The best tasks for street quests for different age categories of participants

When the weather is warm outside, and a group of cheerful friends has gathered in nature or at the dacha, you can arrange an exciting quest with a search for clues and gifts. Adults and children will be happy to plunge into the world of adventures, mysteries and have fun. You can organize a complex quest with a specific theme, costumes, even makeup. But a simple, entertaining game with simple tasks will appeal to participants, because it’s an opportunity to have fun and demonstrate their abilities. The tasks for the quest, which will take place on the street, should not be too difficult. At the same time, very simple riddles will quickly lead to the goal, and the game will not seem so exciting.

Types of quests

The quest industry is progressing extremely quickly - every year an increasing number of types of this entertainment appear. But there are main types of such events: – Quest room (escape room or questroom) One of the most popular types of quests presented in many cities of our country. It is a game according to the rules of which players are locked in a special room: the participants have to get out of it in a certain time (for example, an hour), solving various puzzles and finding hints and keys. If you type the appropriate request, for example, in, you can read what genres of quest rooms there are. – Role-playing games (live quests) In this case, we cannot talk about being tied to any room. The main thing in the game is interaction with other players. The participant receives a certain role and in this new image tries to solve certain problems, achieving his goals. The result in a role-playing game is sometimes unpredictable, since each participant may behave differently from what was planned in the script: players have to act without prompting (unlike in the questroom). -City Quest The action of the game is not limited to the walls of the room: tasks are solved in a vast space - on the streets or in entire areas of the city. – Quest performance This genre involves actors who set the rhythm and atmosphere of the game. - A virtual reality. So far, this genre is not very widespread in our country (one might say that we don’t have it yet), but the feeling of participating really exceeds all expectations. You are in virtuality, but are able to perform any actions, experiencing something that is difficult to achieve in real life (for example, this could be a flight in zero gravity). – Labyrinth Everything is clear from the name. The main task is to go through the labyrinth, overcoming various obstacles. The quest itself, as such, is not enough in this genre. – With eyes closed Before entering the room, you are carefully blindfolded, and then the actors will help you, whose task is to prompt and help you leave the mysterious room. All obstacles are overcome only with the help of touch, smell and hearing. – Children's questroom. All moments are aimed at the younger generation, so the tasks for the quest game are more fun and simple, and the whole atmosphere is more vibrant.

Outdoor quest for teenagers and youth

A quest for teenagers may contain intellectual and sports tasks. Dilute the game, which will take place on the street, with tasks for dexterity and ingenuity so that the participants do not get bored. Options for tasks for a youth quest can be as follows:

"Bring some water"

Participants are divided into two teams and given plastic buckets. The players' task is to transfer water from one container to another. The team that completes the task first receives an intermediate prize. To make the task more difficult, players must carry water in a yoke (ropes are attached to the two ends of the stick, from which buckets are hung). Another fun version of the task: participants stand one after another, each holding a bucket. The first player pours water over his back, trying to get into the bucket of the participant who is standing behind him.


In summer, skiing on grass is not the easiest task. You can come up with the original text of the note:

“You need to get into the very heart of the cave, but this can only be done with the help of two wooden sticks, because the gorge is blocked with snow.”

You can make skis for several participants. To do this, ropes are attached to two bars, which the players will hold on to. Two or three participants get on “skis” and cover the distance.

"Three-legged monster"

Two participants stand next to each other. The right leg of one participant and the left leg of the second player are tied with a rope. Players can now participate in the relay race.

The option with a “three-legged monster” is suitable for a quest in which children and parents participate. Team assignments will help bring children and parents together.

"Air balloons"

Participants must cover the distance with balls held between their legs. If the ball bursts or flies away, the player is eliminated. Another version of the task is to line up and place the balls between the players.

"Tug of War"

Another sports competition. Two participants stand on a stand (plastic or wooden boxes can be used). The players, at the command of the leader, begin to tug of war. The one who leaves the stand loses.

"Move the Eggs"

Players are given spoons and chocolate or regular eggs. Their task is to transfer the egg in a spoon without dropping it. A simple but very fun game for young people.

"Turning into a giant"

Tasks should not only be active, but also fun. Teams choose the thinnest participants, who wear large-sized clothes. The players' task is to fill their clothes with a large number of balloons. As a result, the participants turn into “marshmallow men”. A funny, cheerful task that will cheer up all participants in the game. After all the balls have been used, you can arrange a battle of giants like sumo.

“Moving the ball with water”

Participants are given water pistols and a large inflatable ball. Teams must use the force of a jet of water to move the ball to the final point.

"Working with your head"

Tights with a ball in the sock are put on the participants' heads. The player must tilt his head and try to knock down the pins with the ball. This unusual, funny competition will surely appeal to teenagers.

