How to prank your child on April 1st: funny pranks

April 1 is approaching, and this means you need to prepare for the holiday in advance - find suitable funny greetings for April Fool's Day for friends and relatives (we published them here), and also cannot do without fun and funny pranks on friends, colleagues, classmates, at school, on work and home. Today we offer you a large selection of the funniest, funniest and coolest ideas on how to prank your child on April 1 (April Fool's Day). Bookmark it so you don’t lose it.

How to prank your child on April 1st: funny pranks

Laughter prolongs life. The first of April is a beautiful and cheerful holiday that is celebrated all over the world. On this day, it is customary to joke and prank your friends, acquaintances, and relatives. Children love this holiday very much, adults become children and everyone has a lot of fun together.

The most important thing is to follow the rule that you should joke only in a kind way. No one knows for sure how this holiday appeared, but everyone is glad that it exists. Every parent wants their child to be the happiest. April 1st is the time when you can make him laugh again and again. But how to play a prank on April 1st? We will tell you a series of fun pranks that your child will definitely enjoy.

Where I am

The prank is very simple and fun. It will only work if your child sleeps very soundly. In any case, you need to determine the deep sleep phase and move the bed with the sleeping child to another room. He will be surprised in the morning when he wakes up in an unusual place. All that remains is to laugh together.

Buenos dias!

Do you know some foreign language, albeit not very well, but at least a couple of words? This is what you need. Pretend that you don’t understand what he’s talking about, express bewilderment and say something in a foreign language. It would be nice if there was some kind of program in a foreign language on TV at the same time.

So I grew up overnight!

For this prank, you need to get some cotton wool and fill part of your child’s shoes with it. As soon as he gets ready to go somewhere, he discovers that his leg won’t fit. Tell him he grew so much overnight.

Vegetable deception

What child doesn't like sweets? Buy the usual box of cakes, buy vegetables and cut out everything you need from them in order to model the cake. In addition to vegetables, you can also use fruits. The box needs to be beautifully decorated and written on the back side: “Happy April 1st!”

The main thing is not to laugh

While you're trying not to laugh, the biggest fun begins /

In addition to drawings, on April 1 you can organize various competitions. A large company is not necessary for this; several people are also suitable. One of the simplest competitions is not to laugh. The players sit in a circle, and one of them says “Ha!” as seriously as possible. The next one says: “Ha-ha!”, the next one “Ha-ha-ha!” and so on. Anyone who says the wrong number of "Ha's" or laughs is out of the game. The game continues, and at this time those who are eliminated try to do everything to make the remaining players laugh (just without tickling). The one who laughs last wins.

How to prank children on April 1st - no to evil pranks

There is one golden rule that must be followed on this day. Evil pranks cannot be used. Children will experience frustration, grief, and even psychological trauma. It is necessary to ensure that no one makes an evil joke. The happiness of children is in the hands of their parents. Let every children's holiday begin and end with laughter.

If you've tried everything and still don't know how to prank children on April 1, the list of possible pranks continues.

Fun swimming

We take baby shampoo and seal the neck with something transparent. Regular cling film is most suitable for this. Watch the futile attempts to squeeze out a little shampoo, and then joyfully congratulate them on the holiday.

Fun surprise in the closet

You need to empty the closet in your child’s room of things and fill it with helium balloons. When he opens the cabinet, the balls will fly out like butterflies. The brighter and more colorful the balls are, the more pleasant the surprise.

Endless thread

Take a spool of some bright sewing thread. Using a needle, you need to pass the thread through the chest pocket. We leave the coil in our pocket. All that remains is to ask the child to remove the thread from the costume, but it will turn out to be endless. This phenomenon will definitely intrigue the child.

Colored water

The draw is performed using dye. One granule must be placed in the plug of the faucet spout. Tablets for coloring eggs for Easter are suitable as a coloring method. Any color will do, you can even red, the main thing is that the child is not scared. The point of a joke is to make you laugh.

