Outdoor competitions (20 in one article): a fun child’s birthday party at a picnic

Often, when we go out into nature in the summer with a company, we don’t know what to do with ourselves and how to entertain ourselves. But we all forget that adults at heart are the same children who want exciting games and fun. Today you will learn 20 cool competitions for outdoor fun that are suitable for adults and will make a barbecue trip unforgettable for the whole company.


For the competition you will need a prop - a scale numbered from 0 to 40, which must be attached to the tree.

Throughout the picnic, participants undergo alcohol testing. Each person in turn stands with his back to the tree, bends over and tries to stick his hand holding the writing object between his legs, and tries to leave a mark on the scale. Each time will be more difficult, but funnier.

1. “Three bricks” relay

Props : buy high-density polystyrene foam for floors 10 cm thick from a hardware store, and cut out rectangles measuring 25 * 12 cm - three pieces for each team. If two teams are participating, six rectangular bricks will be needed. Instead of polystyrene foam, wooden blocks of the same size are also suitable.

The rules are as follows : at the start of the relay track, we distribute three “bricks” to the teams. Participants stand with their feet on two, and place the third one in front of them. At the command “Start!”, you need to walk a distance of 5 meters on these three bricks without touching the ground with your feet. We collect the bricks back and run to pass the baton to the next member of the team.

The team with the most skill wins.


This game is played when all the guests have had a decent sip. The host warns that in a minute he will be able to figure out the drunkest person at this party.

After which he begins to ask to give certain objects a gentle shade. For example, cat-cat, juice-juice. And everyone starts to think that the more sober you are, the faster you should answer.

At some point the presenter says “water”, and most likely the answer will be “vodka”. Such a person is given a certificate of “person of the required standard.”

Outdoor competitions (20 in one article): a fun child’s birthday party at a picnic

Naty March 29, 2021, 19:35 Thank you for your work! I will share a selection of games for children. Most are from my childhood

Ring The leader is chosen, everyone else sits opposite him. As a “ring” you need to find a small object: a button, a pebble, a ring, etc. Players fold their palms into a boat shape. The “ring” is hidden in the presenter’s “boat” and he runs his hands over the slightly open “boats” of the players, imperceptibly tossing the ring to one of them. The main thing is to do everything very professionally, like an actor, so that none of those sitting would guess at what exact moment the “ring” from the hands of the presenter migrated to the palms of the lucky player. The one who has the ring must also maintain intrigue... After all the players go through the procedure, the presenter says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch.” At this moment, the one who actually has the “ring” must quickly get up and run forward so that the others do not have time to catch him. If he succeeds, he becomes the new presenter

Chains The one whose name was called runs towards the opposing team and tries to unhook the opponents' hands. If he succeeds, he can take into his team any of the two guys who unclasped their hands, usually the one who is stronger. If it is not possible to break the chain, then he goes to the opposing team. They play until one or two people remain in one of the teams (as agreed).

The sea is agitated once

The presenter turns his back to the players and says: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the sea figure freezes in place!” The rest at this time move chaotically and depict the movement of waves with their hands. On the word “Freeze!” all the children freeze in their planned positions. The presenter turns around, approaches any of the players and touches him with the words “Otomi!” The selected player must show the intended figure in motion so that it can be guessed. If the leader guesses the piece, he goes to the next player and continues to guess. The one whose figure is not solved becomes the new leader of Predators and Herbivores

A predator is chosen from among the players: at will or by lot. The rest are herbivores. The predator draws a large circle (about 2-2.5 m in diameter). During the game, he needs to catch as many herbivores as possible and put them in his lair - in a circle. Captives can leave the circle only in one case - if one of the herbivores walking in the wild touches the outstretched hand of the captured one. The task of a predator is not easy: it needs not only to catch new herbivores, but also not to allow the “free” to release those already captured. The game ends when all the herbivores are in the circle, or all are free.


