The best men's competitions for corporate events on February 23

Unlike women, men do not need perfection in everything. Their perfect holiday involves having friends, their favorite drinks and endless fun. This, of course, does not mean that they do not need to cook and create a festive atmosphere. Just don’t forget to prepare the main part of the event – ​​the entertainment part! Don't know how to organize it? It's simple! Cool contests for a man's birthday to help you!

Game "The Best"

The perfect game to kick off a festive event. Homemade medals are prepared in advance, on which the man’s title is written, for example, “The most generous”, “The strongest”, “The sexiest”, “The most economical”, “The most courageous”. These titles are diluted with funny ones, like “Real cat”, “Just a sweetheart”, “Cute”. The number of medals corresponds to the invited men. Rules of the game. 1. First, the medals are placed in balloons, which are then inflated. 2. Each man receives a ball. 3. The task of the guests, the heroes of the occasion, is to burst the balloon without hands in order to get to their medal and read out loud to the guests what title they received.

What to give a man for his birthday?

A gift is an indicator of your attitude towards the birthday person. You should choose a gift depending on his social status, hobbies and type of activity. If you want to give a memorable gift, you can order:

  • Portrait from a photo. By the way, now portraits are not only painted, but also burned on wood. A great gift that will last for a long time.
  • Comic figures made from photos will appeal to birthday people with a sense of humor.
  • Accessories - watches, cufflinks, gadget cases, etc., traditional gifts that emphasize the status of the owner.
  • Jewelry - bracelets, chains, signets - expensive and memorable gifts.
  • Home decor - paintings, animal skins and other similar things will come in handy if the birthday person has a spacious apartment or house.
  • If the hero of the occasion has a fireplace, then accessories to care for it will certainly come in handy.
  • Car enthusiasts will appreciate any accessories for their four-wheeled friend.

Competition "Endurable Knight"

It is carried out in a comic form: • choose the queen whom the knights will serve (as a joke, you can choose the most artistic man who will agree to the role; the presenter can also act as a queen; the funnier the improvisation competition turns out, the better); • the participating knights are dressed in armor (can be made from cardboard). The Queen reads out a task to her subjects, for example, to do as many push-ups as possible or to hold her in her arms for as long as possible. The most resilient knight receives a scroll from the queen, confirming his status at court.

Who am I?

Each participant is given a sticker on their forehead (regular tape is used for this). Any noun can be written on it. You can even agree in advance to write the names of some famous people or the names of animals. The words are invented by the presenter (in advance), or the players themselves write them for each other. It turns out that a person does not see what is written on his forehead, but sees what is indicated on others.

Then all participants take turns guessing what word is written on their sticker. To do this, you need to ask the other players leading questions. For example, if we are talking about famous personalities, they might look like this:

  • “Am I a man/woman?”,
  • “am I an actor, writer, performer...?”,
  • "IM married?" etc.

The idea is to ask as many questions as possible and guess your word.

There is another version of the game without stickers glued to the forehead. All invited guests can participate in the game. Each of them receives from the presenter a piece of paper with a pencil, and they need to write down their distinctive feature. For example, a mole near the nose or a bright scarf indicating the color

It is important that based on this detail a person can be distinguished from the crowd

After this, all the leaves are folded in four and placed in one common container. The presenter needs to approach the birthday person with the box and offer to take out the note. Based on the special signs indicated on the sheet, he must “figure out” the guest. Those who dropped out of the game can join the hero of the occasion and take part in the “identification” of other guests.


Game “I recognize her among a thousand”

A real man is not only brave and strong. He is attentive, so he knows his woman so well that he can recognize her among thousands blindly. 2-3 men who came to the holiday with women are called for the competition. 1. Participants are blindfolded. 2. The players' companions are unlikely to line up at this time. To make the competition funny, one girl is exchanged for any representative of the stronger sex from the audience. 3. The players’ task is to determine, without hands, only by listening to breathing and sniffing, where his beloved is standing.

Competition “Hurry to save the old lady”

For an improvisation competition, you will need an old woman, who will be represented by a presenter dressed appropriately. Conditions of the competition. 1. The poor old lady with a bundle of firewood in her hands just can’t cross the road. 2. The players’ task is to demonstrate how quickly they can carry the old lady in their arms across the road (the road is considered to be the space between the previously marked “start” and “finish” lines). 3. The competition is held to the accompaniment of a fiery song, the winner is the one who demonstrates the best time spent on the task. 1. If several participants demonstrated approximately the same time, and it is difficult to choose the best grandmother’s assistant, an additional matchbox competition is held between them: • take empty matchboxes; • one is opened, a box lid is inserted into the inside of it; • the winner is the player who manages to crush both components of the box with one blow. This task is not easy; players may need several attempts.

