How to congratulate Teacher's Day - skits for high school

Funny scenes dedicated to the professional holiday Teacher's Day can be performed at school during the celebration at a gala concert or at a corporate party. On this day, teachers are congratulated not only by students, but also by parents of children. If necessary, involve children and parents. Let them also receive a portion of positive emotions, and also show their acting talents.

Perhaps all that is required from teachers on this significant day is to receive congratulations and admiration.

Funny skit about teachers for Teacher's Day “Expectations and Reality”

On the stage there are 6 chairs in 3 rows and a blackboard. Four students come in and occupy the first rows, the teacher stands at the blackboard. The bell rings, the children rise from their seats and greet the teacher.

Presenter : Now let's take a look at school life from the outside. For your attention, the teacher's expectations and harsh reality. Scene one - late for class!

A quiet knock sounds and student #1 timidly steps onto the stage.

Teacher : Sinitsyn, why are you late?

Student No. 1 bashfully: Sorry, Maryivanna, I overslept. Can I come in?

Teacher : Of course. Come in, sit down. But don't be late again!

Student #1 nods and quietly moves to the last row.

Host : And now attention, reality.

Student No. 2 appears on stage to the music of “The Pink Panther.” The teacher writes something on the board. He sneaks around, silently high-fives all his classmates and takes a seat at the back.

Teacher : Oh, Romashkin! How did you end up here?

Student number 2 : What are you doing, Maryivanna! I've been sitting here from the very beginning. You just didn't notice.

The class laughs.

Presenter : Scene two - the teacher leaves the classroom during the lesson. Expectation.

Teacher : Guys, I’ll go out for a minute. Be quiet!

The teacher hides behind the scenes, the guys continue to write something and whisper.

Host : And now Reality.

The teacher is behind the scenes, the children jump up from their seats. The girls dance and gossip, and the boys throw papers, push and run around the stage. The teacher returns, everyone quickly runs to their places.

Presenter : Scene three - unscheduled test. Expectation.

Teacher : So, today we have an unscheduled test!

Student , raising her hand: Maryivanna, can we repeat the topics before we start?

Teacher : Okay, but only five minutes.

Pupils open books and read.

Host : And now Reality.

Teacher : Guys, we have an unscheduled test today.

Everything is out of order: Oh, I feel so bad! I'm dying! Can I go home? My head hurts! My stomach is churning! I'm sick!

Presenter : Scene four - the teacher is teaching a lesson. Expectation.

The teacher writes something on the board to the song “Twice two is four” and explains. Everyone listens quietly and obediently writes in their notebooks.

Host : Now pay attention! Reality.

The music is speeding up, the teacher is gesticulating, nervous. The guys clutch their heads, pretend to fall asleep, and in the last row someone falls out of their chair.

Presenter : And finally - the end of the lesson. Expectation.

Teacher : That's all for today, guys. Goodbye.

Students in chorus: Goodbye!

The bell rings, everyone gets up and calmly leaves.

Host : But what is Reality?

Teacher : That's all for today. Goodbye class.

Students : Goodbye!

The bell rings. Everyone jumps up, grabs their bags, speaks loudly, moves chairs, laughs and races out of the office.

Host : This is the harsh truth of school life. Thanks to the teachers for their patience and work! Cheerful music sounds, the actors come out to bow!

