Happy 10th birthday to a girl or boy: games and competitions for children

Birthday contests for 10 year old children at home: funny and fun games

For any child, the age of 10 is the first real anniversary, a round date. On this day, the child needs to arrange all kinds of entertainment, competitions and games. How to arrange everything, and what competitions are best to organize, we’ll talk further.

First, the child needs to create a festive mood, which means he needs to decorate the house with balloons, Christmas tree garlands, and shiny rain. Hang the date and congratulations in the center of the room. If games and competitions are planned in another room, which is much larger in space, then the table can be placed in the middle. At the entrance, give guests various accessories for the celebration: masks, glasses, caps, and so on. This way, already at the beginning of the celebration, they will have the appropriate mood.

Games and competitions for 10th birthday

If it’s a boy’s birthday, then intellectual, musical, artistic competitions are suitable, but with a certain bias: about weapons, about cars. You can show your imagination and make a holiday in a certain style, for example, “Guess the melody.”

If it’s a girl’s birthday, then more creative competitions need to be done. As an option, lay out a lot of different clothes and offer to create one stylish outfit out of it all. Invite guests to create an original brooch or hairpin themselves, just don’t forget to purchase everything for the competition in advance. Many girls love to cook, prepare sandwiches or salads with them, you can choose any dish or sweet, but you should take into account the age of the “cooks” and select the easiest recipe to prepare.

Everyone knows that it is very difficult to get children to sit at the table, even if it is a birthday, but still the children try to quickly eat everything and run away to play. Funny and cheerful birthday contests for children 10 years old. They will help you keep all the children at home. Each competition involves interesting tasks and a lot, a lot of positivity and good mood.

How to spend a birthday for a 10 year old child:

Organizing a birthday party for a 10-year-old child is not that difficult. The main thing is to adhere to the algorithm of actions. First of all, parents choose the theme of the holiday and its location. Themed parties are a fashionable trend; it’s easy to come up with competitions and play out situations.

Some examples of ideas for a 10 year anniversary:

  1. Pirate Party.
  2. Sea adventures.
  3. Spies.
  4. Wild West.
  5. Superheroes.
  6. The zombie apocalypse.
  7. Princesses.
  8. Military.
  9. Based on your favorite fairy tale or cartoon.
  10. Pajama room.

There are also universal topics where you don’t need to bother searching for attributes.

The second question that parents face is the location. The location is chosen depending on the time of year. For example, if it’s summer outside, then you can have a picnic at the dacha or play a quest game in the yard.

Those who live in an apartment can spend part of the holiday at home, and move part of it to the playground in the yard. The main thing is to arrange the place and determine the banquet area.

The number of guests at the party will be individual for each family, but the area of ​​the room and the number of children should be taken into account. 1 adult, for example, cannot cope with 20 children. There should be 7-10 children per 1 adult.

The decoration of the hall plays an important role, so you will additionally have to purchase:

  1. Caps.
  2. Balloons with the inscriptions: “Happy birthday”, “10 years old girl (name), boy (name)”.
  3. Paper garlands and posters with inscriptions or rhymes.
  4. Gifts for guests for participating in competitions and games.
  5. Volumetric numbers and letters.
  6. Tablecloths.
  7. Toppers.
  8. Cake candles.
  9. Straws.

Additionally, to decorate the room, you can order flowers, cardboard figures, stars, flags, invitations, etc. For themed parties, the room is decorated in the same style.

Tips to consider when preparing:

  1. It is worth starting the holiday with simple competitions, moving on to complex ones.
  2. Before the banquet, you need to rehearse each number.
  3. If mom acts as the host, she needs to have a cheat sheet with her so she doesn’t forget anything.
  4. To prevent guests from getting confused about the seating arrangement, mom should make special cards with names and place them on the table.

Some tips for celebrating the holiday:

  1. Games should be played at the table periodically so as not to distract people from eating.
  2. Take short breaks between competitions so that guests can relax and unwind.
  3. Do not hold many competitions per evening, choose only the most interesting and uncomplicated ones.

Birthday script for 10 years

The holiday scenario begins with the gathering of guests, after which you can begin the entertainment part. Active games should not last more than 2 hours, otherwise the children will get tired and the fun will end.

