More than 400 events will be held in Moscow during the New Year and Christmas holidays

From December 31 to January 2, Tverskaya Street will become pedestrian and turn into the main festive area of ​​the capital. In total, more than 400 events will be held in Moscow during the New Year and Christmas holidays. They will be held at the Journey to Christmas festival sites, as well as in parks, libraries and cultural centers. The Minister of the Moscow Government, head of the capital's Department of Culture, Alexander Kibovsky, reported on the holding of festive events at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

The entertainment program was compiled taking into account the opinions of Muscovites who voted in the “Active Citizen” project. The city's festive venues will be able to accommodate about 10 million guests.

On December 14, the Journey to Christmas festival started. It will last until January 13th. 78 festival venues appeared in the city. Eight thousand master classes and more than 1.5 thousand concerts and theatrical performances were prepared for guests.

New year's night

The main holiday of the year can be celebrated in 21 parks in the city, at 78 sites of the Journey to Christmas festival and 15 other district sites. Holiday programs will begin on December 30 at 15:00 and end by the evening of January 3.

New Year's Eve schedule:

— 17:00–20:00 — performances by artists and creative groups;

— 20:00–21:00 — New Year’s performance;

— 21:00–22:00 — evening concert;

— 22:00–23:50 — big festive concert and disco;

— 23:50 — broadcast of congratulations from the President of Russia and the Mayor of Moscow;

— 00:00 — New Year’s Eve;

— 00:05–02:00 — continuation of the big festive concert and disco;

— 01:00 — festive fireworks;

— 02:00–03:00 — DJ set.

The holiday in the parks will last from 22:00 to 03:00. At VDNKh, guests will enjoy costumed theatrical processions, a musical and animation program, and immersive performances. Sokolniki is planning a program “Blow by blow. To the rhythm of the planet." Visitors will be introduced to Irish dancing and Balkan music, and paper and neon shows will also be shown here.

The Hermitage Garden will delight guests with a “Party in the style of Van Gogh.” Everyone will be able to complement the artist’s famous painting with the help of an interactive art object. A party with dance master classes and competitions, as well as mass swing performances, will be held in Lianozovsky Park. The 50th Anniversary of October Park will present the “Magic Gnomes Workshop” program, which will include a dance show, master classes on making carnival masks and painting golden nuts.

More than a thousand popular artists, as well as over 1.5 thousand creative groups and animation groups, will perform at central and regional holiday venues for Muscovites and city guests. The total duration of the festive concert program will be 600 hours.

Festive fireworks on New Year's Eve will be launched from 31 sites: 13 high-rise and 18 park fireworks are planned. Together with the chiming clock, they will thunder over the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge and at VDNKh. Residents of other counties will see fireworks at 01:00. In addition, at each district site, the New Year's Eve at 00:00 will be accompanied by pyrotechnic effects.

Competitive game program "New Year's Fun"

"New Year's fun"

game holiday program


Create a festive New Year's mood.
- Develop creative abilities - Improve motor skills and abilities - Create a favorable, friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the communication process - Develop the ability to interact in a team - Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and attention to each other.
Preliminary preparation:
print out a telegram from Santa Claus, cards for playing forfeits and cards of the eastern horoscope; record funny New Year's music for competitions, music for disco; prepare props for competitions.

Progress of the event.


Good afternoon
Happy New Year, friends! I congratulate you all today! It is impossible to be sad and sad today, I wish you all fun and joy! There is fun and laughter in this hall today. There will be various dances and competitions. Success and various surprises await everyone who is cheerful and courageous. Presenter (addresses the children)
: Guys, have you seen Santa Claus?
Children (in unison
): No!
Presenter (addressing adults)
: Have you seen Santa Claus? Guys, Santa Claus has a lot of work on New Year's Eve, and he cannot come to our holiday. But he sent us a telegram:


Thanks to Grandfather Frost for such a beautiful congratulation!
Well, let's have fun and play without Santa Claus. We will send him photos from our holiday later! Do you agree? Children (in chorus)
: Yes!
I suggest playing the game “Say a word.”

Game “Say the Word”

It's snowing outside, the holiday is coming... (New Year) The needles glow softly, the coniferous spirit comes from... (Christmas tree) The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright... (glitter) And the toys swing - flags, stars... (crackers) Threads of colorful tinsel, bells , ... (balloons) Whitebeard and Rednose under the branches ... (Santa Claus) Presenter:

Guys, have any of you heard about the famous “Animal Cycle” What is it?
The cycle is 12 years.
Each year is named after an animal in a specific order .
Do any of you know what year, according to this calendar, we will be celebrating in a few days? Answer: 2021 will be the year of the White Metal Rat


Why were the years named after these particular animals, and why does the Year of the Ox begin after the Year of the Rat, and not the Year of the Dragon?
Children's answers Presenter:
My grandmother told me that once, a long time ago, someone suggested naming the years after twelve animals. Now no one can remember who this wise man was. However, there remains a legend among people that says that the animals themselves agreed to count the years and begin the cycle with the one who first sees the rising sun of the New Year. The camel, believing in the superiority of his height, was less worried than the others and therefore fell asleep just before dawn, and the little mouse, without thinking twice, climbed onto the top of his head and, of course, saw the birth of the New Year before anyone else. Therefore, they begin to count the years from the Year of the Mouse, but not a single year was named after the camel that slept through the sunrise.