TV script

The presenter delivers a monologue: “We welcome you, our dear TV viewers! Today is a truly wonderful day - our new television channel “Teacher” has started working! And, oddly enough, this event coincided with a wonderful professional holiday for teachers! And our program today is dedicated to you, our dear teachers! Right now - a small weather forecast for today. On October 5, Teacher's Day, the weather at school is sunny with smiles, warm floral winds are blowing. There may be slight precipitation in the form of tears of joy and strong outbursts of applause. The Hydrometeorological Center joins everyone's congratulations and gives you the song “Weather in the House” (followed by a performance of the song with modified lyrics). And our holiday program continues. We present to your attention an astrological forecast for the upcoming school year. Aries In the coming year, you will have to praise students for good behavior and diligence, and the stars advise not to punish hooligans and quitters too harshly. Taurus Everything this year will go according to plan, and do not be upset that this plan is educational! Gemini Pleasant meetings await you - with lagging students after lessons. But don’t worry: soon they will take their studies seriously, and there will be no need for additional dates! CancerStars recommend that you start learning a foreign language. Even if this does not become your second profession, it will be useful to you on the journey that you will embark on soon. Do you have a foreign passport? Leo This academic year you will be in great demand: all kinds of competitions, Olympiads, amateur art shows. And everywhere we need an honest and unbiased judge, that is, you. But don’t forget to sometimes attend lessons amid all this turmoil! VirgoThe stars foretell two news for you this year - as usual, good and not so good. A good one is a doubling of the salary, but not a good one - half of the salary will have to be spent on renovating the teacher’s room. But there is also a plus: the repairs will be completed, but the salary will remain! Libra At the end of the year, you are destined to experience huge doubts: once again give Ivanov a D in the year, or, with your eyes closed, give him the coveted C and, opening your eyes, never see him among the students again school?ScorpioYour mood will be very changeable this school year. But try not to become poisonous, so as not to instruct extra twos, which you yourself will regret later! Sagittarius Sagittarius are great fans of traveling. But don’t dream about the Maldives; indulge yourself in little joys on weekends by going on hikes outside the city with your students. In conquering the world, start small! Capricorn Fighting with you is simply impossible. You are a teacher, and you are always right. Reduce the pressure, and then the students will be happy to go to school, and you will be happy to go to work. Aquarius You will find a lot of shortcomings in your students, which you will undertake to eliminate with great zeal. Just don’t overstrain yourself - not everyone will like this idea! Pisces You have to make a difficult choice: stay at your home school and receive the “Teacher of the Year” award or take up tutoring at a Black Sea resort, combining preparing children for exams with relaxing on the beach. Continues our broadcast a series about school life called “Again deuce!” (Here you can insert a couple of scenes from school life, where teachers will play the role of themselves and their students). And our broadcast continues with the musical program “Play, beloved accordion!” (Each of the teachers goes on an improvised stage and performs a ditty on the topic of school and teachers). In the evenings, various educational television programs will be broadcast on our channel. And today we bring to your attention a series of programs “Dance School” (And here the dance competition or marathon begins). And we say goodbye to you for today! See you again on air!


Funny scene for the holiday of October 5 for high school students (grades 6-11)

(Author Vavilchenkova E.M.)

  1. Characters:
  2. First high school student
  3. Second high school student
  4. Third high school student
  5. Fourth high school student
  6. Fifth high school student
  7. Enthusiastic high school student
  8. teacher
  9. First seller
  10. Second seller

A group of 6 high school students run onto the stage.

They line up and take turns starting to speak with inspiration and elation.

First high school student : Our dears!

Second high school student : Favorite!

Third high school student : Dear!

Fourth high school student : Honored!

Fifth high school student : Adored!

Enthusiastic high school student : (continues) Beloved, unforgettable, wrapped up, muzzled, bungled...

First high school student : (interrupts, covering the Enthusiastic mouth with his hand) What are you talking about? (Strokes him on the head and explains to the audience) I was completely stunned, poor thing. He started talking.

The group of students continues:

First high school student : Our dear teachers!

Second high school student : We love you!

Third high school student : Respect!

Fourth high school student : Let's read!

First high school student : We love it!

Enthusiastic high school student: (continues with inspiration) We bow, admire, admire, wonder...

First high school student : (interrupting) Maybe stop fawning?

Enthusiastic high school student: (persistently and stubbornly) No way!

Group of students (continue one by one).

First high school student : Yes! We understand how difficult it is for you!

Second high school student : With us, the unlucky ones!

Third high school student: Unassembled!

Fourth high school student : Impolite!

First high school student : Inattentive!

Enthusiastic high school student : (interrupts and continues alone) Lazy, loud, talkative, rabid...

First high school student : (indignantly) Well, I'm tired of it! (Clamps the mouth of the Enthusiastic)

Enthusiastic high school student : (continues to shout something incomprehensible with his mouth clamped) Po, ti, ka, lyu, si... etc. (Classmates “calm down” an inflatable baton hanging from two comrades’ arms).

First high school student: (continues) We understand you, we sympathize with you with all our hearts and want to help you. We invite you to the store of amazing inventions “To help our dear teacher.”

