Unusual events, ideas and romance for Valentine's Day

February 14 is rightfully considered one of the most romantic days of the year. The best way to celebrate this holiday is by hosting a fun Valentine's Day event. As a rule, young people spend this day at school or university, so for class teachers, organizing a celebration is an excellent opportunity to unite the team.

Of course, to make the celebration bright and eventful, you will have to work hard. We will try to help you in this difficult matter, we will tell you about the basic rules of the organization, and give some excellent examples and scenarios. Let's get started!


We invite you to familiarize yourself with the points, the observance of which will help you avoid mistakes and organize a high-level event in a short time:

  • Start planning ahead. If you do not want to lose face, preparation should begin in advance. We recommend that you draw up a clear plan 1–2 weeks before February 14, which will contain all stages of the preparatory work. You should also think over the scenario and acquire the necessary props for games and competitions.
  • The scale of the holiday. Children from only one class participate in a class event, but absolutely all students participate in a school-wide event. Of course, this significantly affects the preparation process. If the decision has been made to organize a concert for the entire school, you will need much more time and resources to organize it.
  • Events should be thought out in such a way that it is interesting for every participant, regardless of age. There is no need to reduce everything to a banal party for high school students, and competitions need to be designed in such a way that there is no shadow of vulgarity or ambiguity. Here it is very important to take into account age characteristics, some natural childhood shyness, and indecision.
  • Teamwork is the key to success. When making a holiday for children, do not be afraid to ask them for help; on the contrary, they should do most of the work. Your task is to coordinate and direct their efforts in the right direction. This way, the guys will be able to feel like they are part of something very important and will make every effort to achieve the best result.

  • Setting goals. You should immediately familiarize the team members with your plan, and also give them the opportunity to express their opinions and make some changes. Agree, if you are organizing a holiday for children, then first of all you should find out their vision and take into account all their wishes. Once the script is approved, assign small groups or each team member a specific task. Someone will do the decorations, someone will come up with unusual competitions, and someone will take on the role of host. Thanks to this division, it will be easier for you to control the preparation process.
  • Financial questions. Valentine's Day events at school are usually paid for by parents. This is not surprising, because the school is a budget institution and does not have a lot of funds. The amount required mainly depends on the program you have planned. For example, to conduct a themed class hour, it will be enough to decorate the room, come up with several competitions and stock up on small prizes. If, in honor of the holiday, you decide to have a tea party or a sweet table, you will need more money. This issue can be easily resolved if your parents agree to help you by preparing homemade baked goods and sweets.

  • Interesting leisure time. First of all, the script must contain a story about the history of the holiday. By the way, it can be done in the form of a small production with the participation of children. We are sure that they will not miss the opportunity to try themselves as real actors. It is also necessary to come up with several interesting thematic competitions. A cheerful disco will be a bright end to the celebration.

  • Solemn atmosphere. Don't forget that February 14 is a romantic holiday, so the atmosphere should be appropriate. If you plan to hold an event for Valentine's Day in the library, then it should be decorated in advance. Decorate the room with balloons, draw a large poster with congratulations, and cover the walls and desks with hearts cut out of paper. You can also make an original arch out of balloons, against which everyone can take a photo.

  • A few days before the celebration, you can announce a competition for wall newspapers on the theme of the holiday, which would contain historical information, interesting facts, photographs that correspond to the theme. Newspapers are posted throughout the school in advance for everyone to read. Voting for the best work can be organized using hearts, which children will stick directly to the wall newspaper they like, or the signed chips will be placed in a special box. The winning team can be awarded at an evening or during a class hour.

Night party at the water park on February 14

Nowadays such parties are held in many water parks, you can easily find them. Lovers are given a special program, with romantic lighting and pool decorations all around. Musical groups entertain on stage, and romantic treats are served at the tables.

Very interesting idea! Summer night in February... It’s better to take care of tickets in advance; usually there are many people who want to celebrate such a night romantically!

What else? Quest for two!

