“Thank you” for the birthday greetings: a response in prose, poetry, pictures

Options for congratulations from the birthday boy or hero of the day to his guests. Greetings in verse and prose.

Preparing for an anniversary requires a lot of effort. The hero of the day not only needs to rejoice at the attention of the guests, listen to pleasant words of congratulations and accept gifts. Your own birthday is also work, from which you can even get tired. After all, you need to give a response to the guests at the anniversary. We invite you to think in advance about words that will make your guests feel warm and surrounded by attention.

Welcome speech from the hero of the day to the guests

What to say in response to birthday greetings in prose

It’s so nice to hear warm and sincere words addressed to you at a birthday celebration! The rules of decency require a response from the addressee. The hero of the occasion rarely succeeds in spontaneous monologues. His overwhelming feelings and emotions make it difficult to find the right words to adequately thank the congratulators.

The best way out is to prepare in advance to receive holiday wishes. Select a few response phrases from the list below and insert them into the right place in the solemn regulations. By doing this, you will not only avoid hesitations and confusion, but will also please your opponents with adequate, coherent speech. The main thing is to say it sincerely, since any falsehood will immediately catch your eye. Your speech might sound like this:

  1. My dear! Thank you very much for your attention, for your wonderful gifts and heartfelt congratulations. Your presence in my house (at my table) gives me great pleasure. After all, the closest and most beloved people have gathered here. Be always healthy and happy! Please continue to please me with your visits.
  2. I thank everyone present. Your kind words mean a lot to me.
  3. I am touched by your attention, the warmth that you gave me. I am very proud to have such bright and loving people next to me.
  4. Thank you very much for your wonderful congratulations! Today’s birthday has become a real holiday for me, and your wishes inspired me, instilled confidence and determination, gave me strength and vigor. In return, please accept sincere wishes of happiness and goodness, excellent health and unquenchable spiritual optimism.

Fortune telling methods

Often comic rituals are performed by professional presenters, but they can also be done by an ordinary person hosting guests. There are options that do not require preliminary preparation; they can save the feast when guests, after a hearty dinner, begin to slowly retreat into their thoughts.


One of the guests should dress up as a gypsy; any long skirt with a scarf tied over it will do. To make it funnier, it is better to give this role to a man. Instead of a wig, you can wear a scarf on your head.

Predictions can be ridiculous and casual:

  • “You’re wearing a red shirt”;
  • “you came with your husband, the children are with your mother-in-law”;
  • “Now you will eat fish, etc.”

They tell fortunes by hand, by cards, on a special ball or by eyebrows. The last option is non-standard, but the predictions themselves have nothing to do with reality. In response to the service provided, you can collect a symbolic fee, and give the collected money to the birthday boy, newlyweds, or just the first person you meet. It would be original to predict the profit of one of the guests, and at the end of the fortune-telling, hand it over, giving away the collected money.

Competitions will bring new positive emotions. They may not always have a standard appearance. You can invite guests to compete for predictions in the following ways:

  1. Whose joke turns out to be funnier will soon receive a pleasant gift or surprise.
  2. Whoever undresses faster will receive a supplement, and whoever is slower will receive a penalty toast.
  3. Whoever is kissed on the cheek by the women present with painted lips the most times will be able to wash off traces of lipstick, and the loser will sit with a red face for another 3 hours.

By films

First you need to prepare cards with movie titles. They are laid out in any order on the table or in the hands of the presenter. Guests sit in a circle and take turns asking the same or different questions. They usually ask: “What awaits me tomorrow?” and “What is my future life like?” All guests can interpret the answers, so fortune telling often develops into a lively discussion.

The following films and TV shows can encourage fun conversations:

  • "Chicken Run";
  • "Watch out for the car";
  • "Armageddon";
  • "House 2";
  • "The Wedding Planner";
  • "House of Wax";
  • "House with the ghosts";
  • "Dumb and Dumber";
  • "Hachiko";
  • "Best Friend's Wedding"
  • "Indecent proposal";
  • "17 moments of Spring";
  • "The 40-Year-Old Virgin";
  • "Blonde in law";
  • "Friends with Benefits";
  • "Love-Carrot";
  • "Breaking Bad" etc.

