Home quest: how to congratulate the birthday boy in an interesting and unusual way

What is a quest?

A quest is a wonderful way to spend time with your loved ones at home, in the country, or in nature. The game is a chain of tasks and riddles written on cards. Each of them is hidden in a secluded place and contains a hint where to look for the next one. So, moving step by step, solving riddles and completing tasks, the player gets closer to the goal - the main prize or a holiday gift. Very often, a quest is an opportunity to congratulate a loved one on their birthday in an interesting and creative way.

What is “Home Quest for Birthday”

“Home Quest” is a win-win and very simple way to entertain your family and friends at home or in the country. Using a home quest script, you can, for example, congratulate the birthday person on his birthday in an original way. The quest can be carried out for almost any event or even without an event. This game is a sequential chain of tasks written on bright cards. Each card is hidden in a specific place. The player or players find the corresponding card at each stage of the game, solve the puzzle, and the resulting answer points them to the place where the next task is hidden. After going through this entire chain, they find a hidden gift or congratulation.

Where can you play the game of 12 notes?

The venue for the game can be:

The most popular option is in an apartment or house

(for organization you need access to the apartment),

An excellent option in the warm season is the game of 12 notes in nature:

in the country, in the park, forest or even in the yard.

entertainment center, cafe, museum

(for the organization it is worth taking into account the preferences of the player; the place should evoke positive emotions in him),


(the organization requires access to the office),


(organization requires common sense so that the player does not spend most of the day traveling around the city),

And even a trip

to another country (organization requires a decent budget).

Tips and recommendations for organizing a quest

So, the birthday boy is available. The decision to conduct a birthday quest to find a gift has been made. The location (at home, in the country, in nature) and the approximate scenario have been approved. A gift - the main prize of the game - has been purchased. It's time to start preparing for this fun event.


Our task is to turn congratulations and gift giving into an unforgettable show, the main character of which will be the birthday person. Quests to find a gift for a man and a woman do not have any special distinctive features. The most important thing is to take into account the tastes and preferences of the hero of the occasion.

We act according to plan:

  1. We decide on the place where the main prize-gift will be hidden.
  2. Find secluded places where intermediate clues will be located. The selection criterion is unexpected, unpredictable “hides”, the path to which can be interestingly guessed or encrypted.
  3. Prepare tasks for the quest. Come up with tips for finding a gift, decorate it beautifully, and put it into “secret places.” Make sure they are securely hidden. Otherwise, a fairly observant birthday person may discover an extraordinary clue that will confuse the course of the game and the order of the chain of steps.
  4. Plan your route so that the birthday person does not get too close to the main prize. This will eliminate the situation when a player accidentally “comes across” a gift after two or three hints.
  5. You can make yourself a so-called “layout map” to, if necessary, guide the player and control his path. A plan of the apartment, on which the locations of all hidden clues will be marked, as well as the order in which they should be solved.


Props used for the quest:

  • four balloons (rubber glove),
  • colour pencils,
  • scanned images of a piece of furniture,
  • cut into pieces to make a puzzle,
  • several elegant envelopes,
  • scotch,
  • scissors,
  • colored pencils in a box of seven pieces in all colors of the rainbow with letters pre-glued on them,
  • cellular telephone,
  • flash card,
  • computer,
  • notes-instructions,
  • gifts for the birthday boy and the main gift.

Attention : it is better to use a mobile phone for tips. This will eliminate the need for direct verbal contact, which will reduce the thrill of the game!

Tips at the start

A few recommendations will help organize the game so that this holiday will be remembered for a long time by its participants, and all its details will be repeatedly remembered and proudly retold to friends and acquaintances.

  • The number of links in the chain depends on the activity and curiosity of the birthday person. For a modest “not a fan” of noisy entertainment, 5-6 steps to the goal will be enough. In this case, the game will not end at lightning speed, but will not tire the hero of the occasion. But a funny and lively fan of quizzes and crossword puzzles can be safely loaded with 10-15 steps.
  • Intermediate assignments should not be too difficult. After all, our goal is not to test the player’s erudition, but to give him unforgettable pleasant emotions and impressions. But too easy hints will make the game uninteresting, and victory will not bring proper pleasure.
  • Small gifts on the way to the main prize will cheer up the player and make the quest more exciting and enjoyable. Attach notes to chocolates, hand-drawn cards. Accompany the prompts with other cute little things that will bring a smile to the birthday boy’s face. After all, our goal today is his good mood.
  • Each of the clues can be either a riddle or a veiled description of a “cache”. For example, you can write a riddle about a microwave oven:

For many years now She has been warming my dinner.

