Table game "Questions and answers" for adults for a wedding

Question-Answer Game

You need to prepare cards in two colors in advance, with questions and answers. Everyone chooses a card with a question and reads it aloud and chooses a card with an answer and reads it aloud as well. The answers apply to all questions, but sometimes the combination is funny or has some ambiguity. We suggest the following questions:

  • Is your loved one tormenting you with jealousy?
  • Do you find yourself forced to smile?
  • Do you compliment your boss?
  • Are you afraid of prison?
  • How often do you have alcoholic drinks on your table?
  • Do you reach the point of assault in disputes?
  • Do you like wine and vodka?
  • Do you enjoy erotica?
  • How often do you remember people who loved you?
  • Do you dream of winning a car lottery?
  • How often do you step on others' toes?
  • How often do you have quarrels with family and friends?
  • Are you jealous of your partner?
  • How often do you demonstrate to others your unbearable temper?
  • Can you consider yourself a gourmet?
  • Do you like idleness?
  • Do you often remember your loved one?
  • Are you a fan of spending your earned money?
  • Do you want to go to America?
  • Do you hide your illegal income from your family?
  • Do you use obscene language in conversation?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Are you tired at work?
  • Are you showing dissatisfaction with our government?
  • Can you perform acts of chivalry?
  • Are you moderately patient and well-mannered?

Sample answers.

  • There never was, and there never can be.
  • This conversation is not for everyone, let's talk in private.
  • You would be ashamed to ask, you know me.
  • This is what gives me pleasure.
  • Only when I'm not in the mood.
  • Of course, very often.
  • Happens at night.
  • Every day and more than once.
  • Constantly lying in bed.
  • I suffer a lot from this.
  • Only half asleep and in slippers.
  • Only while in a restaurant.
  • I will never admit it.
  • This is my hobby.
  • I can afford this pleasure once a day.
  • It was once.
  • When guests arrive.
  • Yes, otherwise life would be boring.
  • Things happen.
  • This is my secret, everyone doesn’t need to know about it.
  • When your wife (husband) is not around.
  • After being thrown out of the house.
  • I don't want to talk about it.
  • When friends don't see.
  • At night under the covers.
  • Only in dreams.

Other similar games:

Modern games at the table for a company, 3 options

A large company is gathering today, but you don’t know what to do? We suggest playing a game or several at once. For a large company this will be just the thing. Everyone will be engaged and enjoy the gameplay.

Game "What are you doing here?"

A game quiz is held at the beginning of the event, when everyone has just sat down at the table. Several pieces of paper are placed in a glass vase or basket. The host asks each guest what he is doing here and hands him a vase of forfeits. Having taken the piece of paper, the participant must unfold it and answer what he is doing here by reading the answer on the piece of paper.

Naturally there will be a funny ending written there. Options for writing notes may be as follows:

  • Just come and have a delicious meal;
  • It seems like I’ve been here before and liked it;
  • I came here because they give away old things;
  • I read an advertisement from the newspaper, it said that they were waiting for me here;
  • They said it would be fun here;
  • Just because I love this place;
  • What, you don’t want me to play the guitar for you?;
  • I need to collect a debt here;
  • They bake delicious buns here, and I love them very much;
  • Don't worry, I'll be leaving by 10 p.m.

Game "Panic"

Participants in the game are given several strips of paper on which they need to write nouns. It is advisable to receive several notes from each participant. Subsequently, all the pieces of paper are placed in a hat or basket and mixed. Participants are divided into two teams, each requiring one person. They will have to pull out pieces of paper and try to describe the noun in their own words. If the participant guessed correctly, he gets a point. Associations must be expressed quickly, without delay.

Fall Tower game

The game must be played on a flat surface. A tower is formed from dominoes, matches or wooden blocks (best). After the first block, one chip is added from each participant. The player who fails the structure is considered the loser. Instead of losing, you can use penalty points with wishes granted. They come true like card wishes: sing on a chair, crow, paint your nails with brilliant green, etc.


Participants are presented with a situation that they must successfully solve.

  • You come to work and find out that you have been transferred to another department without your knowledge.
  • You come home and see a strange woman walking around the apartment in your robe.
  • The beauty salon mixed up the paint color and painted you a completely different color, but you don’t have time to go to the presentation and have time to repaint it.
  • You are invited to a restaurant and at the last moment it turns out that no one has the money to pay for dinner. Your actions.

Shouldn't we sing a duet?

