How to organize and where to celebrate the birthday of a 7-8 year old child

A birthday is a long-awaited holiday that not only the young birthday boy, but also his parents look forward to. Moreover, in his life this particular holiday is a special and solemn event, since now he treats it more consciously. Where to celebrate the birthday of an 8 year old child? This question is fundamental in the choice of parents. Considering that the child has already grown up enough, and it will be difficult to surprise him with simple and uncomplicated competitions, parents will have to try very hard to really fully satisfy the desires of their child. It is worth noting that it will be difficult for an unprepared person to think through the organization of a celebration down to the smallest detail and conduct the event on their own, so we recommend entrusting this difficult task to professionals. It is unlikely that at this age it will be possible to impress with simple children's songs, round dances and riddles. At this age, a person is already quite smart, his personality is being formed, his interests are changing, and that is why the organization of the holiday should take into account the age characteristics of the birthday boy and his guests.

Choosing a place to celebrate

The location for the event is an equally important point in choosing parents and in deciding how to celebrate the birthday of an 8-year-old child. For lovers of sweets, it is appropriate to organize relaxation and entertainment in a children's cafe; a visit to the play complex is ideal for a party for lovers of active games and fidgets. It is worth noting that you can have a great celebration at home by organizing a masquerade with an exciting game program for the birthday boy and his guests. However, all this can be organized in another place of your choice. Of course, celebrating at home or in an entertainment center is not the only option for organizing and holding an event. For a child born in the summer, you can arrange a bright and unforgettable holiday outdoors in a picturesque place in Moscow with bright colors, unlimited space and fresh air. In this case, the organization should be treated as responsibly as possible, since it is necessary to think through every detail, provide guests with everything necessary for a comfortable stay, take care of the design of the chosen area, etc.

How to celebrate a child's birthday

Build a photo zone
You will need a couple of old cardboard boxes (from TV, refrigerator, other large household appliances). But you can limit yourself to a screen or wooden picture frames.

Create a “photo booth” from these scrap materials and decorate its walls with hats, scarves, wigs, paper mustaches and any other fun things you can find around the house. Next, hand your guests a camera or phone and offer a prize for the funniest photo. Later, these photos can be sent to the parents of the little guests.

Organize a play area with balls
Plastic balls can be bought at any children's store, and they are quite inexpensive. Fill a large cardboard box or inflatable kiddie pool with them. Then throw in a few small gifts or, for example, wishes written on folded pieces of paper. Then the children will be busy not only playing, but also looking for trophies.

Ideally, a box of balls can accommodate 2-3 children at the same time.

Prepare a dance party
Children love to dance to music, especially in company. Download the favorite songs of the birthday boy and his friends in advance, make room for the dance floor - and turn on the music at the right moment (preferably not directly from a laptop or phone, but at least through Bluetooth speakers).

You can diversify the disco with a game, for example, invite children to freeze in place at the moment when you stop the composition for a few seconds. Another good option is to inflate a couple dozen balloons in advance and let the kids throw them at each other.

Organize a chef's day
Together, prepare a treat that the kids will later eat. The easiest way to make shortbread dough: it kneads quickly, molds well, and you can cut out funny figures from it. Give each child a piece of dough and ask them to make something that will go into the oven later.

You can also give young chefs small pieces of paper. Let everyone write down wishes for their friends on their own pieces of paper, and then hide them in cookies. When it comes to treats, the kids are sure to enjoy extracting and reading these messages.

Make a castle and swords from cardboard boxes
To do this, you will have to find large packages in advance. When the children gather, invite them to build a magic castle, fortified fort, or pirate ship out of this cardboard. Help cut windows and doors, glue boxes together. You can also give the kids markers and paints and paint the resulting structure together.

To add a playful element, cut out swords and shields - for campaigns of conquest. Cardboard equipment can also be painted to suit your taste. And it’s easy to make knight’s capes and cloaks from old T-shirts.