Or you could describe it as “a place where some of those present once dried their socks.” Such a fleeting memory of a funny story will add smiles and positive emotions to the game.


So, your task is to ensure that the player finds the gift in the right place after solving a series of riddles or completing mini-tasks. To do this you need:

  1. Decide on a secluded place where you will hide the gift.
  2. Make a chain of objects in your house that will lead to a hidden gift (the final point in it is the place where the gift will be). Hints and tasks can be hidden in a variety of places - from the washing machine and oven to the mailbox in the entrance. The chain needs to be carefully thought out so that the items do not intersect along the way and do not lead to a gift ahead of time.
  3. Come up with and beautifully design messages-riddles-instructions.
  4. Put all the messages in their places. To avoid confusion, you can number them and create a layout diagram for yourself.

The optimal number of stages is from 6 to 10: a larger number can make the quest tedious, and a smaller number can make the quest too fleeting. But this, of course, is a general recommendation - perhaps you will end up with a wonderful quest consisting of 5 stages (if the tasks are complex) or, conversely, 15 stages.

The quest can be made even more enjoyable and exciting if there are several gifts along the way (let the tasks be accompanied, for example, by chocolates or small souvenirs).

Quest tasks

1. Compiling a word from individual letters

  • letters can be found one at a time, as in my quest “Night at the Museum”, then make the final word from them and find gifts
  • write letters on disposable cups that are on the holiday table
  • the word can be made from letters written with a marker on balloons
  • bury plastic letters in the sand, children love excavations (I use a magnetic alphabet)
  • freeze the letters in ice cube trays
  • write letters on the fish with magnets (ready-made children's game “Fishing”), let them catch them and make up a word


  • make a gift search map from pieces
  • make portraits of famous personalities from 4 fragments (we cut the faces into strips, as for making an identikit)
  • You can write a riddle on the cut picture (the answer is the next place with a clue: a sofa, a vase, etc.)
  • the puzzle pieces may contain a lock code or a phone number that your assistants will call to give you a hint
  • ordinary puzzles with 30-50 fragments can be put together by two teams at speed (fight for an additional prize or hint)

Careful account

  • in the scenario of the Night at the Museum quest, I suggested counting stacks of coins to guess the phone number
  • you can count the same objects in the picture in your room
  • steps in the house
  • windows in the building opposite
  • books on the shelf
  • divide the beans and red beans into piles and count how many more beans of one color are there than the other (“Quest for Princesses”)
  • how many soft toys are in the basket
  • add up all the numbers used to write the birthday person’s date of birth (09/02/2009 = 22)
  • count the number of letters in the name and surname of the birthday person, etc.

All these numbers may be needed to guess the password to a lock, for example. Or the guessed number will be written in a visible place on a piece of furniture with another clue.

QR codes

This, of course, is not a task for a quest, but one of the ways to obtain information, but children usually like it. Through a special application on your smartphone, you can encrypt any picture or note with clues. Where should I attach the printed QR code? On the inside surface of a cabinet door, under a plate, on a souvenir or toy, put in a book, etc.

Puzzles, charades, crosswords

There is no point in giving many examples; you will find on the Internet the topic of your quest or create your own puzzles in the same image. Here is a simple example in which the word “picture” . The symbols are the edges of the “grid” around the desired letter.

There is especially a lot of such goodness in old Soviet books and schoolchildren’s calendars. For those who want to find something really interesting, I recommend going to the library. With charades and crosswords, it is convenient to select the intellectual load according to age. On the same topic, you can come up with quest tasks for teenagers, adults and children from 6 to 10 years old.

Mirror text

We compose the desired phrase, which is difficult to read without a mirror. You can also pay attention to finding the mirror itself by riddle it using the previous puzzle. To complicate the task, print the text in an unusual ornate font, otherwise players will easily turn the letters over without any mirror.


