Hollywood style party - a great idea for an original holiday

Movie parties are a format for any age group and any occasion - a birthday, New Year or a corporate party on the occasion of a company’s anniversary, because in any company there will be experts on old and new films, which means that competitions on the theme of cinema will be successful. Here are some ideas to inspire your own script.


First of all, you need to decide on the name of the party: in the original - “Movieparti” or “Movie Party”, “Party in Hollywood Style”, “Party in Oscar Style”. Invitations in the form of a movie ticket or a mini-poster for famous films, a cinematic cracker or a glass of popcorn, in general, any symbols of the film industry, the imagination here is limitless, look at the photos and be inspired will look stylish. It is important, when inviting people to a party, to sign invitations not just for a movie party, but for a pompous film awards ceremony. Don’t forget to indicate the dress code – “Hollywood style”.

Oscar-themed sweet table for Oscar-themed graduation

The palette should be in shades of red, gold, black and white, like the entire holiday. And for decoration you need to choose the most famous “associations” with cinema: movie clapperboard, figurine, gold stars, tuxedos, palm branch, rhinestones and feathers. The background behind the table can be a small themed banner or just red velvet curtains.

  • Cookies with photos from different films
  • Cake pops decorated in the shape of small tuxedos
  • Chocolates in the form of movie crackers
  • Mafios with a chocolate bar in the form of a film strip placed on top of the cream
  • Red apples in caramel
  • Lollipops in the form of figurines
  • Glasses with children's champagne
  • Mini popcorn boxes
  • Coca Cola bottles with movie labels
  • Mousse desserts in black-red cups
  • Strawberries and cream on sticks
  • Macaron cakes with red dough and black layer
  • Cakes in golden boxes
  • Eclairs with a photograph

In addition to the sweet table, you can bring a cart with soft ice cream, cotton candy and popcorn, and a lemonade machine.

Party Costume

The simplest outfit option for a Hollywood awards party is an elegant evening dress (perhaps a little revealing) and a formal tailcoat-type suit. But if you want to look original, because bright, unusual costumes are an important element of any theme party, use your imagination and try to dress up in the spirit of your favorite movie characters. For lovers of retro films, red or black floor-length dresses with an open back and long gloves, a hat and a mouthpiece with characteristic bright makeup are suitable - sensual red lips, expressive black arrows on the eyes. You can take Marilyn Monroe as a style standard. For men - black and white version with a bow tie. In modern cinema, you can dress in burlesque style, like in the film “Moulin Rouge” - such an outfit is unlikely to leave you unnoticed. Adventure lovers will surely love the outfits of a James Bond girl. Men can also copy the famous agent 007 with an impeccable suit and dark glasses. Extreme enthusiasts can build costumes for Star Wars and Avatar characters. It’s not so important what costume you choose for yourself, the main thing is to remember that a Hollywood party is luxury, brilliance, chic and shocking. Look at the photo at the Hollywood style party clothes.

Movie party decoration

How to decorate a party in Hollywood style? You can use anything related to the theme of cinema - electric and paper garlands, cinematic crackers and glasses of popcorn, old reels of film and video cassettes, star balloons. You can select posters for films and make voluminous inscriptions HOLLYWOOD. One of the important attributes is the red carpet, which must be laid from the very entrance. Red tablecloths or draperies and white dishes will help create the atmosphere of a themed party.

Menu for graduation in Oscar style in kindergarten

You can organize a small festive buffet yourself or order outdoor catering. When creating a menu, you need to remember that it will be very difficult to keep children’s hands clean. Therefore, you need to prepare convenient portioned ways to serve dishes in small paper boxes, transparent cups using disposable cutlery and napkins.

It is better to include your favorite and simple dishes on the menu:

  • Sausages in dough. They can be packaged in a tuxedo-like box
  • Chicken skewers
  • Salads in cups
  • Grilled vegetables
  • French fries
  • Mini burgers
  • Children's meatballs on a skewer
  • Turkey soufflé in a glass
  • Various canapés
  • Festive tartlets
  • Pies with apples, potatoes, cabbage and mushrooms
  • Fruit drinks or juices

Party scenario

The host introduces the assembled guests to the purpose of the event - presenting film awards to the best of the best. After this, an entertainment program is held, and at the end of each competition, the winner receives a film award in a certain category. You can appoint someone specially to present the awards or entrust this to the presenter.

The awards, of course, should be humorous - a paper diploma, a red ribbon with a nomination, champagne with a themed label, various figures. The presentation of the awards is accompanied by thunderous applause.

