Party in the style of the USSR: forward to the fun past

Retro parties are very popular; today there is a tendency to hold bright and memorable holidays. And how can you forget what each of the guests participates in: preparing an outfit that matches the theme of the evening, a special congratulation, and even a gift that can be “in the theme.” During the evening, guests take a direct part in creating a unique atmosphere that should permeate everything around. Let's move on to the main thing and the title. The era of the USSR spans more than one decade; in order to remember the days not so long ago gone, we dedicate this scenario to the eighties.


Start by “destroying” traces of modernity - take them out, hide them behind large posters and drapery. Think about it, is it really necessary to adhere to a specific period? Or would a generalized version of a party in the style back to the USSR be suitable? If so, then the decor will not have to be selected in accordance with one decade or another, which will definitely save time.

Be sure to involve your friends - it’s difficult to collect party supplies alone. Search barns, storage rooms, mezzanines and other repositories of memories, you will probably find something.

For a design with a focus on politics or pioneering, the red color of the banner is ideal. To recreate the atmosphere of a cafe or dining room - snow-white, light shades. If you are celebrating at home, then the ideal backdrop will be the color of wood, green, beige and blue (the most common in the interior of apartments of that era). Simple ideas:

  • hang a USSR flag and a banner at the entrance indicating the reason for the meeting , meeting, rally. With humor, but in a recognizable style. For example, “Born in the USSR”, “The USSR is alive!”, “Our homeland is the USSR”. For the birthday “Opening of the 38th international gathering of the best comrades”;
  • draw a “Wardrobe” sign and hang it above the hanger/closet. Make numbers according to the number of guests, hang them on hooks (you can have several pieces per person). Attach the ad “Comrades, the cloakroom attendant is on vacation. But be sure to take license plates! Chairman's order."

These numbers correspond to the numbers of win-win lottery tickets. Come up with funny forfeits and prepare a small retro present for each number. Play out this part of the scenario when everyone has gathered: a lottery, prizes, funny actions (forfeits) will bring back memories and liberate the guests;

  • decorate the walls with posters and playbills in the style of the USSR , on any topic. Hang some in a meaningful area. For example, a movie poster “Welcome or strangers...” at the entrance, a poster “We will serve you culturally...” above the table with refreshments, “If you don’t read books...” above the coffee table.

You can create a funny and unexpected decor if you replace the faces of Soviet characters with photos of friends. There are so many posters that it will not be difficult to choose the ones that are suitable for their meaning (according to the profession, lifestyle, and other characteristics of each guest).

  • hang it on the wall and place rugs on the floor. It would be great if someone still has that same carpet with deer! Grandma's striped rugs will fit. Throw blankets, tapestry or plush, over sofas and armchairs. On a TV, under vases with carnations, under boxes, etc. lay openwork napkins;
  • For a bright holiday decoration, collect garlands - from colored paper, old food and candy labels (print), fake money, flags of the republics. Simple balloons, Christmas tree garlands, tinsel will fit;
  • if this is a party in the style of the USSR pioneers, decorate the room with recognizable attributes: banners, pennants, ties, drums and bugles, busts of leaders. Read more here>;
  • make a comic honor board , in a frame, neat letters, rows of photos. If you take children's photographs, you can organize a “Who is this?” competition. Come up with funny captions: “Maria Sidorova is a record holder for running with a string bag!”, “Pasha Ilyin won the international speed shaving competition!” (although Pavel has had a beard for two years);
  • organize a mini-library or reading room. Put some books, old magazines and newspapers (you can print them out). Or play around with the seating area - a table, a couple of armchairs, a lamp in a lampshade with tassels, lotto or checkers. A forgotten porcelain cup and saucer, several postcards/letters on top of a spread of Komsomolskaya Pravda;
  • A colorful party in the style of those born in the USSR will remind you of childhood if you use school supplies in the design : a backpack, copybooks, compasses, Polytsvet pencils, etc. Children's crafts and our toys will fit perfectly.

Place a stroller in the corner, with several dolls nearby. Place large soft toys on the floor, inside strollers - whatever you find. Pyramids, cubes, tumblers and Cheburashkas, soldiers, iron cars and other dear toys made in the USSR;

  • Place antiques around the house/hall. For a party in the style of the USSR, literally everything will be useful: a telephone, a camera, a cassette recorder, grandma’s iron, radio, TV, etc. If there is nothing suitable, arrange a photo exhibition “Back to the USSR”. Guests of the party will probably look with interest and comment on objects that are so rare today, but so common just recently.

In addition to decor, you can rent functional “echoes of the past.” For example, a juice cone, a cotton candy machine, slot machines (dozens of types of “eaters” of schoolchildren’s pocket money!), a soda and/or beer machine. It’s just a pity that not everyone can afford such entertainment on a budget. But if it’s an anniversary or another serious occasion... In general, guests will definitely never forget such a party!

How we celebrate

Theme and name of the party

Party in USSR style. We stylize the event as a party meeting organized to mark the end of the next five-year plan.

