How to prank your parents on April 1st at home, jokes on mom and dad

Funny April 1st pranks at home are a great way to celebrate April Fool's Day with the whole family. We have collected the funniest pranks for April 1 that will appeal to both adults and children.

April 1 is a holiday of laughter and fun. On this day, according to good tradition, it is customary to joke and prank each other. You can start having fun on April Fool's Day from the very morning to charge yourself and your family with a good mood. You can play pranks on April 1st not only for adults, but also for children, because pranks for children can sometimes be very funny.

Today we have prepared for you several examples of fun April 1st pranks for the whole family that can be easily implemented at home. Choose, get ready and create a good mood for each other!

Raffle with shoes on April 1

We all remember the strange feeling when, putting our foot into a shoe, we feel that there is something inside. Particularly “funny” thoughts arise among pet owners. But the draw on April 1 will be a little different.

  1. Take a newspaper or magazine and gently crumple it so that the shoes shrink by about 1-2 sizes.
  2. The decoy must be placed in the toe of the shoe so that the person being played cannot see it immediately. The best objects for such a prank on April 1 for parents would be closed lace-up shoes or sneakers. Not seeing the catch, mom or dad will put on shoes and push their feet in with all their might, not realizing how small the shoes they have known for a long time may turn out to be small.
  3. You can also use small balloons, inflated just a little, as a reducer. The feeling of having balls in your shoes on April Fool's Day will be indescribable.

Don't forget about the secret weapon at home - slippers. If your household uses slippers, glue them to the floor with double-sided tape in advance. On the morning of April 1, waking up, mom or dad will put slippers on their feet and try to walk, but will be very surprised that they cannot move.

Strike a blow at beauty

There is another interesting method on how to prank your mother without leaving home. To make the morning as rich as possible, you need to strike a real blow to beauty. While your beloved parent is sleeping, you need to carefully sneak into her bedroom and paint her nails in completely different color shades. To make the prank even brighter, you can additionally pour out all the nail polish remover. Colleagues at work will definitely appreciate the children's sense of humor. You can also simply hide cosmetics so that mom can’t find them. But a more interesting joke will turn out if each item is glued to the dressing table.

Raffle with balloons in the closet on April 1 for parents

For those who were unable to play a prank on April 1 with shoes, a joke with a closet will do.

  1. Collect all the big and small balls and balls in the house. If your baby is growing up, there is definitely more than enough such “good” in your apartment.
  2. Place the entire assortment in a clothing closet, on the shelf that a person uses every day.
  3. On the morning of April 1, when getting ready for work, a husband, child, mom or dad will go to the closet to take jeans or outerwear, open the door, and from there balls of various shapes will suddenly fall down on them. Of course, a person will be surprised and gasp in surprise, but such a fun prank on April 1 will only bring a smile and positive emotions for the whole day!

Phone pranks

You can also play on the phone, but be careful not to harm your parents, especially if they are already old. You can call and say anything you want. The main thing is to modify your voice or ask someone else to voice the text. The simplest options:

  • a call from Vodokanal with a message about an imminent shutdown of water for a week and a request to notify the neighbors of the high-rise building;
  • a call from a parking lot employee or garage cooperative (if parents have a car) with a message about a car theft;
  • a call from your boss with a request to go on a business trip somewhere to an exotic country and recommendations on what you need to take with you;
  • a call from the Ministry of Emergency Situations with a message about an impending cataclysm (Tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc.) with a command to leave the house as quickly as possible, climb into the forest or mountains and wait in a tent until everything settles down, etc.

If calling is a problem, provide the necessary information via SMS. But again, be careful and delicate, save the nerves of mom and dad.

Raffle with clothes for April 1st for the whole family

This April 1st draw is suitable for those families who love order in the house, and all things are put in their place. If your children or significant other are sure that their socks, T-shirts or shirts have been in this particular drawer or closet for many years, rearrange everything in advance.