Guests are divided into pairs - duets. Each duet takes out its own forfeit. Each fanta contains a specific song with two lyrics. Duets perform in turns. For each duet, they turn on the corresponding melody, and the duet performs its song, observing only one rule: to sing through the word (the first one sings the first word of the song, the second one sings the second word, the first one sings the third word, the second one sings the fourth word, and so on). Participants will get confused and miss words, because it is almost impossible to sing a song perfectly, although... The competition will show everything. But, in any case, the best duets, determined by the results of applause, will receive prizes.

"Tell me about yourself"

This comic test is designed for married couples. The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under numbers - ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles), are married men who are present - of course, in secret from their wives. Then the wives do the same. The person conducting the test asks the married couple to look at the side of the sheet where the representatives of the fauna chosen by the husband appear in a column. And so, he, the husband, -

  • Affectionate as...
  • Strong as...
  • Sociable like...
  • Authoritative as...
  • Independent like...
  • Smiling like...
  • Neat as...
  • Amorous as...
  • Brave as...
  • Beautiful as...

Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are named. So, “Your Wife”:

  • In transport like...
  • With relatives how...
  • With work colleagues like...
  • In the store it's like...
  • At home it’s like...
  • In a cafe or restaurant like...
  • With the boss how...
  • In a friendly company like...
  • In bed like...
  • In the doctor's office it's like...

Games for friends at home at the table

  • ABC of fairy tales. This game can be played by up to 2 people. If there are many players, then the leader divides them into teams. Each group is given a lot of pieces of paper with phrases or individual words, the number is determined by the leader’s imagination. But the more the better. From the received text passages you need to create a fairy tale. The planned words should be suitable for Russian fairy tales so that it is easy to compose text from them. The team that comes up with an interesting tale will be considered the winner or receive a bonus point. The fairytale narrative can be completed in several rounds;

  • Incomprehensible words. You need to carefully prepare for the game, and if you plan to play it after some time, then you need to compose a new package of words. The task uses cards with a set of completely unfamiliar words in Russian. Only nouns are allowed for the game. For example: defenestration, interrobang, dysania, lamniscata, collivubble, punt, natiforma and other words. One thing is for sure, friends will have a lot of thoughts on the word they just heard. When choosing words, do not forget to choose a decoding of their meaning;

  • Merry forfeits. This game consists of entertaining cards stacked in a deck. They look like playing cards, but instead of a suit, there is a humorous task hidden under the back. According to the rules of the game, there must be at least 52 cards in the deck; for a large company more is possible. Players take turns drawing cards, turning them over, and completing tasks. Such games are usually sold in children's or bookstores. But, if you haven’t found Merry forfeits, you can print them on a color or black and white printer. The tasks on the maps should not be torturous, everything is within the bounds of decency, so that each of the participants can complete their plans. If you refuse to complete the given task, you can change the forfeit, but no more than 2 times per game.

“As I say, so it will be!” (for the boss’s anniversary)

The guests ask the hero of the day tricky questions from the series “What should I do in this situation.” And he answers them, pulling “answers” ​​out of the box in random order.

Among the questions:

  • What words do you usually use to start a telephone conversation when you call a subordinate at 2 am?
  • What good advice from the chief accountant do you remember when you go to the tax office?
  • What caption would you write under a photo of your deputy in a men's magazine?
  • What phrase would you use to end a biographical novel dedicated to our personnel officer?
  • Among the answers are funny catchphrases, lines from songs, proverbs, and KVN jokes.

Simple table games for company

Sometimes, in between dinner gatherings, you want not only to talk, but also to laugh and get distracted. Instead of a toastmaster, you can occupy yourself with simple games that are suitable for an adult company.

Game "Zoo"

A player from each team puts a hoop or headband on his head, and a picture with an animal (chicken, lion, tiger, dog, etc.) is attached to it. Also, instead of animals, you can use letters, numbers, transport, buildings, food, plants, whatever your imagination allows. The task of the player from the opposing team is to describe the picture so that the opponent can guess it within 30 seconds. The one who doesn't guess loses.

Puzzle game

The game can be played among a large number of people or among a small number. Participants are given a long word consisting of approximately 8-15 letters. From this word you need to make as many short words as possible. The one who scores the most wins.

Game "Where is my date?"

This game is especially popular between couples, where there are boys and girls. The teams are divided into women's and men's. The female half remains in one room, the men in another. As soon as women wish for a partner, they need to write the name on a piece of paper and hold it in their hand. One man at a time is allowed in the women's room. The person who enters must guess the girl who wished for his name. If he guessed right, he kisses the girl, if not, then he gets a slap in the face and a kick in the ass, and he leaves the room. If the pair matches, then she remains in the room.

