How to congratulate your teacher on his birthday in an original and memorable way?

There are many holidays when beloved mentors are congratulated: Teacher's Day, New Year, March 8, February 23. I especially want to please the teacher on his birthday. The most important gift for a mentor is the respect and gratitude of his students. But he will also be happy with unexpected surprises and pleasant words that will be spoken in his honor. A birthday greeting to a teacher can be original or touching, modest, unusual, the main thing is that it is done from the heart.

Tips, recommendations, congratulation options

A birthday gift for a teacher from the whole class could be like this:

  • Video congratulations. Mini-speeches from students are recorded, then congratulations are collected and edited using a computer program. You can send your video congratulations to the teacher on social networks or to your mobile phone. But it will be more interesting if the birthday person is invited to the audience and a congratulatory video is played on the screen.

  • Tree with wishes. A trunk with branches and leaves is drawn on a piece of whatman paper. Each child writes his wishes and congratulations on one piece of paper, and also leaves a signature.
  • Collective bouquet. During the lesson, students take turns standing up, approaching the teacher and handing him one flower at a time. These could be roses, if the gift is for an anniversary, multi-colored gerberas, daisies, or any other flowers that the mentor loves. At the end of the congratulations, the birthday person will have a large, beautiful bouquet.

If there is an even number of students in the class, one child can re-present the flower, or the teacher, head teacher, or one of the parents can join in the congratulations.

  • Sincerity folder. Each student writes a short essay on a separate sheet of paper on the topic: “What do I like about Elena Alexandrovna?” or “Why I appreciate Tamara Andreevna.” Then the leaves are collected in a beautiful folder, which is presented on the birthday. Such a gift will touch the teacher and will remain in memory as one of the most reverent and heartfelt surprises. It’s just important to write from the bottom of your heart, and not to flatter, because the mentor will understand how sincere the words in the essay are.
  • Wall newspaper. A classic gift from students, which teachers always receive with joy, because creativity, creativity and warmth were invested in it.
  • Bouquet of balloons. A bright, unexpected surprise that the birthday boy will remember for a long time. Each child comes to class with a helium balloon and hands it to the teacher. When all the children have given the balloons, you can all launch them into the sky together, making a wish.

Preparation for the festive event takes place in several stages:

  1. A congratulations script is invented, and students are given a text that they must learn for the significant date. If a theatrical scene is being shown, costumes and props are prepared in advance.
  2. The date is determined when the class will congratulate the birthday boy. The best option would be the teacher’s birthday itself, but he may have a day off on his own holiday. It’s okay if the performance takes place on another day, the main thing is to agree on the date and time in order to have time to prepare.
  3. If you are planning a tea party with sweets, the day before you buy groceries according to the list so as not to forget anything.

Concert and flash mob

You can arrange a concert for the teacher with dance and song numbers, reading poetry, and presenting gifts. Students must prepare numbers in advance and memorize the lyrics so that the concert goes off without any hiccups.

A theatrical performance could be an original idea. For example, history teachers will come to congratulate famous personalities: Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Napoleon, Brezhnev, Stalin. You don't have to look for costumes to dress up as historical characters. Some minimal touches will be enough: paper accessories, wigs, clothing items.

You can also come up with a congratulation for a teacher of music, mathematics, Russian or English, chemistry, physics and other subjects. Select the appropriate characters, come up with an original text and a short congratulation script.

Flash mob is an original option with which you can surprise your teacher on a holiday. This could be an unexpected song performed by students in the middle of a lesson, or a dance with which they greet the birthday boy in the audience.

Another option is a flash mob formation. It is important here that as many students as possible participate in the collective congratulations. Children line up so that they form letters that make up the inscription: “Congratulations!”, “Happy Birthday!” etc. After the students stand in a certain sequence, everyone shouts out the teacher’s name in unison. It is important that it is located on the highest floors, otherwise the unusual inscription may not be visible.

Wall newspapers, posters, photo gifts

The easiest and most accessible way to show creativity is to draw a wall newspaper or poster for the birthday teacher. You can depict each student, add congratulations, decorate the wall newspaper with flowers, sweets, drawings, and poems of your own composition. Primary school students can glue multi-colored palms with wishes.

An original gift - a photo collage made from photographs of students and teachers. You need to select suitable photographs, create a collage using a computer program, then print it in a photo studio. All that remains is to place the unusual surprise in a frame and give it to the birthday person.