These are examples for inspiration. It’s simple only at first glance, since even adults sometimes take a long time to compose another word from the letters of one word. If the quest is a team one, time it and reward the most savvy ones with extra points, prizes or tips. The completed word can become a password to the next puzzle.

What's hidden in the picture

There are a lot of such attentiveness riddles of varying complexity on the Internet. On the left is an example of a puzzle for kids, on the right - for teenagers: “How many animals are there?”

There are also interesting collections with the general title “What is hidden in the photo.”

We use emoticons to indicate the name of a fairy tale (film, song)

Quite challenging, but fun. There are not many emoticons, so you need to call on all your imagination to help. You don’t have to give all the pictures, the children will get tired. Encrypt this book with a fairy tale that contains the next clue. And in the picture something like this: “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “The Frog Princess”, “Mumu” ​​(possibly), “ Starry Rain", "Snow Maiden", "Hare's Hut", "Ivan Tsarevich and the Serpent", "Porridge from an Axe", "Pot of Porridge", "Tom Thumb", "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "Rapunzel", "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed."


This is definitely a fun activity! This picture was sent by my reader (look at her entire script for the Robinson quest). She spent a month collecting chicken bones for excavations! The skull, however, is plastic. I repeated her idea, but buried a lot of small toys from Kinder surprises in a basin of sand. Repeating figures had to be set aside, one unique one was a clue. Instead of sand, you can rummage through semolina, rice, salt and buckwheat.

Puzzles with matches

Most often, large fireplace matches or counting sticks are used for this purpose. There are very simple problems, and there are those that even adults puzzle over. Here's an example from my Haunted Bunker quest. Rearrange one match so that the answer is still correct.

Puzzles with buttons

Here, instead of buttons, there can be any figures, whatever is needed on the topic of the quest. Bugs, mummies, angry dogs. The point is that you need to divide the figures with four lines so that there is one in each cell.

Speed ​​challenge, the fastest one gets extra points, tips or privileges.

Classic puzzles

Let me remind you what this is. The rules are always the same, it’s easy to figure out. Commas before the picture show how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the word, commas after the picture show how many letters need to be removed at the end of the word. The equal sign indicates which letter in the word needs to be replaced with another.

The words are encrypted in six pictures: lemon, capital, stork, student, gift, queen. The Internet is full of such puzzles; integrate them into your quest, taking into account the plot.

Connecting pictures to get numbers

I'll show you an example again from my free Night at the Museum script. Mentally connect the dots into one line, looking at the chains of words. You will get a number. For example: “pizza - apple - kiwi - tomato” - number 1. For a hint, give the children a sample of numbers to write the index. Write the numbers in the squares (this is the code for the lock).

I have an encrypted code of 250.

An approximate scenario for conducting a quest game in an apartment for a husband (beloved man)

(let's say you decide to hide a gift in the microwave)

Morning. Your other half walks into the bathroom and sees a beautiful message pinned to the wall, wishing him a happy birthday.

Below it says:

PS Look into the washing machine!

At this moment, you join your loved one and watch the search for a surprise.

The husband finds a message in the washing machine:

“I prepared a gift for you, but I won’t give it to you. I suggest you take part in the quest game and find my surprise yourself!

If you can find the answer to all my riddles, then you will receive a gift, or rather, you will find it yourself!”

Riddle No. 1 is written right there:

He is beautiful and cold, You won’t go hungry with him! (Fridge)

Riddle No. 2

In the refrigerator there is a plate with a cake, to which is attached a sign “Eat me!”, and at the bottom of the plate, under the cake, there is an image of a flash drive.

Riddle No. 3

On the flash drive there is a pre-created text file called “Happy Birthday!”, and there is the following riddle clue:

With one hand he greets everyone, with the other hand he sees everyone off. She doesn’t offend anyone, but everyone just pushes her... (Door)

Riddle No. 4

Hidden on one of the doors is a small note rolled into a tube:

The house is made of tin, and the residents in it are leaders. (Mailbox)

Riddle No. 5

In the mailbox there is a “letter” - an envelope with a new riddle:

He is both at home and not at home, Between heaven and earth. Guess, my friend, What did the poem encrypt? (Balcony)

Riddle No. 6

On the balcony is the following note:

I have legs, but I don’t walk, I have a backrest, but I don’t lie, You sit down, and I stand. (Chair)

Riddle No. 7

There is a sticker with a riddle stuck under the seat of the chair:

Unfold the sheet quickly - You will see many lines there, In the lines there are messages from the whole world. What kind of sheet is this? (Newspaper)

Riddle No. 8

A hint in the newspaper is the word TV (or we highlight in different articles the letters from which we need to make this word)

Riddle No. 9

There is a sticker on the back of the TV with a riddle on it:

What this eye looks at will convey everything to the picture. (Camera)

This will be the last riddle. The birthday boy’s task is to guess what to do next. The fact is that he needs to look through the photographs and find among them an image of a microwave oven (you need to prepare in advance - take a close-up photograph of the oven). Your loved one will find your gift in it!

Features of New Year's surprises

Where do parents hide gifts for the New Year, because on this holiday they want not only to keep the surprise itself a secret, but also to maintain the child’s faith in the New Year’s miracle for as long as possible.

One of the stages in a child’s growing up is precisely the discovery that Santa Claus does not exist. It is worth making every effort to ensure that the gift is discovered only under the tree and after the chimes have struck.

In the American style, you can put small gifts in bright socks and decorate the fireplace with them, if you have one.

Give gifts, enjoy the process of giving, bring joy to your loved ones!

Scenario of a finished quest with riddles “Looking for a gift in the apartment”

Let's move on from general tips and recommendations to specifics. We present a sample scenario for a romantic quest in the style of “Find your birthday present at home” for your beloved man.

Start of the quest

You can announce the start of the game personally, with the help of friends or acquaintances, or by sending an SMS. Especially creative quest creators use a courier delivery service or transmit a message by radio. Or you can simply hang a notice in a visible place. For example, in the bathroom, where your sleepy hero of the occasion will go first. So, let the game begin!

Welcome task

On the bathroom mirror, attach a bright, eye-catching envelope with a note:

My dear, dance and sing! It's your birthday. Smile and stretch, And turn to the washing machine. Open your eyes wider, You will see a hint there.

If your sweetheart has not yet woken up, you can explain in prose that he will have to go through a quest game, as a result of which he will find a gift from his girlfriend using the notes.

French assignment

There is another envelope attached inside the washing machine. It contains a piece of paper with a phrase in French: “La chambre de l'amour montrera le chemin” (The love room will show the way).

Here we can say that French is considered the language of all lovers. This means that it would be absolutely appropriate to confess your love to your partner at the same time. This will be another pleasant moment in the game, adding romance and excitement.

The birthday person must translate this phrase (with the Internet at his disposal, this is not difficult to do). And then guess which room the loving French had in mind.

Telephone assignment

In the bedroom there is a telephone in a visible place, next to it is a note with the number. But instead of some numbers there are asterisks. The missing characters are encrypted in answers to serious or humorous questions regarding life together.

For example:

  • What month did we meet?
  • How many flowers were in the first bouquet given?
  • What floor do we live on?
  • What time do you need to be at work?
  • How many times have I been late for dates?
  • In how many years will we celebrate our fifth anniversary of marriage?
  • How many times have I asked to change the light bulb in the closet?

On a note! The questions can be anything. It is important that the answers to them are given by the missing digits of the phone number. In addition, this is a great opportunity to remember pleasant or funny moments of your life.

After calling the guessed number, the player should hear another hint. A previously warned friend or acquaintance can easily help you complete this point of the quest. Let him, without any extra words, tell you where the next note is hidden: a mailbox, a rug at the front door, a window sill.

Puzzle task

In the indicated place there is a greeting card cut into pieces. The birthday boy will have to put this puzzle together and read on the back:

It is cold and big, It is always full of food. The chicken will help you find your gift.

Chicken and egg task

It is clear that we are talking about a refrigerator . That's where there are many ways to disguise a clue! Hidden in food or in a drink, it will even allow the birthday boy to refresh himself. In our case, the note is in the “deceptive” egg. To do this, you need to perform some manipulations with it in advance: make a small hole in the shell, get rid of the contents, and dry it. Roll the note into a tube and hide it in it. Carefully place the egg on the shelf with its “brethren”, with the hole facing down. It contains a hint:

This old lady has four ears. Between these ears there is a pair of bellies ( pillow ).