The curtain opens. On the stage there are tables with objects laid out on them - experimental goods. Two students are sitting on chairs. They will participate in the experiment. There are two sellers at the tables with goods: active, cheerful, very kind.

First seller : (joyfully) Here comes the first visitor! Please pass!

Teacher : (timid, nervous, insecure, glasses on the tip of her nose, which she constantly adjusts; she shudders at everything, constantly turns around in fear, fiddling with something in her hands, speaks quietly and politely) Hello. Excuse me, did I get to the store?

Second seller : (helpful) Glad to serve! What do you want?

Teacher : I would like something... to... help...

First seller : (broad gesture towards the items) Please! Widest choice.

Teacher : (joyfully grabs the first thing that catches her eye - a broom) Could this be it?

Second seller : (trying to take the broom, they are struggling) Give it back! (dismissively) This is an outdated model...

Teacher : (pleadingly) What do you recommend? After all, there was no sweet spot with the guys.

First seller : (vigorously) Here! Especially for you: neat tweezers (shows) for pulling out loose tongues.

The teacher recoils.

Second seller : And here is the set (shows): a hammer and nails for crucifixion on the most obnoxious desks...

Teacher : (rolls her eyes, screams) No! No!

First salesman : (to another) Look, I think she's too impressionable.

Second seller : There’s no point in doing something like that at school...

Teacher : (pleadingly) Please... look... something else

First seller : Well, then - this is it: absolutely harmless and very effective! (puts out rolls of toilet paper) Give a gift to your colleague, an English teacher.

Teacher : (suspiciously) Toilet paper? Excuse me, how is this?

Second seller : It’s very simple: you send the student with this roll to the toilet, and let him sit there until he uses it all, learning English. You see, here first comes the alphabet, then the words (unwinding the paper), then the tenses of the verbs.

Teacher : Great idea! Is there such a guide for any other subjects?

First seller : Here you go: formulas in mathematics, dates in history, complex topics in the Russian language... That’s all for now, but we continue to work in this direction.

Teacher : (joyfully) I’ll take it, I’ll take it, I’ll take it! (holds up the bag and they start putting rolls in there) Oh! (stops) But if everyone sits in the toilets, who will we work with? (puts everything back) Can I watch something else?

Second salesman : (helpful) Please, please!

Teacher : (looking around, searching) Give... me... this pillow.

First seller : (with doubt) This one is unlikely to suit you, it’s suffocating...

Teacher : (with horror, pushing away, throwing away the pillow) Oh! No! No!

Second seller : (calmingly) Take another one, this one, it’s just soothing. Give the students a pillow. Like this (demonstrates) - the students fall asleep. Do you see? They fell asleep, and you can go about your business - read a book, knit a blouse...

Teacher : (with doubt) What about the educational process? How to execute the program if everyone is asleep?

First seller : Yes... they didn’t finish it! (snatches a pillow; the students look around in shock) Well, okay, let's think.

Teacher : (with despair) What should I do? Should I not leave empty-handed? Do you have anything else?

Second seller : Here, just for you (starts taking it out from under the counter). "Straitjacket"! True, it comes complete with two riot policemen. At the moment they are in traumatology. Here! It is better! You see, gags come in different modifications, for example, a dummy gag. It works like this (begins to demonstrate): the student sucks him in and can no longer chat - he only moos (the students moo and gag).

Teacher : (horrified) Oh, they’ll suffocate! Stop it!

First seller : Don't worry! (pats students on the back; they spit out the pacifier) ​​See, everything is fine. Here are also “Water Laxative”, “Noose Healing”...

The teacher can no longer speak, she only hums and shakes her head negatively.

Second seller : Well, then we don't know. You won’t please... Maybe a set “to help a beginning teacher”?

Teacher : (hopefully) What's in this set?

First seller : (inspired) A gun for shooting the most insolent, a grenade for neutralizing the most obnoxious, a gas canister for self-defense, a fishing rod for catching...

Teacher : (pleadingly) Or maybe this is the last one on the list.

Second seller : {readily) A fishing rod? Please! It comes with a sandwich. Used to remove the most arrogant from the class.

Teacher : (timidly) Oh... a sandwich, excuse me, why?

First seller : This is bait. See how it works - flawlessly! We put the sandwich on the hook, bring it to the student’s nose (shows) and he follows you as if hypnotized!