SMS and social networks

Nowadays it is impossible to do without gadgets and social networks. Surprise the teacher on a holiday in the following way: each child sends a personal congratulation at a certain time. The birthday boy receives a new message every minute with pleasant words from his favorite students.

You can also post a video congratulation on the teacher’s page on social networks. The teacher will certainly be proud of his students, because their efforts will be seen by all the guests who visit the birthday boy’s profile.


A postcard must be included with the presentation and verbal congratulations. The easiest option is to purchase it in a store. But who will be surprised by such a surprise? The teacher will definitely be remembered if his students make a postcard with their own hands.

The most popular choice is a traditional card made from cardboard and construction paper.

To create it you will need:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • colored paper and cardboard;
  • ribbons, lace, buttons and other decor.

Accuracy will also be necessary to make everything beautiful.

Such a postcard must be signed and congratulations must be included in it.

A more interesting option would be to create a postcard - boxing. It is a cardboard box containing mini cards with wishes. You can take out one at a time and read congratulations.

If the teacher is young and appreciates the efforts, then instead of postcards, you can put attributes for a photo shoot in such a box. They are very popular now, and besides, everyone will be able to take a photo together as a souvenir.

The next modification of the postcard is wooden. The boys should try harder here. You can make a blank from wood, and then paint it with paints, glue the decor and make inscriptions.

The advantage of this option is that it will last for a long time and is not afraid of external destructive factors.

A card with a surprise will appeal to lovers of sweets. It is a simple cardboard card, but in the middle there will be several mini chocolates waiting for the teacher. Each wrapper should have a wish.

It's not difficult to make. You just need to print out the personalized wrappers, wrap the chocolate in them and glue them to the base.

The presentation of the postcard is also important. It can be placed in a separate envelope, tied with a ribbon or attached to a bouquet of flowers.

birthday gift for teacher from class

When choosing a gift for a teacher’s birthday from the class, it is important to know what he loves, what inspires him, what hobby he has chosen. The gift does not necessarily have to be material assets. You can, for example, organize a concert in honor of the teacher after class, or a theatrical performance.

If the choice fell on a material gift, then by the way you will have to rate interesting gifts for the teacher on his birthday.

Flowers are a must-have gift on such a day. But you can present not a simple bouquet, but a flower box (flowers in a hat box).

Sweets or a bottle of champagne can complement the flowers.

You can also surprise the teacher with an edible bouquet of vegetables or fruits. They are very original and rational, because such a gift will not go into the trash bin, but will be eaten.

A bouquet of strawberries in chocolate is an ideal option, especially in winter. This way you can surprise and pamper your teacher with a delicious dessert.

More prosaic, but no less tasty, would be a gift in the form of a personalized cake. If the teacher wishes, everyone can eat it together after congratulations.

Continuing the theme, you can present a cake made from stationery items. Teachers are always in need of products like these.

Standard time-tested gifts will be no less pleasant.

These include:

  • leather bound diary;
  • business card holder;
  • leather work briefcase;
  • pen from a famous brand;
  • umbrella;
  • perfume, if preferences are known.

Taboos are gifts of a personal nature. Often the teacher is simply given money in an envelope. But such a present can hardly be called original.

Wishes in verses

Beautiful Happy Birthday greetings to a female teacher can be in poetic form. If someone from the class knows how to write poetry, this will be an unforgettable gift for the birthday girl.

Options for wishes in verse:

Today our class is obedient and cheerful. All the students ran to school in the morning with a smile. We hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible, We wish you only bright days. Let your dreams come true, love, good luck, beauty!

Congratulates you on your birthday and wishes the whole class Happiness, joy, fun, and good mood for you.

You are the most wonderful teacher for us, We are glad when you come to class. We wish you happiness and goodness, always warmth. Fantasies and new wonderful ideas, As well as obedient and kind children.

Touching and original congratulations in prose

It is possible to sincerely congratulate a teacher on his birthday not only with poems, but also with your own words:

We would like to congratulate you on your holiday! Always remain a sensitive, kind, bright person. We are happy to have such a wonderful teacher and hope that we will not disappoint you in the future. We wish you happiness, great achievements, inspiration, joy!

A teacher is not just a profession, it is a calling that is followed at the behest of the heart. You combine all the qualities necessary for a teacher: you are kind, smart, fair, and a demanding mentor, for which we love and appreciate you. We would like to wish you happiness, sunny warmth, cheerful smiles.

On this day I really want to say a lot of kind words and sincere wishes. We wish you a bright, happy life, good health, obedient students. Let the work you put your soul into bring pleasure and joy. We will always remember how much you did for us. Happy holiday!