Music competitions

Musical games and competitions are always popular at corporate events.

Guess the melody

Participants are selected who must guess from the first notes what song is playing. By February 23, it is better to select compositions on a military theme, for example:

  • Katyusha;
  • Blue scarf;
  • Three tankers;
  • Esaul;
  • Dark night;
  • Gentlemen officers;
  • We will not stand behind the price;
  • Song of a Frontline Driver;
  • Our tenth airborne battalion;
  • Eh, roads.

Hot dances

Couples are invited to participate in the competition. A man and a woman stand with their backs to each other and cling with their elbows. Then the music plays and the couples have to try to dance. The task becomes more complicated if you perform several dance stages: first they dance the waltz, then the tango, then the bachata. The winners are chosen based on audience voting.

Competition with chairs

Everyone knows the popular children's game, when kids run around chairs while listening to music, and when the music ends, they have to grab a free seat. The one who does not get a chair is eliminated from the game and takes one chair. By February 23, you can come up with an interpretation of the competition for men. Colleagues who want to participate stand in a circle. Music plays and women start walking around them (there should be one more of them than men). The music turns off, and the employees need to have time to occupy the gentlemen (hug, stand next to them, take their hands). The loser leaves, taking one participant with her. As compensation, the man leaving the game receives kisses from all the women.

Competition of creative works by February 23

Men at heart always remain little boys who happily made military equipment or cars from scrap materials. Announce a competition for the best craft in advance so that employees have time to prepare. Usually dads help their children make a product for kindergarten or school. Now children will be able to take part in creating crafts for the competition at their dad’s work. You can make anything: a tank from matchboxes, an airplane from cardboard, a cannon from beer cans, a postcard. Then all the crafts are exhibited for evaluation by the jury, and the winner receives a memorable gift.

Funny, intellectual and sports competitions will make corporate events more fun, unite the team even more and give men the opportunity to show what they are capable of. You can choose entertainment that suits any format of the festive event.

Quiz “For real men”

They preliminarily compose questions on “male topics,” diluting them for fun with questions the answers to which are more familiar to women. Examples of quiz questions: 1. What game uses the term “shootout”? (In hockey). 2. The carburetor is an integral part (of the engine). 3. Highlighting is (contrasting coloring of individual strands of hair). 4. Are the Bure brothers hockey or football stars? (Hockey). 5. Is yeast used to prepare shortcrust pastry? (Do not use). 6. When manipulating a file, force is applied in what direction? (Push). 7. In 2002, the FIFA World Cup was organized in (Japan). Dance competition The game is held in the midst of a festive event, when the men are already hot enough to agree to show their artistic side. To make the competition as fun and funny as possible, players are invited to: • try on funny aprons, which, for example, depict a muscular man’s body a la “Schwarzenegger” or a woman’s body in lingerie; • unexpected music is chosen (from striptease songs to incendiary folk songs). Men need not only to dance as coolly as possible, but also to play up their image created with the help of an apron. The latter goes as a gift to the winner, who is determined by the guests of the holiday.

How to design a celebration place for a man?

Of course, room decoration is an important component of the holiday. Flowers would not be appropriate at a men's holiday. Although a couple of vases can be installed, you need to choose masculine plants - strict and elegant. If you intend to decorate the room with balloons, then choose not light shades - blue, purple, green, red, white. Less pastels, more brutality. And don’t forget that the center of the hall must be free so that there is an opportunity to hold funny birthday contests!

In general, it is best to decorate the room in the style in which the holiday will take place. In addition, the owner's preferences should be taken into account. So, if the birthday person is interested in fishing or hunting, then be sure to show it. Fishing nets, heads of hunting trophies (models) or deer antlers would be appropriate on the walls. Paintings or posters depicting scenes from the life of hunters/fishermen.

Great for decorating a room for a holiday in a nautical style. Steering wheels, ropes and sails. And you can hang “seagulls” made of paper from the ceiling.

