17 sex games that will spice up your intimate life

Tea or coffee

All guests are divided into two equal teams: “tea” and “coffee”. The host turns on the music, all the guests dance and mingle in the hall. Meanwhile, the host blindfolds each guest. As soon as the music stops, the host announces the condition - at the command “start”, the guests shout the call sign of their team: some - “tea”, others - “coffee”. The task is this: at the call of your teammates, you need to gather into a single team faster than your opponents - tea for tea, and coffee for coffee. The team that gathers in full force the fastest will win. As a prize, team members will be given a bag of tea and a stick of coffee.

Representation in 3-D

This competition will bring a lot of fun and joyful emotions to both the spectators and the participants themselves. Teams of 4-5 people are formed from the participants. Each team chooses its own forfeit, which will indicate to them a certain situation that they must show in 3-D. For example, relaxing by the sea: someone shows seagulls with their hands and sounds them with cries of “my my my”, someone imitates a gentle sea breeze, someone sounds the splash of sea waves, and someone shows the bright glow from the sun. Situations in forfeits can be completely different, for example, a flight into space, a morning in the forest, and so on. Whose team shows the best 3-D performance will receive its prize.

Who am I?

Each player writes the name of a popular hero or the name of an item on a small piece of paper. After this, the sheets are shuffled and distributed to all participants. They stick them on their foreheads without looking.

The players sit in a circle. Each of them can ask questions. For example: “Am I human?”, “Am I with huge legs?”, “Am I green?” Once the answer is “no”, the right to ask questions passes to the next player in a clockwise direction.

This is a knockout game: whoever guesses that he is a stool or Sherlock leaves the circle. Everything continues until there is only one left who cannot guess what kind of inscription is on his forehead.

Game "Porcupines"

Difficulty level: low

Preparation: small colored hair ties

Rules: The presenter announces that today we will increase the porcupine population. Each girl chooses a partner and, over a certain period of time, makes the maximum number of small ponytails imitating the raised spines of porcupines. Whose partner will be the prickliest, that young lady wins :).

You can find a great variety of such competitions on the Internet. However, you can also use unusual ideas and make fun party competitions also unforgettable for your company.

For example, you can find a treasure or act out the crime of the century. You just have to show a little imagination and create something extraordinary.


One of the players is appointed as the leader. He thinks of a word - a common noun in the nominative case and singular - and names its first letter. The rest of the players can ask the leader leading questions, meaning a specific word.

For example, the word “cow” is guessed. The player remembers the word starting with the letter “k” and asks the host: “Isn’t this a place that children really love?” (carousel). If someone guesses what is meant, he says: “Contact!” Both players count to ten and say the word in unison. If both named “carousel”, the presenter opens the second letter “o”. If the second player made a mistake and said, for example, “ship,” everyone thinks further.

The presenter’s task is to understand as quickly as possible what word the player has guessed and name it while the “contacting” participants count to ten (“No, this is not a carousel”). If he succeeds, the second letter does not open.

The game continues until someone guesses the hidden word. In this case, the winner becomes the leader.

Funny riddles

Continuing the topic of fairy tales and funny quizzes for adults ru (with answers), we suggest you pay attention to this rather interesting game. Now we will talk about advertisements that some fairy-tale characters could give to the newspaper. So, the game “Guess the author of the ad” and some interesting variations:

  • I'll tell you about the unusual secrets of eternal life. (Koschei the Deathless)
  • I will teach flights on non-standard aircraft. (Baba Yaga)
  • An elderly and active woman, provided with housing and transport, looking for a life partner! (Baba Yaga)
  • I’ll tell you how to maintain the appearance of an 80-year-old at 300 years old. (Baba Yaga)
  • The new bank is ready to accept deposits from the public. Guarantees! Millions of percent per year! (Fox Alice and Cat Basilio)
  • A guide for beginners - “How to flatter your opponent and get your way. (Fox from Krylov's fable).
  • Looking for a husband. Cramped living conditions (I live in the swamps), I'm waiting for offers. (Princess Frog).
  • I will fulfill any whim in exchange for a quiet life. (Gold fish)
  • I am looking for shelter from lonely pensioners - I am in a difficult situation. (Kolobok)
  • High-quality and fast freezing of hearts. I work with children! (Snow Cow)
  • The team (three professionals in the team) is ready to build houses of varying complexity. (Three piglets).
  • I am selling a talking object that can raise the self-esteem of any woman, but sometimes is not distinguished by delicacy. (The Evil Queen and her mirror).
  • Collection of rent. Orders of any complexity. I even work with devils. (Bolda)
  • I am looking for friendship with a wonderful youth, I am ready to serve him! (Old Man Hottabych).
  • Exchange of boys for vehicles. (Postman Pechkin)
  • Products for every taste! Unheard of generosity and abundance! (Self-assembled tablecloth)
  • I provide services of varying complexity to girls who want to become the star of the event! (Fairy).
  • Comfortable private flights in the fresh air. (Carpet plane)
  • I will teach you quality artistic whistling. (Nightingale the Robber).
  • I'm planning on taking part in a crying contest. Looking for a sponsor. (Princess-Nesmeyana)
  • I will help you escape from any trouble! (Invisible hat).
  • Golden alarm clock. Exclusive! (The Golden Cockerel).