Teacher : Very tempting, very... I think I'll take it... What are the sandwiches with?

Second seller : For every taste! With sausage, ham, salmon, red and black caviar...

Teacher : The teacher gradually sits down on the chair. Mommy (faints).

First seller : Listen, what's wrong with her?

Second seller : I say, she’s very impressionable (fans the teacher with a newspaper).

  1. Who answers the eternal childish question: “why?” teaches us to look for the answer on our own? – TEACHER – (in unison).
  2. Who, using the full range of their vocal cords, is trying to put into us for change what has not been put in place for years? - TEACHER.
  3. Who comes up with 7-8 hour homework assignments for us, distracting us from the terrible influence of the street and TV? - TEACHER.
  4. Who can’t live a day without our dear parents, informing them about our various achievements? - TEACHER.
  5. In one working day, who has to act as a teacher, public figure, psychologist, artist, astronaut (if we are talking about overloads)? To whom? - TO THE TEACHER.
  6. And yet this does not prevent us from seeing smart and kind mentors in you. Happy Teacher's Day!

Comic skit for Teacher's Day “School of the near future”

(Author Konovalov A.A.)


  1. Teacher
  2. Student(s) Ivanov(s)
  3. Student(s) Petrov(s)
  4. Student(s) Sidorov(s)
  5. Student(s) Skvortsov(s)

(The stage is set up like a classroom: desks, chairs, projector, blackboard, computer.)

Voiceover : 2030.

The bell rings.

Teacher : Cool! Hello, sit down! We hand in our flash drives with homework. Now turn on your Bluetooth and catch your writings. Petrov, again all your homework was infected with viruses...Did you download it from the Internet again?

Petrov : No, Maryivanna. (Turning to Sidorov, in a whisper) Well, I’ll show you, why isn’t your antivirus working?

Teacher: Silence!

Sidorov : Yes, we are discussing essays...

Teacher : And you, Sidorov, have an essay of only 600 kilobytes! And this is in 9th grade! Have you forgotten the norm? During a break, go to the Russian language office, there, on the stand, everything is described in detail! MEGABYTE – no less! (Sidorov sighed and hung his head guiltily).

Sidorov : Yes, my Word Office is somehow glitchy!

Teacher : Haven't you updated it yet?

Sidorov : No, I still have the 2027 version...

Ivanov : Do you want me to send you 2030 tomorrow?

Sidorov : Hands down!

Teacher : Quiet! So, I will upload your grades to the electronic journal at the end of the lesson. And let your parents go to the school website today and put their electronic signature at the end of the web page indicating that they are familiar with your “twos”.

Ivanov : Oh, and our Internet has not worked at home for 3 days.

Teacher: Don’t lie to me, Ivanov, yesterday I already talked with your mother on Skype about your behavior, and I didn’t dream about it. Well, class, let’s open our laptops, gadgets, tablets, set the number, type in the topic of the lesson: “Union proposals.” (At this time, Sidorov takes out a book unnoticed by the teacher, puts it on his knees under the desk and begins to leaf through it).

Skvortsov : Maryvann, I forgot my tablet at home...

Teacher : Have you forgotten your head? Well, write on your smartphone, at worst, and at home don’t forget to copy everything onto your computer. Sidorov, remove extraneous things from the lesson (Sidorov does not hear, and continues to read the book. The teacher approaches him). I said, put the book in your bag, you can read it at home! You cannot bring anything in paper form to school! (Points to the “Crossed-out Book” sign hanging in the classroom.)

Ivanov (to Sidorov): Just think of bringing a notebook with a pen so that they can call you to the director!

Teacher : Skvortsov, take a remote pencil - write on the Interboard, you can sit there. (Dictates slowly) “WE GET TO THE STORE BY TELEPORTATION, AND GRANDMOTHER PREFERS HER FLYING NANOTURBO CYCLE.” Did you write it down? Task: find an obsolete word.

Skvortsov : Is this the word grandmother? (Laughter in class)

Teacher : 0 points! Correct answer: NANOTURBOCYCLE. Sit down, Skvortsov.

Skvortsov : (Sitting down) It’s strange, because our grandmother also seems to be outdated...

The bell rings.

