Last call remotely: online farewell to school

Until recently, I couldn’t believe that the last bells and graduations would be held remotely, that the quarantine period would drag on so long and change the long-awaited school holiday so much.

Alas, we all need to accept the situation and hold the event online. I immediately ask you to complement my ideas in the comments if you came up with something or “caught it” from your colleagues. Let all graduates of our country feel the solemnity of the moment, even sitting in front of a computer monitor.

Preserving school traditions

The annual holiday in each school has acquired its own traditions. Naturally, there is no way to repeat something. For example, we had a living corridor lined up with students from different classes in full dress uniforms with balloons and flowers. As the graduating classes moved, solemn music and fanfare sounded.

But the rest of the event with official speeches, speeches by the director, head teacher, parents’ words of gratitude, children’s performances, dance flash mobs, moments of nostalgia and a bright finale can be saved and transferred online.

Let's figure out how! ))

Touching poems for the last call for teachers

Today is our last lesson...

Today is our last lesson, Today our last bell rings, We want to say words of gratitude, We want to wish health to all teachers!
Thank you for the years of inspiration, Thank you for your work, for your proud aspirations, We wish you health and happiness, We endlessly love and respect you!

Today is our farewell day, The last bell is ringing at random, May there be a lot of happiness and goodness, You are our dear, kind teachers!

The bell rang for the first time...

The bell rang for the first time, But not for you, teachers, This farewell bell today is for every graduate!
We thank you for your concern, we thank you for your great work, we thank you for helping, we thank you with all our hearts.

The last bell is ringing...

The last bell is ringing, So much is behind.
You were always there. We blossomed with you. We, teachers, will say “thank you” today. Over the years, you and I have become like family.

We wish you only happiness, Don’t forget about us. And help new generations in the same way.

The last bell rang...

The last bell rang, We will not forget it.
School is a thing of the past. There was a lot here. Let us remember these walls and our dear teachers. We wish you good luck, long years, only peaceful days.

We also wish you the right students. So that lessons are not disrupted and they know a lot about science.

If anything happens, we ask for forgiveness and say thank you, We love you, we appreciate you very much, We don’t want to part with you.

Let's say goodbye to teachers today...

We will say goodbye to the teachers today, We will thank you for your wisdom and work, The last bell will ring for us, Thank you together, we want to say it to everyone!
For your wisdom, for your patience, for your health, for your interest in science, school days, sometimes it was very difficult with us, but they helped us every day.

You tried to understand and listen to the problems, You tried not to disturb our peace, And sometimes we were so waiting for a change, We were in a hurry to get out of class, and hurry home.

Forgive us, we didn’t do it on purpose, Children, in general, what can we take from us? Today, we unanimously promise that we will visit you!

It’s not easy to teach us...

It’s not easy to teach us - we know, we thank you!
We also congratulate you on your next call. For some, he is the last, So let him bring Light, goodness, hope, faith, The dawn of a joyful life.

We wish you patience, fulfillment of dreams, in an excellent mood, so that you can learn and read!

We shared so much with you, we will thank you! You taught us a lot, It’s very, very sad to leave.

The last bell has rung, We wish you from the bottom of our hearts: Lots of happiness, sea of ​​light, Let your dreams come true!

Let the guys make you happy, May you have strength and patience, And let your salary grow exponentially, To be in a better mood!

The farewell bell is ringing for us...

The farewell bell rings for us, We leave school with sadness, But we promise to remember all the teachers’ efforts forever.
For your endurance, patience and for your wealth of useful knowledge, we are immensely grateful to you, in our hearts you are always with us.

And tomorrow, again, other children will come to replace us, Let them listen, certainly, And give you joy in abundance!

The bell is ringing for the last time...

The bell rings for the last time for us.
And maybe we won’t see you again, so we want to say a few words to you, To express all our gratitude and love. Good luck to you in your difficult career, Which for many is just a school, For you, the meaning of your whole life. Let work be your favorite thing!

