How to properly celebrate the long-awaited christening of a child?

Hello readers brought to this blog. Believing in God, according to the Orthodox Christian Church, sooner or later every family comes to the need to baptize the child - introducing him to the church and faith.

If we have already talked about Baptism and christening gifts, the specifics of celebrating a significant event in the life of a Christian were left without attention. I hasten to correct this misunderstanding and talk about how to celebrate the christening of a child.

According to church canons and established tradition, a newborn can be baptized after the fortieth day from the moment of appearance in this world. In most cases, Baptism is carried out when the child is from 1.5 months to 1 year.

Of course, it’s never too late to enter church, but it’s better to do it right away. It is believed that in this way the child receives heavenly blessing and protection.

If you noticed, I clearly separate Baptism and christening. After all, a sacrament performed by a priest is something sacred, spiritual, ritual and takes place in a certain unchanging sequence for many hundreds of years.

But how the parents decide to celebrate the event is up to them. The church does not give strict instructions in this regard. Everything is fine as long as you clearly understand that Baptism and christening are different events, although interrelated.

A feast for the whole world or a dinner in a small circle?

Practice shows that some families prefer to organize a magnificent celebration on this occasion, while others limit themselves to cozy gatherings in a close circle.

I understand perfectly well that parents who are proud of their child sincerely want to share their joy with as many people as possible. This is why large-scale social events are held in honor of the recipient’s Baptism.

As you venture into this type of caring, think about this:

  • an infant sleeps most of the day and requires rest;
  • the baby is baptized when his mother has not yet fully recovered from childbirth - will the crowded reception tire her?
  • Family and civil celebrations in our country, as a rule, take place around a richly laid table. Will the hostess physically be able to cope with preparing the treat and how will this affect her mood? At the very least, don’t put all your worries on her fragile shoulders and don’t be ashamed to involve your godparents in the troubles, because they have accepted part of the responsibility for the child and his well-being;
  • whether the noisy celebration corresponds to the deeply spiritual nature of the event.

If reflections incline you to a more modest celebration format, then the minimum circle of invitees are the child’s godparents and parents.

Here I thought of one nuance...

How to celebrate a baby's christening?

The most important day in a child’s life is christening day. It is on this day that the baby becomes a new member of the church and, like other Christians, the heir of the Lord. This is a very mysterious, spiritual ritual, and it is necessary to carefully prepare for this action and the subsequent celebration.

How to properly celebrate a child's christening

It is necessary to decide what dictated the desire to baptize a child. It is unacceptable to baptize babies just because it is accepted in society, and one should take seriously the religion and process of a person’s baptism.

What you need to remember about holding a christening celebration:

  • baptismal sets for boys or girls must comply with church canons, and therefore it is recommended to exclude jeans, tops and other fashionable, everyday items from the baptismal wardrobe.
  • It is acceptable to use classic elements of children's shows, including entertainers and balloons;
  • if a photographer is hired to create a photo report, you should first clarify whether it is possible to shoot in a particular church;
  • It is worth finding out in advance from the clergy how to behave and what will be permissible or unacceptable;
  • During the process of baptizing a child, nothing should distract from the prayers and sacrament of the event itself.

You should not be late for church, and it will be better to arrive shortly before the appointed time. You also need to remember that some churches refuse to baptize children who are born in an ordinary, not Christian, marriage, and then the parents will have to get married first.

Celebration traditions

Since ancient times, after the baptism of a child, it was customary to mark this event with a full-fledged celebration. Previously, people prepared special dishes for this, and also gave greeting cards and gifts to the baby. There were many stereotypes and prejudices associated with the celebration of this day, but today they are irrevocably a thing of the past.

At the moment there are no special rules on how to celebrate christenings or what to put on the table. You can cook chicken or rooster, and also put a delicious casserole or cheesecake on the table. Well, the holiday script is developed in much the same way as the script for a birthday or any other children's holiday.

Among the advice that priests give on this matter, it should be noted:

  • do not abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • pray at a common table for a baptized child with all the guests.

There are no special recommendations regarding where to celebrate the baby's christening, or what to give for the christening. The main thing is that the holiday is a pleasant pastime for the child and his parents, and at the same time lies within the framework of the Orthodox faith. The rest is decided at their own discretion by the parents themselves and the baby’s newly-made godparents.