It could be a party in the style of the USSR of the 60s, 70s or 80s - we will choose the decade depending on when the hero of the day was born. This scenario for an anniversary in the style of the USSR does not imply a return to the past - we simply pay tribute to the style of that era when the first five years of the life of our hero of the day passed.


Interior. We will decorate the walls with propaganda posters from the times of the USSR. Posters with the following inscriptions are perfect:

  • Life has become better, life has become happier
  • The whole world will be ours
  • Know how to rest
  • Healthy rest for workers
  • Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy
  • Be carefull
  • Five-year plan – hard work!

Somewhere on the wall or on the furniture we’ll hang a string bag with sprat in tomato, condensed milk and Cosmos cigarettes.

It would be great if you could find a reel-to-reel or cassette recorder from that era, although a record player would also work. In general, to create the desired ambiance, we use any items from the USSR era: postcards, a decanter with stacks, old gramophone records, Rubik's cubes and other puzzles from our childhood, a plush carpet with deer, crystal, the Soviet flag, holiday flags, etc.

Let's look for images of Soviet banknotes on the Internet, print them out and use them as coasters for glasses, or make bouquets of banknotes and decorate the table with them. We will cover the top of the table or tables with either a red tablecloth or oilcloth a la a Soviet canteen.

Table. Of course, you can treat yourself to anything at an anniversary in the style of the USSR, but it’s still worth putting on the table symbolic Soviet delicacies: sprat in tomato, doctor’s sausage, Alenka chocolate, processed cheese, Olivier salad, Buratino lemonade, sprats , a jar of pickled cucumbers, green peas, “Soviet” champagne, etc. For dessert you can serve “Bird's Milk” cake and “Plombir” ice cream.

Dress code for the anniversary in the style of the USSR. Ceremonial clothing in the style of the Soviet decade, which was taken as a basis. Men can wear:

  • in a formal suit with an old-fashioned tie;
  • in trousers with a shirt with rolled up sleeves, and on his head - an eight-piece cap;
  • in jeans and an Adidas sweatshirt.

The fair half of the party participants can come in polka dot dresses, in school uniforms with white aprons (let’s assume that high school Komsomol girls were invited to a ceremonial party meeting) or in the classic “white top – black bottom” tandem.

At the entrance, we will attach a red ribbon to each guest’s chest.

Progress of the event “Anniversary in the style of the USSR”

The presenter announces that such and such a five-year period of life has come to an end... (the name of the hero of the day, the names of the spouses celebrating the anniversary of their marriage, or the name of the company on whose anniversary the party is organized are mentioned). Next, the presenter says a few beautiful words to the hero of the day and invites the guests to sit down at the table and have a festive dinner on this occasion, at the same time summing up the results of all the past five-year plans.

After the first toasts, you can already entertain the guests with a story or video sketch of the “ Five Year Plan ”. All the years of the hero of the day’s life are divided into five-year plans, and a separate story/film is made about each of the five-year plans, where events in politics, fashionable music, clothes, some significant events in the world, etc. are mentioned.

After each story about the next five-year anniversary, the hero of the day (the director of the company, if this is the anniversary of an enterprise, or the spouses, if this is the anniversary of a joint life) is asked to name five important events that happened to him during this five-year period (for example, in the first five-year period of his life, the hero of the day learned to walk, speak, eat with a spoon, read, ask parents for soda from the machine, etc.).

Next, the presenter asks the guests to remember something from that five-year period - an event in the world, new items in cinema, music, fashion, any memorable events significant for the whole country, etc. – something that was not mentioned in the story/film.

And so on for every five-year plan, right up to our time - first a story or film about the five-year plan, then the memories of the hero of the day, and then the guests. Nostalgia, tears of tenderness and sincere smiles of joy from touching beauty are far guaranteed!

When this first part of the party takes place in the style of the USSR , the host will say: “We remembered and reported on all five years of the life of the hero of the day, and now, comrades, let us turn again to the first and most important - the one when the hero of the day was born.
That is, let’s go back to the USSR!”

Party in the style of the 80-90s.

We are writing a party script in the style of the 80s.

The main criterion is lightness and ease.
These can be interesting and funny forfeits, competitions, sweepstakes, lotteries, or simple funny questions! Do this taking into account the holiday habits and preferences of your group. We prepare prizes in advance: pennants, chewing gum, toffees, calendars with Olympic symbols. Everything that is associated with that era. Funny and humorous questions about how much food and things cost at that time will relieve guests and mentally immerse them in time of shortage. By the way, the guess the melody game will come in handy. Make a good selection of your favorite songs from the 80s. You can organize a competition for the best party look, the participants will walk down the catwalk and receive a storm of applause!

A disco marathon or dancing on a newspaper will reveal the talents of the guests and give them the opportunity to express themselves in the spirit of that time! Choosing the king and queen of the disco evening or (as an option) Miss and Mister USSR will be the perfect ending to your positive program.