As soon as all the guests are seated, mother says the words:

“Hello, guys, boys and girls. Hello adults. Today (child’s name) turns 10 years old. This is the first round date in her (his) life. Infancy has already passed, more adult life begins. I want to wish you to always remain the same beautiful, inquisitive and cheerful girl (boy). I want you to grow up to be a smart and kind person.”

After the introductory words, you can read a short poem.

After this, all the guests begin to congratulate the birthday girl, get to know each other and start eating.

After 10-15 minutes, when the guests have had a snack, the presenter takes the floor:

“Dear guests, please note that at the end of the holiday I will be giving away gifts for you. Participate actively in the competitions, earn tokens and take home a prize.”

During the competition program, tokens or cards should be distributed to guests, and at the end of the evening, the number of tokens for all participants should be counted. Whoever has the most cards takes the main prize.

You should choose games and competitions for the birthday of 10-11 year olds that are not too childish. They should be such that adults also like them.

Examples of gifts that can be given to guest children:

  1. Gingerbread cookies with a date or with inscriptions.
  2. Paper medals.
  3. Personalized chocolates.
  4. T-shirts with slogans.
  5. Balls in the form of animals.

Birthday celebrations can be completed with dancing, a disco, or fireworks (for private homes). To ensure guests leave happy, it is recommended to hold a lottery at the end of the evening, where there will be no losers.

Each guest goes to the basket and pulls out a note on which their prize will be indicated.

The following can be used as prizes:

  1. Calendar.
  2. Cream (soap, shampoo).
  3. Markers.
  4. Decorative candle.
  5. Comb.
  6. A mug.
  7. Set of sweets.

After all the competitions and games, a birthday cake with candles is brought out.

Evidence of works

For this competition, you need to prepare evidence from various works, for example, a bottle of sunflower oil, an ax, a tobacco pipe, a skull (not a real one, of course, but a keychain or figurine) and so on. One by one, the presenter shows one of the items, and the children guess the piece. Whichever of the guys gives the most correct answers will receive a prize, for example, a bottle of sunflower oil speaks of the work “The Master and Margarita”, and an ax reminds of the work “Crime and Punishment”.

Creative and intellectual competitions

The entertainment program should consist of several types of competitions. They stimulate cognitive and creative activity in children, and also develop thinking and imagination.

“Who called me”

All participants stand in a large circle. They choose a driver, place him in the center of the circle and blindfold him. One of the players spins the person. Participants say the name of the driver, and he must guess who called him. If the child guesses, then this person takes his place.

To confuse the child, participants can change their voices, speak quickly, etc.

“Chain of words”

There are 2 options for playing this game:

  1. Players are divided into 2 teams with the same number of participants. Each person is given a piece of paper and a pen. The first participant writes any word on the sheet, the second one writes a word starting with the last letter of the previous one, and so on in a circle. The competition is timed, so participants need to come up with words quickly. The team that manages to write the most words wins.
  2. The guys sit in a circle. The first participant names any 2 words, for example: cat and orange. The next player must come up with a sentence using these words. For example, a cat came around the corner and saw an orange on the ground. After this, the same participant names another word, for example, car. The third player must make up a sentence that will include the last 2 words. For example, an orange rolled under a car.

This way the kids will have a short story. The presenter can interrupt the narration at any time and ask the participants to name the words from the very beginning. Anyone who cannot reconstruct the chain of words from memory is eliminated from the game.

“Pig in a poke”

Various objects are placed in a big beautiful bag, and players must guess them by touch. The participant who guesses the most items wins.

Items you can put:

  • orange;
  • sock;
  • float;
  • flashlight;
  • shell;
  • soapbox.
  • stone.

You should select items that are difficult to guess by touch. For greater entertainment, the participant is blindfolded, and the object is pulled out of the bag and shown to the audience.

“Fantastic animal”

Participants are divided into 3 teams, 3 people each. Each player is given 1 sheet of paper. In 3-4 minutes, children must draw an unusual animal. One child draws the head, the second - the torso, the third - the legs.

After the time is up, each team connects the sheets of paper together and shows it to the guests. The group with the most fantastic animal wins.

"Broken phone"

Guests are divided into 2 teams and stand opposite each other. Any word is whispered into the first person's ear, and he passes it on to the next person.