Competition "In Position"

A fun entertainment that, just like a dance competition, will force men to try on a new image. This time, representatives of the stronger sex will be invited to feel what it is like to be in an interesting position. Rules 1. The “pregnant belly” is attached to the players using tape (use an inflatable balloon). 2. Matches are scattered on the floor (a box is enough if there are few participants). 3. The players’ task is to collect as many matches as possible, without forgetting about their “pregnancy”. 4. If a man’s ball bursts, he leaves the competition. 5. The winner is the one who collected the most matches.

Competition "Men's fashion show"

Number of participants – 2. For the competition, two podiums are first created, on each of which empty bottles are displayed in a “zigzag”. Rules of the game. 1. Participants take a position at the start. 2. They are first allowed to evaluate their podium, with bottles on it, after which everyone is blindfolded. 3. The presenter announces the main task of the players - to go all the way without knocking over the bottles. Speed ​​is not important here, the main thing is to knock down the minimum number of obstacles on the “podium”. The catch of the game is that when the players are blindfolded, the bottles from the “podiums” are quickly removed. As a result, men begin to move forward, thinking about obstacles, very funny, as carefully as possible, which from the outside looks funny. At the end of the “competition,” players are given consolation prizes.

Cool games and competitions for February 23.

3. Competition for February 23rd “Cowboy Fun”.

For this fun, the presenter selects men (young men) dressed in jeans and announces that, with the help of simple tests, he will now identify “real cowboys” among them.

At the beginning - a warm-up: each player must write on a piece of paper all the colors of the horses known to him. For each suit named, the player receives a point.

Then we evaluate the jeans worn by the participants for the degree of wear (or the number of rivets) on a five-point scale. The points earned also go to the players' accounts.

A real cowboy does not part with Marlboro cigarettes, so we check the number of cigarettes in the men’s pockets. We award points as follows: one point for three cigarettes, for those with Marlboro + 5 points. Non-smoking participants are given 10 points for a healthy lifestyle.

And for the “snack” we organize a rodeo, only instead of horses and bulls, everyone has one chair: we put it at a distance of five to six meters from the participant, in his hands there is a rope tied in a lasso. The player’s task is to throw his disastrous lasso over a peacefully grazing chair. Three attempts are given. The maximum number of points is ten.

To calculate points, it is most convenient to organize a jury of female spectators, they will count the points and summarize the results.

And as a gift for real cowboys, of course, you need to give something “cowboy” - toy guns, a horse, hats or a branded label on jeans.

4. “Noble Cossack.”

By February 23, those who consider themselves real men, “Cossacks” are invited to participate in this cool competition - ten people are enough. Tests are arranged for them, after each of which a certain number of participants are eliminated.

Here is a version of the first test: eyeliner: “Nothing that is not broad-shouldered, we will only appreciate the whistle!” After this, each contender for the title of Cossack must break ranks and whistle in any style. We choose the six best whistlers.

The second task is lifting weights. The presenter accompanies the task with the words: “Now, for complete clarity, pull some weights!” and brings them out of the hall the most well-fed ladies, whom the future Cossacks must not only take in their arms, but dance with them in their arms for exactly three minutes. “Yes, so as not to just lift, but, while dancing, to hold!” For example, to the Ukrainian dance “Gopachok”. There remain those who will endure.

For the next test, the “Cossack girls” are divided into pairs and compete in arm wrestling. Presenter: “Now we’ll test you to see who has the power. Not pushes, not punches, we want to know the strength of the hand.” There should only be two left here.

The final chord is a squat on one leg. This competition will not last long, since the noble fellows are very tired by this time. Nevertheless, the presenter continues to speak in verse: “The hour is approaching, we will sing the victory anthem! And we will call one of you a Cossack! Don’t consider it torture, do a couple of squats!”

The loser is the one who rolls over on his side, falls, or leans on his hand first. The winner is given a medal the size of a frying pan. You can write something like “Noble Cossack” on it. In addition, the Cossack can be rewarded with thunderous applause and kisses from girls amazed by his strength and endurance.

5. "Boys and a gas mask."

This is a game for the scenario for February 23rd, written on an army theme. or for a youth holiday. Traditionally, we recruit two teams of young men, from six to eight people. We give each group one gas mask and one camera. The presenter will need two “military” photojournalists and two consultants who will monitor the conscientiousness of “putting on” gas masks during the competition.

The game is played according to the rules of the relay race, the first one put on a gas mask, ran to take pictures (the photographer is at the other end of the hall), posed, ran back, and handed the gas mask to the next one.