"What to do, if…"

The presenter calls three to five volunteers. Participants are encouraged to find an original way out of non-standard situations. Based on their answers, viewers choose a winner who receives the main prize. The remaining participants receive incentive prizes. Examples of non-standard situations:

  • What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?
  • What should you do if you were bringing a porcelain vase to a friend as a gift and accidentally broke it?
  • What to do if your loved one and your best friend celebrate their birthday on the same day?
  • What to do if you remembered that it’s your birthday only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?
  • What to do if several guests (by an amazing coincidence) gave you the same gifts?
  • What should you do if the day after your birthday you wake up in an unfamiliar place?
  • What should you do if a wizard flew to your birthday party in a blue helicopter and gave you 500 popsicles?
  • What to do if you received a live crocodile for your birthday?
  • What to do if this crocodile accidentally ate the one who gave it to you, and now there is no one to return the crocodile?
  • What to do the day after your birthday?

Funny table games for company:

On a boring evening, it’s best to get together with a group of friends and play forfeits. Fun games will unite any company and unite everyone into a common interest.

adult company, 3 options


At first it seems like a harmless game. But the intense heat begins towards the end of the game. Therefore, it is worth removing children in advance and using the game only for adults. The company hands over a box. You can do all this to cheerful music; for this you will need a special person who will regulate the musical movement. As soon as the music stops, no one hands the box anywhere. The container remains in the person's hands. Anyone who has such a chance needs to take off some of their clothes or give away an accessory (jacket, glasses, earring, watch, socks, etc.). The game continues until one of the players is left without clothes.


An old game that is suitable for a youth group. Choose a heavier bottle, preferably glass, and seat the group in a circle. Place the bottle in the middle and twist it clockwise. The one who spins the bottle must kiss the one to whom the neck of the bottle points. An empty bottle is chosen for the game.

Guess the body part

Choose a person from your group who will guess the body parts and a presenter. Basically, it's more of a joke than a game. Blindfold the participant. Place several people opposite, the main character must guess the part of the body that the leader is pointing at. Assistants with body parts can be changed (male-female). At the end, you can play a prank on a blindfolded participant, slip him a warm peeled sausage and ask him to guess his body part.

women's company, 3 options


The game is played in a women's circle of 3-5 people. A bottle of wine (open) is placed on the table, and a deck of cards is placed on top of it. The cards must have a glossy varnish coating so that the cards slide during the game.

So, the participants must take turns blowing on the cards. According to the rules of the game, you need to blow away 2 cards at once. The one who blew less takes a sip from the bottle. The one who blew away more drinks exactly as many sips as there are more cards from the cards he blew away. For example, during the game a participant blew away 5 cards (5-2=3), which means she needs to take 3 sips. The game continues until the wine runs out.


To play the game you need to prepare several cards with different nouns. You can play this game with the whole group, where there is a leader who reads words from paper or team to team.

Nouns are written in a column. Within a minute, the presenter reads out the associations for the word from the card. The team must guess the meaning. Whoever guessed correctly gets 1 point. The first round lasts up to 15 guessed words.


The game requires cards. They need to be prepared in advance. The cards are turned face down. The number can vary from 20 pieces. Each card has a task written on it. It must be fulfilled; anyone who refuses is eliminated from the game.

Tasks of various types: sing on one leg, remember the hit of last summer, name the capital of Georgia, etc. But among the cards there should be several brochures with the inscription “Secret”. The cards are mixed up. Participants draw cards one by one, completing open tasks. And, if you come across a secret card, then you need to tell your secret or a fact from life that no one knows.

drunk company, 3 options


For the game you will need music with different motives. Music players and the Internet are in every phone, so there will be no difficulties with the rules. A host is needed as a dance organizer; he is the one who will turn on the melodies. For each music track you need to perform a dance. Each participant is required to first name the country of the melody, then perform a dance. For example, the melody to which bachata dances began to play. Bachata came to us from Spain. Accordingly, a suitable dance is performed. The presenter can suggest the name of the dances, you can also watch the movements on YouTube, but the selected participant must perform it.

Where are you from?

Party participants sit on chairs. The presenter sticks a sign behind the chair. According to the idea of ​​the game, the names of establishments will be written there: brothel, sanatorium, maternity hospital, prison, sex store, school, market, etc. Participants are prohibited from reading the signs.

