Beautiful 1 year old birthday greetings to a girl or boy in your own words in SMS, poetry and prose


We wish good health and many smiles to our one-year-old angel!
Let him explore the world around him with interest, with his eyes wide open! Let him please mom and dad with his funny laughter! Let him sleep sweetly at night, giving his parents a rest! Happy holiday! ***
Congratulations to the little miracle on its first year. I wish you bright happiness in life and correct independent steps, invincible curiosity and fun games, good fun and funny jokes, sincere smiles and kind words.


Congratulations to a wonderful, wonderful, sweetest and most magnificent child on his first year of life. I wish you, our happiness, to always be a curious and inquisitive person, to constantly show interest in every new day, to create a good atmosphere of fairy tales and magic around you.


Congratulations on your wonderful baby's first year! I wish you a clear and peaceful sky above your head, baby, I wish you real magic in your life and good miracles, I wish your parents mutual understanding and more strength, I wish you to be not only a cheerful, obedient and wonderful child, but also the greatest pride and joy of your family .


Our little miracle is dear and beloved! Today you are a whole year old, one year old, because it was very difficult for you! Now you can do a lot, you have entered life as a full-fledged person, loved by all your loved ones! I wish you rosy cheeks, strong legs, clear and joyful eyes and skillful hands! And also heroic health, boundless curiosity, success in life, joy and happiness every day and every hour!


Dear sweet baby, congratulations on your first important date! We wish you to grow up healthy, cheerful, let your joyful laughter sound every day, and let your loved ones always be nearby. Grow big and strong!


Today you turned one year old. I would like to wish you that your life would be an endless fairy tale, that your loved ones would always warm you with their care. May your days be filled with warm rays and sweet rivers of happiness carry you under the skies.


A year is the time of beginning of knowledge and discoveries; at this time, a small citizen of a big country teaches himself what is good and what is bad. So let him always have a worthy example in the form of his parents before his eyes, let his steps be correct, and illnesses never darken the path. Happiness and fun to the young birthday boy.


Happy first birthday to your angelic creation from the bottom of our hearts. Let it grow for the joy of the whole family, let it pleasantly surprise you every day and bring happiness to your home!


The first year is the most difficult, so I hasten to congratulate you on “passing” the first year, happy birthday! I wish your baby to grow up moderately big and healthy, delight his parents with his discoveries and absorb like a sponge a huge flow of information necessary for development. Let your child grow up as a brave, intelligent and well-mannered child who charms everyone with laughter and a genuine smile. Be healthy, don’t get sick and believe in your strong baby. Happy holiday! Happy birthday!

Happy 1st birthday greetings to the girl in your own words

Congratulations on your 1st birthday in your own words will bring a charge of positive energy to the whole family and fill their souls with sunshine. Sincere, touching words coming from the heart will wrap the child in a cloud of love and tenderness. Extraordinary, sensual lines will help parents stop a moment of joy and capture it on the tablets of their hearts.

Your daughter is one year old, congratulations! Let this little flower grow, warmed by the sun of your boundless love and care. Let neither the storms of life nor the evil winds of disappointment touch her. May she grow up to be a beautiful, vibrant rose!


Our little beauty, for 12 whole months you have been giving us happiness, joy and love. We have been through so much: colic, teething, sleepless nights, mountains of diapers. And how much more is to come. But all these are little things, be healthy, cheerful, full of energy. I wish you great happiness. Happy birthday!


My little, beautiful princess! In the year I wish you to grow up healthy, happy and cheerful. Constantly charge us with your positive mood. I give you today and always 1000 kisses! Our beloved sun, Happy Birthday!


Our little angel, today you are 1 year old! We are the happiest parents, because you give us your smiles and your childhood love! May every day be special for you, may your lips always smile and your legs jump with happiness!


Congratulations on your first year and I want to wish you joy, a wonderful and wonderful life, in which every day will be filled with the smiles of your family, emotions of happiness, moments of love, sunny days, magical fairy tales and sweet dreams.


I can’t even believe that our little princess is already 12 months old! Baby, you are our treasure, our diamond, which sparkles and shines in the rays of parental love. May your life always be filled with smiles, fun and joy! We love you!


Here's to your 1st birthday! Happy birthday! You are our bright ray of unearthly happiness. We wish you health, joy, peaceful skies. Let our home, warm and cozy, always be your safe haven in this troubled world. We love you, our baby.


Exactly a year ago you got a little general who began to command everyone with loud crying. A year later, she turned into a little princess, pretty and charming. Let her grow up and become a queen - beautiful, smart and kind!