Let dad find his daughter's pink hairpins in his drawer, and let the daughter be surprised to find several of her dad's suits in her closet. A smile and exclamations of indignant joy are guaranteed!

The main condition is not to hold such a prank on April Fool's Day, when everyone at home is in a hurry to get to work or school in the morning. But this year it is possible, because April 1, 2021 falls on a Sunday.

Elusive magnet

How to prank your mom at home? Simple enough! To carry out the drawing you will only need a small magnet.

It is necessary to slightly re-equip the table where the whole family usually gathers. Several magnets need to be attached under its surface. It’s worth noting that this joke only makes sense if the tabletop is thin enough, otherwise it won’t work. Now all that remains is to wait in your room for mom to give the command to go to the table.

What will happen? Parents will begin to pick up cutlery in their hands, but they will no longer succumb to their influence. It will take a lot of time for them to understand what is going on. The main thing is to remain as calm as possible at this moment so as not to give yourself away. It is not recommended to carry out this prank if there are hot dishes on the table, otherwise you may get burned.

Popular prank with soap on April 1

We know how to make sure that your morning wash on April 1 doesn’t go as usual! Take a bar of soap that everyone in the family uses in the bathroom, and in the evening cover it with a layer of colorless nail polish. If the soap is wet, the polish won't stick, so just take a new piece from the package. In the morning, household members will want to wash their hands - but they won’t succeed!

Couldn't get past

This prank can be arranged by dad (it will not be suitable if the child has been persistently asking for a long time to buy a live puppy or kitten). To play, you need to buy an interactive soft toy from a toy store that looks as much like a real kitten or puppy as possible. Dad hides the toy in his bosom and rings the doorbell. When the door is opened, you should say as seriously as possible: “My dears, this is the case... In general, I just couldn’t pass by,” and make the toy in your bosom meow or yelp. Having enjoyed the effect produced, we present the soft toy to the family.

Raffle with breakfast on April 1st for children

This April Fool's joke is suitable for those households who love a healthy breakfast in the morning and prefer to eat porridge or muesli, steaming it with boiling water or milk. Your task: in the evening, make the porridge according to the usual pattern, in the usual dishes and put the preparation in the freezer overnight. In the morning, events can develop according to two scenarios.

  1. The person being played makes himself porridge as usual, puts it on the table, turns away for a minute or leaves the kitchen - you replace his plate with hot porridge with something from the freezer.
  2. You make the porridge, but instead of hot, you serve frozen tomorrow.

Suspecting nothing, a person will try to scoop up the first spoon of porridge and stumble upon an ice crust! This April 1st draw is perfect for those who have difficulty waking up in the morning and are not particularly attentive at the table.

How to prank your husband?

  • A wife who loves to make fun of her beloved husband can cover the toilet with the thinnest cling film. As a rule, an unsuspecting, sleepy person does not notice anything and goes to his natural needs. How good this joke is is decided by both spouses, eliminating its consequences. At best, the joker will hear a few not very flattering expressions addressed to her. At worst, there will be a scandal. Whether or not to organize such a prank is up to you.
  • In a family with a child, you can organize the following prank: having previously put a hefty portion of squash caviar into a clean diaper, wait for the moment when the husband enters the kitchen and, in front of the amazed husband, begin to eat... you know what. This must be done with appetite. When your husband comes to his senses, offer him to try the unusual delicacy.

It is considered a fairly standard joke to replace the contents of a sugar bowl and salt shaker: salt and sugar are poured from one container to another. As a result, for breakfast the husband makes himself either sweet scrambled eggs or salty tea, and in a particularly “successful” set of circumstances, both.

  • Quite often, wives make fun of their sleeping husbands by painting their toenails with green. For those who choose this option, we give a hint in advance: hydrogen peroxide will help deal with the green stuff.

Someone's children decided to replace toilet paper with duct tape

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The pranks are getting real around here…. . My kids already got me back!!! . Masking tape on the toilet paper roll!

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