Let your students bring you joy by diligently taking up their textbooks. Let the learning process proceed with dedication. We wish you all the best, health and good luck!

Technical issues

Thanks to distance learning, almost all teachers and schoolchildren have tested conferences in ZOOM, and we are gathering all participants there for the last call. If you have a lot of graduating classes, it's better to do several separate events, otherwise everything will become too long.

At the remote last call there must be a moderator-DJ . This is a trained teacher or high school student who will turn the microphones on and off for the participants of the holiday in a timely manner, play background music, fanfare and special effects (applause, fireworks, laughter), monitor the appearance of the presentation on the screen, the launch of videos, etc.

All this must be rehearsed, having a clear script and sequence of actions. 90% of success depends on such a moderator.

Many schools organize a live broadcast on YouTube with the connection of the governor's speech and guest stars (a group respected by the children will perform especially for graduates).

Sample scenario for Last Call online

A scenario is a serious matter, requiring detailed planning of all points with a description of the details and the people responsible for implementation. In addition, we agreed that each school itself chooses the “filling” from the proposed “pie” of ideas, and therefore only an approximate scenario will be presented below.

  1. Fanfare sounds inviting students to take a place at the computer monitors (everyone has joined the conference in advance).
  2. The presenter's words about the Last Bell holiday, the performance of the Russian anthem.
  3. Online speech by the school director + diagram “Selected professions”.
  4. Video congratulations from first graders.
  5. Online presentation by the class teacher + diagram “Our grades”.
  6. Conducting an online test (presentation + chat).
  7. Video congratulations from parents.
  8. Online presentation by the first teacher.
  9. Awarding of graduates (presentation “Roll of Honor” + distribution of electronic diplomas, parents presenting a bouquet of flowers to the graduate).
  10. Conducting a “Fun Quiz” online (presentation + chat).
  11. The last school bell rings.
  12. Flash mob of wishes.
  13. Announcement of the creation of the group “School No., graduation 2020” on VKontakte, online election of a group moderator, sending registration “keys” from the group to the selected moderator.
  14. Promotion “Dream Balloon”
  15. School waltz (graduate + parent).
  16. Virtual vignette (distribution and publication in a group).
  17. Group performance of a song (karaoke on the screen).
  18. Announcement about home tea party.

Organizers and responsible persons

The organizer of the holiday must prepare separate copies of the script with notes for the presenters, moderator, DJ, class teachers and all speakers giving congratulatory speeches during the live broadcast.

In addition to the presenter, who will communicate with graduates and guests of the online event, provide the floor or speak text before showing the videos, appoint an assistant responsible for sending urgent messages on WhatsApp. For example, if one of the parents fails to connect with a speech of gratitude, his text is immediately “picked up” by another representative of the parent committee.

Success is in the little things! Think everything through.

Preliminary preparation

Since this format of the event does not allow improvisation, many numbers of the holiday program must be prepared in advance or even recorded in the form of videos, which a technical specialist will include in the broadcast as the script progresses.

What you should prepare in advance:

  • Video series of photographs “School years: step by step.”
  • Video of congratulations to graduates from first-graders.
  • Video of congratulations from parents.
  • Presentation “Roll of Honor”, ​​paper and electronic diplomas.
  • Diagram “Our ratings”.
  • Diagram “Selected professions”.
  • Create a group “School No., graduation 2020” on the social network “VKontakte”, upload electronic diplomas there that will be awarded.
  • A sheet of A-4 format, on which the wish word is written in landscape orientation in a very large font (according to the number of graduates + the class teacher and director, each prepares it himself).
  • Presentation with questions for the “Fun Quiz”.
  • Questions and answers for online assessment work in the form of a test.
  • A balloon inflated with helium (each graduate + class teacher and director prepare themselves).
  • The words of a song that will be sung by everyone.
  • Track with music of the Russian anthem (audio or video format).
  • Track with school waltz music (video format).
  • Track with a ringing school bell (audio or video format).
  • A track with the music of the song (preferably in karaoke format with a demonstration of the words on the monitor).