A call from school from the principal

The more unusual the pranks, the more they surprise children, even if they come in sequence and the child is always waiting for them. Pretend that the school principal called you and that he is very unhappy about something.

false mirror

The method is a little expensive, but it’s worth it; you need to replace one mirror in the house with a crooked one. Even better would be to replace all the mirrors. There will be a lot of laughter, you can look at yourself in the mirror all day and never stop smiling. Find out where you can rent them, so the draw will be much cheaper.


You need to buy an interactive puppy toy in the store, ring the doorbell, leave it there and leave before the child notices who brought it. You can leave a note, “I know how much you wanted a puppy, but I wanted a family.” On the one hand, the child is happy, on the other hand, a solution to the problem with pets.

Soap trick

To implement the idea, you will need a bar of soap and colorless nail polish. We apply it thoroughly over all surfaces, let it dry, and place it in the bathroom. Trying to soap your hands will be useless.

Comic SMS

Send some funny, interesting SMS message to your child from an unfamiliar number or from a hidden number, you can send a web message to your phone. Come up with a text yourself; it could be a message from your favorite superhero or some kind of funny congratulation.

Haunting eyes

You buy stickers with eyes, you can have different types, you can have the same ones. Glue them around the house in certain places at your discretion. It will be like some kind of spy adventure with eyes everywhere.

New Year

The most favorite children's holiday is New Year. Why not celebrate it twice whenever possible. On the first of April, early in the morning, we decorate the Christmas tree, while the child is having breakfast, Santa Claus comes. So he was seriously surprised that he slept so much that it was New Year again.

Confetti box

All children love restrictions. You need to forbid them something in order for them to want something very much. A box without a bottom needs to be filled with confetti and placed on the highest shelf. You need to write some catchy text on it: “Don’t touch me”, “Secret”, etc. The child will definitely try to get it and end up with a surprise over his head.

Wow, a talking horse!

The draw requires preliminary preparation. You can buy a toy horse in a store that speaks or sings, for example:

Oh, all the kids dream of riding a horse! So be it, sit down, my friend, I’ll go for a ride, skok-skok-skok.

We come to the park with the child, and while the child is playing on the playground, we quietly agree with the girl riding the children on a pony that when you and the child approach the horse, she will slowly turn on the toy hidden in the bag so that it gives the impression that she is singing or says the horse itself. We approach the pony with the child, say hello and ask if she will give this wonderful boy or girl a ride. At this moment, the girl, who is holding the horse by the bridle on the other side, quietly turns on the toy.

Pranks on April Fool's Day with computers and equipment

iPhone as a gift

We buy a chocolate iPhone and give it to the child who so wanted it. At first he will be happy, then his face will be covered with misunderstanding. The main thing is to understand if it will be funny for him or if the child may be offended.

New computer

You need to buy wrapping paper and wrap your old computer as a gift. The child will be surprised that under it is his old PC. Next, if funds allow, also pack a new computer. Unpacking will be done in order to gain access to the old computer. How surprised he will be if the second time there really is something new there.

Who spilled milk on the laptop?

You offer your child a glass of milk, he, as always, walks around the house with it, leave the laptop on the table. Make a blot of glue on the glass in advance and transfer it discreetly to the laptop keyboard. You ask him a question if it was he who spilled the milk. You shouldn’t torment your child for a long time; admit as soon as possible that it’s a joke and laugh together.

Naughty computer mouse

If your child loves computers and spends a lot of time in front of the monitor, there is a great idea for a prank. Set the mouse cursor to move in the opposite direction. Don't forget to stick your April 1st greetings somewhere nearby.

Full screen screenshot

We take the tablet, take a screenshot and place it on the desktop in full size. Let him try to run something on it, the tablet “will not work.” He will probably run to you for help, and you will please him with congratulations and some sweet surprise.

Ah-ah-ah! Cockroach!

The plot of the draw

A friend takes a book, and there is a fat cockroach on it. The exact same one sits on the teacher’s desk and waits to be noticed. Another one lurked in the play area on the toys. The day promises to be fun.

How to prepare

There you are

. Print it out and cut it out. The rest depends on your imagination.

April Fool's Pranks for Kids with Food

Ice cream

Invite your child to try ice cream. Take a glass vase, add mashed potatoes, pour ketchup on it and place one cherry tomato on top. So instead of dessert, the child will eat a real lunch.