For children aged 12 years and older, in the quest you can come up with riddles with a trick:

  • It's pouring rain. Everyone goes without umbrellas. Who doesn't get their hair wet? (Bald man).
  • 5 bulls produced 20 liters of milk. How much milk does 1 bull produce? (Milk is provided by cows, not bulls).
  • What do you need to do to catch a tiger in a cage? (There are no such tigers, there are only striped ones).
  • The person guessed the score before the match started. How did he do it? (Before the start of the game the score is always the same – 0:0).
  • Can a horse jump over a horse? (Maybe in chess).

Quest tasks

There are different types of puzzles for such attractions, but here are the main ones: - with the participation of actors. The presenter and the characters of the game are not just dressed in costumes that reflect the theme of the game - they know important information that the players will have to obtain with the help of correct answers to questions. - team In this case, everything is arranged in such a way that each team member must become a participant in the process - simply standing on the sidelines will not work. For example, several people may be required to support the props, find the key, or quickly collect information over a large area. – logical If we consider any quest, the task scenarios can be very different, but almost no game can do without this type of puzzle. Logical tasks are solving puzzles, calculating ciphers and rebuses, comparing facts.

Quest in the camp scenario

Quests have many scenarios with different themes, but for a camp it is better to choose programs that will be of interest to different age categories. Ideally, quests should be carried out with children over 6 years old, which is exactly what is provided for in the rules of children's sanatoriums and camps. The plot of the game idea should be good, without bloodshed and horror films, which are so fashionable in horror quests. The quest itself involves several stages of completing the game. At each individual site you need to perform a specific task.

The camp area is large, and some institutions are located in forest areas, which additionally provides a field of activity. Quest is a team game, and at each station players need to complete tests as quickly as possible. The gathering points for participants are set at a short distance, so that it is convenient for children to move around the area. Competitions are held between several teams. Whose total time is shorter than the rest of the results will be considered the winner.

Before the start, each team is given a waybill indicating the points. The first quest will be alphabetic. At each site you will need to get a letter, or better yet several at once, but this is not so easy to do. Team members must pass a test. The first task will be to hit inflatable balls with darts. A piece of paper will be hidden in each ball, and three attempts are given for each team. Children throw darts, if someone misses then it's a real problem. This means that the team has lost a letter. In this case, the game is played against time.

Second phase. The presenter gives out a letter after passing the obstacle course: a laid out rope, a stretched web, old barrels, you need to quickly run through all this to give your team the best time.

Third stage. You need to solve riddles. 5 riddles will be enough. Fourth stage. The station is a little further than usual, so the guys need to hurry up.
From the given words you need to create a phrase from the song. While maintaining word order, you also need to remember to take time into account. Fifth stage , final. A game of trickle, five pairs line up in a column, while the first pair runs around the last, the column raises its arms so that the players can run quickly. The game is considered completed after the last pair passes the test. As a result, you need to calculate the time and compose a phrase from the collected letters. Surely the participants guessed the hidden phrase. But in the end, the best time or friendship will win, as the counselors decide.

Examples of quest tasks

It is, of course, impossible to list all the tasks, since there are hundreds of them. But here are a few of those that you may encounter in one or another version of the game: - defuse a bomb, a dummy of which is built into a suitcase. You open the case, the timer starts counting down, say, a minute and a half. If unsuccessful, there will certainly not be an explosion, but you will hear a sound signal. – you need to take fingerprints from a cup or lighter and compare them with those provided by the detective; – you need to match the words from the newspaper headlines with the map and get the key; – one of the players puts on a helmet with a camera, but he himself does not see anything. His movements are controlled by the rest of the team using a tablet and prompts; – recognize writing on the wall using an ultraviolet lamp; – get to the desired key/folder with documents through a laser alarm; – having picked up the keys, dial a certain combination of numbers on the phone and listen to an important message; – collect information over a large area, communicating with the team using walkie-talkies (tasks can be located on trees, houses, objects, etc.); – develop the inscriptions on an ancient scroll using special solutions; – cope with a large manual maze in which the ball must fall into certain pockets; – create a keyword using a code set of numbers and a book; – solve the puzzle by mixing various substances, etc.

It’s unlikely that anyone will send you a finished quest with tasks, since scenarios are a trade secret, and they are often compiled individually, taking into account the wishes of customers and budget limits. However, if you need to organize a quest, you can take as a basis the sample scenarios proposed on the relevant sites and supplement them with your own tasks, based on who the event is being prepared for and under what conditions it will be held.

Scenario of the quest game Begalka

Before completing the quest, units receive the “Pirate Race” card. Each location must host sporting events. The squad that completes the quest the fastest wins. The total time is summed up and the results of the game are summed up.

Location "Ship of Hope"

An elastic band in the shape of a ship will be stretched between the trees. Each squad member needs to get through the stretched web. The presenter sets a timer and records the time on a pirate sheet near the location passed.