It’s not worth making a video with congratulations to the class teacher, the first teacher and the director: the children will get the feeling that the holiday program was recorded in advance, and the sense of reality will disappear. Therefore, mentors must be participants in the conference and have a “live” word online.

We gather online guests

All participants should receive a link to this extraordinary last call. You can simply send it by email or instant messenger, but it will be beautiful if for each group of guests you create a colorful, eye-catching invitation indicating the exact time, name of the event, password and link.

Let me remind you who should receive such a letter or message:

• All graduates and their parents • Director and representatives of the school administration • Class teachers • Subject teachers • First teacher • Guests (security guards, cooks) • Kids from 1st grade (if online congratulations are provided)

Room decoration and clothing

Moving the holiday from school to the apartment does not mean that everything in the home atmosphere should remain the same. Definitely, the room in which the online broadcast will take place must be decorated. To create an atmosphere of unity with your classmates, you need to agree on what color the balloons will be hung in the room. Parents must hide a bouquet of flowers, which they will give to their son or daughter at the end of the virtual lineup.

Dress uniform: school uniform, white apron, bows - for girls, white shirt and suit - for boys. Moms and dads also change their robes and tights with a T-shirt for a dress and a shirt with trousers.

The uniform must be formal, regardless of the location of the students.

The director's office should have an official atmosphere, a state flag, and a bouquet of flowers.

It is better to place the class teacher in the classroom where the children studied, decorate the classroom with balloons, and a bouquet of flowers should be on the table.

The first teacher must get in touch from the office where her matured “first graders” studied. Again, don’t forget about a bouquet of flowers.

Bows, flowers and balls

I see no reason why graduates should give up dress uniforms and bows (some schools have a tradition of “returning” to first grade), or young people should give up showy suits and ties. No one will create a festive mood for us, be in the frame one hundred percent!

Classmates can agree on a uniform design for that part of the room that is visible on the monitor screen. These can be bright balloons (usually the last bell is decorated in the colors of the Russian flag or the “company” color of the school, if there is one). The balloons themselves are sold in the “party” departments of large supermarkets or purchased in online stores.

Everything is simple with bouquets now. Delivery by courier to all those whom you were going to congratulate on the school stage. Teachers and the director will take the bouquet in their hands at the very moment when virtual congratulations from the graduates are heard. Everything is beautiful and almost real.

History of the event

When did the idea for the last call come about? It is known for certain that the bell itself existed back in the days of Ancient Greece. Then the Plato Academy used a water “Plato’s alarm clock” - a device made of a flute and two communicating vessels with water.

However, they began to use this method of notification in schools during the time of Jan Amos Kamensky, a famous teacher who invented classes and lessons as a change of subjects familiar today for children of different age categories.

Kamensky's school used a gong, bell, or stationary bell to signal that class was over.

In the mid-19th century, physicist John Mirand invented the electric bell. To do this, he took the previously invented electromagnet and vibrating hammer as a basis and added a bell to them.

In the 20th century, electric bells became a widespread phenomenon and were widely used in schools.

Electric bells are only banned in schools in Somalia to prevent people from confusing school bells with church bells.

What can you write down in advance?

In general, I would advise writing down as many congratulatory blocks as possible in advance. All this can be rehearsed, shot well in a few takes, and presented effectively during the event itself.

Here's what it could be:

Director's word

Of course, the director can congratulate the graduates while sitting in the living room by the window. He will say some words during the online celebration. We are talking about a pre-recorded beautiful congratulation within the school walls, which you simply turn on at the right time. Let the principal give an inspiring speech on the steps of the school or from his office, in recognizable foyers or from the stage of an empty auditorium.

Congratulations from the kids

First-graders often honor graduates at the last bell. For online congratulations, you can, of course, include the kids in your Zoom conference, but it’s easier to write down the poems in advance. A montage of 4-5 performances by first-graders will not take much time.

