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Gift decoration for a child

Wrapping gifts for children is something especially reverent, because children pay attention to all the little things, even to the kind of paper their long-awaited gift is wrapped in.

Decorating gifts for children is a very interesting, creative topic that gives a lot of room for imagination.

Idea 13

This option is suitable for the car owner. In the morning, when the birthday boy gets ready to go to work, he should find a homeless man sleeping under his car. He will never want to leave the heated place. The situation must reach a scandal. When the hero of the occasion begins to get very nervous, the “homeless man” should congratulate him on his birthday and give him a gift from you.

If possible, hire several actors. They can place the boxes in front of the car. The ambience will be complemented by the smell of cheap alcohol and cigarettes.

Gift decoration for a girl

The most universal option that will definitely cause a surge of emotions in the little princess is to pack the gift in neutral paper of her favorite color and cover it with stickers and pictures of the girl’s favorite characters: princesses, ponies, fairies and other characters from her favorite cartoons or books.

You can also glue a crown cut out of paper onto neutral paper and sprinkle glitter on top. This will definitely help the girl feel like a real princess and will make her happy.

We pack according to all rules

The first thing you need to take care of is packaging. The modern industry offers a lot of options - it’s worth going to a gift boutique or florist shop.

So what can you choose:

  • ribbons and bows made of various materials, mini bouquets, rhinestone stickers;
  • all kinds of paper for packaging: plain, colored, shiny, with thematic designs;
  • fabric bags of various materials and design solutions;
  • polyethylene packaging - plain, transparent, with a printed pattern;
  • boxes of various sizes and designs - drawings, embossing, varnishing, etc.
  • wicker baskets, wooden and plastic boxes, paper and plastic bags.

Fabric gift bag

Advice! If you are invited to a name day with someone you know superficially, opt for modest options: a stylish plain package, a box of dull matte or “newsprint” paper, wrapped in decorative twine. But when decorating gifts for loved ones, turn on your creativity at full power.

Chamomile with wishes

To each his own: choosing a color scheme

Before you start choosing packaging, let us introduce you to another important point - color:

Green, bluePack the present for an important hero of the occasion in “solid” green and blue.
RedRed packaging looks great on small gifts - a large box of this fiery color will look vulgar.
VioletSome people treat purple with distrust: what if they look “purple” on you?
YellowAlso choose yellow with caution, especially when wrapping a gift for your loved one - as you know, this is the color of separation. But in combination with other colors this shade is very good.
BrownBrown decoration is too warm for such a celebration.

Ideas with yarn and ribbons

Advice! When choosing gold or silver packaging, make sure that it is in moderation - separate inserts, ribbons. Otherwise, the packaging will look flashy and vulgar. For men, choose strict tones, for women - gentle ones, echoing spectacular bright inserts, for little birthday boys - cartoonish, colorful, but not offensive to the eye design.

Small gift packaging

Do it yourself: 7 quick packaging ideas

Of course, gift wrapping can be entrusted to specialists who are skilled at this, who will wrap your gift in a delicious candy in the blink of an eye. But a gift is, first of all, attention.

When the birthday boy sees that you put your own efforts into packaging a gift especially for him, won't this give him warm feelings?

So, ideas for the very busy:


  1. Two or three bows made from ribbons of contrasting colors, criss-crossed around the box.
  2. Ribbons with fun tassels and pom-poms.
  3. A couple of sets of stickers and decals suitable for the occasion - cover a plain package with them.
  4. A small, colorful designer card attached to a modest wrapper (use today's popular decorative twine).
  5. A bottle, vase, vial or similar shaped gift can be wrapped in a bright scarf, secured with an invisible pin or brooch.
  6. Print out children's photos of the birthday boy or pictures from a past celebration in a small format and cover the surface of the gift box with them.
  7. For the little birthday boy, make a nesting doll box or another simple quest so that he doesn’t immediately get to your surprise. You can give a box with a lock that opens with a code. The last one will be answering your riddle or completing another task.

Bow from photo

Gift decoration for a boy

You can use the same idea as for decorating a girly gift - cover the packaging with stickers with your favorite characters. These can be superheroes, cars, ninja turtles and everything that the boy loves.

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Another good idea would be packaging in the “Superhero” style. To do this, you need to draw or print the emblem of your favorite superhero and stick it on the packaging.

Recommendations for choosing a ring for a girl

How to choose the perfect ring as a gift for a woman? To get started, you need to consider the following factors:

  • age - young ladies gravitate towards delicate and miniature jewelry; mature ladies will suit jewelry in an original design with stones;
  • reason - if the ring is needed for an engagement, it should be a precious item with a stone, if for an engagement, a smooth gold one, otherwise different options are appropriate;
  • metal and stones - it can be white, yellow, pink and red gold, platinum, silver; diamonds and semi-precious stones are also valued among stones;
  • quality - saving money is inappropriate with your girlfriend, so you should give preference to a minimum of handmade jewelry, and a maximum of precious stones and metals;
  • hand size - women's hands can be delicate, fragile, normal and large, the scale and complexity of the product should be proportional to them.