On command, the presenter greets everyone, saying that all the participants miraculously found themselves in these establishments and now everyone needs to tell how long they have been here, their future plans for life, etc. During the game, the presenter asks questions of various types. A wave of explosive laughter will be guaranteed.

Drunk Cube

The details you will need are a cube and a lot of glasses, you can use disposable ones. We build a long path of glasses. Now we pour drinks there, alternating water, sweet non-alcoholic and alcoholic toppings. Participants roll the dice, count the glass according to the number that appears, and drink it. A snack must be included with the game.


Competition - relay race "Felt boots of Santa Claus"

Attributes: 2 pairs of extra-large felt boots (or one).

This game is played around the tree or around chairs in teams.

Those playing, at the driver’s signal or the sound of music, put on large felt boots and race around the tree (chairs). If you only have one pair of such winter shoes, then let the teams compete against the clock.

With felt boots you can also come up with many different relay races: divide into teams and run, passing them on to each other as a team; carry with outstretched arms so as not to drop; put on felt boots and run backwards (it’s difficult to do this in big ones), etc. Imagine!

Don't drop the lump

Attributes: “snow” balls made from crumpled paper; large spoons (wooden possible).

Progress of the relay competition: two teams of equal numbers gather. At the command of the driver (or the sound of music), the first participants must quickly run around the room back and forth, carrying a lump in a spoon and trying not to drop it. Don’t choose too long routes - just make a circle around the tree.

The difficulty is that the paper is light and tends to fall off to the floor all the time.

They play until the last person running in the team. Whoever is first wins!

The competition can be held in a modern version. Use flower buds instead of snowballs, and smartphones instead of spoons.

The office wishes you a Happy New Year

Attributes: 2-3 sheets of whatman paper (depending on how many teams are playing), newspapers, magazines, glue and scissors.

In 10-15 minutes, teams must cut out words from the paper they are offered, paste them onto a piece of paper and compose an original New Year’s greeting to those present.

It should be a small, funny text. You can supplement the poster with clippings of pictures from the suggested magazines.

The most creative congratulation wins.

Whoever ends up with beads longer than their opponents, that team wins.

Gather a team or “Friendly Mosaic”

The competition requires little preparation. You need to photograph the teams, print the photo on a printer and cut it into small pieces. The teams' task is to put together a photo of their team in the minimum amount of time.

Those who complete their puzzle faster win.

It is advisable that the photographs be large.

The snowman turns...

Two teams. Each has 4 participants and 8 balls (blue and white are possible). Each one has the large letters S_N_E_G_O_V_I_K written on it. The snowman “melts” and turns... into other words.

The driver asks simple riddles, and the players build guessed words from balls with letters.

  • Grows on the face. - Nose.
  • Banned from work. - Dream.
  • Candles are made from it. - Wax.
  • Prepared for the winter. - Hay.
  • Orange is preferred to tangerine. - Juice.
  • Difficult to get up in the morning. - Eyelids.
  • Where did the office romance happen? - Movie.
  • Snow woman's colleague. - Snowman.

The fastest players get points, and those with the most points win.

Bonus - competitions for an all-female team!

These games are suitable for a New Year's corporate party for doctors, teachers, or for a kindergarten.

One minute!

If there are still men in your team, then we strongly advise you to look at our new ideas for original New Year's gifts for the men who work with you.

Rope for the brave

This is a competition exclusively for adults. The guests are divided into two equal teams.

At the driver’s signal and to the accompaniment of lively music, the players take off parts of their clothes in order to knit a long, very long rope from them.

When “Stop!” sounds, the visibly undressed participants begin to measure the length of their clothing chains.

The longest one wins!

Speed ​​and accuracy are valued. Although everyone has more fun because things get mixed up between the players.

Reverse Snow Queen

Inventory: ice cubes from the freezer.

Several contenders are selected for the crown of the Snow Queen. They pick up an ice cube and, on command, must melt it as quickly as possible, turning it into water.

You can give one at a time, or several ice cubes, putting them in bowls.

The first one to complete the task wins. She is awarded the title of "The Hottest Snow Queen".

The winner can be given a prize - a glass with the appropriate inscription. You can order it here (do not forget to enter the year and inscription when ordering).

Will Cinderella go to the New Year's ball?

In front of the two participants, mixed beans, peppers, rose hips, and peas are placed in a heap on plates (you can use any ingredients). The number of grains is small so that the game does not flow for too long (can be checked experimentally before the holiday).

After the players are blindfolded, they begin to sort the fruits into piles by touch. Whoever manages it first will go to the ball!

. If you haven’t ordered gifts for your employees yet, it’s time to choose!

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