The point of the competition is that the word must be pronounced quickly and quietly. The last person in the chain must name the final word. The winner is the team whose word is the same as what was named at the beginning.

“Colored tags”

This competition combines intelligence and movement. The presenter tells the participants the phrase: “One, two, three, find red (blue, white, green, black, etc.).”

Players must find an object of the named color in the room and quickly grab onto it. The one who cannot find the item or touches it last is eliminated from the game. The remaining player is the winner.

“Fun Alphabet”

Players are divided into 2 groups and stand opposite each other. The presenter calls team No. 1 any letter of the alphabet and times 2-3 minutes. During this time, the guys must name as many words as possible starting with the given letter. The other team does the same actions. The winner is the group where the children name the most words.

The task can be complicated if you ask children to name not all the words that come to mind with the given letter, but to allocate a category for them. For example, name only edible objects with the letter “A”, only animals with the letter “K”, etc.

“Collect a picture”

The competition will require 5 players. Each person is given a cut-out picture. It can be taken from a magazine or printed on a printer. Children assemble a picture from pieces against time. The winner is the one who does it faster.

Puzzles with matches

There are several variations of match puzzles. For example:

  1. Post math assignments for children where you need to move a match to get a result.
  2. Ask the children to depict the animal using matches.
  3. Write the given phrase using matches.

For competitions, you can purchase fireplace matches, as they are larger and longer.

“The most serious guest”

This competition does not imply a winner, it is aimed at obtaining positive emotions.

Children and adults stand in a circle. One of the participants says “ha” with a serious face. The person after him repeats the phrase, adding another “ha”. The third player is already saying “ha, ha, ha.” All this must be said while keeping a serious face. However, fulfilling such a condition becomes difficult. The children begin to laugh, and the audience joins in the laughter.

Other players are allowed to make the participant laugh by showing him funny faces.


This competition is held immediately after the previous one, while the guests are in a cheerful mood. The first participant says the phrase: “I’m going on vacation and taking a suitcase with me.” The next one repeats the phrase, adding 1 more item that he will take with him. You are allowed to name anything you like. For example, a rocket, a cat, a computer, etc. The players’ task is to “carry the suitcase,” i.e. name all the previous words and add your own, without getting confused.

The one who mixes up or forgets the words is out of the game. The one who names all the words without hesitation receives a gift. For example, a wallet.

“I believe it or not”

This is an intellectual game, the point of which is to guess the correctness of the question. The host asks the player an interesting question, and he answers whether he believes it or not. Examples of questions:

  1. Do some pen inks contain carrot juice? (No.)
  2. If a bee stings a person, does it die? (Yes.)
  3. Did they teach crocodiles to dance in China? (No.)
  4. Is the human eye filled with fluid? (Yes.)
  5. Was the little humpbacked horse 3 inches tall? (Yes.)
  6. Do they not celebrate holidays in Korea to avoid attracting evil spirits? (No.)
  7. In Sparta they only raised boys? (No, girls did physical training just like boys.)
  8. Are there species of frogs that can fly? (Yes.)
  9. In Athens, do they wash a newborn baby in water with olive oil? (Yes.)
  10. Are rats big mice? (No, these are different subspecies.)
  11. Is an anniversary what happened a year ago? (No.)

For each correct answer, the participant receives a token. You will need to prepare about 20-30 questions so that there is enough for everyone.

“Tricky riddles”

This competition is recommended to be held at the table to fill pauses. Riddles are read to guests, and whoever gives the correct answer receives a token. You can use money from the joke bank as a token. The one with the most money wins.

Examples of riddles:

  1. How many apples does an aspen tree have if it has 9 branches and each has 4 apples? (Apples do not grow on aspen trees.)
  2. Grandma went to sell 50 eggs at the market, and the bottom fell out, how many eggs are left? (Not a single one, because the bottom of the bucket fell and all the eggs broke.)
  3. There were 6 wood grouse sitting on a branch, 1 was shot, how many were left? (Not one, the rest flew away.)
  4. How to jump from a high ladder without breaking? (Jump off the first step.)
  5. Who has a hat without a head and a foot without a shoe? (Mushroom.)
  6. What could be bigger than an elephant, but weightless? (Shadow of an elephant.)
  7. How to break a branch without scaring a bird? (Wait until the bird flies away, and then break it.)
  8. What comb will not work to comb your hair? (Petushin.)
  9. What is heavier - 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Equally.)
  10. When can a boy be called by a female name? (When he sleeps - Sonya.)
  11. When an elephant is bathed, what does it look like afterwards? (Wet.)