In general, more positivity, more colors and the party will be remembered by everyone for a long time! Good luck, good mood and positive emotions!


Scenario 2

Scenario 3


Several more different competitions and draft scripts.


A competition in which men must solve a Rubik's cube is also popular, but the girls from among the guests act as the cube. The man’s task is to dress his “cube” in one color, and the task is complicated by the fact that when trying to get rid of one piece of clothing, another part of it may fall off.

*** There is also a dance competition and a “Guess the Hit” game, where, using several parts of a song from the 80s, guests must guess who is performing the composition. The winner who guesses the largest number of songs is awarded a CD with songs.

*** Pioneer chant Who walks together in a row? Our pioneer squad! Strong, brave. Dexterous, skillful. You walk, don’t lag behind, sing a song loudly. Who goes? We are going! Who sings? We sing! Who walks together in a row? - Our pioneer squad! Friendly, cheerful, we are always right there - Leninist pioneers, Leninists are coming! Be ready always ready! Be healthy - always healthy! We are great guys, Leninist pioneers! We are loud-mouthed, we are curly-haired, We do not need peace of mind. We are romantics, we are dreamers, a fighting pioneer detachment. One-two! Three four! Three four! One-two! Who walks together in a row? This is a change of Komsomol, our pioneer detachment! Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward, and only everyone together! One two. Three four! Three four One two! Who walks together in a row? Our pioneer squad. Who's tired? Don't get tired! Who's behind? Keep up, Mood on 5, Follow all laws Song-y zape-e-VAY. Whose guys are these? Daring Octobers Strong and brave! Dexterous, skillful! A little star made of red gum. We are Ilyich’s grandchildren. Standard bearer, raise the banner higher, raise the banner higher. Sing, sing our song, sing our song!

COMPETITIONS: “Total Recall” To determine which team answers first, you can use a bell: whoever presses the fastest is the team responsible; for a false start, the turn goes to the opposing team. The host names a word that denotes a modern object, and the guests quickly come up with and name a Soviet analogue, perhaps with humor, playing out the analogy in an interesting way. For each successfully selected analogue - one toffee. So you can score a lot of toffees in this competition. a) DVD player - VCR or filmoscope b) Parmesan - processed cheese "Druzhba" c) MP3 player - bobinnik d) Coca-Cola - lemonade "Buratino" or "Citro" e) CD - gramophone record f) Shrek - crocodile Gena f) Laptop - calculator, typewriter or game "Electronic" g) ATM - savings bank h) Dolphin on skis - Olympic bear i) Colgate paste - tooth powder j) Barbie - baby k) Cosmopolitan magazine - " Working Woman" or "Peasant Woman" m) Angelina Jolie - Sophia Loren (or, for example, Anastasia Vertinskaya) n) Pokemon Pikachu - the hare from Well, Wait

"Soviet space: pioneers". The bottom line is this: Your task is to discover a new planet, plant the Soviet flag on it and populate it with Soviet people. Our planets will be in the form of balls, and we will populate people using a marker. So, all the guys just inflate the balloons, and the girls put people on it, drawing as many simple figures as possible, depicting people. But time is strictly limited. The squad that populates the most people will win. You have three minutes to do everything. The presenters distribute balls according to the number of guys and markers according to the number of girls. The competition begins and ends with the music “And we don’t dream about the roar of the cosmodrome.” The winning team will receive three toffees.

“Soviet Army: Red Star” Now you will have the opportunity to earn yourself a red star. We need three brave participants who will cut stars out of these apples. We have three nominations: “The biggest star”, “The fastest”, “Jewelry work” (the neatest and most beautiful star). The winner in each category will be awarded two toffees. Participants are called to a table prepared especially for this competition. The rest support their participants.

*** You can make a Crocodile game in the style of the 80s. That is, show excerpts from famous Soviet films with actions. And the guests guess.

“I poured it, drank it, had a bite.” An odd number of participants participate in the competition. The first player runs to a chair on which there is a bottle of vodka (wine, beer), a glass (glass), a snack, pours the contents of the bottle into the glass, and returns to the team. The second player runs up to a chair, drinks, and returns to the team. The third player runs up to the chair, has a snack, and returns. The fourth pours, the fifth drinks, the sixth has a snack. And so on until the liquid in the bottle runs out. If you don’t want the relay to drag on, place an incomplete bottle.

It is imperative to reward the winners of the game with products available in the eighties: either caramel or gingerbread.


After the guests sat down at the tables for the second time, ate hot food, and wanted to dance. At the disco, use music that was popular in the eighties and nineties. Sometimes include modern compositions.

Musical competition.

Competition for the best dancer: lambada, macarena, letka-enka, rock and roll.

"The Longest Train"

The head of the two locomotives is the birthday boy and one of the relatives (wife, children). During the dance, they gather themselves “cars” - guests, moving to the beat of the music, holding each other by the belt.