Gratitude from parents

Parents can be very active and creative. Everyone is tired of the picture from home, so write down kind words for your children in a recognizable place in the school yard, in front of the school windows, near the main entrance. Edit your congratulatory video with musical accompaniment, add photos from the series “we brought these little ones by the hand to 1st grade,” think over the texts of your words of gratitude so as not to be repeated.

Dance flash mobs

These are popular speeches by graduates, teachers, and sometimes parents. Each dance flash mob requires a large number of rehearsals, which cannot be done during the period of self-isolation. Someone alone can select the music, record the movements and post a link to the training video. All other movements are learned and recorded on mobile phones. All that remains is to select successful fragments and edit one dance for everyone. The collage picture looks especially impressive when 12-20 graduates dance on the screen. We include a recording of such a flash mob at the right time during an online celebration.

Poems and words of gratitude from students

Now on social networks there are many examples of clips created from edited fragments, in which each participant says some words and “transmits” some object from frame to frame.
It could be a pen, a book, a flower, a paper airplane, a soft toy, an apple, etc. It's a pity, not every apartment has a bell. Agree on exactly how you will shoot such a video (vertically or horizontally, outdoors or indoors, approximately what clothes you will wear and against what background). Cool congratulations and a memorable video that can be reviewed many years later.

Good wishes from the first teacher

Primary school teachers are often invited to the last bell. You can write down her parting words in advance. It will be good if she does this from the office in which the children studied from first to fourth grade. If your event script is written in advance, do not hesitate to limit the time you speak. For example, 1-2 minutes.

Final song "line by line"

Often the last call ends with the singing of a farewell song.
It's not always a 100-person choir. In recent years, proactive graduates with good vocal abilities have been preparing a beautiful performance of a reworked song, a proven hit, with a backing track or accompanied by musical instruments. To record a song line by line, each performer records the song from start to finish. During editing, the best fragments will be used, some lines will be heard in chorus.

This is a beautiful ending to the last call in online format and a memorable clip at the same time.

Modern ideas

Usually the last call script is agreed upon with graduates. They decide for themselves in what form to hold the holiday and come up with a storyline. You can, of course, use standard scenarios, but it will be much more interesting to dilute the holiday show with creative ideas.

You can take the above scenario as a basis, making some changes to it.

Golden Bell Ceremony

The usual congratulations to teachers by graduates can be done in the style of the Golden Gramophone musical ceremony. The school version may be called “Golden Bell”.

The essence of the ceremony is as follows:

  • the presenter announces the nomination;
  • a video is played with schoolchildren performing the corresponding song (the lyrics can be taken from the Internet);
  • a teacher appears on the screen and is virtually presented with a golden bell;
  • the teacher thanks for the award and gives a parting speech to the graduates.

The nominations correspond to the subject taught by this teacher. For example, a physicist participates in the “Ohm Legislator” nomination, a chemist – “The Most Organic”, a music director – “Magic Piano”, a geographer can be given the H. Columbus Prize, and a Trudovik – the Darwin Prize. The director is awarded the title of “Lord of the School”.

Let's play roulette

Congratulations to teachers can be no less original. This can be done in the form of a game of roulette.

The presenter invites each teacher to start virtual roulette. After the ball stops at a certain number, the presenter reads out the “task”.

After completing the task (a pre-filmed video is shown), the teacher receives a valuable prize. The reward appears on the screen: a heart-shaped collage with photos of all the students in the class.

How to pack for a vacation with children?

The tasks are presented in a humorous manner:

  • the director plaintively reads the “repentance” to the students, asking for forgiveness from those whom he undeservedly offended and repenting for assigning many tasks;
  • a literature teacher declares his love for his students in poetry;
  • the historian makes a statement of disagreement with the class leaving the school, shedding a “stingy tear” at the end of his speech;
  • the chemist vows to remember the students and their unique experiments for a long time;
  • The class teacher jokingly swears that she gave her heart, soul and other organs to her beloved class, trying to cram the basics of knowledge into their heads.