The task “Extra - away!”

If there are a lot of decorative pillows in the house, the player will have to work hard to find the right one. Underneath is an envelope with the following clue.

There are several words written on the piece of paper. The birthday boy must realize that one of them is superfluous. It will name the location of the next clue.

For example: rice, buckwheat, millet, pasta, pearl barley, semolina.

The extra word here, of course, is “ pasta .” Everything else is grains for making porridge.

Literary assignment

In the kitchen, in a jar of pasta, there is a note with a quote from a book that should be in your home library. These words must be familiar to the birthday boy. Perhaps this is his favorite book, which he knows by heart. If there is none, then your task is to make sure in advance that this quote not only becomes known to him, but is also remembered.

If you still have difficulties with the quote, you can encrypt the title of the book. For example, using a picture:

  • The Master and Margarita (photo 1)
  • Woe from mind (photo 2)
  • Lady with a dog (photo 3)

photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Final task

On the bookshelf, in the corresponding book, there is a clue. In a simpler version, these are cards with letters from which you need to assemble a word. If desired, you can complicate the task. The same letters can be encrypted with a code entry: page number in this book + letter number from the beginning of the text.

Thus, the player should have the following pieces of the puzzle at his disposal:

k x o v u a d

oven from them , the player again goes to the kitchen, where he finally finds the main prize of the game - a birthday gift.

On a note! If you wish and according to your preferences, you can add your own tasks for the quest to find a gift. Use places and things that are specifically present in your apartment.

There are many ways to please your loved ones on their birthday, giving them unforgettable impressions and emotions. A quest to find gifts is one of them. Connect with inspiration, activate your creativity and delight your loved ones with an amazing adventure.

Game duration

A quest is a very exciting activity, both for the one who guesses and for the one who comes up with riddles. However, the game is not called “12 Notes” for nothing. no more than 12 riddles from all that you have come up with

(less possible).

This amount is enough for complete entertainment. And, if the game is for small children or one participant, it is better to reduce the number of notes even more.

A good game around an apartment can take 15 minutes, no more than an hour and a half, a quest around the city can take 1-2 hours, and a quest in another country can take several days.

In any case, remember that players may have other plans for this day.

Quest for your husband's birthday - a cool scenario for congratulating your loved one right from the early morning!

Birthday. Morning. The birthday boy wakes up to the sound of an SMS: “A surprise awaits you in your mailbox.” The birthday boy hurries down to the mailbox, from which he takes out an elegant envelope with congratulations and an explanation of the further course of events.

The letter says: “My beloved birthday boy! I really want to sit down with you at the festive table and wish you everything! But when this happens depends only on you. After all, the gift prepared for you must be found by yourself. How? It's simple. Be attentive to the signs that will help you act in the right sequence. I think that you will successfully cope with everything yourself, but if you need my help, then for each hint you will have to wash the dishes instead of me. Of course, not on this glorious day of your birth: you will owe it in the future! Good luck to you. I'm rooting for you!"

The message is accompanied by mysterious rhymes:

“The golden ball is spinning and spinning, The golden ball is not empty at all. The ball has a hidden secret, In this secret you will find the answer.

PS Yes, greetings from Koshchei to you too!

Greetings from Koshchei are a decorative pin or needle stuck into the postcard, symbolizing the immortality of the fairy-tale character. I wonder what it's for?

1. While the puzzled husband is reading a mysterious message near the mailbox, the wife quickly hangs three pre-inflated balloons right outside the front door: red, yellow, blue. In yellow she puts the key to the next action. It is the yellow one, also known as gold, that needs to be pierced with the received needle, since it is in it that the note with the task is located. The song “Blue Ball” can confuse your husband and force him to choose a blue ball. Well, then you'll have to wash the dishes over time. But we believe that the birthday boy does not fall for minor provocations and takes out an instruction note from the punctured yellow balloon.