At the end of the evening, you can make a fire (prepare firewood in advance). Sing tourist songs from your youth with your guests. It would be good if there was a guitar available and someone could play along. After a few songs, it's time for a birthday cake with candles. The hero of the day makes a wish, puts out the candles, and the guests chant “Congratulations!” Tea should be served with the cake.

**************************************** **************************************** ****** Scenario 4 Beginning - admission to the pioneers (they are given ties, newspaper caps for everyone, October stars are attached with a pin to the chest). First, let's line up! The “pioneer” oath is something funny like “let’s drink and have fun.”

Competition 1 “Fifth Nutrition”.
Speedy eating of a bun and washing down with kefir Competition 2 “Cabbage”. Karaoke - sheets with songs are given, a dramatization of the song is prepared. Competition 3 “Royal Night / Body Art”. 1 participant each Body art on the belly with toothpaste. Each team member completes something. As a result, they describe the resulting picture. Props: 2 bottles of toothpaste, water, towel (for rinsing). Quiz competition. Questions for the teams one by one. Adiki - Adidas sneakers, Kross - Sneakers, mainly foreign-made (Poland, Czech Republic, East Germany, and, of course, Adidas). Elastic bands - Short, tight skirts. Alaska - Fashionable in the 80s, a bologna jacket with fur on the hood. Soap dishes - Rubber sandals. Bolted - Jeans with buttons, especially prestigious in those days - Levi's 501. Palm - Women's hairstyle. The hair was gathered into a ponytail at the crown of the head, secured with a colored elastic band(s), then fluffed out in the shape of a palm tree. Cheburashki - Soviet-made jeans. Violet - (all the same) Disco player - (Disco.) Laces - parents. Shoes are shoes. "Funny Pictures" - children's magazine "Murzilka" - children's magazine Rodopi - Turbo cigarettes - chewing gum Bicycle shorts - tight short pants. Hoodie - an outfit for punks. Baubles - beaded bracelets, laces for the hand. Kapor is a women's headdress-hood (the fluffy form of an angora). Kuku-ruku - waffles with boiled stickers (jeans that were specially boiled in bleach) Zuko, Yuppii, Invite - dry drinks High ponytails held in place with a dozen colored elastic bands were fashionable.
So the competition can be held on men with elastic bands and tufts. For participation in the game program, guests are given pennants with different titles, for example, a public catering activist for eating buns -). And the theme with haberdashery is interesting: while dancing, guests pass a bag with outfits and accessories in the style of the 80s, the music ends - whoever has the bag takes out and puts on whatever they find. And so on. And be sure to set up a photo studio with Soviet-era outfits. **************************************** **************************************** ****** Scenario 5

WELCOME GUESTS At the entrance, we will attach a red ribbon to each guest's chest. PREPARE: red ribbons. Before sitting down at the table, you can arrange for rations to be issued using coupons :) PREPARE: printed coupons. CONGRATULATIONS FROM A PIONEER (The “Pioneer” song is turned on), in the background We, the pioneers, are the children of our country! There is no one happier than us in the world. To be with you again today, I came to congratulate the heroes of the day! Their whole life serves as an example for children, both Octobers and pioneers. I will continue to follow their example, I came to congratulate the heroes of the day! I came to the holiday to learn from my elders, how to drink so as not to get drunk at all, how to eat in order to keep my figure, I came to congratulate the heroes of the day! I am a pioneer of the Soviet country. Everyone is in love with you, heroes of the day. I couldn’t find better friends - I came to congratulate you today! I say without despondency or laziness: I don’t know about the generational conflict. You, the heroes of the day, are always good, I must take an example from you! *** Let the blue nights fly like fires! We, the pioneers, “want a glass.” It’s high time for adults to pour a drink: After all, I came to congratulate the heroes of the day! (the celebrants pours a drink for the “pioneer girl.”) Accept, in the prime of your life, Our warm, rainbow greetings And, without hiding our feelings, We will raise our cups for you! - And now we will hold a solemn ceremony for the entry into the pioneers of OUR BIRTHDAY BOYS Dear birthday people! Please accept our congratulations, and instructions for life. Promise not to get sick, to get younger every year, not to be sad or bored, to meet every day with ease. Be ready! Birthday boys: Always ready! Do physical exercises And dig in the beds in the garden, Don’t forget about friends, Invite people to visit you more often. Be ready! Birthday boys: Always ready! (Drum roll, I tie a tie for the birthday boy). ABBREVIATIONS GAME This intellectual game is also played right at the table. The host hands out paper sheets with Soviet abbreviations to the guests. First, he asks the guests to decipher them, and then gives the task to come up with a new decoding - so that it will certainly be associated with the hero of the day. At the end, you can vote to determine the coolest decoding of the Soviet abbreviation in a new way. CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense) DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy) Komsomol (All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union) BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) TASS (Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union) HPP ( hydroelectric power station) GOELRO (state commission for electrification of Russia) MTS (machine and tractor station) PGT (urban settlement) ASSR (autonomous Soviet socialist republic) NII (scientific research institute)

Example of a new decryption:

The hero of the day is Nikolai. Decoding the abbreviation CPSU: “Kolya is the sexiest guy!”