Such kind and cheerful performances will give teachers the opportunity to demonstrate their talents, showing them from an unusual side.

Call disappearing

The officialdom of the event can be diluted by staging the theft of the last bell.

Before turning on the video of a first-grader with a bell, the confused face of the presenter appears on the screen, announcing that the school bell has disappeared. He is replaced by the appearance of a pirate or another negative character, who demands that the graduates complete his tasks, otherwise he will not return the call.

The villain demands to dance a certain dance, sing karaoke, read a poem. After demonstrating the tasks, the villain agrees to return the bell.

And then a video of a first-grader giving the last bell comes on.

Official part live

After all the creative blocks have been prepared, recorded and edited, all you have to do is draw up the final script, schedule the sequence of online inclusions, think about where you will hear fanfare, short musical interruptions, anthem, background music, screensaver during the gathering of online guests etc.

If awards of certificates are provided during the remote last call, write and distribute these certificates in advance. The presenter announces who was recognized and for what, shows a scanned document on the screen, and the graduate or teacher who was rewarded shows the certificate on the screen.

This way you can “hand over” flowers and memorable gifts.

The last ringing with the bell itself is also not cancelled. A graduate/first-grader couple can be filmed in advance in an empty school yard, or connected live at a special moment.

We are reworking last year's last call plan to take into account the situation. Well something like this:

  1. Fanfare sounds
  2. The presenter tells the story of the holiday in an unusual format and announces the beginning of the online lineup. Fanfare.
  3. The director welcomes the graduates, announces the class teacher and his class. We turn on the applause.
  4. On the screen under the background we show the class teacher and students (you can wave balloons and flowers in the frame)
  5. The director's words about the removal of the flag, the demonstration of the flag and the sound of the Anthem.
  6. Performance of the school anthem, if available (here is a recording of the song and photos of graduating classes from September 1 of previous years)
  7. Speech by the director and representatives of the school administration. Fanfare.
  8. Presentation of a virtual bouquet (a real bouquet with a courier may already be at his home)
  9. Introducing the guests (maybe someone from the administration, other guests of honor). Record their wishes or congratulations in a direct connection.
  10. The presenter announces congratulations from the parents. 1-2 minutes live, we include a video from parents.
  11. A word to the graduates (recordings of performances, songs, dance numbers).
  12. The presenter announces the class teacher. Recorded video or live broadcast.
  13. Presentation of a virtual bouquet. Fanfare. Applause.
  14. The presenter announces congratulations from the first graders. We turn on a video with kids.
  15. Another block from graduates (thanks in the form of beautiful texts, poems, recorded songs).
  16. Presentation of certificates to fanfare (we show a screenshot, then switch to the person who shows the award on the screen).
  17. The director grants the right to give the last call. We turn on the prepared recording.
  18. The final song of the graduates (the most beautiful video should be here).
  19. A picture with the National Flag, the words of the director “The line dedicated to the Last Bell is declared closed.” Says goodbye.
  20. Beautiful school melodies are playing, graduates, parents and teachers communicate for a few minutes on Zoom. There is a video of balloon launches on the Internet. Eco-friendly, by the way!

Naturally, this is very approximate. Use fanfares and other sound effects to transition from point to point.

Good health to everyone, and may this online event be the first and last in the life of your school!

Dear teachers, if you have tips for organizing such a holiday, please add to my article in the comments. Colleagues from all cities of Russia, even in this situation, want to organize a real holiday for the graduates.

School holiday “Last bell in 11th grade”

Scenario for the “Last Bell” holiday for 11th grade. Goal: organize students to perform traditional school-wide activities.


  • Forming a sense of involvement in the life of the whole school
  • Uniting school teams.
  • Fostering a culture of behavior and communication.
  • Development of communicative and creative competencies in students through preparation and conduct of events.