Build a castle with pillows and blankets
Just collect all the pillows, cushions, rugs, blankets you find at home and give them to your children. Let them build houses, huts, labyrinths from them. If you combine this entertainment with the point above, you can at the same time organize battles of conquest, attacking and defending the castle with soft toys.

Have water pistol fights
Go to a fixed price store and buy a couple dozen toy guns that charge with water. Place a large basin of water in the backyard (if you live in a private house) or lawn where the holiday is taking place to reload your weapon, and go into battle!

Go on a hike with a picnic at the end
Kids love bonfires, and a birthday party around the fire is sure to be an unforgettable experience. Take a small tent or canopy with you, prepare marshmallows for frying, sausages, bread, tea - and go with the birthday boy and his guests for a walk... no, no, a real hike through the nearest forest! Don't forget to bring matches and lighter fluid.

Organize a treasure hunt
Hide some valuable prize somewhere in the house or on the street. And on the way to it, lay out pieces of paper with tips. For example, the first one, which you give to the children before starting the quest, may say: “Follow the tree with small yellow fruits. Three steps away from him you will find a stone. Below it is the next clue.”

The quest can be long or short, depending on how many clues you have enough imagination for.

Prepare a book with checks for joy for your child
This is an almost free and very original gift option - an ideal solution if you are very short on money and cannot invite guests. Take an ordinary children's album and paste into it pieces of paper or pictures cut out from magazines with captions. Each should describe one activity that your child enjoys or that he regularly asks you to do. For example:

  • Play for another hour on the phone.
  • Watch cartoons for another half hour.
  • Go for a walk with dad.
  • Go to the movies with your mom and watch a cool cartoon.
  • Go on an amusement ride in the park.
  • For dad to tell a story before bed.
  • Go to the store and buy me a small gift.
  • Permission to eat one more piece of candy.

You can paste several dozen such checks into an album. And then hand it to the birthday boy, warning that you will fulfill one of his wishes a day. The child will remember such a gift forever, because this book is akin to real magic.

Just spend your day with your little birthday boy
In fact, children don’t need that much: most of them are ready to exchange a toy or a treat for the opportunity to lie under a blanket with their mother, go fishing with their father, or take a walk in the park with the whole family holding hands.

Give your child a whole day dedicated only to the birthday boy. Do pleasant things: draw together, feed the ducks on the lake, dance, ride a swing, play football. And remember: all your attention, all your energy on this “gift” day should be directed to the baby. This is the best gift for him, the memories of which he will keep for the rest of his life.

How to celebrate the birthday of a 7-8 year old child

How much remains to be determined in order to successfully hold the birthday of an 8-year-old child, where to celebrate, what to treat, how to entertain. And if initially organization may seem like a simple and uncomplicated matter, in the process you will realize that it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. When asking how to celebrate the birthday of a 7- or 8-year-old child, first of all you should determine the child’s personal preferences, and then build on his wishes. Preparing an individual scenario for the birthday person will influence the entire course of the celebration. Having thought through every detail to the smallest detail, you are guaranteed success, as a result of which the birthday person will receive an unforgettable experience for many years. But how to celebrate the birthday of a 7-year-old child if he has a lot of favorites, and it’s difficult to decide in what style to organize the party? In this case, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with win-win options.

Ideas that can definitely be included in the scenario for holding a children's birthday:

  • Magician for a child's birthday. Magic and wizardry have always impressed not only young spectators, but also their parents, including. Having included this idea in the holiday scenario, all guests will be amazed to watch the unique tricks of the magicians, their sleight of hand and unexpected results;

  • Animators. For boys and girls, we recommend that you include animators in the script. With their help, the entertainment program will be much more interesting and exciting, since they will help everyone imagine themselves as participants in exciting journeys with their favorite cartoon characters. Animator Knight will tell the boys the secrets of wearing armor and controlling weapons. Animator Iron Man is a prominent representative of the planet's defender in the fight between good and evil. For girls, we suggest choosing equally interesting characters - Disney princesses, heroines from modern cartoons, etc.;

  • Show program. Show programs will add a special touch and complement the overall atmosphere of the event. Programs such as the Tesla show will impress absolutely any guest, in which you will see the conquest of one of the most dangerous and spectacular natural phenomena - lightning. A quieter, but no less interesting Paper Show allows you to have a lot of fun in a huge number of paper scraps that create the sensation of snowdrifts;

  • Puppets. Enchanting spectacle! Very tall dolls will brighten up any celebration, and children will certainly be pleased.