Congratulations, miracle, on your first birthday, on your first year of a fun and happy life. May everything work out great for you, may you be surrounded by funny nursery rhymes and exciting games, may you always have the support of loved ones nearby, may your mother’s affection and father’s care help you in everything. I wish you, baby, daily joy and a wonderful mood.


Happy birthday to you, little sun! May your clear eyes always shine with joy, may your first steps be firm and confident, and may the smile never leave your sweet face. I wish you great health, please your mom and dad with your curiosity and first successes, be surrounded by affection and care. Live happily, baby!

At home or in a cafe?

The next thing you need to decide is to celebrate your birthday at home or in a cafe. I admit, at first I thought about a restaurant, because then I wouldn’t have to cook and accommodate a bunch of people in a tiny apartment. But then I thought: what’s best for my family and specifically for the child? After all, the baby will want to sleep, and it will be unrealistic to put her to bed in a noisy cafe. Besides, you have to go to the cafe, which means time and nerves on the road, changing clothes, carrying bags with you...

What can we say about the price of food and room rental! For example, an average children's cafe in Moscow will cost 3,000 rubles per person . For our 12-member family, the bill amount will be at least 36,000 rubles. And this is the price of a year and a half supply of diapers or as many as two sports complexes for a child. Or many other things, much more useful than financial assistance to restaurant owners who are already strapped for money.

In general, we decided to get together at home as a family and settled quite well in a small apartment.:) The main thing is to stock up on enough cutlery and cups. As often happens, many of your relatives and friends have their own affairs, so the feast will not take much time - two to three hours at most. Does it make sense to give a considerable amount of money in order to party for an hour? Who do you want to surprise with this? For me, the most important thing is family relationships, communication with loved ones, which can most easily be enjoyed in silence and in a familiar environment. In a cafe, you will be 100% “lost” and will not be able to focus on the most important thing.

Congratulations on his 1st birthday to a boy in his own words

Our website contains a large collection of congratulations in your own words. Fill the ready-made phrases with your feelings and unique, personal energy. This way you will get a non-standard, original congratulation that will delight the baby and surprise his parents. Be sure to share words of support and love with your loved ones. After all, the more you open up to the world, the more the world fills your life with meaning.

Dear baby, congratulations on your first year! I wish that every day of your childhood begins with a smile, that there are always kind and good people around. May all cherished doors open before you and may your wildest plans come true. Health, fairy tales and the best toys in the world!


Happy birthday to you, little miracle. The first year of your life has passed quickly. You still have no idea how many incredible and interesting things await you. But I wish you good health, many new discoveries, good friends and happiness.


Congratulations to your wonderful, little, sweet angel. We wish him strong, firm and successful first steps. We wish him trouble-free belly teeth, no pain, so that our little angel will always be active, happy, loved and satisfied!


Dearest child! So your first year of life has passed, albeit not yet consciously, but already productive: you learned to walk and talk. I wish you that these acquired skills will be improved in life, acquiring even more meaning, and that you will always be lucky in life!


Happy birthday to you, baby. Your first year of life has passed, you have seen a lot of beautiful things, and every year you will see more and more. In your life, different things will come your way. I hope that there will be many more wonderful events, and that you will share all the misfortunes and hardships with your family and friends. I wish you a lot of success in the life that awaits you, be surrounded by the love of your family, meet your first friends, make your dreams come true. Happy holiday!


Today the little man turned one year old. What an important date, so many accomplishments and discoveries. The first tooth, the first step, the first word. Let the guardian angel cover the baby with his wing and protect him from troubles.


Our little angel has been with us for a whole year and during this time there have been so many new discoveries, changes and happy moments that it seems that he has always been with us. Today, on this special day for parents, I want to wish your little sun to grow up smiling, carefree and cheerful!


Today your baby is one year old, for which we are endlessly happy to congratulate you! Please accept my heartfelt wishes on this auspicious day. Let your child inherit all the best from his parents and grow up healthy, smart, and happy.


Happy birthday, dear sunshine. On your first year, I want to wish you a cheerful, kind, interesting and happy life without whims, pouting and boring days. May your parents help you make amazing discoveries, may you manage to conquer all the thresholds and peaks.


Congratulations to the lovely child on his first year. I wish you golden happiness, great discoveries and interesting knowledge, exciting activities and fun travels, bright colors of life and positive emotions.

Happy birthday year

We want to wish your baby a happy birthday! We wish you to grow, flourish and develop. Health to your treasure! Happy birthday!

Today is exactly one year of happiness! Congratulations on this. Let the child grow stronger and grow - We wish you from the heart.

Today the baby turns one year old, I hasten to congratulate you on the holiday, Parents. May your child grow up happy and healthy, May your home be filled with happiness from year to year.

