Family competition scenarios for parents in kindergarten

Competitions at the table for a child's birthday


The competition is suitable for both children and adults and does not require leaving the table.

The presenter gives one participant an object and says what it is. The participant must come up with what else this item is like. And so the object is passed around in a circle until it no longer evokes associations among the participants or only one participant remains. Anyone who thinks for more than 30 seconds is eliminated.


  • This Apple
  • If it's not an apple, it's a tomato
  • If not a tomato, then a stone
  • If not a stone, then a ball

An apple may also look like a peach, nectarine, orange, persimmon, grapefruit, soap bubble

A banana can look like a month, a boat, a hair clip, a horn, a beak.

Guess me.

  • The competition will help guests get to know each other if they haven’t met yet
  • Each person writes on a piece of paper the features of his appearance and character that highlight him. For example: I have long red hair, I like to laugh and joke
  • The presenter reads what is written on the piece of paper out loud. And everyone is trying to guess who we are talking about

A codeword

The guys come up with a code word together, for example, “corn.” Then the leader explains the rule: the leader gives commands, but these commands need to be executed only if the leader pronounces a code word before the command. For example, the leader says: “corn”, hands up, and the children raise their hands up, and if the leader says: jump on the left foot, the children should not follow the command, since the code word was not said. The leader must give commands quickly, trying to confuse the children, so that sooner or later someone will get confused and carry out the command without a code word. Anyone who executes a command without a code word is eliminated from the game, and the most attentive participants who remain in the game until the end are awarded prizes.

Quiz for everyone

If the company is of different ages. For example, if there are children aged 10 and 13 at the festival, then you can choose games that will be interesting to absolutely everyone. Moreover, adult guests will also be able to participate. Such entertainment should be offered in the middle of the event.

Guess the melody

The game is suitable for a company that has already met, warmed up and is having fun. This quiz will require a host, a computer or stereo system, and a selection of music. It is better to choose songs from different genres. Let it be children's songs from cartoons, soundtracks from films, and popular melodies. The presenter plays excerpts of songs, and players must guess the name.

Another option is a quiz. All guests are divided into two or three teams (depending on their number). You are given one word and a limited time. Each team must come up with as many songs as possible with a given word.


The long-known and beloved game is suitable for absolutely all ages. And the birthday boy may be the center of attention. The rules are:

  1. The presenter takes one item from each player (bracelet, pen, tie, etc.) and puts it in one box (maybe a bag, hat).
  2. The birthday boy stands with his back to everyone and does not see what is happening.
  3. The presenter takes one thing and asks: “What should this phantom do?”
  4. The main character of the celebration comes up with a task, and the participant must complete it.

Tasks can be like this:

  1. Sing a funny song.
  2. Tell a funny joke.
  3. Crow 10 times.
  4. Dance the dance of the little ducklings.
  5. Pet the cat.
  6. Eat three candies.

The tasks largely depend on the imagination of the owner of the holiday. For each completed task, you can give players small prizes.

What? Where? When?

This will be a fun intellectual quiz. It is better to prepare complex questions, depending on the age of the guests, in advance. The rules are as follows:

  1. A question is asked and a limited time is given to think.
  2. Each team discusses the answer and writes it down on paper.
  3. The correct answer is announced, and the team that guesses correctly is awarded a point.

Whichever team ends up with more points will be the winner. You can increase the number of points for particularly difficult questions or for quickly writing the correct answer. The number of rounds may not be limited. And the winners must receive prizes.

When preparing a birthday quiz, you can consult with your child and listen to his wishes. He can tell you exactly what will be interesting to him and his guests, what games they like to play and what questions would be most interesting to them.

Games for parents and children

To ensure that your weekend with your child is filled with joy and positivity, and that family holidays leave unforgettable memories, we suggest spending them playing.