  • The first is the scenario birthday of your boy, who turns 7 or 8 years old. The main “action” of the entire event is the laser tag game. Team and absolutely friendly, which involves all your son’s friends whom he invited to his birthday;
  • The second is the Birthday, during which we set certain goals, namely, to reveal the leadership potential of your child by completing game missions and tasks in the style of a laser tag game;
  • Third - These are positive emotions and unbridled drive! Our main goal and, in fact, task is to give the Birthday Boy and his friends a great mood and make sure that the holiday spent with us is remembered for a long time!


Dear parents, we will organize and hold an unforgettable “Day” for your son in the capital of Ukraine!

Call us:

+38(095) 187-77-06
+38(097) 755-53-69


A child's birthday party in the style of a laser tag game can be held at our club grounds in any weather.

But what about in winter? And look, Dear Parents, at the photo below!

  • It's the boy's birthday , his name is Daniil, in the photo he is with his dad at one of the STC ARTMAX training grounds! We spent his birthday in winter at a temperature of -10). Despite the fact that the photo is black and white, pay attention to the boy’s cheeks, they are pink, the boy is happy and full of happiness!
  • What did we mean by this? If your seven or eight year old son’s birthday is in the winter, come celebrate it at our training grounds with the whole family, and naturally, with the friends of the “Hero of the Celebration”!
  • The playgrounds are heated and the field kitchen is always open. Children do not get cold or wet , since our training grounds are protected from bad weather. And further. A children's birthday for a boy of 7 or 8 years old can be celebrated indoors, including in a cafe or restaurant, along with laser tag. See the tab on our website – “Partner Establishments”.

We hold scenario-based birthday parties in the style of a laser tag game!

You've probably heard that there are two versions of the lasertag game - indoor and outside . What is a laser tag arena? — This is a labyrinth where children play with special equipment for 15-20 minutes. Indoor laser tags are usually located in large cities in shopping center areas.

What do we offer?

Unlike indoor laser tag, outside laser tag uses equipment that can change the strength of the emitter. So as not to confuse you, let’s just say that with our “equipment” a child can “shoot” at a distance of 50 to 300 meters. In addition, our equipment varies in class, weight, “damage” and is absolutely safe for children!

We don't just distribute laser machines, we organize a real themed children's birthday party for your son and his friends!

  • A game for the birthday of a 7 or 8 year old boy lasts for 2 or 3 hours (with breaks for rest and food);
  • We play out a dozen scenarios with the children;
  • If necessary, we will develop an original game script for the birthday of a 7 or 8 year old boy, just tell us about it in advance;
  • We apply army face makeup to the children and give out top camouflage;
  • We monitor the safety of the birthday party and do not leave a step away from the children!
  • We ourselves become children during the “Dnyushka”). To understand a child, you need to become a child yourself for a while, without forgetting that you are an adult;
  • A child's heart is pure and incorruptible! Our goal is to give real positive emotions to your son and his friends, and besides this, to see the sparkle of happiness and joy in children's eyes!


Dear Parents, we have already said that all children are Individuals with their own special character and behavior, we said that “what may suit one child is not a fact that another will be delighted with it.”

We have been working with children since 2010.