Dear _______ (teacher’s first name, patronymic)! From the bottom of our hearts we want to congratulate you on your birthday! You are not just our class teacher, you are a second mother who will always help, advise and, if necessary, feel sorry or scold a little. May you be surrounded by sincere, sensitive people, and may your work never upset you.

Gifts for teachers

The profession of a teacher is somewhat specific, so the gifts in this case are also not the same as for everyone else . Let's leave aside those situations when a teacher celebrates a milestone anniversary and something truly grandiose is being prepared for him. The items described below are average, but nevertheless suitable gifts for a teacher.

Diaries with an A

Any student can please their favorite teacher with such a gift on his birthday. It will be especially appreciated if the grades in this discipline usually do not rise above a “three,” but even if a “five” is an ordinary event, it will be no less pleasant. Every mentor will be pleased if his students simply do not upset him on this day with ignorance or inattention to his subject .

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Box of candies

This gift is also socially acceptable and does not impose any special obligations on either the giver or the recipient. This sweet present can be decorated in a more original way: hang the candies on the branches of a small tree or wrap each of them in a wrapper with a wish . You can show your imagination in any business, and this is no exception.


This broad category can include a very wide range of gifts, from imitation Oscar statuettes to funny or cute trinkets . A gift to a beloved teacher for his birthday is, of course, a pleasant thing, but it is far from the most important thing, and many teachers before this holiday officially notify students that they do not accept gifts at all.

Congratulations script for the teacher

Students invite the birthday boy to class after school. When the teacher enters, he sees the classroom decorated with congratulatory posters and balloons. The children greet him with a song adapted from the movie “Pinocchio.”

Who is the first to enter the class? Who loves us all like family? Who gives their knowledge, who lives by their work? Who values ​​knowledge and work? Tell me, what is her name? All in chorus: Ma-ri-na A-na-tol-ev-na!


Dear Marina Anatolyevna! The whole class wishes you a happy birthday! We have so many wishes that we could make a whole tree out of them!

A piece of Whatman paper with a drawn trunk and branches is first fixed on the board. Each student comes out with a green sticker in the shape of a leaf with a wish written on it and attaches it to the tree. When all the children have glued their pieces of paper, the Whatman paper is removed from the board, framed and given to the teacher.


Let's remember how little we were when we first crossed the threshold of school? Those kids who, with wide-open eyes, huge briefcases and beautiful bouquets of flowers, walked into an unknown world, want to congratulate you, Marina Anatolyevna.

First-graders with balloons enter the classroom to the music.


Guys, quickly hand over your gifts to the birthday girl, and let's go launch balloons into the sky. Marina Anatolyevna, don’t forget to make a wish, it will definitely come true this year.

The kids hand the balloons to the teacher, and then everyone goes outside and launches them into the sky.

Be sure to film this magical action when multi-colored balls fly high, high.

The teacher and class return to the classroom.


Marina Anatolyevna, you already know how talented we are! We won’t dance, sing or recite poetry, but rather invite you to the table to have a heartfelt conversation.

The whole class in chorus:

Happy birthday!!!

This is followed by a tea party with a cake, which the children can bake themselves or order from the confectioners. Think about the decor of a sweet gift in advance: perhaps it will be a congratulatory inscription or figures made of mastic.

Theatrical congratulations

This is an incident from my school life. We didn’t bring this idea to perfection, and the laughter was stifling, we couldn’t really make out the words, but 30 years later we remember with pleasure such a congratulation.

Our class teacher was a history teacher. We decided that famous historical figures would congratulate Anna Vasilyevna on Teacher’s Day and say some nice words on behalf of their character. There were no costumes, but we made some paper elements and accessories.

Who congratulated? Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Ivan Susanin, Cyril and Methodius, Lomonosov, Peter I, Catherine II, Kutuzov and Napoleon, Stalin. Gorbychev concluded the congratulations. Well... Then it was Gorbachev.

The children came up with the texts themselves, there was nothing special in them, but it was a lot of fun.

I think congratulations to teachers of literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, physical education, music, etc. It's not that hard to come up with. Collect images of several prominent personalities and write beautiful words on their behalf.

How to congratulate the first teacher and class teacher?

Primary school students will delight the teacher with homemade cards and congratulations in verse. The teacher will probably be touched when the kids read poems in his honor.

Our beloved first teacher, you are like another parent for us. Happy birthday to you and we wish you more smiles. We love you from the bottom of our hearts, Sincerely your little ones.