Location "Bay of Joy"

There is a statue in the middle of the Bay. The leader gives the team 5-7 hoops. Visually, you need to imagine that there is a sea around the statue; you cannot enter this territory. Everyone who stepped outside the designated boundaries + 10 seconds to the total time. The hoops need to be thrown onto the statue, this is also done for a while. In case of a failed attempt, + 20 seconds are added to the final time.

Location "River of Faith"

The guys go to the rope town. The task of each player is to cross the suspension bridge as quickly as possible and not fall into the “river”. The team that has fallen players gets + 20 seconds.

Location “Swamp of Doubts and Fears”

The detachment arrived at the swamp. A real disaster happened here; clean water ran out. The guys need to deliver clean water using a glass to a bucket located at the end of the route. The team lines up and carries water from a container that stands nearby. One player took the water, ran, poured it into a bucket, returned with an empty glass and passed it to the next player. The result is recorded in the pirate sheet.

Location "Dark Forest"

The children are given a sheet with riddles, mixed up phrases, in other words, a real dark forest. Participants need to decipher all tasks for a while.

Location “Wind of Change”

Does everyone remember the game "Tag"? So, literally 5 minutes ago, the wind blew in and mixed up all the numbers. For a while, you need to move the numbers so that they find arithmetic order. Time has passed!

Location "Treasure"

There are logs (slats) laid out on the grass; you need to use them to get to the treasure, which is located at the end of the path. The condition of this attraction is to walk the entire path together hand in hand. As soon as the last participant steps on land, you can stop time and calculate the overall result.

Quest tasks for children

The complexity of the tasks affects how exciting the event will be, but in this case you need to adhere to the rule - “don’t overdo it.” The tasks should not be overly complex, but even simple tasks are boring. will help you organize a bright and unusual quest for a children’s party. What kind of tasks could these be? Well, one of the simplest quest options for children is “Cobweb”. You need to take a long rope, a lock and a key. The rope is wrapped in any order around the trees, a lock is attached to one end, and a key is attached to the other in such a way that they can be easily moved along the rope. The kids' goal is to open the lock. One group “drives” the lock, and the other the key. In the middle of the journey, the groups meet and successfully open the castle.

Trip to Mrhojedy

First you need to go to the Upper Castle in Rattay and talk to the lords. You will be sent to the village of Mrhoedy. Let's move there. The village is in disrepair. We speak with any of the residents - they will tell you about the attack and the ensuing pestilence. The Pestilence quest that will open is considered a side quest, and we will describe its passage in another section.

First of all, meet with Matei. He is lying on the floor in the barn. Talk about all available topics - Matei will tell you that the criminal who needs to be interrogated is also sick and quarantined.

Now you have two options:

  • Complete the quest “Pestilence” - this will give a good ending to the entire story chapter, because you will also heal other villagers. True, all or not all – this will still depend on many factors.
  • Skip the “Pestilence” and immediately make your way to the prisoner - many will die in Mrhoedy, and your reputation there will drop greatly.

Quests for teenagers

Simple puzzles are no longer enough for an event with teenagers. It will be more interesting for teenagers to solve more complex, logical tasks, but the quest should still be bright, dynamic, with interesting transitions, so that teenagers do not get bored in some moments of failure. Ideally, this should be an interactive, dynamic game that contains elements of logic, risk, and interesting quest tasks.

Thus, quests are one of the most original ways to spend a birthday, a children's party, or an ordinary boring day. There are a lot of options: choose any. And believe me, such an event will be remembered for many years!

Where to hide the next hints and tasks

In other words, I will briefly list WHICH WORDS we will encrypt most often. You can, of course, just tell the children that the key to the chest with gifts is hidden somewhere in the room, and they will rummage through the whole room for you. The essence of the quest is to take turns guessing the places in which new passwords, scrolls, and objects are hidden.

These are the places:

• furniture (the answer to the riddle should be: table, chair, chest of drawers, window, etc.) • sofa cushions • household appliances (microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, bread maker, oven, etc.) • “under the carpet » • interior items (vases, boxes, caskets, chests, paintings, etc.) • magnets and souvenirs from different countries with the name of the city written on them • multi-volume collected works (guess the volume number and pick up the clue there) • mailbox ( it’s incredibly exciting to go down to the first floor and open your box with a key when it comes to the last hint about gifts) • suitcases and briefcases with combination locks

Other caches can be like this:

• a bottle (even if it floats in a bathtub, which is not the sea) • balloons (they need to burst, naturally) • ice figures (in the New Year's quest I froze water in rubber gloves and balls, I got a whole basin of ice blocks of different shapes. For the sake of getting a hint the children defrosted it all under the tap in the sink) • a box of sand in which you need to find small objects • candies in wrappers • cookies with hints / fortunes (here is the recipe on my website) • jars for storing bulk products • pots with live plants • dishes on the festive table (you can attach a hint to the bottom of the plates)

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