It is possible that a group of friends have their own favorite films that they watched together, for example, in the cinema. If there are any, you should definitely include them in the list of predictions.

By songs

The song competition is not original and well-known, but every time it brings a lot of positive emotions. The host approaches the guest and pretends to be diligently trying to read his thoughts, at which point the assistant or he himself turns on the song. You need to choose cheerful compositions, preferably on the verse and chorus, avoiding long plays of empty music.

The following songs are suitable:

  1. “A glass of vodka”;
  2. "Sea of ​​Beer";
  3. “Oh my God, what a man”;
  4. “Fellow traveler” / “Loneliness”;
  5. “Oh, this wedding”;
  6. “There is nothing better in the world”;
  7. “Malinki” / “And there is white sand on the sea”;
  8. “I feel like, girls, I’m going on a spree”;
  9. “All in a bunch”;
  10. “The fish of my dreams” / “Drink in St. Petersburg.”

crystal ball

This attribute suggests something magical and magical. In the store you can find a real prediction ball with ready-made answers to questions asked, with electrical impulses or musical accompaniment. But if it is impossible to purchase it, any glass object will do; especially resourceful ones even use the head of a cat, taking the animal in their arms. The bald head of one of the guests can be used as a wishing ball. The main thing is that he comes, otherwise you will have to improvise.

A psychic or clairvoyant comes out with a crystal ball. You can voice the “thoughts” of the ball or give an answer to a question asked by a guest. To make it more fun, the magician should wear appropriate clothes, a long robe, a cloak or just a wig with red hair. Anything that can please the company should be used.

According to notes with predictions

This theme allows you to improvise like no other. One of the common options for fortune telling using fortune notes is to place them under a plate or chair. To do this, you need to write jokes in advance, perhaps in poetic form, and paste them. You should use tape so that the sheets remain undamaged and can be easily removed.

The host approaches each guest and asks to read a note, preferably with an expression.

So that guests do not hesitate to read and do not mess around, you can only place pieces of paper with numbers. When they say their number, the leader will pronounce a comic prophecy for them. This way you can get around the embarrassment of guests in a team where people don’t know each other well, and give you the opportunity to laugh at your possible future from the outside.

Cookies and a “magic” bag

An alternative to simple notes is an unusual presentation. If the predictions are not targeted, but general, each guest will have the opportunity to get it on their own, and interest will arise in the face of the unknown.

Pre-printed or written predictions are rolled up and placed in cookies and baked in the oven. At the time of the final tea party, everyone is invited to take part in the ritual. A warm farewell message for the near future will be a winner. For graduates, you can print future professions, for colleagues - the size of the bonus.

A magic bag will come in handy at a children's party or at a New Year's corporate party, as it is associated with Santa Claus. The printed predictions are placed in a bag and mixed thoroughly before each guest. Whoever takes out the prophecy reads it loudly. To make it more interesting, before the opportunity to find out your fate, you can offer to complete tasks (sit down 5 times, kiss your neighbor at the table, tell a joke, etc.).

To make the event memorable, you can take an unusual photo. For example, with a gypsy or a magic bag filled with positive predictions.

What to say to colleagues in response to birthday greetings

It is customary in the work collective to “make happy” the birthday person, remembering his professional achievements. Equally important is the communication between the hero of the occasion and other team members. More sociable employees who maintain informal relationships with colleagues receive the most casual and friendly congratulations. Their response is also devoid of rigor and formality.

Those employees whose relationships with the team do not go beyond production needs can also count on sincere and friendly congratulations, however, most likely, they will not be devoid of formality and nomenclature.

Be that as it may, congratulations from colleagues should be responded to politely and affably. The response can be in poetry or prose. Let your co-workers know that you value them highly as colleagues and value their attitude towards you.