Edible laundry detergent

You need a plastic box of washing powder. The container must be thoroughly rinsed beforehand. Pour powdered sugar into it and calmly add it to your child’s porridge in the morning for breakfast; you can eat the spoon yourself in front of his eyes. All good jokes start in the morning. When your child sees that you have gone so far as to eat powder, his amazement will know no bounds.

Frozen porridge

If your child is used to eating porridge in the morning, you can prank him with frozen porridge. In the evening, prepare the porridge as usual, put it in the freezer, and serve it in the morning as usual. So he will suffer to pick it out.

April Fool's Orange

Cut the orange in half, cut out all the pulp, and pour orange jelly into half the zest. Offer your child an orange, watch him divide it into slices, and remind him about the holiday.

Juice with a surprise

We take jelly, which in color will resemble the color of your child’s favorite juice. We prepare it in advance and offer a glass of juice in the morning. Oh, that first sip, how difficult it is.

Chupa-chups, but not like that...

We take the heads of Brussels sprouts, boil them lightly, replace them with lollipops and treat them to the children. They will be delighted with the treat, but only for the first time, until they understand what they were actually treated to.

Sugar or salt

The easiest trick of all time. Sugar needs to be replaced with salt. At first glance, no one will be able to tell the difference, but the taste will definitely not be the same. Salty tea with three tablespoons of salt. The joke is more suitable for replacing sugar with salt.

Chocolate covered onions

Schoolchildren are old enough not to be fooled by them and smart enough to appreciate them. We take the onion, create a chocolate glaze for it and offer it to the children. How “delighted” they will be with such a dessert. Smaller children may be offended, so it is better not to try such pranks on them.

Blue milk

The task is to add blue food coloring to the milk carton in the evening. In the morning you need to pour milk into his glass calmly. Observe the reaction and do not laugh prematurely.


For older children who are not afraid of spiders, you can use a prank with spiders. They need to be purchased in advance at some store that sells goods for jokers. Place them in the lunch box and sign your congratulations on April Fool's Day.

Unusual candies

Do your children love candy? Prank them. Offer them unusual candies. Save the candy wrappers in advance, or unwrap the candies and set the sweets aside. You need to wrap grapes inside the candy papers. In search of sweets, they will definitely eat all the grapes.

Ketchup rope

You need to place a red rope in a bottle of ketchup and attach it so that when you press it, it pops out. All that remains is to cook the child pasta and offer to taste it with ketchup.

Fancy fries

Most of the interesting pranks are related to food. French fries can be completely different. We suggest replacing it with pieces of bread of appropriate size, on which you need to pour strawberry jelly. The joke will be especially successful if you strictly forbid your child from eating fast food and come to him with such an offer.

Scrambled eggs or...

An unusual breakfast is something that can surprise you first thing in the morning. Scrambled eggs can be not just a hearty protein breakfast, but also an unusual dessert. We depict a fried egg from half a peach and yogurt. Your child will be very happy with this breakfast. He will definitely ask you to cook it every morning.

For school

In schools, classmates often make fun of each other. And now, on the official April Fool's Day, it's time to apply all your best ideas. And the selection below will help you get inspired.


Take a bag of chips with chopsticks. For example, Cheetos. Carefully trim the bottom of the package and transfer the contents to another container. Use the bottom edge because, as a rule, no one opens it. Take carrots, wash and cut into sticks so that they visually resemble chips. Place the imitation chips in an empty container. Carefully seal the edge with glue. Offer your classmates a treat.

M&M's with onions

Open the package of candies and rub each jelly bean with onion. Return everything back to its packaging. At recess, offer a treat to your friends. The experiment can also be carried out with garlic.

Unusual glue

Unscrew the adhesive base of the glue stick completely and remove it. Instead, pour the juice into the now empty container. Don’t use it yourself, wait until one of your classmates needs your glue.

Prank with a ballpoint pen

Unnoticed, while your desk neighbor is absent, cut off a piece of the shaft of his pen. Screw everything back. The following will happen. When a classmate begins to write, the writing tip will hide. And with each contact with the notebook, the rod will fly upward. It will be completely impossible to write anything.