Pay attention to the fact for what occasions the decoration will be used. If this is everyday wear, you should give preference to laconic and discreet models. Without stones or scattering, a classic ring is also suitable for the office. Large and massive options, accessories with stones are a festive, elegant option.

Wedding gift decoration

If you have a trip to someone’s wedding ahead, take the choice of packaging for a wedding gift very seriously, because this is a very important event in everyone’s life, and the newlyweds can remember for a long time the creative packaging in which you presented them with a gift.

Even if you decide to give an envelope with pleasant contents, be as creative as possible about it.

For this you will need an envelope, markers, a wooden clothespin and a white lace ribbon.

So, now we turn on our imagination and imagine that the two halves of the clothespin are the kissing bride and groom, so we draw short hair, a tailcoat, a bow tie and, possibly, a mustache on one half of the clothespin. And for the second one we draw long hair, red lips and attach white lace as a skirt and veil.

All that remains is to stick this love pin on the envelope, put all the most valuable things in it and give it to the newlyweds.

Another idea using potatoes. On each of the halves we cut out stamps in the form of female and male signs (a circle with a cross at the bottom and a circle with an arrow diagonally) and print them slightly overlapping each other. An envelope decorated in this way will definitely appeal to young people.

How to give jewelry: 5 original ways

Often women say: “It doesn’t matter what he gave, it’s important how.” This time, both “what” and “how” are important, because we will talk about how to give jewelry and surprise your loved one.

We offer you 5 ideas that will help you present your jewelry in an original way.

Surprise - inside

Guess what it takes for a gift to delight even the most serious person? Just a bunch of balloons!

It has been proven that balloons create a feeling of celebration and give truly childlike joy at any age. Even on an ordinary day, when you see a bright multi-colored armful of balloons in someone’s hands, you can’t help but smile.

Give your loved one balloons, one of which will contain your surprise - decoration. This will be a pleasant surprise, and joy will know no bounds.

Four-legged postman

This is the case when you discover that your four-legged friend can not only ruin everything, but also help.

Attach the decoration to the collar with a ribbon or tie a bow with a treasured box on the back of the little postman in the form of a backpack. So, waking up in the morning from a ringing bark or demanding purring, your beloved will see the desired gift. Believe me, she will remember this morning for a long time, and even a scratched sofa will be forgiven for your four-legged friend.

Like a true gentleman

What's one of every woman's favorite moments in Pretty Woman?

Of course, the moment when Edward Lewis presents Vivian with a necklace before going to the opera. So why don’t you take this idea and give your loved one a piece of jewelry along with tickets to the ballet or theater. Such a gift seems to say for you: “You are so beautiful! I want your beauty to shine this evening, and everyone to see what a dazzling woman is next to me!”

Your chosen one will appreciate not only the gift itself, but also the reason to wear it.

The effect of surprise

It’s not for nothing that they say that the best gift is the one you receive when you’re not expecting it.

Send jewelry and a bouquet of her favorite flowers by courier in the middle of the working day, or when she, suspecting nothing, is chatting with friends in a cafe or doing yoga. You'll see, the effect of surprise, multiplied by the beauty of your gift, will work wonders.

Vacation mood

It is believed that before flying to another country, you must buy other perfumes. The new smell will be associated with the trip and convey the flavor of this country.

This interesting tradition can be applied to jewelry gifts. Present her with jewelry a few days before your vacation. You can show your imagination and choose a symbol product. For example, before a trip to Paris, give a pendant in the shape of the Eiffel Tower, before a trip to the Netherlands - jewelry inspired by Van Gogh’s paintings, and before an unforgettable vacation on the islands - a fish pendant, jewelry with turquoise or coral.

There are many options. The main thing is that a jewelry gift will definitely preserve the most pleasant memories of the trip, and will be associated with this country for a long time.

Don't forget how to make surprises! As you know, only a gift for no reason is a real gift.

Birthday gift decoration

Birthday gifts are always chosen very carefully. I want the birthday person to like the person as much as possible and make him a little happier.

When you have chosen the most suitable gift in your opinion, you need to start packaging it.

Using a simple pencil, write the name of the gift recipient on the packaging, then outline it with liquid glue and sprinkle generously with glitter. After some time, the glue will dry and the birthday boy’s name will appear shiny on the packaging.

Phone to help

In addition to a material gift, you can give a spiritual gift, for example, by making a surprise over the phone

. That is, you will need to hide some small gift. Then the birthday boy should receive a call from a person from an unknown number, but it is important that the hero of the occasion does not recognize the familiar notes in his voice. The “unknown subscriber” will ask riddles to the birthday boy, give various clues, and he, in turn, will have to find his present.

This will come in handy

! See what cool gifts there are for a woman’s birthday: gifts that evoke real emotions


Making beautiful gift wrapping with your own hands is very easy and inexpensive; the recipient will definitely appreciate not only the contents, but also the creative approach to the wrapper.

It is much better and more pleasant to spend a little time and do the packaging yourself than to pay money and make no effort.

Photos of gift decorations

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