Fanfare sounds.

The presenters enter the stage from different scenes.

They stand in the middle of the stage, shoulder to shoulder, look at the audience, and talk quietly.

Elina: Come on, start, I need to say something!

Daniel: What can I say?

Elina: The main thing is not to be silent!


Aunts and uncles are sitting in the hall here, looking carefully, they are waiting for something...

Elina: Where is the presenter himself?


Now he will come... He asked me - keep the people busy...

Elina: What are people waiting for?

Daniil: What a performance!

Elina: Do you remember when we were taken to the theater as a class?

The presenter quickly runs onto the stage from behind the scenes, out of breath.


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! It’s not in vain that you all came here today! The holiday has arrived on our doorstep, the twenty-fifth of May is the last call!

Daniel: Last call, is this day so important?


This day is like a miracle that every schoolchild is waiting for, I dreamed about it every day every hour, Last call is wonderful!

Elina: There are tears in my parents’ eyes,


Yes, it’s out of happiness that hell is over! There will be no more meetings and calls to school, And unpleasant phone calls, Long speeches and smart advice,

Elina: They are sad that their children have become adults...


The years have flown by, this moment has come, Now your child is a graduate! He is ready to fly into adulthood, Let us meet the graduates, They have been waiting for this moment for a long time, Let the thunder of applause be heard in the hall! Children deserve honor today, Let us greet them standing!

The audience stands up, music sounds, and graduates enter the hall in pairs.

Daniil: Meet 11th grade and the class teacher.

Elina: 11b grade, class teacher.

Anton: 11th grade, class. supervisor.


Here they are, we are the pride of our entire school, And today we are not happier and more beautiful, The long-awaited holiday has arrived, Each of us has been waiting for it for so long. We will hasten to start the action on stage, and congratulate everyone today from the bottom of our hearts!


And, remember guys, how it all began, You were little kids, you were called first-borns, You looked at the world with children’s eyes, And you pored over every letter in the copybook,


Maybe you have forgotten something over the years, We will now remind you what you all were like!

“Droplets” ditties.


Let the school years fly by, you will never forget your home school!


Who gave you warmth and compassion, Whose heart is now torn to pieces, For whom your class is always the best, Of course, these are your cool mothers!

Anton: With loud applause we greet the class teachers of our graduates -...

The class teachers go up to the stage.

Song to the tune of "About Women's Friendship".

Today is a bright holiday at our school, And we are overcome by such sadness, We will honestly and openly tell you all... How difficult it is to let children go, In the midst of the fun, we will cry on the sly, Well, why are we having a hard time today? It’s just that we were yourselves for many years, and now you are no longer closer and dearer!


Today we are graduating our dear class from school, We all wish our beloved children, Dare and make your dreams come true, And try to visit us!

Words from class teachers.

Anton: Of course, these heartfelt, sincere words require reciprocal gratitude. Graduate students are invited to the stage.

Children's response:

Thank you for always being there, for forgiving, for loving, for always understanding us, for making our class friendly and strong.

Thank you for your affection, warmth and attention. Today we say goodbye to you! A new class will come to you in September, Let them be somewhat similar to us.

And we promise, we will call often, And come here to visit with the whole class, And we will never forget you, Because you are very dear to us!

Presentation of bouquets to class teachers. Class teachers and graduates leave the stage.


You have to part with childhood, Unfortunately, you can’t not grow up, But your first teachers will forever remain in your heart...


First grade and the first lesson, And the answer is at the blackboard for the first time, Your dear school mothers, We welcome you all now!

Anton: Let's greet our first teachers with loud applause...


Come on, play the violin, don’t be silent, Let the silent hall listen to the magic, Let the beautiful music sound, We are the first to congratulate the teachers.

Violinists are playing.


Today is an exciting day for you, Stage, cameras, spectators, But, a hundred times more worried now, your parents are worried...