Inside every child lives a little spy. Invite your child to play James Bond by setting up an obstacle course for him in the form of a cobweb. A labyrinth of “laser” beams can be made from ordinary yarn or thin rope. Stretch threads of web between chairs (or trees, if you are relaxing in nature) and ask them to go through the maze as quickly as possible without touching the rope. On the way, the baby must carefully collect treasures (cards, candies, toys) attached with clothespins. It is not allowed to lift the extracted goods from the floor. All family members take turns competing. The winner is the one who goes through the maze the fastest and collects the most bonuses.

Magic word

Little Europeans know this game as “Simon Says.” The game is designed for three or more players, so it is ideal for a large family. One of the players takes on the role of Simon, who gives instructions: Simon says to jump, or Simon says to raise your hands up. Other players try to repeat the command as quickly as possible, but only if the leader said the “magic word” (you can come up with your own: please, I beg you). Anyone who hesitates or performs an action without a special word is eliminated. The last player left in the game wins, or Simon if the last two players made a mistake at the same time.

Paradise in a hut

All children in the world love small houses, fairy-tale fortresses and other cozy places. Why not please your little one with an intricate structure right in the middle of the house? What to build? House, garage, wigwam, den or cave... Anything and from anything! It will come in handy: a large blanket, pillows, boxes and even mom’s high heels. And after finishing the construction of your kuren, tell your child about the Indians, cavemen, or Cossacks. The baby will be delighted! Be sure to also take care of your costumes - colorful outfits and themed treats will make your day.

Let's draw together!

This game is an unlimited field for creativity! We wet the watercolors and lightly touch the surface of the paints with our fingers. We leave multi-colored prints on a sheet of paper or whatman paper. Now comes the fun part. You can add funny animals, trees, flowers - whatever you have enough imagination for. Drawing with handprints and fingerprints is a great bonding experience. And if you hang a colorful masterpiece in a prominent place, your family will be warmed by memories of a cool weekend with your closest ones for a long time.

“Hi, I'm Olaf! I love hot hugs"

Laugh and cry (from laughter, of course) - that’s exactly what this game is about! On command, mom, dad and their Snowman take a full lungful of air, puff out their cheeks like a snowman’s, and hold their breath. Within 10 seconds, everyone begins to move bizarrely: they spread their arms, walk, sway from side to side, and hug.

Then one of the adults says: “And now the sun has come out and the snowmen have melted.” Players exhale slowly, lower their arms, squat and lie on the ground. The game perfectly relieves stress and increases the child’s level of trust in his parents.

Throwing vegetables

Not literally - conditionally! The players, with furrowed brows, swear at vegetables, berries, and flowers in an angry voice: “You are an eggplant.” In response: “And you are cabbage!” As soon as the game goes too far - offensive words are heard or aggression arises between children - the game stops, the topic changes: “You are a tulip,” “And you are a cornflower.” Psychologists assure that play reduces manifestations of children’s stubbornness, aggression, and negativism.

Dad is at home! Texas Ranger or Slumbering Tiger?

Whatever one may say, the mother spends most of the day with the children. Therefore, as soon as the father of the family appears on the threshold, the children hang on his neck asking him to play.

Playing mother and daughter with dad is a disastrous business, but playing Texas Ranger, Arabian horse or evil dragon is easy! And don't forget to turn on the sound. Growling, kicking and giving the young mischief a ride on horseback is a must.

What about turning into eagles or becoming airplanes? True, mom may not like this idea, so it’s better not to fly long distances in her presence. You should not throw your baby very high to avoid a collision with a “skyscraper” or “asteroid”.

If you have no strength at all, play as a sleeping animal: a bear, a tiger or a hippopotamus (choose for yourself which one you are more like). Big Daddy-beast fell asleep, holding the baby to him, so much so that he... also fell asleep in his arms (this is in the best case). If you have less luck, don't despair! According to the rules of the game, the son must get out of the den, but in such a way as not to wake up his father (a hungry beast, an evil cannibal, and so on).

We are looking for treasures!

There's nothing more fun than a family treasure hunt. Pieces of the map were lost in the middle of the forest (park, yard). Find clues, overcome obstacles, create a route and go in search of the main prize (toys, sweets). The right path will be indicated by arrows or footprints of a mysterious dragon.