“Guess the drawing”

The task for the players is to guess the object in the picture. The host shows the guests a picture where an object is hidden by a black square. Everyone begins to express their assumptions. Whoever names the correct item receives a token. The one with the most tokens wins.

Drawings can be printed from the Internet. For the competition you will need at least 20 pictures.

Choosing flowers for graduation

There are so many different flowers in the world and many still do not know all the names of the beautiful plants that fill our lives with pleasant aromas. For this competition you will need pictures of various flowers that are rarely found in our everyday life, for example, crocuses, hydrangea, hyacinth, delphinium, nertera and so on. One by one, the presenter shows pictures of flowers, and the guys must guess their name. If the children do not have any answer options, the presenter prompts the letters. The participant who guesses the most flower names will receive a prize, for example, a composition or a basket with artificial flowers.

Games competitions for girls 9, 10, 12 years old

You can add competitions to your birthday celebration, in which only girls or only boys will participate.


The presenter calls 5-7 girls and gives them the task of finding an object in the room with which they can decorate themselves for the holiday. You have 5 minutes to complete. The girls begin to run around and look for a beautiful object or jewelry. After time has elapsed, the audience evaluates each participant and makes a decision. It is advisable to seat boys on the jury so that they choose the funniest fashionista.

You can make the task easier for the girls if you prepare decorations for them in advance. For example, hairpins, elastic bands, bows, ribbons, headbands, etc.

“Who’s hiding there?”

For the competition you need to print 10-20 sheets with images of cartoon characters. The presenter covers the picture with another sheet, and then gradually lowers the sheet.

Guests must guess the hero from a small fragment of the image. Whoever guesses first wins a prize.

“Sad Princess”

A participant (not the birthday girl) is selected from among the girls and seated on a chair in the center of the room. The girl should portray a sad face and sit without smiling.

The other participants must make her laugh by any means necessary. However, touching the girl is not allowed.

“Wind-up doll”

Write the names of the participants on small pieces of paper and place the notes in the basket. The presenter comes up with a task, and then pulls out a piece of paper with a name and says who will perform it.

Examples of tasks:

  1. Show some animal with gestures without words.
  2. Sing a song suggested by the guests.
  3. Dance Russian folk dance.
  4. Portray an emotion using facial expressions.
  5. Draw some animal on a piece of paper and show it to the audience.
  6. Write a poem about winter.
  7. Come up with a compliment for the birthday boy and his parents.
  8. Portray yourself as an exemplary student.
  9. List 5 of your favorite books.
  10. Remove the candy from the glass without using your hands.

This competition is reminiscent of the popular game “Fanta”. You can come up with tasks on the go, or prepare them in advance.


The girls are divided into 2 teams of 3-4 people each. One team is the artists, the second is the clients. Artists are given watercolor paints and must paint funny makeup or make-up for clients.

Whoever gets the funniest wins. You can draw animals, funny faces, flowers, etc. on your face. You can purchase special paints for face painting so as not to cause allergies in children.

“Share your smile”

The presenter distributes cards to all the girls with tasks written on them. Girls need to smile like the hero on the card.

For example, the participant should smile (laugh, grin) like:

  1. Mona Lisa.
  2. The girl from the advertisement.
  3. A dog to its owner.
  4. A poor student who got an A.
  5. Teacher to his student.
  6. Child.
  7. Leopold the cat.
  8. Gull.
  9. Seal.
  10. Princess.

So that no one is offended, tokens are distributed to all girls for participation.

“Fan Dance”

The girls are given fans and a feather is placed on them. Participants must dance while holding the fan so that the feather does not fly away. The girl who can hold the pen the longest wins.

In a word

This competition is an excellent way to leave a memory of each classmate, because the guys have been together for the last few years, and then they will fly away in all directions. The teacher prepares in advance a large Whatman paper (poster), on which the children’s names and surnames are written in a column: from one to the next, you need to leave room for about 30 words. We hang the poster on the board, each of the children receives a marker. Children should write just one word opposite each participant (classmate) (a word that the children would use to describe the participant), for example, Kolya Petrov - one writes: fun, the second writes: hooligan, the third writes: artist, the fourth writes: Pushkin (if similar , for example) and so on. A finished poster with associations of children about each other can be hung in the classroom. And at every alumni meeting, the guys will remember everyone and smile.