Pupils : Maryivanna, congratulations on Teacher’s Day! Let me give you an electronic bouquet, we collected it ourselves via WiFi on the Internet (They give a bouquet shown on the tablet screen)

Teacher : Thank you very much, guys!

Students : Maybe you won’t upload “2s” to our electronic journal today?..

Ivanov : Yes, if my father sees them, he will punish me with his radio belt...

Teacher : Well, good! In honor of the holiday, so be it, guys!

Students : Hurray! Thank you! Goodbye!

Teacher : Goodbye! (Everyone leaves) So, has everyone left? (Checks to see if anyone sees her. Sits down at the table, carefully, looking around, takes a book out of her bag and begins to read)

Theatrical scene "Othello and Desdemona"


  1. Othello (husband)
  2. Desdemona (wife, teacher)

The intro to the school scene features suspenseful music. There is a table on the stage and a chair next to it. Othello nervously paces around the stage. Desdemona enters.

Othello : (rushes to her).

I hear steps. My wife is finally home. And cook me lunch. I'm fucking hungry, Desdemona!

Desdemona : Othello, I don't have lunch.

Othello : I really have no time for jokes, dear, Our refrigerator has been empty for a long time! I'm just dying of hunger...

Desdemona : But I was working, not in the cinema!

Othello : What's in your bag? Notebooks again! Did you bring it home?! Woe is me!

Desdemona : I see that not everything is in order with your nerves. You even screamed more than once in your sleep. He sits down to check his notebooks.

Othello : Listen, Desdemona, it really would be nice to have a snack now!

Desdemona : Othello! We already ate today! And it’s even harmful to eat at such a late hour. But if you really want, you can, darling, fry some eggs, just yourself. Don't distract me, please, my love! There are three eggs left, that's enough for us.

Othello : Which three? I ate two yesterday.

Desdemona : Well, okay. Fry yourself one.

Othello : But the refrigerator is empty!

Desdemona : Well, I don’t know where it could suddenly disappear?!

Othello : Listen, I have work too, But I can’t think of anything because I’m hungry!

Desdemona : Oh, honey, come up with something, really... Do your homework! And hunger will disappear.

Othello : My hunger will not be satisfied. Is it really that difficult for you to go to the store?

Desdemona : I thought I'd come by at the end of the week, But you could buy something yourself! You're disturbing me, honey. By the way, There is so little time left, dear! I will be on duty at school until nightfall: My class is hanging out at the disco.

Othello : What disco?! What kind of joke? Our family is about to be destroyed!

Desdemona : Oh, you know, there’s not a minute left, My class is already waiting for me, go.

Othello : You run away from home like hell from incense. Work is more important to you, not family. Have you prayed at night, Desdemona? Die, unfortunate one! Die, my love!

Comic skit “The Teacher’s Family”

(From the show “ComedyWoman”)

Voice-over : Imagine a family in which the mother worked as a school teacher for 30 years.

(At this time, the participants in the scene come out and sit down at the table).

Mom : So, let's start having dinner. (Father and grandmother begin to eat).

Mom : Let's check attendance. (Grandmother and father throw spoons)

Mom : A - Anton. Where is Anton?

Father : Absent.

Mom : B - grandmother.

Grandma : I'm here.

Mom : I see that you are here. You missed two dinners, where were you?

Grandmother : I was sick.

Mom: Maybe you have a certificate?

Grandma : A whole chest of drawers.

(Anton enters).

Mom : Oh! Anton! And where were we?

Anton : I was walking the dog.

Mom : Well, that's it! I am tired of this. Give me the diary.

(Anton gives a diary, mom writes a note.)

Mom : And just try not to tell your parents! (Anton hands the diary to his father)

Father : Eh, Anton, Anton! Why are you disgracing me? (Hands the diary to mom)

Mom : Eh, Anton, Anton. That's it, today you are left without dinner. Anton: Well, mom.

Mom : Don't be a mom, leave the kitchen. My question is: who will go take out the trash?

(Father turns away, grandmother clutches her heart)

Mom : I see a forest of hands, a forest of hands! (The phone rings)

Here comes the call!

(All participants in the scene go backstage).