It’s unlikely, guys, that everything happened exactly like that, but, in any case, the “animal calendar” quickly spread among different peoples, albeit with some variations.
For example, the Year of the Snail is called the Year of the Dragon by the Chinese, Mongols and Japanese, and the Year of the Fish by the Turkmens and Uyghurs, and instead of the Cow and Chicken, the Bull and Rooster appeared. Presenter:
Which of you can now correctly name all the names of the years according to the eastern calendar will receive a sweet prize.
Answer: Rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Host:
Well, since you know the eastern animal calendar so well, I offer you the game “Zodiac Signs”

Game "Zodiac Signs"

Props: cards with animal horoscopes by year.

5-6 people take part in the game.
They all receive cards with a horoscope. The presenter names a certain year, and the players, watching on the card, depict this animal. The winner is the player who quickly orients himself and more accurately shows the image of the animal, its voice, and facial expressions. If there are many people who want to play, you can repeat the game with a second set of participants. Host:
Guys, while you were playing the game, I composed a telegram in response to Santa Claus. I just had one problem: I couldn’t find the adjectives. Help me please. Name any 16 adjectives.

The text of the resulting telegram is read out. It turns out to be a very funny text. Leading:

The lights on the tree are bright, the New Year is coming.
What gifts and gifts will Santa Claus bring us? (in a bag)
A magic staff and a bag of gifts are the most important attributes of Santa Claus.
Without them, he never appears at the holiday. I’ll tell you a secret that grandpa’s bag is not simple - it’s bottomless! In any case, Santa Claus never lets anyone near the bag, he only takes gifts out of it himself. He does this without looking, but he always guesses who is waiting for what gift. Host:
I suggest you play the game “Santa Claus’s Bag”

Game "Santa Claus' Bag"

Props: a small Santa Claus bag, cards with forfeits and an empty bail box. Everyone sits in a circle and places an empty bag in the center. Leading:

you have in it , ok, say a word and give the deposit.
Everyone takes turns naming words that end in -ok
For example, “I put a ball in the bag,”
Anyone who makes a mistake or can’t figure out what to say puts any deposit in the box - a scarf, pencil, hairpin, chip or other personal item, and temporarily does not take part in the game any further. When all the players make one mistake, the presenter says: “Whose deposit will I get, what should I do?”
first takes out the deposit, and then from the bag a card with the task.
After this, each participant “redeems” his pledge, cheerfully fulfilling what he got. If there are many children, then deposits can be combined in groups of 2-3. Words for reference: bull, felt boot, collar, son, smoke, pot, glove compartment, tank, east, castle, pupil, castle, hammer, scoop, spine, ham, ham, peephole, bell, sock, scarf, breeze, felt, boxes, bun, shoe, hair, voice, fork, cap, corner, whistle, comb, cockerel, puppy, kitten, duckling, chicken, pie, etc.
Examples of tasks for New Year's forfeits: • Depict a New Year's cracker with a pantomime • Depict a festive fireworks display with a pantomime • Depict a sparkler in pantomime that does not want to light up • Walk around the room as if through snowdrifts • Depict a skier dragging a Christmas tree from the forest • Depict a bunny jumping around a Christmas tree • Depict a melting Snow Woman • Depict a Hut on chicken legs • Depict the symbol of the passing year according to the eastern horoscope • Draw the symbol of the coming New Year according to the eastern horoscope • Depict a blinking garland with a dance pantomime • Depict a snowflake with a dance pantomime • Read any New Year's poem • Put a few candies behind your cheeks and sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” • Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” ", as if you were very cold • sit down 5 times and each time, getting up, raise your hands, greeting everyone and wishing them a Happy New Year • Show in slow motion how a person makes a snowball and then throws it • With accelerated movements, depict how a person dresses up New Year's tree
and others... Host:
We had a lot of fun! This is how Santa Claus's bag came up with tasks for us! Guys, aren't you tired? Do you still want to play? (Yes!). I offer you the game “Two is better than one”

Game "Two is better than one"

Props: hoop, 7 toys (or skittles) There are 7 toys on the floor. 4 participants walk around them to cheerful music. As soon as the music stops, each player must grab two toys. Whoever gets one leaves the game. Each time 2 toys are removed. The game continues three times. One winner will be revealed. Leading:

And now it's time for winter mysteries.
To do this you need to split into two teams. I will ask each team in turn riddles. For each correct answer 1 point. The winners receive candy! (the riddles are not difficult, so everyone gets candy)
Competition “Winter Riddles”

1. Even though she herself is snow and ice, she sheds tears when she leaves. (winter)

2. I am small like a grain of sand, but I cover the earth.
I am made of water, but I fly in the air. (snow)
3.Like fluff, I lie in the fields and, like a diamond, I shine in the sun’s rays.
4. A person, not a living one, is standing in the yard with a broom.
Instead of a hat, he has our old bucket. The nose is a carrot. The eyes are coal. Who is this? Think about it! (snowman)
5. An invisible artist walks through the city: He will rouge everyone’s cheeks, pinch everyone’s nose, And at night, while I was sleeping, He came with a magic brush and painted sparkling leaves on the window.
6. It lies on the branches like a silvery fringe in winter, and in the spring it turns into dew as it flies.
7. Two braids, two sisters made of fine sheep yarn, how to walk, how to put on so that they don’t freeze five, yes five.
8. We fly down like an arrow, in spite of all the winds, but the riders pull us back in a crowd.
9. Two brilliant brothers, like the wind, rush, and all winter long they draw and cut the sonorous ice.
10. An ice lollipop hung on the roof, said “drip-drip-drip” and soon disappeared.
11. Guys, name the month in this riddle: its days are shorter than all days, longer than nights, snow fell on the fields and meadows until spring.
Our month has only passed and we are celebrating the New Year. (December)
12. The ears sting, the nose stings, the frost creeps into felt boots.
If you splash water, it’s not water that will fall, but ice. Even the bird cannot fly - the frost freezes the bird. The sun turned towards summer. What, tell me, is this a month? (January)
13.Which month has two friends: frost and blizzard?
14.They are like mother’s palms, they are like a nest for a bird.
Their grandmothers knit for their grandchildren. Their name is simply... (mittens) Presenter:
Well done! All the riddles have been solved! And now I invite everyone to dance and play the game “Snow Figures”!

Game "Snow Figures"

Children holding hands dance in the hall or around the Christmas tree. The presenter says: “Snowdrift!”

- and everyone raises their hands above their heads.
If he says: “Pit!”
- Everyone, without letting go of their hands, squats.
At the words: “Snowflake!”
- spread their arms to the sides and spin around, imitating snowflakes.
The pace gradually quickens. Presenter:
Well done! So attentive! All tasks were completed correctly. Who can tell me what is the most popular, most beloved snow figure? ... Well, of course a snowman! I also have a snowman here, and more than one, but the problem is that the kids forgot to draw carrot noses for them. We need to help the poor things!

Game "Attach the Snowman's Nose"

Props: 2 easels or special stands, 2 drawings of a snowman without a nose, 2 cardboard carrot noses, 2 scarves. 2 stands are placed in front of the tree, large sheets with images of snowmen are attached to them. Two or more children participate. They are blindfolded. At the signal, children must reach the snowmen and attach the carrot nose to the tape. Other children help with words: left, right, lower, higher... Anyone can play. The most accurate player is determined amid general laughter. Leading:

Guys, try to make a list of attributes that you associate with the New Year

Competition “What is there no New Year without?”

Children take turns listing everything that happens in the New Year: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snow, gifts, Christmas tree, tangerines, congratulations from the president, chimes, Christmas tree decorations, sparklers, firecrackers, fireworks, confetti, streamers, tinsel, rain, garlands , favorite salad, cake, needles on the floor, lanterns, etc.

The one who runs out of ideas is out of the game.
The smartest one wins. Host:
Well, well! This, it turns out, is what there is no New Year without! And on my New Year’s table there is always a vase of tangerines. The bright orange color, juicy taste and special aroma of these small balls help create a festive New Year's mood.

Competition "Tangerine Relay"

Props: 2 spoons and 2 tangerines (can be replaced with orange tennis balls) All participants are divided into two teams. The first players put a tangerine in the spoon. Participants compete in a race with a spoon in their hand. Whose team is faster wins. Leading:

Guys, aren't you tired?! Are you bored?!

For your attention - the last test: Who will clap louder?! (Children clap)

Who stomps louder?!
(Children stomp)
Who will jump higher?!
(Children jumping)
Who will blow harder?
(Children blow)
Well done!!!
We gathered at our club for the New Year's holiday. Why should we all stand there to no avail? Sing, dance and have fun!... Having played enough, we move on to telling holiday poems, musical numbers, and a festive disco!

Children's Christmas trees

During the winter school holidays, more than 250 New Year trees will take place in Moscow. The performances will attract over a million small spectators.