Exciting competitions for boys 9-12 years old

If boys are present at the holiday, then you need to take care of games and competitions that will be interesting to them.

“Pick up the key”

For the competition you will need locks of different sizes and keys to them. The locks are laid out on the table and the keys are placed in a basket. It is advisable to have at least 7-10 locks.

At the leader's command, the boys begin to pick up the keys to the locks. The competition ends when all the locks are open. There are no winners in this challenge, so all participants receive tokens.

“Collect the Dragon”

Participants need to split into 2 teams of 3-5 people. Each team is given a box of paper clips. The presenter turns on the timer and, on command, the players begin to connect paper clips to each other.

The duration of the competition is at least 2-3 minutes. After time has passed, the presenter compares the “dragons”. The team whose dragon is longer wins.

“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”

For the competition you need 2 teams of 6-8 people each. The boys are divided into pairs, and then stand with their backs to each other, clinging to their elbows.

The players' task is to run in this position to the opposite side of the room, without releasing their elbows. The team that completes the task faster wins.


The competition will require 5 participants. Each player is given a piece of paper and a pen. In 2-3 minutes, the guys must draw a monster that should not look like any other creature on the planet.

Spectators choose the winner by pointing to the scariest monster. The player who comes up with and tells the story of the birth and life of the monster is awarded additional tokens.


The guys should split up into pairs. One participant in the pair is blindfolded, but the other is not. Blindfolded participants are given a stick to which a fishing line with a magnet is attached.

The player's task is to catch as many fish as possible with a fishing rod. Toys with magnets are used as “fish” (can be replaced with candies).

The second player tells the “fisherman” where to point his “fishing rod” and directs his actions. The one who catches more objects than others wins.

“Pirate map”

This entertainment is suitable for children whose holiday is celebrated in a country house. Parents draw several maps of the yard in advance, where they mark “hides” with crosses. The children must find them and dig up the treasure.

To make the task more exciting, children are divided into teams of 2-3 people and given different cards. The team that finds the treasure faster than the rest wins.

You can bury as treasures:

  1. A wooden box with coins, a dagger and bags filled with beads.
  2. A box of chocolates, sweets and toys.

Children will get excited about the search and then they can show off the treasures they find with their friends.


Objects are laid out on the table in front of the children. At the leader's command, players must begin to pick up these items. You are allowed to help yourself with your legs and head.

The participant who can hold the most objects without dropping a single one wins.

You can use the following as attributes:

  1. Items of clothing – socks, hair ties, gloves.
  2. Stationery - pens, pencils, rulers, erasers.
  3. Stuffed Toys.
  4. Plastic dishes.
  5. Small objects that are difficult to hold.

The main thing is that the objects are not large and will not harm children.

Should be excluded:

  • sharp objects - scissors, stationery knives, pins;
  • fruits, vegetables that can stain clothes;
  • bottles with liquid;
  • fragile items.

“Collect the scarecrow”

Participants are divided into 2 teams, 5-7 people in each. In front of the players are wardrobe items - hats, trousers, gloves, towels, scarves, etc.).

Players need to make a scarecrow from existing items. The team whose scarecrow is the most terrifying wins.


It's quite simple, but very fun. The guys are divided into small teams. Each team pulls out its own forfeit, which indicates any scene from a work of literature that the students are currently studying. The guys assign roles and begin to show the skit. And participants from the opposing teams, in turn, throw various genres into the game (with a wave of the presenter’s hand), upon hearing which they continue to play their roles in the appropriate style. Genres can be completely different: Korean pop music or Russian rap, snotty melodrama or thriller, an advertising-style game or a roller coaster ride, in general, whatever comes to the students’ minds. The team that can best demonstrate all their acting talents and knowledge of genres will win and receive a prize.

Sports competitions

Sports competitions will help children exercise and have fun.


In advance for the competition, prepare a sheet of whatman paper, in which 2 slits are made for the hands. Each participant goes to him, puts his hands into the holes and draws his own portrait on another sheet without looking.

The player who draws himself better and more beautiful wins.