A ball and a sense of humor are what you need for this game. The host throws the ball to the player and names something edible or inedible. The player’s task is to catch the ball only on edible items and throw away inedible items. If a player catches something inedible, he himself takes the place of the leader. Sometimes it turns out very funny

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

Draw start and finish lines. All participants stand at the start, the driver has his back to them at the finish line. The driver says: “You drive more slowly, you will continue, stop!”, You can do it at any pace. While he speaks, the participants try to run to him. After the word “stop”, everyone freezes and does not move. If you move, you're out. The participants’ task is to run up to the driver and touch him before he says “stop.”

Traffic light

The “traffic light” - the driver - is selected using a counting machine. Two lines are drawn on the road at a distance of approximately 30 m from one another. The players stand in a row behind one line, and the “traffic light” is in the middle of the road, with their backs to the others. “Traffic Light” names any color and turns to face the others. Children must find the named color on themselves (on clothes, shoes, hats). If you find it, then, holding it with your hand, you can safely cross the road. If you don’t have such a color on yourself, you will have to quickly run to another one so that the “traffic light” does not touch the “violator”. You cannot run beyond the boundaries of the road. The one who was caught became a “traffic light” himself.


The rules are simple. The players stand in a line, and the leader stands with his back to them and slightly in front. At the signal, everyone runs away. The presenter shouts: “Pavement sign, stop!”, everyone freezes. The driver shouts to one player, but does not turn around, i.e. he does not see how far this player is from him. Then he announces how many steps of a certain type are needed so that he can reach this player. Lilliputian steps, normal, ballerina, jumping, spitting, saucepans

The driver turns and tries to get to the named player using the announced combination of steps.
You can only move in a straight line. After taking all the steps, he tries to touch the player. If it works out, the driver and the player change roles. If not, then the whole procedure is repeated from the beginning. Answer


One participant is selected for the game. A labyrinth with obstacles is created for him: camp chairs, logs, plates of water, and a rope is pulled. For training, he is asked to walk the track with his eyes open. Afterwards, the participant’s eyes are covered with a tight bandage.

The track is instantly disassembled, and the participant goes through obstacles that no longer exist, to the laughter and tips of the other guests.

Enjoy your holiday using our competitions and games in nature and don’t be shy, have fun and have a blast!

Competition "Cockroaches"

The most fun outdoor competitions are when several people take part at once. For example, each team has 3-4 representatives. In such competitions, both the efforts of everyone and the team rhythm are important.

Props : buy a medical elastic tourniquet 5 m long and 5.5 cm wide at the pharmacy. One set is enough for two teams. Cut into two strips. We attach one ribbon to the participants’ right leg, the second – to the left. Do not tighten the loops around the ankles too much, so that your legs do not turn blue and the contestants do not turn into Avatars.

All participants were contacted. Now that they look like cockroaches, you should go a distance of 5 meters faster than the others.

Be careful not to spill it!

The players are divided into 2 teams. They stand opposite each other. Each player is given a disposable cup. The containers of the children standing last are filled with water. After the “start” signal, they begin to pour water to their neighbor, trying not to spill it. Having done this, the child stands near the first participant at the beginning of the line. The player to whom the water was poured does the same. The task is to return the water to the glass from which it was poured. Then we look at how much water the teams have left. Whoever has more of it wins.

Store-bought board games for adults

Party in bed

The game contains more than 200 cards with different instructions. While completing them, you will have to answer intimate questions, as well as undress and satisfy each other in the most incredible ways. For some tasks you will need accessories: a feather, a tie and a stocking. They all come included.

In Love

Players take turns completing the tasks written on the cards. Their content can range from discreet romantic questions that will allow you to get to know each other better, as well as more explicit activities. What task you get is determined by the die.

In Love is a competitive game. The winner is the one who is the first to collect all the cards of certain colors and complete the corresponding tasks. The loser must fulfill one of the wishes provided by the game. For example, serving coffee to your partner in bed for a week.


A game inspired by the famous Monopoly. Partners roll the dice and move chips across the fields depending on the number of points scored. If your chip lands on your partner's square, you pay a penalty. But not with money, but with various sexual services: from kissing and massage to oral sex.