Those who complete the tasks faster and more correctly win, they become the “Golden Reserve of the country’s air defense”, the second team, respectively, “silver” and everyone will later get funny photos as a souvenir.

6. “In the field at night.”

Before the competition, the toastmaster says the following summary: “What happens in the field at night? Garden scarecrows, dew and even mines! Are there five sappers among the “fighters” present who are ready to clear our field of mines?”

The “mined field” is prepared as follows: we place glasses or wine glasses with vodka in a random order and at different distances from each other (although you can just use skittles or plastic bottles).

Let the player remember their location. Then we blindfold him and let him into the “field”. He has only two minutes to pass the “minefield”.

For each participant we “mined” each time anew. The winner is determined by the number of unexploded mines and the length of the path traveled. As a reward, the best miner receives a prize and a comic order.

7. “Our heroic strength.”

This is an exclusively male competition, because here you will have to do push-ups. The presenter selects five to seven candidates for the title of hero. One or two observers are assigned to them, it’s better if they are ladies.

For the first time, men do push-ups for three minutes. The number of exercises performed is recorded by observers. The results are immediately announced to the public. After a minute's rest and encouraging chatter from the toastmaster - the second round. It lasts two minutes. Only a minute is given for the third round, and during this time passions among the fans heat up to the limit.

Of course, the winner is the one who squeezes out the most times in the sum of the three rounds. He is solemnly presented with a souvenir medal and the title of “Bogatyr”.

8. “I draw, I draw you.”

For this small competition you will need two or three easels, on which different types of female faces have already been painted: oval, round, pear-shaped.

We call two or three volunteers. The presenter announces that male volunteers need to draw their beloved woman blindfolded. They can choose the type of face that suits them.

We turn on the music - maybe Yak Yola’s old song “I draw, I draw you”, as soon as the song ends, the men’s bandages are removed and everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the works of the hands of men in love.

9. "Pirates of the 21st century."

From 4 to 6 men are selected for the competition (depending on how many props there are) Each is given pirate hats and given a pirate name: Bloodthirsty Joe, Ruthless Sue, Merry Smith, etc.

Participants stand in a circle, each one comes up with their own greeting using a hat. The host then warns that a real pirate needs to be very attentive and have good reflexes in order to survive. You need to remember that when the presenter says “one,” everyone raises their hat and shouts “Hey!” “4” means that you need to grab the neck of a comrade standing on your left hand and shout “Rhea!”

With music playing in the background, the presenter tries to confuse the players. The game goes to eliminations, if you make a mistake, you die, you give up your hat, and your comrades tell him; “Hoi-hei, Bloody Joe! (name of a specific pirate)” and wave their hats goodbye to him. So, until the most attentive remains, he gets a prize and applause.

10. “This guy is the most accurate.”

This is also a competition on the theme “from the life of a soldier.” To measure the degree of accuracy of the cheerful defenders of the fatherland, you can use “Darts”. In this case, the distance between the target and the player should be a meter or one and a half, so as not to throw in vain.

As an option: throwing open (that is, without a cap) felt-tip pens or markers: glue a homemade target drawn on a regular piece of Whatman paper to the wall, and hand the players “darts” - felt-tip pens. The winner, of course, is determined by the amount of points scored.

11. "Tank battle."

The presenter needs to prepare in advance a couple of large easels with large blank sheets of whatman paper (or simply large sheets attached to something) so that there is a “field” for creativity, because they will draw with their eyes closed and collectively. It is advisable to turn the easels towards the public so that the participants in the game stand with their backs to everyone, and the process is clearly visible to the fans.

So, the rules of the game: first we recruit two mixed teams of equal numbers. We offer to examine the toy tank (this is especially necessary for ladies), and then we announce that each team member will draw a certain part of this combat vehicle with their eyes closed. The presenter invites the players to agree among themselves who draws what and, with the help of assistants, blindfolds the participants.

To the accompaniment of cheerful music and comments from the leader, the teams “create”; when the last participant finishes drawing his piece, everyone takes off their bandages and the teams admire their “masterpieces.”

You can invite the guests to determine the winners using applause. Let the losing team “bombard” the winners with kisses, and give everyone toy tanks as a prize.

12. "Fun Divers"

For this fun competition, an obstacle course is being prepared: skittles, bottles, etc. (or simply read aloud the route, which participants must remember and follow as accurately as possible). Participants are given equipment, for example, fins and swimming goggles or binoculars, which must be held on the contrary (if possible: lifebuoy, vest, rubber gloves). The exit of the “divers” can be formalized with the song “Wow, we’re out of the bay.”