To play you will need chairs and a lot of balloons. The chairs are placed in a row and will serve as a volleyball net. Participants are divided into 2 teams of 5-10 players each.

Players stand near an improvised net. The presenter gives each team the same number of balls. After the signal, cheerful music is turned on and the game begins.

Each team must throw as many balls as possible to the opponent's side. Players need to try not only to throw balls over the “net”, but also to send their already thrown balls back to their opponents.

The match lasts no more than 5 minutes. When the music ends, the game stops. The presenter begins to count the number of balls on the field for each team.

Whoever has the fewest balls on the field wins.

“Children's bowling”

A rope is placed in the center of the room, behind which the pins are placed. Instead of skittles, you can use empty plastic bottles. The child stands a meter from the rope. The presenter turns on the music and hands the ball to the player. The participant's task is to knock down as many pins as possible with the ball.

Children take turns taking the ball and trying to knock down the pins. The one who knocks down the most pins wins.

Game “Balloon Relay”

Relay races can be carried out with a balloon or tennis:

  1. The guys are divided into 2 teams and stand parallel to each other. At the command of the leader, the participant starts on all fours. There is a tennis ball on the floor in front of him, which he blows on, thereby pushing it forward. When a player reaches the finish line, he stands up and takes the ball in his hands, and then runs back to the team and passes the baton to the next participant.
  2. The guys start in pairs, holding a balloon between their foreheads. You need to run with him to the finish mark and back, and then pass the baton to another pair. For this competition, it is worth preparing several balloons to replace the burst ones.

In both competitions, the team whose players complete the relay first wins.

“Dwarves and Giants”

The presenter invites the children to participate and places them in a row. The rules of the game are that when the presenter says the word “dwarfs,” the children must squat down. Accordingly, when the guys hear the word “giants,” they should stand up and stretch up.

To confuse the participants, the presenter performs actions together with them - sits down and stands up. But sometimes the leader must do the opposite. For example, when you hear the word “giants,” sit down.

Words should be alternated. If a participant gets confused, he is eliminated from the game. The winner is the player who performs all the actions correctly and does not lose his way.


The guys form a circle, and the leader stands in its central part. Holding a jump rope or rope in his hand, the leader moves it under the children’s feet. At this moment they must jump so as not to touch the rope with their feet. In this way, the leader, as it were, “catches” the children with a fishing rod, like fish.

A participant who does not have time to jump or touches the rope with his foot is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who never touches the “fishing rod”.


Participants stand in a circle, holding hands, and the leader at this moment turns his back to them. Within 2-3 minutes, children need to get confused, that is, climb and step over each other.

The task of the presenter is to untangle the children without breaking the circle.

"Siamese twins"

The guys are divided into 2 teams of 8-12 players each. Each team, in turn, is divided into pairs. The couple needs to stand sideways to each other and hug. It turns out that the couple becomes one, like Siamese twins.

The person standing on the right has his right hand free, and the person next to him has his left. In this position, children must run to a plate of candy and, using different hands, unwrap it and eat it.

You can change the task to another. For example, tie your shoelaces or draw something. Whichever pair completes the task faster will win.


2 players participate in the competition. Each child has a rope tied around their waist to create a “tail.” A knot is made at the end of the rope. To the sound of cheerful music, the guys must try to grab the enemy’s “tail” without allowing themselves to be caught. The winner is the participant who is the first to grab the other’s “tail.”

There is another interesting competition with the same name. The guys should split into pairs: a boy and a girl. To play you will need small rubber bands. Boys sit on chairs and girls stand behind them. The presenter plays a funny song and for 1 minute the girls must make ponytails on the boys' heads. The participant who manages to make the most ponytails wins.

Simple names

The presenter takes turns calling a couple of names or one name, but in a simple way, of outstanding people, and the guys guess who they are talking about. The participant who guesses the most will receive a prize. For example: 1. Katya and Grisha with a “mysterious, dark” surname - Ekaterina and Potemkin; 2. Pierre and Maria, but Maria even has two surnames: one, like Pierre, and the second is her own - Pierre and Marie Curie; 3. Vladimir with a “high” surname and Marina, whose surname is more similar to a man’s name - Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi; 4. Sergei and Isadora, loved, but almost did not understand each other - Yesenin and Duncan and so on.

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