Competition "Soviet Breakfast"

for 1 kopeck? Blitz survey “What could you buy in the 80s for 1 kopeck? A glass of sparkling water without syrup, matches

2) 2 kopecks - call from a machine 1) 3 kopecks - gas water with syrup, notebook 2) 4 kopecks - the most erotic question - a condom 3) 5 kopecks - a bun, travel on public transport 4) 10 kopecks - milk ice cream, a haircut 5 ) 22 kopecks - cake, popsicle in chocolate 6) 30 kopecks lottery ticket 7) 56 kopecks cost a dollar8) 96 kopecks 9) - wine - autumn garden 10) 1 rub. 50 kopecks - application to the registry office 11) 2 rub. 82 kopecks - bottle of vodka 12 ) 120 rubles - salary for an engineer 13) 5000 - "Zhiguli" 14) 10000 - "Volga"

15000 get 15 years with confiscation

CONTEST. “Who will keep the spinning top spinning longer?”

Toys in the USSR, even if everyone had the same ones, were dear to the heart. Remember - the tumbler, the doll Masha and... What toys did you have??? And we have a spinning top toy. Unwind the spinning top. Whoever Spins the longest wins.


1. Previously an accountant, and now a financial director... 2. manager - merchandising expert (senior salesperson) 3. designer - graphic artist 4. makeup artist - make-up artist 5. stylist - hairdresser 6. assistant - secretary 7. teacher tutor - counselor 8. marketer - packer 9. art director - artistic director 10. creative director - chairman of the trade union committee 11. president - general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee 12. city mayor - chairman of the city council



Scenario 6.

Scenario for the corporate event “Back to the Pioneer Future”

To spend the evening, you need to take care of the premises in advance. You will need a building in nature, a recreation center, a country sanatorium. The most important thing is that it is convenient to go outside at any time for events, competitions, etc.


To set the table, guests agree in advance on the preparation of already favorite dishes, that is, already familiar and loved ones. The table is decorated with branches of Christmas trees and tangerines. There is a large Christmas tree outside, decorated with candies, toys and tinsel. Kebabs are also prepared there and some competitions are held. Competition for the best DIY New Year's decoration. The winner of this competition receives a bottle of champagne as a gift. Everyone who took part in decorating the premises will be rewarded with souvenirs, and the decorations themselves will be moved to the office and will decorate the premises for some time and remind them of the festive corporate party.


In the pioneer past, the team consisted of cells and detachments. And first of all, the leader divides the team into groups, we will call them “Team No. 1” and “Team No. 2”; if the team is large, there may be more teams. And the event is called “Pioneer Christmas Tree.” Each squad has a color difference, it could be a pioneer cap, for each team of the same color.


We ask you to have a lot of fun, leave your workday routine behind the door and let go of your soul. Bored people will be punished (warned in advance)


The official part can be omitted and the celebration will only be detached, or the annual report can be hung on the wall, for those who wish to read it during the evening.


The most interesting and active competitions will be, and in order to identify the winners you must first collect points. The winners of each competition will be awarded pioneer stars. The team that scores the most stars becomes the winner. At the end of the evening, the winners are given pioneer ties and are initiated into pioneers with an oath.


First competition Competition for a New Year's corporate party "Wall newspaper" Details, attributes: Wall newspaper sheets are prepared in advance and glued with tape, and glued to a free wall, as well as photos of all participants, double-sided tape, scissors, pencils, felt-tip pens, a table where the props will lie. Two players from each team participate in the competition. You need to stick a photo of all your team members on the Christmas tree. The winner is the team that quickly glued photos of their colleagues to the Christmas tree. The winners receive a well-deserved star


Second competition Competition for the New Year's corporate party “Naughty Races” This competition is held on the street. Players of all teams, at the command of the leader, must crumple snowballs on their territory. The winner is the team that crumples the most snowballs in a minute. The team that made the most snowballs gets a star.


Third competition Competition for the New Year's corporate party “Throwing” Details, attributes: snowballs from the previous competition. You need to throw all the snowballs and hit your opponents. The winner is the team in which all the snowballs hit the target. The winners receive an asterisk. Other outdoor competitions in winter


Competitions are also held on the premises.


Fourth competition Competition for a corporate party Competition for a New Year's corporate party “Card fights” Details, attributes: two decks of cards, two boxes One player from each team participates in the competition. You need to throw one card at a time into the box. The entire deck is thrown. The winner is the team that threw the most cards into the box, for which they receive a winner star.