Download the school bell sound app. Or record it on a voice recorder. You can also download a file with a call simulator to your phone. And turn on the signal in class. Everyone will be so happy about the call that they won’t even notice that it sounded quite early.

Trum trum

Trum Trum is a video blog on YouTube. The channel is English-language, however, the actions take place in Ukraine. Read the most original ideas from bloggers here.

Chocolate toothpaste

The raffle is suitable for any family members. Parents can play this trick on their children. Husband wife, and so on. Melt the chocolate and pour it into a tube of toothpaste using a cream scoop. You can use a regular plastic bag with a corner cut off. The tube, of course, must first be emptied.

Brush your teeth, pranksters will be surprised when they look in the mirror and see brown teeth.

Picture on the toilet

You will need a terrifying picture, which will first need to be printed on two A4 sheets. Then glue the sheets together with their long sides. The coupling line will be the transverse center line of the drawing.

Then stick the picture under the toilet rim, face up. And cover with a lid. A person who sees something terrifying when opening the toilet lid may do his business ahead of time (just kidding). Suitable for the image: a shark with an open mouth, a crocodile, a snake, the face of a screaming maniac.

It is recommended to print the picture in good quality to make it look more realistic. This will cause more panic.

Surprise from the dog

Suitable for those who have a dog in the house. Invite your friends and discreetly place 2-3 dog feces on the floor. Just not real ones, of course. Pre-dip the corn sticks in melted chocolate. They will resemble pet droppings.

When your guests notice your furry's surprise, act bewildered and then collect the fake poop in a saucer. Sit back and enjoy this unusual dessert. Don't forget to suggest to your friends.


Use extensions that match your hair color. Place them between the rows of your hair without fastening. They will hold out for a while, but not for long. And it’s better to sit at that time so that the false strands will last in your hair until the climax of the joke.

Wait for the moment when those being played pay attention to you. Then run your hand through your hair, catching the artificial curls. Make a scared face, because you suddenly lost a lot of hair.

Tooth fell out

Pre-blind the tooth. Melt marshmallows and mix with powder. Make a tooth from the mass and attach it to black self-adhesive, which will need to be cut to fit the dimensions of the simulated enamel. Then press the structure against the front tooth. And when talking with friends, discreetly detach the artificial prong into your palm. The piece of self-adhesive will remain in place. Your friends will think your tooth has fallen out. They will be at a loss as to how this could happen.

Game “Mom, Unravel the Thread”

This game is, of course, more fun to play in a large group. The presenter is chosen - “Mom”. Everyone else, holding hands, is trying to intertwine with each other so as to resemble a tangled ball of thread. After which she is called “Mom” and asked: “Mom, unravel the thread, be careful, don’t break it!” The driver’s task is to try to untangle the tangle without breaking the clasped hands.

How to make fun of your husband

Under the cover of night, while your loved one is sleeping, paint his nails with a bright color. You can move the clocks forward a little so that there is no time for breakfast. The joke will be waiting for him on the way to work or in the office itself.


Buy a pregnancy test and draw two lines. Show it to your spouse in the morning and watch the reaction.


Another similar prank, but you will have to prepare for it in advance. It is necessary to purchase a doll similar in size to a newborn child. Swaddle him like a child, place him in a basket and leave him near your door, just make sure that your spouse is at home at this time. Knock on the door, and quickly go down to the floor below; when you hear the door opening, go up as if you were just going home. When you see your spouse, ask: “What kind of young girl ran out of the entrance?”, then observe the behavior of your lover.


And of course, the most favorite way to make fun of your significant other is to take his car and tell him by phone that you hit him or had an accident, everything is fine with you, but the car cannot be restored. Then just watch your loved one’s reaction.

Favorite breakfast that changes color

Add 1-2 drops of food coloring to the bottom of the plate.
Try to choose the most unexpected colors, for example, light green, blue or red. Then pour your favorite milk porridge or breakfast cereals in milk into a plate and do not stir under any circumstances. Anyone who enjoys a delicious and healthy breakfast will be very surprised when, towards the end of the meal, the food begins to change color.

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