First task: go through an obstacle course or a designed route

The second task is “find a treasure” - in full gear, in a minute, collect as many pearls as possible (these can be balls or marbles), for example, to the song “There Under the Ocean”,

The third task is to dance your own dance (pull out cards with song names and dance to it). It is better to take songs on the topic: “Apple”, “You are a sailor, I am a sailor...”, “Across the seas, along the waves...”.

Based on the results of 3 tasks, award certificates: “Diver of Category I”, “Diver of Category II”, “Diver of Category III” and small prizes.

Traditionally, the funniest moments of the holiday are associated with costume acts or games in which men participate. At a men's holiday, it would be nice to change this situation a little and arrange a couple of surprises and unusual congratulations for the heroes of the occasion, and be sure to choose games that they will like, first of all.

Participation in fun games and competitions by February 23 should give men positive emotions; each of them should feel somehow handsome, superman and macho at this holiday.

As for the prize fund, it should be rich in prizes that are truly attractive to men and boys, various comic medals and nominations. And most importantly, the ladies present should not skimp on their attention to men, and then the men’s holiday will definitely be fun, bright and unforgettable

Author Nadezhda Khudyashova

Especially for the site


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Game “A Father Had 3 Sons”

An old game that is still popular. Three men are called for her. To one (while the other two leave the room), the presenter reads the text “A father had three sons. The eldest is a smart kid, the middle one is this and that, the youngest is still a fool.” Participant number one silently tries to portray the story he heard. The second waits for the third player to be invited into the room where the celebration is being organized and demonstrates the story to him as he understood it from the “pantomime” of the first. The third must carefully observe the gestures of the second and eventually tell out loud what story they were trying to convey to him. The final version differs from what the presenter told the first participant.

Table competitions

Obviously, you can’t be “active” forever. Sooner or later at any event there comes a time when everyone has eaten and drunk - then it’s time for table games. They do not require any special training.

Make me laugh!

A very popular table entertainment.

One half of the table is the first team, the other half, respectively, is their opponents. In the first round, each guest of the first team tries with all his might to make the opponent opposite laugh. To do this, you can use jokes, pantomimes - everything except physical influence on your opponent. Then the number of those who made them laugh is counted.

In the second round, the participants change roles - now those who were just made laugh try to make their opponent laugh.

The winner is the team that makes the most people laugh at the end of the competition.

Is Miss Mumble at home?

The guests are seated in a circle. The game starts with a randomly selected participant. He asks his neighbor: “Excuse me, is Miss Mumble at home?” He must answer: “I don’t know, but maybe my neighbor will tell you,” and then he himself asks the neighbor if he saw her according to the same rules. The game is a knockout game. Those who start laughing are eliminated.


Table competitions can be extremely fun. Proof of this is “Kapellmeister”.

The presenter plays a well-known song and everyone sings it. When the leader raises his hand, everyone must stop singing. Anyone who violates the bandmaster's instructions is eliminated from the game. The last one standing wins.

It is advisable to raise your hand very quickly and also confuse the participants.


Participants sit at a table, in the center of which there are spoons - one less than the number of participants.

Cards of all suits of the same value are selected from a deck of cards according to the number of players. So, if there are 3 people playing, you need to take all the “twos,” “threes,” and “fours.” The cards are shuffled, and everyone is given 4. The participants’ task is to collect 4 cards of the same value.

Guests must quickly determine which card they do not need and after 3 seconds, at the command “Stop!” put it on the table. Next, the discarded cards are shifted clockwise and the participants sort them out. The game continues until one of the participants shouts “Oars!”, having collected a set of cards. At this command, everyone quickly takes the spoons apart. The one who doesn't get it is eliminated.

The game starts again.

Game “Generous with compliments”

A real man, of course, is not familiar with such a vice as stinginess, especially when it comes to compliments for lovely ladies. The real men of the festive event are invited to take turns (15 seconds are allocated for each) to give as many compliments to the ladies as possible (you cannot repeat the ones given earlier). International Men's Day draws public attention to the problems of physical, spiritual and emotional health of the stronger sex. The holiday is also traditionally celebrated in a relaxed atmosphere, the creation of which is simplified by interesting interactive competitions and quizzes.


Congratulations on the holiday: Happy Men's Day

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