At the end of the evening, the results are summed up. All the winner's stars are counted. The team with the most stars becomes the winner. The winning team is accepted as a pioneer and is given ties. Pioneers say a funny oath of Pioneers (Companies)

Comic oath of a pioneer “NAME I (Name, Surname), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after (Name of Director), in front of my comrades, I solemnly promise: to passionately love my (company name). Plow, work and fight, as the great (Name of the Chief) bequeathed, as the party teaches. It is sacred to observe the Laws of Pioneerism (company name).” Laws of Pioneers (company name). The pioneer is devoted to the Motherland, the company, the work The pioneer looks up to the heroes of struggle and labor The pioneer honors the memory of the fallen fighters and prepares to become a fighter of the Fatherland The pioneer is the best in work, work and sports The pioneer is an honest and faithful comrade, always boldly standing for the truth. Pioneer is a friend to pioneers and children of workers of all countries

Source: ©



For our party in the style of 80-90 xx, I took several competitions. I changed some things to suit myself, edited some things, and added some more.

We invite guests

The very first thing you need to do when preparing for any holiday is to make and present invitations. After all, at a themed party, a dress code is required, and guests will need time to prepare a costume. Therefore, it is better if they are aware of the time, place and theme of the holiday 1-2 weeks in advance.

Of course, the style of the celebration should be reflected in the invitation. Let's suggest some interesting options for its design:

  1. Soviet postcard. Many people still have elements of their children's collections in their homes. Write the invitation text with an ink pen or imitate a typewriter font.
  2. Telegram form. The sample can also be found on the Internet. Another option is to print the letters on yellowish paper like wrapping paper, cut them out in the form of ribbons and stick them inside postcards (this is how congratulatory telegrams came to the USSR).
  3. Party card. One of the most respected documents of that era. Presenting such a document at the entrance - what could be more prestigious! Perhaps the mandate of a deputy of the Supreme Council .
  4. Certificate. Giving such an invitation to the “Guest of Honor” or the “Excellent Party Member” will be fun and unusual.
  5. Poster. Soviet posters are a very recognizable attribute of the era, so it’s worth finding a suitable example on the Internet and reducing it to a postcard format. And if in Photoshop you insert a photo of your guest in place of the hero depicted on the poster, then he will keep your invitation as a souvenir and will proudly show it to his friends!
  6. Soviet invitation card. It was possible to get to the most interesting events in the USSR only by personal invitation. So make a ticket like this: use the color red, the coat of arms of the USSR, images in a recognizable style (the same postcards will serve as examples), sweeping painting and a government seal.

When formulating the text, remember the expressions of a bygone era: “Dear comrade (name)! We invite you to take part in the ceremonial meeting on the occasion of (specify the occasion). The dress code is formal. Please arrive promptly. Committee of organizers of the solemn holiday."

Welcome! Wipe your feet

In order to transform the room and give it a resemblance to the chosen era, first decide what exactly it will depict: a party meeting hall, a Soviet apartment, or maybe a working canteen for Komsomol members who explored virgin lands? This is not mandatory; you can simply adhere to the general style trends and decorate the room in a festive way, but in accordance with the theme.

At the entrance, place a rug with a thoughtful inscription “Wipe your feet”, and hang a “Wardrobe” sign on the hanger (and the numbers that you give out to guests can be used for drawing forfeits).

Table. The main color of the holiday will, of course, be red, but be careful not to overdo it, because in large quantities this color increases tension. A red tablecloth can be used to cover a large table; tablecloths with fringes are also suitable. Place a vase of wildflowers and a water decanter with glasses on each table.

The walls must be decorated with posters: after all, at that time not a single room could do without them. Choose bright ones that are appropriate in meaning: for example, “Man is a friend, comrade and brother to man,” “I have friends everywhere,” etc.

You can play with Photoshop and transform them a little. You can also hang printed portraits of party and government members or famous singers and film artists on the walls. A banner made of red fabric with white letters with some slogan suitable for the occasion will look beautiful; “Peace to the World” will be universal. A map of the USSR with the coats of arms of all union republics will immediately add a “thematic” feel.

The “Honor Board” will gather guests around for a long time, because it will contain their photographs (preferably in black and white) with flattering individual signatures, for example, “Production Leader”, “Excellent Activist”, “Mentor and Teacher”, “Chief Leader” , “Noble Grower”, “Hero of Labor”.

Other accessories . Everything that you can find to add color to the room should take its appropriate place. Place a stack of newspapers on the coffee table: surely one of the guests will want to take a break from the general bustle and leaf through Literary Gazette or Collective Farm Woman. You can also put a lotto set and a chessboard there.

Place a lamp with a shade on your nightstand or hang it above your desk. Place Soviet dolls and bears on the back of the sofa. Hang a grocery bag with a can of sprat in tomato, green peas and a bottle of lemonade or Zhigulevsky on each chair - you can give them to guests as souvenirs. Don’t forget about the red banner - place it on a stand in the center of the room or in the “red corner”.

If you are decorating a New Year's celebration , look for glass toys for the Christmas tree or make decorations yourself, and a red star is simply necessary for the top.