For them, this day is a long-awaited milestone. Their children are becoming adults, So much strength, love and hope has been invested in them, And it’s not easy to hold back tears of happiness...


We congratulate you on this holiday, and we give the floor to your parents! The word for congratulations is given...


The last bell is all wonderful, Balloons, smiles, ribbons and flowers, But, graduate, you must remember every hour, What kind of Unified State Exam is only you responsible for! Sorry for spoiling the mood, which is cloudless now, but there is simply such a situation that they must read the order here.

The Deputy Director for Educational Work is invited to the stage to read the order...

Reads out the order.

Graduates take the stage.

Today the city of Blagoveshchensk will tremble! Children celebrate the last bell!

No, we have no time for marking, of course, the exam is the day after tomorrow, we are sad

Oh, how much the Unified State Exam has spoiled our nerves, We are depriving ourselves of such joys!

And the day after tomorrow is our first exam, We dedicate this song to Him!

Song (sung by all the guys)

We haven’t rested for so long, we haven’t rested for so long, We simply didn’t have time to rest with you, We’ve solved millions of tests, And the day after tomorrow the first battle will break out! A little more, a little more! The first Unified State Exam is the most difficult, I'm tired of it! I want to go for a walk! I'm so tired of studying, Mom! In the last year it was so difficult for us to study, Last year, salty sweat and hundreds of spurs, And at eighteen I really want to fall in love, And here the exam is like a death sentence! A little more, a little more! The first Unified State Exam is the most difficult, I'm tired of it! I want to go for a walk! I'm so tired of studying, Mom!


During our school years, we not only studied here, but achieved impressive success in sports! And our last call is undoubtedly a wonderful occasion to congratulate all the athletes!

A physical education teacher is invited to the stage...

Presents certificates.


We studied various subjects at school, We often visited the library, We will be remembered forever there, of course, We give the floor to its employees

Speech by a librarian.

Anton: Traditionally, the last bell is a celebration of our teachers, the result of their many years of painstaking work. And on this day, of course, we want to say warm words to them.

We are standing on this stage, We want to say a lot of words to you, For your invaluable advice, We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

For your hard work, Everyday teaching work, For the kindness and care that we knew here,

For patience and understanding, for always being ready to help, for devotion and attention, in our school years.

We will say thank you to all of you, For everything that you were able to give us, We really want to say words of gratitude to everyone.

Brings out the cake.

We really want to give you a gift, one that will be remembered forever, so that it is original and bright, and so that every person is happy about the gift! We were tormented by difficult doubts, After all, it’s not easy to please everyone at once, And we decided to present a cake made of wishes to the Teachers at the holiday. We took good health as a basis, added success in double proportion, seasoned it with love for sweetness, then added cheerful, ringing laughter. To taste, luck was dripped into the dough, so that all your dreams come true, a pinch of wisdom and a kilogram of patience, and two tablespoons of kindness! It’s not for nothing that we went to the technology class, We spent the entire school year on Saturdays, We kneaded the dough according to the recipe, Let it suit a little. We put into the cake with sincere love, Everything that is so nice to receive, And here it is our culinary masterpiece, We want to give it to all of you!

Anton: Dear teachers, please accept memorable gifts and flowers from us as a token of gratitude!

Music is playing.

Graduates give flowers and gifts to teachers.


You've already said thank you to the teachers, But. At our school they gave you books, protected you, protected you and treated you, and, of course, fed you very well!


We took care of things, gave calls, and also washed, swept, cleaned, We thank you for this daily work, We say thank you for everything!

Music is playing.

Graduates give flowers and gifts to technical staff, librarians, psychologists, and doctors.

Anton: Eleventh graders become graduates, it’s time to pass the baton to the younger generation.

Graduates take the stage with their younger brothers and sisters.

I'm finally finishing school! Like a terrible dream, I will forget forever, My childhood wasted within these walls, The years that have passed in righteous learning, I will support you, brother, as best I can, Study harshly, submitting to fate, But I envy you only one thing, That in the first grade there is still a long time to go Unified State Exam!