  1. Dear Colleagues! I am very lucky to be in your close-knit team, to work side by side with such open and responsive people. Thank you for your congratulations and good wishes. They gave me moments of sincere joy and positivity, instilled optimism and confidence in a happy future. Thank you!
  2. Dear friends, dear comrades! Your congratulations and flattering wishes are very important to me. Thanks to you, I feel confident and comfortable in the team, I know that in difficult times I will always find support in you. A warm and friendly atmosphere in a team of like-minded people helps us quickly and accurately solve any, even the most complex, production tasks. Thank you for your joint work, for your mutual assistance and positive attitude. Be successful in all your affairs and endeavors!
  3. I sincerely thank our entire friendly team for their attention to my humble personality! My birthday was a good opportunity for all of us to gather around the same table and express our deep gratitude to each other for every day of our joint activities. I highly appreciate your attitude and value the wishes you received. I thank you each and every person for your brilliant communication, amazing commonality of interests and high professionalism. Let our workdays never be boring and monotonous, and let everyone’s individual contribution to the common cause receive high financial appreciation! Be healthy!

Who would be interested in comic predictions?

Every guest wants to hear something pleasant and funny, if the holiday atmosphere predisposes to this. Each category of participants has its own specifics of fortune telling:

  • children believe in miracles and are ready to follow what they hear;
  • schoolchildren - want to hear praise or jokes about classmates;
  • colleagues - at corporate events they like to have fun and be distracted from work, this can unite the team;
  • friends - they like to joke with each other, any kind of humor is appropriate, but it is recommended to choose short and funny facts about the future;
  • mothers are always happy about their children’s success and positive prospects for the future.

If the guests at the table are different, for example, representatives of different generations, then preference should be given to general predictions - neutral ones that do not affect everyone individually. Among like-minded people and loved ones, dark humor, vulgarity and recollections of life stories may be acceptable.

How can you respond to congratulations in a letter?

The epistolary genre is gradually losing ground. Only the most staunch conservatives will bother writing a letter, and even then, send it via email. Our fast-paced age does not tolerate verbosity. Words and sentences are shortened in messages, and outlandish formulations and definitions appear in the lexicon.

However, there are situations when a response to congratulations simply needs to be issued in the form of a letter. The most common option is congratulations from a business partner. The rules of business etiquette require a written expression of gratitude for the attention shown. The composition of the thank you letter must meet certain rules:

  1. Address to the congratulator. It is customary to address the recipient by first name, patronymic or last name, but preface it with the word “Mr.” In any case, the recipient's name must be preceded by the word "Dear."
  2. Thanks for the congratulations. Express it in warm and sincere words.
  3. Assessing the partner’s activities in relation to you and your business. Make it clear to the congratulator that you highly value his personal attitude towards you.
  4. Confirmation of intentions for further cooperation and expression of hope for its development. Show your partner that you are interested in further joint activities.
  5. Response wishes to your partner.
  6. Sender's signature.

For example:

Dear I.O.!

I am sincerely grateful to you for your warm congratulations on the occasion of my birthday. Your friendly support and partnership have always helped me in solving the most difficult problems. I hope that our mutually beneficial cooperation will strengthen and develop in the future. Through joint efforts we will be able to bring it to a new, higher level.

For my part, I wish you good health and great success in your creative activities.

Sincerely, full name.

What events can be diversified with comic fortune telling?

Fortune telling may be appropriate in the following cases:

EventPeople to whom fortune telling is dedicatedExamples of predictions
New Year
  • To everyone present;
  • Santa Claus
  1. “I feel that the gift from Santa Claus will be fresh until March 8th.”
  2. “In the new year, something will happen to you that your cheeks will be red, not from the frost.”
  3. “I see, I see... Now I don’t see... Move away man, I already asked you.”
old New YearTo everyone present
  1. “The New Year just recently arrived, but we can’t celebrate it.”
  2. “Another dish will be ready soon... let me scan the kitchen... It’s a goose!”
Christmas/YuletideTo everyone present
  1. “Today you will be guessing about your future husband, the probability that the name will coincide with reality is 1.25%.”
  2. “To ensure good health this year, everyone present needs to buy vitamins and a sweater with deer.”
School - start of the school year
  • Students;
  • to the teacher;
  • parents
  1. “To get excellent grades in mathematics, you need to know what a leg and a hypotenuse are, and much more.”
  2. “Immediately after the lesson there will always be a break where you can relax and get ready for the new lesson.”
School - end of the school year
  • Students;
  • teachers;
  • parents
  1. “Summer is ahead, and you will really miss your students.”
  2. “Soon the school will be empty, I see how you pass by and are bored”
  • Newlyweds;
  • guests
  1. “Tomorrow you will wake up for the first time as official husband and wife.”
  2. “This evening all guests will be waiting for an invitation to the second day.”
  3. “The hangover is just around the corner... Be prepared!”
  • Birthday boy;
  • parents and loved ones;
  • friends and other invitees
  1. “Today you are a year older.”
  2. “You are the mother of the birthday boy (point with finger), exactly... years ago on this day you gave birth to him.”
  3. “You all came to congratulate the same person, because you care about him - sometimes you come to him to borrow money”
Corporate event
  • Director;
  • colleagues
  1. “I can’t believe the thoughts coming into my head, my salary will double next month.”
  2. “Oh, I feel like the bonus will soon fall on your head, everyone needs to dodge to the left, otherwise there is a risk of getting hurt.”
  3. “The annual report is just around the corner...”
March 8
  • Women;
  • men
  1. “I know who will give you flowers... It’s not me.”
  2. “I see the gift moving in your pocket. He is ashamed that he is without flowers.”
  3. “I feel a man is standing behind you... Man, move away”

How to say thank you in social media status

The realities of the century of technological progress make their own adjustments to the lives of modern people. Purchases and sales, education and training, interaction with government agencies and commercial enterprises have moved to the Internet zone.

Communication of a significant part of users also takes place in the virtual space through social networks and forums. Congratulations from friends and subscribers received through the World Wide Web have long become an integral part of our memorable dates and anniversaries.

The peculiarity of virtual communication is the large number of potential congratulators who have no chance to forget about your anniversary. After all, a helpful resource will always tell you which of its users is the birthday boy. After receiving wishes from your Internet friends, thank them for their attention.

There are several options for this:

Mass mailing. The technical capabilities of online communities make it possible to send messages to a whole list of subscribers in a few minutes. Compose a universal text suitable for all congratulators. Express your gratitude here:

  • Thank you very much for your warm congratulations! Your attention is very important to me.
  • Thank you for your wishes! I'm very pleased.

Post on your wall. Post it the day after your birthday. The message will appear in your friends' news feed. Design it in the form of a postcard and write a thank you text:

  • I am a very happy person, because I have YOU, my best friends! Thank you for your congratulations and warm wishes!
  • I really want all your wishes to come true not only for me, but also for you!
  • Each of you is dear to me and loved. Thank you for the warmth and kindness that you gave me today!
  • Thank you for your congratulations! Smiles and my festive mood are solely your merit, my beloved friends!

Reply comment. Did a friend post a birthday greeting on your wall? Leave a comment thanking him for your attention:

  • Thank you, I am extremely pleased.
  • Thank you for your congratulations and good wishes.
  • Many thanks, may everything be fine for you.
  • Thank you, I love you very much!

Complete the words with a suitable emoticon. It will graphically convey the feelings and emotions you experience.

Thank you friends in your own words

When it comes to close friends, officialdom is not acceptable in table speeches. The more soulfulness and improvisation, the better. Try to choose the warmest and most sincere words to express the depth of your feelings. Let's allow unobtrusive tactile contact. Light hugs and pats on the shoulder will create an intimate, family atmosphere at the holiday table. A happy smile and joy in the eyes can speak without words about the feelings experienced by the hero of the occasion towards the people honoring him at a friendly feast.

Kind words of gratitude won't hurt either. Thank guests for gifts. As a rule, close friends are very careful in their choice.

Make it clear that you are very glad to meet you. If the company gathered is not very large, try to identify each guest by name. Insert in your response some personal information and information known only to your narrow circle.