Festive set or why there was everything on the table that was not in stores

You can approach the issue from two sides: serve popular dishes of the Soviet era, or stylize and decorate any modern treats. Both ways are good in their own way, both will create the necessary atmosphere at the table.

If you choose the first path, then place on the table:

  • Olivier salad;
  • herring under a fur coat;
  • jellied fish;
  • boiled potatoes with dill;
  • dishes with sliced ​​cervelat;
  • pickled cucumbers;
  • canned fish salad;
  • sprats, sprat in tomato;
  • processed cheese "Druzhba";
  • sandwiches with squash caviar (if the table is set “richly”, then you can have red and black, just don’t spread it over a slice, but put it in a small mound);
  • the Kiev's cutlets.

For dessert, the cakes “Bird's Milk”, “Log”, “Fairy Tale”, cakes “Korzinochki”, “Eclairs” or “Tubules with Protein Cream”, chocolate “Alenka” are suitable.

For drinks - lemonade in glass bottles (look for the brands "Buratino" or "Duchess"), homemade compote or juice in three-liter jars, for alcohol - "Soviet champagne", vodka "Russian" or "Stolichnaya", five-star cognac, you can put for lovers of a bottle of fruit and berry wine. If you don’t find any rarities, print and re-glue the labels.

Any familiar dishes will become consistent with style if you present them in an original way, for example, cut out decorative red stars from tomatoes to decorate sandwiches or place a scarlet banner made of bell peppers on a toothpick on a salad. Or you can download the flags, cut them and secure them on toothpicks or skewers..

If you prefer a buffet format, decorate it in the style of a Soviet buffet; it is advisable to have a chubby barmaid in a white headdress behind the counter.


The main focus of the evening is music and dancing, not feasting. Therefore, you can pay a minimum of attention to treats. Of course, friends don’t have to go hungry, and the fun lasts longer with a good snack. Therefore, prepare portioned dishes, no frills possible - salads, snacks in baskets, sliced ​​meat, smoked meats and vegetables. Fruits, desserts and other goodies will certainly be appreciated by active girls who are not used to stuffing themselves at night.

Quite in the style of Disco, some semblance of a buffet or buffet. Place the table somewhere against the wall so that it does not interfere with the dancing. Take care of the seating areas - several armchairs and sofas. Prepare various juices and punches in beautiful transparent containers and scoops. Guests will be able to mix themselves a colorful cocktail from fruit nectar and an assortment of alcoholic drinks.

The song helps us build and live

Any marches and patriotic songs from the times of the Soviet Union are suitable for the musical setting of the event.

For the background it is better to use minus phonograms (without voice). Their main goal is to provide “immersion in the era” and create the desired emotional mood. And the presentation of awards to the heroes of the holiday, of course, will be accompanied by a touch or fanfare.

Recommended ringtones

  • "Spring March" music. I. Dunaevsky.
  • "Exit March" music. I. Dunaevsky.
  • “Leisya, song, in the open air” music. V. Pushkova.
  • "March of the Aviators" music. Yu. Khaita.
  • "March of Young Builders" music. B. Terentyeva.
  • "March of the Installers" music. R. Shchedrin.
  • "March of enthusiasts" of music. I. Dunaevsky.
  • "May Day" music. K. Listova.
  • "Song about the Volga" music. I. Dunaevsky.
  • "Song about the Motherland" music. I. Dunaevsky.
  • Touche, fanfare for the awards.

Preliminary questions

Before you begin creating the necessary ambiance, you need to answer a few questions.

  • Guests . How many guests will be at your party? Do you want to limit yourself to only your closest friends or is this a corporate event? The requirements for the premises, the number of invitations, the menu, the number of competitions and much more depend on this.
  • Place. Where exactly will the celebration take place - in a cozy home environment, in nature, in a club or a hall specially rented for this purpose? Based on the size of the room, it is necessary to think through the decorations and arrangement of tables, and allocate space for competitions and dances.
  • Frames . The Soviet Union existed for seventy years - a huge period, in fact, and it is quite possible to somewhat narrow the topic of the upcoming event, defining a certain framework. For example, whether to devote the evening exclusively to pioneers, dudes, military or collective farmers - the choice is only yours. If you decide to define the topic more specifically, do not forget to warn your invitees about this.


The same deer mentioned above, or another recognizable carpet - an excellent background, with meaning, completely in style! Perhaps everyone born in the USSR had or has a photograph with a carpet in the background - a funny sign of wealth by today's standards. You can hang a garland of labels, a panel with badges, etc. on it to make the photos more colorful.

For a party in a cafeteria or club, you can make a large banner backdrop. Chaotically stick up posters and playbills, old photos and postcards, slogans, letters of the USSR, CPSU, Komsomol, etc.

You can create a colorful photo zone if you print out a huge map of the USSR and stick in the flags of all the republics. Place a sofa, lay down a blanket, put a doll on the back, throw a rug under your feet - a few items from that era will add ambiance to the pictures.