You can also take advantage of a very advantageous offer and download online versions of two quests for lovers for only 300 rubles. One can be done at home. There are task cards for 10 stages, a list of props and a bunch of important tips. The second quest is a city one. This is a detailed description of secrets and riddles for the whole day, and the morning for one of the players will begin with a note: “.....Not everyone can be initiated into the secret. In this century, Magic books have chosen you... Follow the signs... You only have one chance ...don't miss it." Everything will end at night - secrets will be revealed and a gift will be found.

Valentine's day for kids

The kids at school are primary school students. But February 14th is the same holiday for them as for high school students. It is better for them to conduct a music and game program. You can design Valentine's Day in elementary school as a competition program with a historical twist. It can be divided into 3 parts: educational, musical, and gaming. In the educational section, you should tell the kids about all the versions of the origin of the holiday, about the priest Valentin and his life, about the meaning of the main symbols of the holiday:

  • about the heart;
  • Cupid;
  • red roses;
  • pigeons;
  • rings, lace, gloves;
  • Valentines - the most important attribute of the holiday.

Here you can also prepare a short story about the traditions of celebrating February 14 in different countries.

For the musical part, you can learn ditties and songs with the children, and in the gaming part, accordingly, hold several competitions where the boys will come up with compliments, dance with partners, and perform various knightly deeds. And if there are active parents in the class, then you can even prepare a cool mini-performance.

Cinema for two

If you type these words into the search bar, you will get several suggestions for cinemas that will show the film to a loving couple. As a rule, they work around the clock, so you can book a session for 3 am :-).

The organizers promise a romantic menu, candles, rose petals.

If you are hesitant to book a mini-cinema, the more traditional options are no worse. I'm talking about the last row in the most ordinary hall for ANY film (it's still difficult to remember the content later). And about the list of the TOP 50 best films about love, one of which you can watch on your favorite sofa with a bottle of wine.

After-school alternatives

In an informal setting, it will be easier for children to relax and enjoy an organized holiday. Where can you go on such a romantic day? Let's figure it out!

  1. Cinema. Almost all cartoons touch on the theme of love relationships and friendship, so going to the movies together on February 14 will be more opportune than ever. Moreover, after watching the film, the guys will be able to exchange opinions and impressions, and this will unite them even more.
  2. Theater. Evening dress is an integral part of going to the theater, which will serve as an additional reason for students to spruce up their beauty and put on beautiful suits or dresses. As for the choice of production, the best option, undoubtedly, is the play “Romeo and Juliet”. In addition, every schoolchild should know such classical works. This way you will accomplish two things at once: introduce children to art and have a good time.
  3. Planetarium. What could be more romantic and beautiful than the starry sky? In the planetarium, children will be able to admire various constellations, watch an educational film about the structure of the solar system, and also learn about the features of the planets. We are sure that students will remember such an unusual excursion for a long time.
  4. Botanical Garden. Another option for an interesting and educational pastime. Every student will be interested in seeing exotic plants and original flower arrangements.
  5. Petting zoo. Perhaps all children love animals. Raccoons, lemurs, llamas and monkeys are especially popular among them. As a rule, in menageries they are not allowed to touch pets, but in specialized petting zoos children can have plenty of fun playing with furry animals. Rest assured, absolutely everyone will enjoy leisure time in the company of cute animals.

Cooking master class

Every year there are more culinary master classes for lovers, and they become more diverse. There are caramel-sweet, chocolate-handmade, cake-decorating and sculpture-marzipan.

All culinary studios these days offer romantic menus that you can prepare for your dinner. I’ll say right away that besides you, there will be 10-15 other couples in love at such a master class, but maybe this is the essence of the whole event. You will share your happiness and receive a boost of positivity from other lucky people. Price - from 3900 to 5000 rubles per participant.

Let's sum it up

Organizing a holiday is a complex, complex process, so you need to take into account many subtleties and factors. First of all, decide on the venue and create a script.

As you may have noticed, there are a great many options for holding a celebration, so your task is to choose the most suitable one for your team and make it a reality. Good luck!

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