  1. My dear friends! Thank you for your warm and sincere congratulations. Your kind wishes touched me deeply. I feel great joy and pride in having true friends in my life who appreciate and love me so much. You can always count on my help and support in any situation.
  2. Thank you, my beloved and irreplaceable friends, for your friendship. You, like rays of sunshine, illuminate my life, make it bright and cheerful. No matter what happens, you are always there, my support, support and a vest in which I can cry when it becomes completely unbearable. I love you very much and wish you only the best!
  3. Dear friends! My birthday brought us all to one table. Thank you for not forgetting, thank you for the festive mood and the joy of meeting you. Special thanks for the best gifts and friendly wishes. May they return to you a hundredfold!
  4. Our friendship has been tested by time, difficult trials and boundless joy. You were always there, took part of my burden on your shoulders, and sincerely shared the happiest moments with me. You, beloved friends, have become an integral part of my life. Thank you for existing, for sitting at my table today and celebrating another milestone in my life’s journey. I want the duration of our faithful friendship to coincide with the duration of our earthly life. Always be healthy and happy!

Types of predictions

Comic predictions in verse in one line:

  1. “The dear gift is also light and also bright.”
  2. “A flight to the Black Sea awaits you soon.”
  3. “Let go of hatred and revenge, good news is on the way.”
  4. “Don’t sleep, but wait for the dawn, as if from a close greeting.”
  5. “It’s Friday very soon. They say she's a libertine."
  6. “You will soon get lucky, luck will creep in.”
  7. “From this day forward and always, there will be delicious food on the stove.”
  8. “Believe in fate again and again, love is waiting for you soon.”
  9. “A microbe will attack you if you lie naked in a snowdrift.”
  10. “Go to work quickly, the boss will give you a “lyuley” there.”

A cool alternative would be a horoscope forecast for each guest; sometimes you can write outright flattery and voice your most cherished dreams. Funny astrological predictions:

  1. “The stars are kind to you, but if you eat poorly, you will have to look at them from under the table.”
  2. “Venus from the next door promised to feed the man who came in, and for dessert to dance something unprecedented.”
  3. “Based on your date of birth, I can only say one thing: if you start dancing ritual dances, you can spend the night in a government house for the next 15 days.”
  4. “According to the Eastern calendar, you are an entertainer, but your talents increase significantly after the second bottle of champagne.”
  5. “If you also continue to loudly shout congratulations to your neighbors from the balcony, then a meeting with an ENT specialist about a progressive sore throat is inevitable.”
  6. “The stars have aligned above your sign; in the near future they promise instability in the joints of the lower extremities to catchy music.”
  7. “From this day on, the planet Venus will take over you; it promises many new acquaintances for love purposes; you should beware of sexually transmitted diseases.”
  8. “If you see the starry sky, then romance has come for you, which will end in love.”
  9. “This year is yours, go ahead, you can take it.”
  10. “Look at the sky, these stars are ready to give you everything you want this night, act! Grab a glass, everything is in your hands!”

New Year/Christmas predictions and wishes:

  1. “Let go of past evil, the New Year brings goodness!”
  2. “You get a car in the new year, go change the style to match it.”
  3. “Your new apartment will be there, on Mira Street.”
  4. “Buy a lottery, there is your luck, very soon you will have a new dacha.”
  5. “To surround you with comfort, let your income increase!”
  6. “Yuletide wishes will awaken the desire for love.”
  7. “The New Year brings success, let there be laughter everywhere.”
  8. “You and your wife are lucky, expect more this year.”
  9. “Every day there is only one concern - work is waiting in the morning.”

The given phrases are general, suitable for different feasts and holidays. In a large company, when there is a need to attract attention, it is worth giving preference to poetic forms; it would not be amiss to think about presentation. If these are warm gatherings with friends, and the host has charisma and artistry, then you can pretend to be a psychic, light candles and put on a symbolic outfit, and give out predictions in doses, depicting thoughtfulness and connection with the cosmos.

Thanks in pictures

Can't find the right words to express your gratitude for your birthday wishes? Send your congratulator a beautiful picture filled with deep meaning. Nowadays there is no shortage of illustrations of this kind on the Internet.

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