I’ll leave you my old notebooks, I’ll help you with your homework if you need it, Yes, your studies are fine anyway, I’m calm for you, I can. Learn, grow, participate in the life of the class, And don’t let anyone offend you, And if you try really hard, You’ll probably win a medal!

There are second-rate subjects at school, They have simply poisoned me all my life, But there is a subject, it is not more important, There is no better lesson than physical education, Always come here for training, I want to instill one thought in you, Sports develops agility and dexterity, And without movement, as you know, you can’t survive!

Now you have lessons, changes, My teachers will also become yours, You, brother, don’t get on their nerves too much, They are strict with us for a reason, And we, at times, got angry, offended, Wanting to show our maturity, And only now graduating from school , We begin to understand teachers.

Now you need to be honest, smart, strong, study, try to shine with your knowledge, we are leaving, which means that from now on you will write a success story in school.

Be better, try to be more diligent, Be able to make your dreams come true, We should leave, but you should stay here, Grow, learn, live in this school.

Now all the buns in the dining room are for you, and the long-awaited reverent call, I am a graduate, in the life of an adult, a new one, you can’t easily skip class. The chalk will no longer crumble in my hand, And I will no longer stand at the blackboard, Oh, how I wanted to say goodbye to school, And joy today is tinged with melancholy...

It’s hard to leave your beloved school, Nobody knows what’s ahead,

Here we had the opportunity to study and fall in love. The school helped us find friends.

Here we were taught knowledge of subjects, Not only knowledge is taught to us by teachers,

Thank you for the good advice that you gave lovingly

Thank you for helping us find the truth without deceit and falsehood,

We are leaving, but leaving the younger ones!

Little chorus: You still have a long way to go with us!

They leave the stage. A couple appears on stage dancing a waltz.


We say goodbye to our dear school and this day will not be repeated again...


So, following tradition, let me invite you to a waltz, to a school waltz...

They dance the waltz.

Anton: Well, the school waltz is left behind, we can consider that our last call was a success!


Where is the last call, for some reason they didn’t give it? Perhaps we got it wrong over time?


No, it will ring exactly on time, School, wonderful, last bell!

Elina: The right to give the last call is given to the student

The bell rings.

Elina: Graduates are invited to perform the final song on stage.

Final song.

1 verse

The moment of parting has quietly approached us, And we are all standing on this stage for the last time. May is warm outside, the trees are all in leaves, Time separates us from school. May is warm outside, the trees are all in leaves, Time separates us from school.


The minutes of our song melted away, And we no longer hid our tears, We became so dear to each other Over these many years

But everything ends someday... And the hour of parting is already close, And it’s sad because there’s a lot we can’t return now.

Verse 2

There are quite a few joyful memories between us, We managed to survive a lot together. We learned during our school years to hope and believe and love. We learned here during our school years to hope and believe and love.


The minutes of our song melted away, And we no longer hid our tears, We became so dear to each other Over these many years

But everything ends someday... And the hour of parting is already close, And it’s sad because there’s a lot we can’t return now.


In our life, which is not inclined towards fun, There are many special days, New Year, graduation from school, Birthdays of close friends, We look forward to days like these, Like a child his first lesson, They fly by in an instant, Our last call has passed. We dreamed about it for a very long time, We waited for it for several years. It seemed like a dream. Unreal. The dream is over, dawn is coming. Nothing will be the same as before, Our school days are behind us, We are leaving for a greater life, with hope, That all the best is there, ahead!

Useful things on this site

There is a lot of useful and free stuff on my site. Come back before every holiday and find inspiration.

Here, for example, are free scenarios for children's quests. Ideas for anniversaries, corporate parties, school holidays, a lot of New Year's ideas. Ideas for creating a distance camp program (ages 7-12) All online programs.

Author of the “Holiday Again” project Irina Panasyan

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