Another card game with tasks. In the process, you will learn new kissing techniques, master unexpected positions and discuss a lot of frank topics. Some cards contain role-playing elements, and the set includes dice and a whip.

Fanta: Absinthe

A hardcore game for those who crave new sensations. The mechanics are again tied to task cards. But many of them require additional accessories, for which you will have to go to a sex shop. Be prepared for this. Some forfeits need to be performed by two people: you distribute roles and act according to the script.

It's time to go to school

On the road they draw a table with 11 rows-classes. There are as many columns as there are children participating in the game. The guys take first place. It turns out that they are in first class. The driver names edible and inedible objects, throwing a ball to the participants. Everyone is already familiar with the rules of this game - they catch food and throw away what they don’t eat. If the task is completed correctly, the player is “transferred” to a higher class. The one who makes a mistake “goes through the program” again. The player who graduates first from school takes the place of the driver-teacher. The game starts over again.

Competition "Copy Paper"

This fun competition is both easy and challenging. Everyone can draw a house, a butterfly, a flower or a bunny. So everyone can take part.


  • album sheets of A4 format;
  • markers;
  • scotch;
  • pieces of paper folded in four with simple pictures. For a relaxed group, the pictures can be piquant.

Rules : We invite two participants from each group. We attach a piece of paper to the back of the first one with tape. The second one pulls out a piece of paper with a picture and draws the received image on the back of a friend. The person on whom they are drawing must copy the picture onto their piece of paper as accurately as possible.

You need to draw simply and clearly so that it is not difficult to repeat. Example: drawing a house. First of all, we draw a square, and the participant repeats the lines. Then the triangle - the roof, then the windows, the door...

The couple whose pictures are copied better and convey more details are the champions.

If there is any doubt about who should win, the teams vote for their team with a deafening shout. A loud, friendly roar will unite the teams and charge them with positivity for the next competition.

Competition "Traffic Light"

Three traffic light colors: red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - go! Organizing such a competition in nature is not difficult, since the accessories are small-sized and easy to take with you.

Props : three balloons for each team.

Conditions : We invite 3 participants from each group of adults. The presenter gives them inflatable shells in the colors of the traffic light. The first person's task is to inflate the balloons and tie them in a knot. The second runs a distance of five meters with them, throwing them in the air (holding is prohibited) so that the balls do not touch the ground, to the third, who made a basketball hoop with his hands. You need to throw sequentially: red-yellow-green or green-yellow-red.

Options for this competition:

· first – fill the balloons with air one by one, and score one at a time;

· second - you need to inflate everything at once, run to the ring and juggle them so as not to let them fall to the ground;

· third - each player inflates the projectile himself and runs with it to the ring. And when he throws, he becomes a basketball basket himself and waits for the next participant. And the one who was the basket runs to blow his sphere.

The second option is more difficult to complete. Choose medium-sized balls; small ones are more difficult to juggle. Don't forget to make a fun video on how a traffic light works!

Advantages of the chosen location

Holding a corporate event away from the city noise, in nature, is an ideal choice for any companies and organizations. If we list the advantages of such an event as briefly as possible, we get the following list:

  • the cost-effectiveness of the holiday - organizing a picnic, even a very large and long one, will cost the company less than a grand feast in a restaurant;
  • freedom of action - no room or venue will ever have so many opportunities to spend time pleasantly and usefully;
  • team building through joint solving of the most complex problems.

Teachers' corporate event

  1. What is on the table? – the participant names a letter, colleagues must find an object that begins with this letter and is on the festive table. These can be dishes, serving items, fruits.
  2. Evidence – a crime has been committed, but there is not enough evidence. The leading teacher, who has temporarily become a detective, is asked questions to which he can answer either “no” or “yes.” The goal is to guess what word the presenter intended.
  3. What does it mean? – each teacher names a word based on the subject he teaches. Colleagues in a related subject are silent, and the rest must express their assumptions about what this word means.

During competitions, take care of safety precautions. The props must be safe so that nothing threatens life and health. Thanks to various competitions at a corporate party, you can not only eat delicious food, but also relax your soul.

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