For the class teacher's birthday, you need to prepare in advance so that the surprise turns out to be amazing and memorable. Teachers, as a rule, prefer to receive souvenirs made by their students during the holidays. As a present, children can draw cards, posters, make crafts from natural materials, bake a cake or gingerbread. For the holiday, you can decorate the classroom with balloons, garlands, and flowers.

Usually the class teacher is congratulated with a poem from all the students. Make a large postcard with your own hands, on the spread of which write congratulatory lines in beautiful handwriting. It is possible to congratulate a great teacher in this way:

  • Each student in the class makes a card themselves, and then they are all presented together to the birthday boy.
  • Children collectively make a wall newspaper with photographs, drawings, poems, and congratulatory inscriptions. You can involve parents and other teachers in making the poster.
  • You can use a computer program to create a photo collage from your school photos. Then the collage is printed and framed in a beautiful frame.

Another interesting idea is a funny cartoon!

How to congratulate a teacher to colleagues

This procedure is usually not difficult, since in his team the teacher is an equal among equals: here the gift can be almost anything, and pompous words can be left for another occasion . As in any other team, congratulations to a colleague are usually prepared in advance, as is a gift. The presentation can be a playful hint at the teacher’s specialization, a subject agreed upon in advance, or a collective improvisation on a given topic. Whatever the gift and wishes to the teacher, the main thing is that after congratulations his mood is lifted , the years do not seem to have passed in vain, and his future activities are attractive and interesting. All this depends on the efforts of those who congratulate their teacher on this significant day, and on the meaning and mood he puts into his words.

What to do for specialized teachers?

Happy birthday is congratulated not only by the class teacher or the first teacher. Mentors who teach specialized subjects also deserve attention and respect from students.

Happy Birthday to the music teacher:

Let congratulations flow like notes for you today. So that worries do not touch you, and only the best will happen. What a pleasure it is to introduce music to children. We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you many bright days.

Happy Birthday Wishes for an English Teacher:

Congratulations, happy birthday, Don’t be sad over trifles. It's never too late to learn languages. A lot of money in my pockets, There is only a large bill in the bank. You see, I'm a foreigner. I haven't completely forgotten yet. I want to wish you happy, love and happiness for you. Thanks to your lessons, I love English so much!

Happy Birthday to the Russian language teacher:

You taught us to write correctly, to read classical authors with interest. Bunin, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Tolstoy, a difficult path has been traveled with you. But so interesting and fascinating, we will definitely continue to read. On your birthday, we wish you strength and patience, so that the light of knowledge, science and teaching does not go out.

Birthday greetings to a history teacher:

Let your story be very interesting, and let your life be exciting, bright, wonderful. History knows many good people, and you are among them, in a circle of true friends. Your subject fascinates: battles, battles, Wars, truces, great battles. And we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday.

Happy birthday poems for a math teacher:

We would like to congratulate you on your birthday, Our Lord of Theorems. We wish you to leave all the failures behind and enjoy life without any problems.

Happy Birthday to the geography teacher:

On your holiday, we wish you love, the ocean, the sea of ​​luck, where you are the captain. Mountains of luck, lakes of patience, The whole class wishes you a happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to a computer science teacher:

Today, without computers, we will simply be lost. What can we do, we live in an age of high technology. We wish to raise the best programmers, Thank you for your knowledge, radiant emoticons for you!

Congratulations to the physical education teacher:

We got ready to go for a run, only now we remembered that we wanted to congratulate you on your birthday. We want to wish you good health, and from us, greetings from physical education, May you continue physical education for many, many years to come.

Happy Birthday wishes to a male teacher

A male teacher will also be pleased to hear sincere congratulatory words from his students. You can read a touching poem to the birthday boy:

Let every day be filled with joy, Let only true friends be nearby. Let old age come later than everyone else, the family will be your support and support. Let life have everything you need, What life is usually good for: Love, profession and friendship, As well as a pure soul.

Congratulatory words in prose:

We want to congratulate a wonderful man, Teacher with a capital T, on his birthday! We would like to wish you energy, good health, patience and strength to continue the difficult work to which you have dedicated your life. May your students adore you, may your colleagues respect and appreciate you, and may your family truly love you. Happy birthday!

A selection of postcards and videos

Be sure to please your favorite teachers with warm congratulations, creative performances, and amazing gifts. For a teacher on his birthday, the best surprise will be the attention of the students, their care and respect, so come up with an unusual congratulation in advance to surprise the birthday boy.
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