Don't offend anyone, please everyone... at least try

Each spouse has a certain circle of acquaintances, close contacts and friends. When the time comes to baptize a child, an exciting question hangs in the air: who will be chosen as godparents?

Believe me, on this basis, grievances, openly expressed or hidden, can arise. The scene from “Sleeping Beauty” with the fairy who was not invited to the holiday stands right before your eyes) Inviting as guests to the christening those friends who could have become the second parents of the child, but fate and choice passed them by - an elegant way to resolve possible tensions .

In this way, we seem to say: “Our dears, we remember and love you, but this is our choice.” At the same time, it is not at all necessary to arrange a hearty feast: a tea party with sweets and cake will be enough.

This is how we touched on the topic: how to set a festive table?

Overseas caviar – eggplant

No, I’m not going to write out recipes. I’ll rather speculate about the format of the feast. First I'll just list:

  • A generous table with main courses, salads, appetizers and drinks;
  • Light buffet;
  • Outdoor picnic;
  • Tea party with confectionery delights.

Let me note right away that the presence of alcoholic drinks on the table is a matter of taste and preference, but the nature of the occasion encourages you to abstain or limit yourself to a small amount of wine. You shouldn’t turn a bright celebration into a banal drunken party.

This remark may sound a little rude, but we communicate with you honestly and openly, right? Therefore, I say what worries me and what I want to protect you from, my dears.

So, when planning a gourmet holiday, make sure that this is not a burden for the young mother: organize a culinary team to help the hostess or completely free her from this concern. Especially if you were honored by being chosen as one of the godparents.

A good option is to use the services of a cafe, restaurant or catering. What is catering and where to look for it? Almost any self-respecting restaurant will not ask you to organize a meal outside the restaurant: be it in an apartment, a specially rented hall or a personal plot.

In this case, ready-made dishes will be delivered to the address specified with all the necessary serving and service personnel. There are companies specializing in catering - you just have to look.

A buffet table is associated with appetizers on skewers. In general, this is true, but the main feature is the lack of seats: treats are on laid tables - come take them and enjoy them. This format encourages communication between guests.

An outdoor picnic is usually associated with cooking barbecue. This is a stereotype that you don’t have to follow: create your own menu and enjoy spending time in pleasant company and in the fresh air.

I repeat again: the main thing is the comfort of the hero of the occasion and his mother, everything else is secondary. As for the culinary traditions of christenings, on this occasion it is customary to serve poultry - chicken. Previously, they attached importance to what kind of bird it would be - a hen or a cockerel, and the choice depended on the gender of the churched child.

As for me, the best way to celebrate christening is to have tea in a cozy company.

This way, guests are more likely to remember the occasion and event, rather than the taste of jellied fish, it is easier for the hostess to cope with preparation and cleanup after, and the event is not constrained by a time frame. For example, preparing a shish kebab takes time, while drinking tea, if necessary, can be quickly curtailed or last until you get bored.

With the birth of a baby, joy and happiness, numerous worries and responsibilities enter the home. And if you adhere to the Orthodox faith, sooner or later the question arises: should you baptize your son or daughter? What is needed for this? This day is not just a family holiday, but also a touch of the sacrament, so this step must be taken very seriously.

Why do you need to baptize a child?

First of all, remember: baptism is not just a necessary ritual because “everyone does it.” It has a deep meaning.

If your child is fearful and restless, often cries and sleeps poorly, probably more than one granny has told you, shaking her head: “The baby needs to be baptized.”

It is believed that at baptism the grace of Christ ascends to the baby, and no evil eye will touch an innocent child. Perhaps these are deep prejudices, but any legends and fairy tales have a basis.

In fact, the church, performing the rite of baptism, takes the baby into its bosom and becomes the seed of Faith, which must subsequently germinate and become the basis of spirituality.

Historical facts of baptism

The ritual of cleansing with water existed long before the advent of Christianity. Even in ancient Rome, warriors were doused with water when they were accepted into the army. It was believed that the Element of Water gives strength and cleanses from filth.

The Christian custom began with the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. Water washes away sins and gives the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Baptism of children is an ancient custom, and is described in the Bible:

“Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14).

And no matter what historical upheavals besieged the Earth, the ritual survived, survived and was observed even in the hours of unbelief, atheism and almost complete denial of God.

In Soviet times and during the years of the collapse of the USSR, in almost the entire territory of the CIS, where the population of the Christian Vara lived, babies were carried to church and baptized.

When to baptize a child?