2. A note from a yellow balloon with the following content: “Here are mixed fragments of three phrases from three very popular songs of the Soviet period. Namely: “Smile, they still walk and run away in the world if they are in a quarrel.” This is taken from the lyrics of the following songs: “Five Minutes” (film “Carnival Night”), “Antique Clock” performed by A. Pugacheva and “Farewell to Love” (V. Kikabidze). The songs are dedicated to one important thing in the life of every person. Guess what this thing is? Find her. It is clear that the answer is “a clock,” and the quick-witted birthday boy moves towards a wall or floor clock or other outstanding clock located in the apartment. His goal is to receive instructions for his further actions. Attached to the back of the clock are 2-3 photos of the wife in front of the furniture, to which the next clue should be attached. This is where you need to pay special attention to the furniture.

3. The birthday boy, guided by the photo, must find this furniture in the house. A box of colored pencils is attached to this part of the furniture set. The box says: “Give yourself a rainbow”! The box contains seven pencils: purple, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red. A printed letter is attached to each with tape. The correspondence is as follows: purple – “B”, blue – “D”, blue – “I”, green – “B”, yellow – “A”, orange – “H”, red – “E”. Collecting a rainbow involves arranging the pencils exactly in the sequence of rainbow colors. Or draw with them in the required sequence, paying attention to how the corresponding letters form a word. Then the birthday boy will easily read the next instruction “IN THE SOFA” and rush to the sofa.

4. And between the cushions of the sofa, the first incentive prize awaits him - a box of chocolates. But at the bottom of the box there is another riddle. This is a puzzle. On a cardboard sheet of postcard size, write, beautifully decorated with colored felt-tip pens, a line from V. Vysotsky’s song: “Light the stove for me in white.” Write and cut into several parts so that the birthday person can deal with the puzzle. Let him collect it.

5. Without a doubt, having completed the puzzle, the birthday boy will guess to look either in the oven or in the microwave. And there the following instructions await him: “If it doesn’t burn in fire, then where to go?”

6. And our birthday boy goes straight to the bathroom, where a bottle of whiskey awaits him - another gift from his wife with an elegant sticker containing an acrostic:

Toropyshka was hungry and dropped the cold iron. He shined the lantern for a long time, Only one Needle was found!

If the wife relies on her husband’s natural ingenuity, then the first letters of the lines need not be highlighted. The absurdity of the verse should suggest that the idea of ​​further search is hidden not in the meaning of the message, but in the form of construction or something else.

7. So, “SHOES”. The husband should inspect several pairs of his shoes. In one of the pairs he finds a recommendation: “Set a course for the North Pole”! The birthday boy goes to the refrigerator and opens the freezer. The chamber contains a frozen ball or rubber glove with a note and the following prize: a keychain. The balloon is defrosted by the birthday boy under hot water. You get a keychain and a note with the following content: “All secrets are hidden in the ground.” In the ground and at home, where is it?

8. Of course, in a flower pot! You'll have to dig around a little to bring to light another elegantly decorated square of cardboard with a mysterious inscription:

Four elements in the world Today you met only three of them. Find the fourth one too. And your heart will beat in your chest!

9. The birthday boy has to think: what are the main four elements in the world? The answer is obvious: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Which of them has not the birthday boy encountered yet today? Of course, with the element of Air. And his path lies on the balcony: where else does His Majesty Air reign? On the balcony, a bright, beautiful envelope is attached to the clothesline. It contains a flash card with just one audio file.

10. Having inserted it into the computer and having enjoyed the wonderful old song “The highest dream is height”, the husband is unlikely to have any doubts that the treasured main gift is hidden in the highest place in the house - on the mezzanine or maybe even on the chandelier . It's up to the hostess to decide. To make the decisive final assault easier for your beloved husband, stick an airplane on this treasured place. Let there be a hint.

We hope that thanks to this quest, the morning of the birthday will be fun and will give an excellent festive start to the whole celebration!


  • https://prazdnik-dlya-vseh.ru/den-rozhdeniya/kvest-po-poisku-podarka-v-kvartire.html
  • https://podarikvest.ru/den-rozhdeniya-dlya-vzroslyh
  • https://101prazdnik.com/den-rozhdeniya/dr-stsenarii/kvest-na-den-rozhdeniya-muzha.html
  • https://snova-prazdnik.ru/zadaniya-dlya-kvestov/
  • https://super-positive.ru/podarok-kvest/
  • https://golova-idea.ru/prazdniki/scenarij-kvesta/.html
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