We have many interesting stories in our “portfolio”; we will not retell them, but we will focus on the following:

  • Not all children are active. It happened that at a birthday party there were children who were invited by the Birthday Boy... well, not at all interested in playing laser tag... Simply put, it was “not theirs”;
  • Dear Parents. We always find a way out of such situations . Remember, we have already touched on the topic that a Children’s Birthday in our club is a whole scenario event. This is a themed holiday, these are missions and army tasks led by our brave Birthday General. These are emotions and drive, true friendship and team spirit of cohesion!
  • And only then laser tag - “it’s just a shooter”;
  • We always motivate invited children who “temporarily do not want to play” by indicating their importance to the Birthday Boy’s team!
  • And our game “tactics” and birthday competitions for children confirm this. Agree, only true friends can effectively “Carry the Password”, “Protect the VIP”, or “Defend the Base”! Every child is a key player , and without him there’s just no way to win))).

Competitions for the birthday of a 7-8 year old child

Competitions for children's birthdays are a separate point in preparing the holiday. Depending on the personal preferences of the birthday person and the chosen topic, we take an individual approach to preparing competitions for the birthday of a 7-8 year old child. Scenarios may include an entertainment program prepared for boys, girls, and mixed groups. The program may include competitions such as:

  • saving the Earth from danger with Transformers Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. With them, the guys will go through the intergalactic gorge, fly in a space ball, go under laser protection and have a real Autobot dance;
  • with the Winx Fairy, the guys will go to the Alfei school and undergo difficult training in order to become classmates with the Fairy and pass exams. Children can expect: dance exercises, teleportation, rescue of the witch Trixie from the cobwebs and much more;
  • Everyone's favorite Simka and Nolik will help the kids overcome a lot of obstacles in order to fix the helper, make the hero smaller, and send him to his family. Together, participants will go through the transformation tunnel, collect all the necessary tools, fix the helper and make friends with their favorite cartoon characters;
  • Ladybug will ask the guys for help in the fight against Hawkmoth in order to save the city. With it, participants will learn to fly, climb onto the roof, leave no traces behind them, and move forward towards their goal;
  • The birthday boy and his guests will be able to fight crime in the city of Gotham together with the superhero Batman. He will prepare future heroes, send them to school, where they will undergo special training: testing strength, tests of agility, flying and much more;
  • Iron Man will easily interest a 7-8 year old child, with whom both boys and girls will show their courage, pass a test of reaction speed, be able to independently create weapons using ball modeling, and take part in active games of attentiveness and ingenuity;
  • An entertainment program with Angry Birds characters will engage children in an incredible story filled with interesting games. Together with the children, the heroes will pass all the tests and will not allow the green pigs to ruin the child’s birthday.

Selection of animators and show programs

The course of this holiday completely depends on the choice of animators and show program. Taking into account, first of all, the preferences of the birthday boy, you can not just guess with the choice of character, but hit the bull’s eye. Just imagine the delight and surprise of the birthday boy when his favorite cartoon character appears in the room? These emotions simply cannot be expressed in words! The “Party Pups” company presents to your attention a huge selection of animators and thematic show programs. With us you can choose a suitable character with charisma, the ability to communicate with children, extensive experience in the field of children's parties, and an impeccable reputation.

Our characters will come to the children's party in bright stage costumes that convey in detail the image of the cartoon character. For a small party, it will be enough to order one character, however, if you are planning a larger celebration, it would be more advisable to invite several animators in pairs. We offer show programs that can diversify the event and add a special and interesting touch to it:

  • smoke show;
  • transformers show;
  • soap bubbles show;
  • animal show;
  • chemical show, etc.

The “Party Pups” company offers a number of additional services that help improve the holiday format: candy bar, cotton candy for children and adults, photo and video shooting, chocolate fountain. Having extensive experience in holding children's parties, we will develop the most suitable program and show that will fully satisfy your personal preferences, decorate the hall in a themed style, prepare all the necessary paraphernalia for the holiday, make sure that every guest does not get bored and has a fun time , played and had fun. For more detailed information, please contact us by phone or leave a request on the website and we will contact you. Please note that we have an individual approach to each client, so you can use our services to hold a holiday either at home or out in the countryside, to a children's cafe, play center, or any other place you choose. The “Party Pups” company guarantees impeccable quality of celebrations, because our goal is to make every child happy.

“Party Pups” - we organize the best birthday in the life of every child.

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