Example script

At the very beginning there is light dance music. The presenter greets the teachers with the following speech: “Hello, dear gentlemen, teachers! Autumn is a wonderful time, as the famous poet wrote. She gives us a series of sunny days, the beauty of trees dressed in gold and crimson, as well as many bright holidays. Among the first, of course, is Teacher's Day! Today we congratulate you on behalf of all the students, their parents and colleagues, and you try to have a good rest and enjoy the evening!” After this, you can invite teachers to experience the role of students in the exam themselves. On some strips of paper, tricky questions are written, and on others, in the same amount, neutral answers that will suit any question. First, each teacher, without looking, pulls a question from the bag, and then the answer to it. Examples of questions: - Do you take sedatives? - Are you often late for school? - Do you sit on social networks in class while students are writing a test? - Drag do you have chalk at home? - Do you play darts with photos of students? - Do you use a pointer for its intended purpose or as a punishment for bully students? - If students start yawning in class, will you cheer them up with a joke? Example answers: - It happens, but let this remain our little secret. - I didn’t even know that there was hidden video filming at school. - Just don’t tell anyone. - Let’s leave this question unanswered, I’ve already said too much. - Why am I worse than others? - Is this written on my forehead? - To be honest, I always do this. What follows are small improvisations that will help you feel like real actors. Each teacher chooses a famous person who has made a significant contribution to the field of science that his subject studies. These could be scientists, historical figures, travelers and discoverers. You need to completely transform into the chosen hero, copying his manner of dressing, speaking and behaving. The rest must guess the character being portrayed. Next, you can hold a competition for reaction speed and intelligence. Participants are shown a card with a letter of the alphabet in turn, and they need to quickly come up with a phrase from school life that begins with that very letter. Here are some examples: B - Get out of the class! C - Sit down, two! K - Go to the blackboard... W - Cheat sheet on the table! Z - Tomorrow I'm waiting for your parents at school! Next, you can invite the teachers to once again show their acting talents. Everyone is given a role in the fairy tale. The presenter reads out the text of the work, and everyone, as best they can, depicts the actions of their character in the fairy tale. After the end of the skit, you can choose the best actor with applause and give him a small prize (a chocolate Oscar figurine). At the end, you can arrange a small dance marathon.

Sketch for Teacher's Day “Is it easy to be a teacher?”

(Author Arteeva A.)

Characters (all roles are played by schoolchildren):

  1. Teacher
  2. High school student 1
  3. High School 2
  4. High School 3
  5. Fifth grader 1
  6. Fifth grader 2
  7. Fifth grader 3
  8. Fifth grader 4

Teacher and students at the lesson. Children play with phones and do not listen to the teacher.

Teacher : Guys, tomorrow will be a very unusual day at school!

High school student 1 : Hurray!!! You don't have to go to school!!!

High school student 2 : Let's go to the movies!

High school student 3 : No, it’s better to go to the skating rink!

Teacher : Let me finish! Don't interrupt!

High school student 1 : What's wrong? We also want to talk!

(The other students nod)

Teacher : Tomorrow is understudy day at school, you will have to play the role of teachers and teach lessons in the fifth grade!

High school student 1 : Wow! That's great!

High school student 2 : These kids will dance with me!

High school student 3 : I can’t wait for tomorrow!

Teacher : Guys, do you think it’s easy to be a teacher?

High school student 1 : Of course! Command yourself, and the children obey you!

Teacher : Is it easy to make children obey?

High school student 2 : Easy as hell!!!

Teacher: Well, okay, we'll see tomorrow! The lesson is over, you can be free.


(High school student 1 enters the classroom, fifth graders play, fight, make noise).

High school student 1 : Quiet, children!

Fifth grader 1 : Yes, that’s it!

(everyone laughs)

High school student 1 : I told someone quietly!

Fifth grader 2 : Who did you tell? (looks around)

High school student 1 : Today I am your history teacher, and I want to tell you about how people lived in Ancient Rome.

Fifth grader 3 : We lived normally, don’t worry!

(all three play games on cell phones)

High school student 1 : Put away your phones!!!

Fifth graders (all in chorus) : It’s a pity, isn’t it?!

High school student 1 (throwing up his hands) : Well, okay. Listen. In Ancient Rome people...

(The children begin to talk to each other)

High school student 1 : QUIET!!!

Fifth grader 4 : What's wrong? We also want to talk!