While relaxing outside the city, go on a “hunt”: collect twigs, leaves, seeds, cones, flowers and other natural treasures. In the evening, carefully arrange the collected herbarium or make a three-dimensional panel.


Everyone can participate in turn. The first person to come is invited and is blindfolded. Then the host points his finger at any guest, and he must imitate “apchhi” - sneeze. And the participant with his eyes closed must recognize the sneezing person by this sound and say his name, then the host points his finger at the other guest, he sneezes, the participant guesses, and so on 3 more times. The number of sneezes the participant can guess is how many points he will receive. Then the next participant is invited to participate. For him, too, 5 different guys take turns sneezing. And the participant guesses them by the sound “apchhi”. And in the end, the participant with the most points will be the winner.

Birthday riddles for children 5 – 8 years old with answers

Riddles for children

  1. Loud as grandpa shouts in a bass voice: I love candy with... (with nuts or jam)
  2. Mom begs Sashka to eat beetroot not an omelet, but... (vinaigrette)
  3. Birthday is around the corner - we baked... (not sausage, but cake)
  4. The squirrel came out to walk the squirrel's paws exactly... (four)
  5. I walk without arms, without legs, without eyes, but I always wake you up on time. (alarm)
  6. Red Stepashka in a wooden shirt leads with his nose and puts down a note. (pencil)
  7. Who runs away from the fox the fastest? (bunny)
  8. The pachyderm takes the grass with its trunk, but not the hippopotamus. (elephant)
  9. What object can be instantly picked up from the floor, but cannot be thrown over a long distance? (fluff)
  10. Who on our earth can speak all languages? (echo)
  11. What tree do birds sit on when it's raining heavily outside? (for wet)
  12. What kind of water can be carried in a colander? (frozen)
  13. The animal is crawling and everyone is lucky. (hedgehog)
  14. With the arrival of warmth, they dress, and with the onset of cold, they undress. (trees)
  15. A yellow fruit that makes everyone grimace. (lemon)
  16. All wishes come true, great holiday. (birthday)
  17. The toad definitely doesn't have a tail. Does the cow have it? (Yes)
  18. Thirty-two warriors have one commander. (teeth and tongue)
  19. A glass house in which a light lives. During the day it sleeps, and when darkness falls it wakes up and lights up with a bright flame. (bulb)

Competitions at the birthday party of a child 8-9 years old


  • The presenter begins to read the prepared sentences. The sentences will contain either a real event or a made-up fact. At the actual event, children should shout “Wow!” To an unreal and fictitious fact they should say “Come on!” After each sentence, the presenter gives clarifications, especially if many were mistaken
  • The one who gave the most correct answers wins
  • Examples of real events and facts: “Every winter birds fly south”, “Besides our planet, there are others”
  • Examples of incredible and untrue facts: “The sea is salty because a long time ago someone threw salt into it.”
  • The more interesting your facts are, the more interesting it will be for children to play the game.

Who is he?

One leader is selected from the children. From the remaining children, choose one child and tell the leader who was chosen.

The presenter then leaves the room. Children mix with each other. The presenter tries, with his eyes closed, to find the selected participant by touch: by hands, head or other signs.

Heels and toes

The guys are divided into equal numbers of team members. Each team stands in a separate row (one after the other). At the same distance from each team there is a chair with the same number of candies (the number of candies is equal to the number of team members). The presenter explains a simple rule: the first participants run on their toes, the second - on their heels, the third on their toes, the fourth - on their heels, and so on through one on their toes - on their heels. At the command “start”, the first participants run on their tiptoes to their chair, take the candy and run back to their team, pass the baton to the second participants and stand at the end of the team. Then the second participants run, only on their heels, take the candy and back to their team, pass the baton and stand at the end of the team. The team that runs faster than the rest on their toes and heels and collects all their candies, and the first participant in the team will again be in first place and become the winner.

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