The child has turned one year old, There is noise and commotion in the house, Children's laughter is cheerful, ringing, Heard here and there. Happy birthday!

Angel, Happy Birthday! Happy first year to you! New bright impressions, Happiness, light and goodness!

First year! Happy Birthday! Have a joyful mood! Explore the wonderful world, have fun, grow, play!

What to give to the baby?

Nowadays there is such a choice of toys that it is very easy to get confused. Here is a small list of what is suitable for “one year olds”:

  • everything that goes on wheels delights them. A large car so that you can put bears and hares in it and roll it on a string, tolokar, doll strollers, etc.;
  • playhouse or tent;
  • inflatable pool;
  • swing or floor rocking toy (they are wooden, inflatable and plush);
  • You can already give the girl the first doll and sets for it (dishes, crib, house, etc., just so that they do not contain small parts).

In the pool and outdoors

How about celebrating in the pool? If a child loves to swim, then why not? You can get together in a small group at a club. Where there is a bar and a swimming pool for the little ones. The baby will go swimming with loved ones, and adults can visit the bar with him for a short time. It is not recommended to drag out such a holiday, an hour and a half maximum. But how nice it is to dress up your daughter as a Mermaid and give her pleasure!

Many mothers draw so-called wall newspapers dedicated to the baby. This is good, and you can’t stop your imagination! But you shouldn’t depict the family tree in a large format. It’s not very convenient to store such a newspaper, but how nice it is, how you want to keep it as a keepsake. In addition, you can take a small wall newspaper with you anywhere, for example, out into the fresh air.

There are certain places for organizing holidays in nature. There is everything you need: tables and even barbecues. But you can find a secluded place. Somewhere on the edge of a forest or by a river. The trees are decorated with hearts, toys, photographs and garlands. In the fresh air, the birthday boy has the opportunity to sleep, so if the baby is not restless, then the celebration is celebrated for a long time. Organizing competitions in the fresh air is even more interesting than at home. For example, the competition “Who can spit out the pacifier next.” Or “Who will be the first to drink juice from a baby bottle.”

When arranging a holiday in a place unusual for the baby, you need to provide everything necessary. It will be very difficult if the baby gets scared or behaves restlessly. It is very important that the birthday person feels good, because this is his holiday. You need to think in advance about the possibility of quickly returning home if it is urgently needed. It's good if you have your own vehicle.

That’s why they try to invite guests to their apartment, because home is calmer.

How to entertain the birthday boy?

To create a festive atmosphere, buy bright children's paraphernalia: colored caps, noses, balls, toys that glow in the dark, soap bubbles, musical instruments (pipes, bells). Even if there are no other children at the holiday, let the adults remember their childhood and become imbued with the process of a fun, carefree children's game.

Be sure to make a wall newspaper for the holiday with a photo collage from the baby’s first year of life with interesting, funny inscriptions. Leave empty spaces on it so that all guests and mom and dad can write their congratulations and wishes there.

We offer you the idea of ​​small gifts for guests that they can take home: small photo collages of 12 portraits of the birthday boy, which depict the stages of his growing up month by month.

Even if your celebration is taking place in a narrow circle, it is still worth coming up with and holding a couple of traditional quiz competitions. It is always interesting and brings a spirit of intrigue and competition.

Let all competitions be dedicated to the baby. For example:

  • quiz “Who knows the birthday boy better?” Here you can ask a variety of questions: height, weight at birth and now, zodiac sign, when he started walking, what the name means, what was the first word, etc.;
  • competition for the best performance of a lullaby or any children's song.

Tips for organizing a holiday:

  1. Coordinate the time of the celebration with the child’s daily routine. There is no need to schedule an event for the evening; it is best if it occurs after a nap, when the baby is full of energy, strength and ready to play and have fun;
  2. Such a small child will not be able to hold a long holiday, so you will have to limit yourself to 2-3 hours. When you prepare the holiday script, remember this. It will be a shame if, in the midst of fun, the baby gets tired and begins to be capricious and whine from fatigue;
  3. Start some family tradition on this day. For example, take a group holiday photo with your child in the same place. Over the years, you will collect them into an album, where you will clearly see how the baby grew, matured, and went through all the stages of development. You never know how many interesting traditions you can come up with! The more, the more interesting, and the more fun the holiday will be.
  4. Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether or not to invite a large group. But still, you should not impose adult ceremonies on a one-year-old child: receiving guests, inviting other children with whom he is unlikely to be able to play, long “get-togethers” at the table. Think carefully, does your little one need guests on this day? Maybe, really, you can get by with your closest people and relatives who love your baby, know you well and, to some extent, take part in his upbringing?

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