High school student 1 : What a horror! Well, okay, go, lesson is over!


The teacher and three high school students gathered in class.

Teacher : Well, how did you guys like being teachers?

High school student 1 : Terrible! They weren't allowed to talk at all! I tried so hard, prepared for three hours for this lesson, but they didn’t care at all!

High school student 2: And in my geography class, these fifth-graders played with phones the entire lesson!

High school student 3: And in my singing lesson they threw papers and ate chips under the desk. And at the end of the lesson they actually started a fight!

Teacher: Guys, now think about what it’s like for your teachers when you behave exactly the same way in class!

(students are silent)

Teacher : Is it easy to be a teacher, guys?

High school student 1 : I realized that if we don’t listen in class, we don’t gain knowledge!

High school student 2 : I realized that if we interrupt the teacher, we do not respect him.

High School Student 3 : I realized it's not easy being a teacher. This turns out to be a lot of work. And now I want to behave differently.

Teacher : That's it, guys. I'm glad you realized this, and I hope your attitude towards studying and teachers will now change. The lesson is over, goodbye.

Competition No. 5 “Quiz for teachers”

Presenter (in a whisper): Now let’s test their knowledge. I have prepared the most tricky questions.

  1. Both the title of the film and the student’s favorite period at school. (Big change)
  2. There is a rider, a rooster and a student on the exam. (Spur)
  3. Why is a student kicked out of class? (out the door)
  4. This letter has a bad influence on even the most good-natured teacher. (“M”, teacher-tormentor)
  5. Arithmetic teacher in Ancient Rome. (Calculator)
  6. Hunters, drummers and mathematicians cannot do without this. (No fraction)
  7. It is taught by a dictator. (Russian language)
  8. Why do computer science teachers often get sick? (They sit a lot with the windows “open”)
  9. Why do cats like to sit at the computer? (There's a mouse there)
  10. This teacher has a skeleton in his closet. (Biology teacher)

The presenters announce the end of the program. Thank you all for your participation, congratulations again. A vocal/dance number will be performed upon request.

Author: Yulia Doronina.

Sketch for Teacher's Day “Conversation on ICQ”

(Author Spiridonova A,)


  1. Teacher
  2. Student

(The speakers stand half-turned to the audience, with their backs to each other, pretending to type and speak their messages into the microphone.)

Student : Please authorize me…. - who could it be? Contact information...nothing, I hate it when people don't fill it out. Hello! (Reads syllable by syllable, sound of message sent)

Teacher : (Sound of a received message) - What does Priva mean? Vasily, you write the best essays in the class, but here it is?

Student : Who are you?

Teacher : I am your class teacher)

Student : (should have been immediately added to ignore) Why are you suddenly on ICQ and how did you find out my number?

Teacher : Good people said the number, but I’m writing to find out how you are doing, why not at school?

Student : I got sick because I had the flu. (Intentionally distorts words)

Teacher : Write normally.

Student: This is a typo.

Teacher : No more ochecha...(speaks and pretends to erase several letters) ochecha...(speaks and pretends to erase several letters) ... don’t mistype.

Student: Okay

Teacher : You have a math test on your second test (smiley)

Student : I’m sick... because I have the flu.

Teacher: I hit my mother’s ICQ, she said my father will come home from work in the evening and fix it.

Student : I’ll be there in 5 minutes: (dissatisfied) Offline contact

What should be the corporate program?

The program for a festive evening can be anything - either dense or diluted with dancing, toasts and just get-togethers. The main thing is that it covers the entire team, and every teacher has fun and interesting. Teachers are educated people, so competitions and skits should contain interesting scientific, historical facts and other educational information. It is better if a presenter is present at the corporate event. Of course, you can entrust this role to one of your colleagues or take on this responsibility yourself, but so that everyone can relax and enjoy the holiday, it is better to hire someone from the outside. One of the school graduates can also take on the role of host: this can become a kind of gift for teachers. There are also several important rules that should be followed to create a successful evening: - select a good musical accompaniment suitable for specific competitions and skits; forget about snacks if you are celebrating a corporate event not in a cafe, because after several competitions everyone will want to satisfy the feeling of hunger; - for winning each competition there should be a small, symbolic prize, this way you will create additional interest in the program in the team.

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