Awards and nominations

Best Screenwriter

Only the most brilliant writers of the best scripts can come up with phrases that millions will remember and use constantly. How many famous phrases from films do you remember? The following are excerpts from films. This can be done in different ways: the presenter can simply read out phrases or turn on audio clips from films. Participants in the competition must remember the name of the film from which the quote was voiced. The forms of the competition can also be different:

  • the quote is read out to everyone and the one who raised his hand first answers;
  • Several people are invited to participate, and everyone chooses their own quote in random order;
  • if the film is not recognized, the right to answer passes to the next participant.

The participant who gives the most correct answers wins. The presenter explains that the best screenwriter is considered to be both the one who writes good scripts and the one who knows them perfectly.

Best make-up artist

Props for this competition must be prepared in advance. These could be photographs of celebrities from magazines, or rather, the most characteristic parts of their faces - Johnny Depp's goatee, Marilyn Monroe's arched eyebrow, Gerard Depardieu's nose. For fun and to confuse the participants, you can add fragments of photos of the party guests.

Presenter: “There is a well-known expression: “I don’t recognize you in makeup.” And in fact, make-up artists sometimes go so hard that the children of Hollywood stars do not recognize their parents and throw a tantrum. Are you observant and able to identify them?”

An entertainment competition is held according to any of the indicated schemes (who is first or in turn). The host shows photos of celebrities' facial parts, and guests guess the star. The most interesting part of the game begins when the host shows photos of the party guests. The best make-up artist is not only the one who perfectly disguises everyone, but also the one who recognizes anyone in make-up.

Best Costume Design

In the first version of the entertainment, only girls participate - alone or in pairs. They are given pieces of fabric and pins. You need to make a costume without threads and needles. Both girls in a pair need to drape the fabric beautifully. The winner can be assessed according to a certain criterion, for example, “the shortest outfit”, “the highest % of nudity”, “the most unusual costume”. Although the most unusual ones are made not from fabric, but from newspapers and tape! The best designer is determined by the audience jury and awarded a prize.

In the second option, pairs of men and women can participate in the competition. Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The girl is holding the roll. And the guy, without using his hands, with just his lips, “dresses” his partner. The winner is the one who can do it faster or do everything more carefully, creating a more successful outfit.

Best Trick

The presenter announces the nomination, and everyone who wants to participate demonstrates their talents. The stunts are varied - from acrobatic somersaults to absorbing a kilogram of sausages in a minute. Each participant will receive an incentive prize, and the winner will be chosen by the audience jury with applause.

Best Film Musician

The Hollywood-style party competition in the “Best Musician” category involves volunteer music lovers who know films and their music well. Music plays, and participants must remember the name of the film based on the soundtrack. If a music lover names the movie incorrectly, the right to answer passes to the next player. The film fan who gets the most correct answers wins.

Best Actors

Pair competition (M+F). The couple chooses a movie and must show a “live poster” from that movie. For accessories, she uses three items that she finds at the party. The couple writes the name of the film and their names on a card and gives it to the presenter. They take turns going on stage, showing their live picture, and the audience must guess which movie this fragment is from. If you guessed right away, it means the couple performed well. After all screenings, the “Best Actor” and “Best Actress” awards are awarded. You can vote for the winners if it is not immediately clear which pair was guessed the fastest.

Best Visual Effects

This nomination is comic, for the bravest girls. Its name is not announced in advance. When all the participants lined up in front of the audience, the presenter says that it is very important for an actress to be able to repeat movements, which is what the nominees must demonstrate. The “dance instructor” (better if it is a man) demonstrates to the girls the most awkward movements to the music - the more unusual, the funnier, and the girls obediently repeat. After a couple of minutes, the presenter stops the music and says that everyone has won in the “Best Visual Effects” category.

Ideas for children's Oscar-themed graduation speeches

Kindergarten graduates, together with the teacher, can prepare the following creative acts:

We're making a movie. Brainstorm a video concept with parents, educators, and the videographer. This could be a clip for a popular track for a modern cartoon, or the plot of a famous film. Decide on the scenery, costumes, distribution of roles, words. Practice each child's role several times. And schedule a day or two for a professional film shoot. For children, this shooting will be an exciting adventure that they will remember for the rest of their lives. And on graduation day, show all the guests the resulting short film and give each child a disc in a gift box with the symbols of the kindergarten.

Dance numbers. Together with the music director, children can prepare several dance numbers based on films. For example, dance with umbrellas, Indian dance, mask dance, dance singing in the rain, dance of 500 days of summer, dance of dudes, Charlie's Angels dance.