Thus, 30 thousand Moscow children received invitations to the Kremlin Christmas tree. Gostiny Dvor will traditionally host the Moscow Mayor's New Year's Eve party. From December 23 to January 5, 28 performances will be held, which will be attended by 53.2 thousand people, including children from large and low-income families, children from orphanages, children with disabilities from boarding schools, excellent students, laureates of city Olympiads and competitions, winners of sports competitions. 30 thousand New Year's gifts were prepared for them.

From December 18 to January 5, 25 New Year’s performances “The Prefect’s Tree” will be held in all Moscow districts. About 13 thousand children will visit them free of charge.

Charity events

On December 26 and 27, the Morozov Hospital and the St. Vladimir Hospital will host the Mayor’s Christmas tree celebrations for children suffering from oncological, oncohematological, orphan and other diseases. Children will receive over 1,800 New Year's gifts.

In three metropolitan clinics - the Morozov Hospital, the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology and the Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents named after G.E. Sukhareva - will conduct creative master classes.

Also, throughout December, the capital hosts the “Make a Wish” campaign. Muscovites can make the cherished dreams of children with disabilities and serious illnesses come true, as well as children from large and low-income families who wrote letters to Santa Claus about what they want to find under the New Year tree.

And until December 23, the “Good New Year” campaign will be held in all capital’s cultural centers. Anyone can create New Year's gifts and souvenirs with their own hands for the beneficiaries of charitable foundations - children with organic lesions of the central nervous system and elderly people from nursing homes and psychoneurological boarding schools. Also, gifts are being collected in cultural centers.

Contents of the collection “Entertain the people for the New Year? Easily!"

Contents of the collection


New Year's scenes

  • Guests from Italy at the New Year's party
  • Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness!
  • Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Fairy Tale
  • New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight
  • A long-awaited gift
  • Magic staff

New Year's games and competitions

  • Comic forecast “What will happen at today's party”
  • Comic horoscope “Morning after the banquet”
  • Comic New Year's telegrams
  • New Year's forfeits, or fun tasks for guests
  • New Year's acting competitions
  • New Year's table games and competitions
  • Interesting New Year's games for a fun company

New Year's games and competitions published on the website

  • Comic letter to Santa Claus
  • Games to warm up the audience at the New Year's party
  • New Year's chants
  • Game “Why did I come to this New Year’s holiday”
  • Table game "New Year's questions and answers"
  • Game "New Year's Changelings"
  • Sensational headlines, or fairy tales in a new way
  • Game "New Year's Crocodile"
  • Original creative competitions for the New Year holiday
  • New Year's games and competitions for a drunk company
  • Music and dance competitions and games
  • Competition "New Year's gastronomic duels"


Skits and impromptu fairy tales included in the collection


The collection includes funny sketches and impromptu fairy tales, the plot of which is connected with the wonderful New Year holiday. All sketches have funny and original plots; in addition, the texts are well edited, and for impromptu scenes there are signs with the names of the characters, which is very convenient for the organizer of the festive program; It is also provided that when printing a specific scene or sheet of signs, nothing unnecessary is printed. Here is a brief description of the scenes included in the collection:

Guests from Italy at the New Year's party (a very funny costumed New Year's greeting with original text). Little preliminary preparation is required. Age: 16+ Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness! (impromptu fairy tale with chants, presenter and 7 actors; everyone else present also participates). Especially suitable for corporate New Year celebrations. Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Fairy Tale (funny impromptu fairy tale, Presenter and 11 actors). For any conscious age :). New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight (small impromptu fairy tale, Presenter and 6 actors). A long-awaited gift (miniature pantomime scene, impromptu, from 1 to 3-4 people can take part in it). The scene is universal, suitable for both children and adults. Magic staff (New Year's theatrical skit, costume performance for adults, Storyteller (reader) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time an interesting, funny scene with an original New Year's plot. Advance preparation is required. Age: 15+


Collection format: pdf file, 120 pages

New Year holidays

From mid-December to the end of January, about a thousand festive events will be held in cultural centers, cinemas and libraries in Moscow. 46 New Year trees will be held in 22 libraries, and from January 2 to 6, 158 libraries will host a daily New Year program with master classes, competitions and gifts.

Free film screenings will be held in 13 city cinemas of the Moskino chain. Favorite New Year's and family films will be shown here. By tradition, city museums and exhibition halls will be open free of charge during school holidays.

Museums and exhibition halls also prepared a festive program. At the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, visitors will see the New Year's performance "The Machinations of the Mouse King", and at the Kuskovo Museum-Estate - the Dutch New Year. The Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve will present the exhibition project “Valenki. From royal palaces to fashion catwalks”, Museum of Cosmonautics - play “The Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka. Flight to Mars”, and the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin - “Family New Year’s balls in an old Russian estate.” New Year's balls will be held at the Ilya Glazunov Gallery. The Museum of Moscow will stage Andersen's Fairy Tales.

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