The Church recommends baptizing a baby after the fortieth day of his birth. This age was not chosen in vain.

First, at this age, the Virgin Mary brought her son Jesus into the church.

Secondly, it is believed that until the fortieth day the baby’s soul is protected by angels, and after this period it is necessary to protect him from negative energies.

Thirdly, the pure soul of the baby is ready to accept the sacrament and will easily endure the ritual and the “alien” hands of godparents. An older child is good at distinguishing parents from other uncles and aunts, and therefore the ritual can turn into a continuous roar and a rather difficult mental test for the child.

You choose the time for baptism yourself. This is often done later, when the baby is already holding his head and is strong enough. But it is better to carry out the ceremony for up to a year.

Who to take as godparents?

When choosing godparents, be guided not by the degree of friendship, but by the spiritual principle. After all, godfathers and mothers should ideally become spiritual mentors. In ancient times, if a child remained an orphan, it was often the godparents who accepted the godson into their family and replaced his parents.

The spiritual father and mother must be baptized.

It is not allowed to take as godparents:

  • Bride and groom or husband and wife.
  • People of other religions.
  • Children.

It is not prohibited to choose godparents from relatives:

Nephews, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts may well become spiritual mentors to your son or daughter.

You need to go to church with pure thoughts and following certain rules. It is recommended to confess and receive communion. The godmother should look modest, not wear trousers and cover her head with a scarf. Godparents must also wear (or wear to church) a pectoral cross.

What to prepare for baptism?

Baptism, like any holiday, requires preparation and some obligatory things for the ceremony.

As a rule, the godfather gave the baby a pectoral cross.

Godmother - kryzhma - a special towel or piece of fabric in which the baby was wrapped after the bath. Kryzhma is a symbol of a pure soul, so this item is required when observing the ritual.

The mother prepares a baptismal shirt for the baby, and also a cap for the girls.

It is customary to give the baby a silver or gold spoon on this day “for a toothpaste.”

It’s not bad if the godparents give the godson a Bible.

How is the baptism ceremony performed?

It is best to baptize a child in a church, although if the baby is sick or weak, it is not prohibited to perform the ceremony at home.

The whole action takes place in the baptismal sanctuary, where there is a font. A ritual of anointing with oil and immersion in water takes place. The child wears white clothes and a cross. They walk around the font with chants. In addition, the baby's hair is cut crosswise.

Only godparents participate directly in the baptism itself.

Signs and customs associated with baptism

It is customary to give gifts to a baptized baby on this day so that life will be generous to him and rich in good events.

Upon returning home, it is a good idea to walk on a new carpet or floorboard and place the baby on a fur coat: these items also prophesy wealth.

The baptismal candle is saved for prayers, and the clothes are folded and stored.

As a rule, they take food to church and leave it there. Cahors, flour, butter, cereals, sausage (if not fasting) - all this is bought and left with a pure soul and with thoughts of a long, happy, rich life for the baby.

How to celebrate christening?

Do not gather a crowd of people on this day. Let these be your closest relatives and friends.

It’s good when there is a lot of food on the table - it is also a symbol of a good life for your son or daughter. A mandatory dish should be babkina porridge (or baptismal porridge) - this is how midwives

who delivered the babies.

The porridge must be cooked in milk and generously flavored with butter. Serve with a cockerel if a boy has been baptized, and with chicken if a girl has been baptized.

On this day, it is customary to finish everything off the plates and not leave food “for tears.”

It is better to decorate the house and table in light colors: a white tablecloth, white flowers and ribbons, napkins - let this immaculate color become a sign of this important day..

In addition to traditional holiday dishes, there must be baked goods and sweets on the table: cake, buns, cookies, sweets. Some of these gifts are distributed to guests and children.

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How to celebrate a child’s christening: it’s good in a cafe, but better at home

Monitoring of public opinion revealed a sharp split: some are definitely in favor of renting a cafe, others hotly defend the idea of ​​celebrating at home.

The first arguments: there is no need to cook and then clean - the staff of the establishment will handle everything. The other half of the respondents indicate that there are no conditions for the child and mother: do not forget that a small child requires constant attention and care.

At the same time, a multi-hour celebration in a cafe can tire him out with unpredictable consequences. At home, if necessary, it is easier to change clothes, wash, feed and put the baby to bed. Weigh the options and make a choice.

My opinion: it’s more comfortable at home, and conscientious friends will help you cope with the organization of the holiday.

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