Small theatrical scenes . Children on an improvised stage will perform pantomimes accompanied by special “cuts from films.” You need to prepare short fragments from different films, 20-40 seconds. Come up with an interesting plot that would connect lines from films and think through movements for each character. Give each child his own separate episode and rehearse. You can watch a version of such a speech in the video at the bottom of our page.

Farewell song of graduates . Together with the musical director, the children will prepare their own song about their favorite children's song.

The total duration of all performances should be no more than 1.5 hours. Because children will be very worried on this day and may become overtired.

Continuation of the Hollywood party

The scenario of a Hollywood-style party with awards distribution does not end there. You can film a theatrical performance, after all, it’s a “cinema” party, in Hollywood style. So after the holiday, the real film will remain as a keepsake.

An auction can be included in the entertainment program. Buy inexpensive gifts that can be associated with some movie on a theme or by analogy, for example, a compass can be associated with the Titanic, and a bag of salted nuts with Die Hard. Each auction item comes with a title card. The presenter demonstrates the presentation without showing the cards. Whoever raised his hand first is the one who answers. If the film is not guessed, the next candidate answers. If the auction participant answered correctly, he takes the gift.

Gift options

  • "Pirates of the Caribbean" - bandana;
  • "Million Dollar Baby" - punching bag;
  • "The Dark Knight" - a deck of cards;
  • "Hipsters" - records;
  • "Die Hard" - nut cracker;
  • "Tourist" - electronic cigarette;
  • "Doctor House" - electronic thermometer;
  • "Memoirs of a Geisha" - a Japanese fan.

Beyoncé celebrated with the Obama family

When Beyoncé turned thirty-five in 2016, she threw a lavish party. The holiday had a theme - the seventies, so all the celebrity guests appeared in appropriate costumes. This is already interesting, but the holiday did not end there. The singer spent the day off after her birthday with the family of President Obama and former President Bill Clinton, and the musical accompaniment was provided by the band Coldplay.


It is unlikely that you will see the usual feast at such events. Guests are always on the move, socializing with a glass of wine and having a snack while standing, so a buffet is the most convenient format. You can prepare hot sandwiches, vegetable salads, cheese snacks, grilled steak, profiteroles, mousse, muffins, chocolate-covered strawberries, mini pies, Cosmopolitan, Bloody Mary, Martini, and Manhattan cocktails. Don’t worry if you couldn’t find any ingredient for a cocktail or appetizer, the main thing is an effective name and design.

Oscar themed graduation speech ideas for 9th or 11th graders

School graduates can perform their prepared numbers if they so desire.

Let the children prepare the numbers they like . Some people go to modern dance classes, some play the guitar, some sing beautifully, and some go to a theater club. It would be great if the numbers are somehow related to popular films, but this is not a prerequisite. The main thing is that adult children enjoy the performance.

The total duration of all performances should be no more than 30-40 minutes. Because most graduates will be just spectators and they will be distracted and wait for the general interactive part of the holiday, where they can dance and have fun.

Set up a real stage to make the performing children feel like real stars.

You can also organize a film festival. On the eve of graduation, divide the class into several teams and assign them the task of making a short film on a given topic. The topic does not have to be about school and learning. Perhaps the children will vote for a modern topic that concerns all Russians. And at the event, show your work to all guests for 30-40 minutes, announce the results and present real prizes.

Final chord

Your own “Walk of Fame” will be a spectacular finale. It is necessary to prepare large stars in advance and distribute them to guests at the end of the holiday. They must sign them and place them on the Walk of Fame, overflowing with pride and greatness. Have a fun party, and you can tune in to the right wave by watching the video and photos of the Hollywood-style party.

Read how to organize a Chicago-style party here. Bright and fiery - a party in the style of dudes.

Menu for graduation in Oscar style at school for grades 9 and 11.

Usually, a separate banquet hall is rented for adult graduates and the menu is chosen on the spot with the site manager. The main advice is to coordinate the communication between your decorator and the site manager. They will be able to discuss not only the general design of the hall, issues of installation and dismantling, as well as table decoration and serving.

The most popular dishes among schoolchildren are:

  • Pizza
  • Burgers
  • Various chicken salads
  • Meat and fish rolls
  • Chicken rolls
  • Chicken nuggets

Additional tips when choosing dishes:

  • Avoid exotic fruits.
  • Dishes should not be too spicy, fatty or smoked.
  • Check with all parents to see if their children have any allergies and avoid these foods.
  • Do not serve food with seeds (grapes, fish, berries, etc.)
  • Avoid products that contain a lot of dyes and chemical ingredients: carbonated drinks, bottled sauces, ketchup.
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