Almost seven decades and many directions – the options are endless! Therefore, decide in advance whether there will be any restrictions. If yes, please mention this point in the invitation card. If not, then clothes for a party in the style of the USSR can easily become perhaps the main decoration of the holiday. They will probably come to visit you:

  • October warriors, pioneers and Komsomol members “in uniform” , with badges, cap scarves, ties and other recognizable attributes. Funny accessories – shoulder straps “Guardian for drinks”, “for barbecue”, “for toast”;
  • urban fashionistas in costumes from the 60s to the 90s. Paisley patterns, oversized chunky knit sweaters (yes, the ones with a pigtail), blouses and dresses with shoulder pads, bell-bottoms, dumplings;
  • disco fans in incredibly bright tight T-shirts/Tank tops , shiny dresses, leggings and tight leg warmers. The choice of clothes in the USSR style for a party with a disco theme is simply huge! Accessories – bright plastic glasses, large jewelry (in excess), a headband that supports voluminous creative chaos;
  • dudes in no less colorful costumes . Fluffy skirts and dresses, polka dots, ribbons on the head. Skinny trousers, bright socks and ties, plaid suits. This direction also developed during the Soviet era, and definitely deserves a separate topic;
  • Soviet schoolchildren in recognizable uniform. The favorite look of many girls at such parties: a short uniform dress, a white apron, braided bows, openwork knee socks;
  • representatives of the working class. Men in colorful overalls and “dirty” T-shirts. Or in jackets with patches on the sleeves and trousers that are almost too long. Girls in colorful light blouses, long skirts or sundresses with wide straps. Accessories – mother’s earrings, grandmother’s coral beads, braided scarf;

  • bandits and just street scamps. Stretched sweatpants, a sports or leather jacket one size too large, a cap pulled back in a rakish manner. Do you have any seeds? And in contrast to them are the brave Soviet soldiers, vigilantes, people's militias, policemen, etc.;
  • hippies (60s and later), punks (70s), metalheads (80s) and representatives of other subcultures. The folk costumes are very colorful (my country is wide!) and... And so much more! Get inspired by watching old films, fashion magazines, retro photos.

Today it is still easy to find real clothes in the style of the USSR. You can rent a suit for a party or, if you have little time to prepare, come in stylized clothes - a flag on a T-shirt, the letters of the USSR on the back of a jacket, etc.



Who to be? Choosing an image

Of course, for such a holiday you need to reincarnate yourself. We have already agreed that it is not necessary to strictly adhere to one exact time for choosing a suit. During the Soviet era, there were many recognizable images and colorful characters that can be embodied as a model.

The owner of the house or the leader . This role is the main one, so the image of a party leader (you can choose a specific person!) or the host of some important event (such as Comrade Ogurtsov from “Carnival Night”) would be appropriate. For a woman, the image of a counselor, teacher, or Komsomol athlete is suitable.

Images of guests. Use your imagination or simply ask older relatives and ask them to lend you things that were popular at that time.

Depending on the chosen image, you can become:

  • dude : trousers or bell-bottoms and bright jackets for men, fluffy dresses with polka dots for girls.
  • schoolboy or schoolgirl . The famous brown dress with an apron for girls (white bows and socks are a must!), white shirt with blue or black trousers for boys.
  • pioneer (pioneer) . The pioneer uniform, unlike the school uniform, had a blue bottom and a white top, and, of course, a pioneer tie; you can complement the suit with a cap and an armband;
  • workers and collective farmers . Proletarians came to the holidays dressed up, in light shirts (you can roll up the sleeves), sometimes in jackets with leather patches on the elbows. The trousers may well be a little short. Work overalls are, of course, colorful, but it’s up to you to decide whether they are appropriate for a holiday. A girl needs a blouse with a flower or polka dots, a plain six-piece skirt and a bright scarf tied under her braids.
  • Komsomol member/Komsomol member . Leather jacket for both sexes, for women a red skirt and scarf. A Komsomol badge is required.
  • fashionable student of the late 80s - girls are mastering colored leggings (“dolchiki”), and boys are working their magic in the kitchen, making homemade “varenki”, because where does the money for “branded jeans” come from for poor students?
  • athlete _ Suit for men: in those days, most were fond of sports, so they could often be found in a tracksuit (on the way to training or back), many wore blue “sweatpants” at home.
  • Soviet citizens . Here the scope for imagination is simply endless. For inspiration, watch again Soviet films where the heroes are celebrating something: the same “Carnival Night”, “Sorcerers”, “Enjoy Your Bath”, “This Merry Planet” and others. You will have fun and gain ideas!

For girls, in addition to the suit, hair and makeup are of great importance.

For the looks of young pioneers and schoolgirls, ponytails or braids with bows are suitable. The peak of fashion was the “palm” - a high ponytail decorated with several elastic bands at once. As Soviet girls grew up, they had perms, and bouffant hairstyles were also very popular among them. Bright makeup with clear black arrows on the eyelids, well-blackened eyelashes and blush on the cheekbones is appropriate for the holiday.

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