If you're looking for fun riddles for adults, check out these options! They will certainly seem interesting to all those present. Download and enjoy.

Game "Guess the Author".doc

[31 Kb] (downloads: 227)

Tricky food

There is no need to prepare anything in advance. You will have all the necessary equipment with you. Disposable cups and plastic bottles will be used, as well as various snacks that you will take with you on a picnic (chips, crackers, nuts, popcorn).

The competition can be conducted in two ways. In the first case, competitors must pour salted nuts or toast into a plastic bottle using only one hand. For obvious reasons, you cannot spill the snack, and asking for help from those present is also prohibited. The one who completes the task earlier and better than the rest is declared the winner.

The second version of the competition is almost impossible, but very funny. Here chips or salted popcorn are poured into plastic cups. This unusual weight is placed on the toes of the participating shoes. The goal of the competition is to walk a distance of 3 m with cups, at the end of which there will be a glass of beer, which you need to drink and snack on the delicious food you brought. However, holding cups with your hands or attaching them to shoes or feet in any special way is prohibited.

The winner of the competition is the one who completes all stages first and without losses. If no one completes the task, then the consolation prize will again be beer and a snack. Fun and excitement are guaranteed here.

Contests for a party at home

To make a home holiday and home party a success, you need to create a cultural program with competitions and games.


This fun is suitable for a “motley” group of people of different ages. You will need a lotto set: cards, barrels and chips to cover the numbers on the cards. The game consists of three rounds. In each of them, participants are given a card. Before each round, the prize that the winner will receive is announced. The presenter pulls barrels out of the bag and shouts out numbers. In the first round, the winner is the one who closed one row of numbers on the card, in the second - the one who closed two rows, and in the third - the one who closed the entire card. Between rounds you can arrange small intermediate competitions, a “musical” or “dance” break.

Guess the melody

This game can be played in two ways, depending on how well your guests understand music.

Easy level: participants are divided into two teams and alternately listen to 10 songs. The musical excerpt should last no longer than 15-20 seconds. If one team cannot guess the melody, the right to answer is transferred to the opponents. For each correct answer, the team receives one point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Don't complicate the task by choosing little-known tunes, because the purpose of the game is not to test your musical memory, but to have fun.

Difficult level: participants are divided into two or more teams. One of the team members approaches the leader and receives a card with the name of the song. He must hum, whistle, tap, etc., this melody. to your teammates. If they cannot guess the melody, the right to answer goes to their opponents. One point is given for each correct answer. The team that scores more points at the end of the game wins.


Each participant puts a forfeit - some small object (pen, keychain, lipstick) into a hat, saucepan or opaque bag. One of the players turns his back, and the presenter, without looking, takes one object out of the hat, each time asking: “What should this phantom do?” The player standing with his back comes up with tasks: sing a song, jump on one leg, crow. The nature of the tasks depends on the company. After this, each “forfeit” completes the assigned task.


Participants are divided into two teams. From each of them, one person approaches the leader. He gives them a card with a word written on it. The words must be different. The player must, without resorting to words, “explain” the hidden word to his team. You can only use facial expressions and gestures. If a team guesses the word, it gets one point. The first team to score ten points will win. First, it is advisable to think of simple words (names of animals, natural phenomena, vehicles, professions), and then move on to more complex concepts (loyalty, love, rest, atom), names of cities and countries.


Men and women are divided into two teams. Each of them receives balloons of different colors and shapes, colored paper, a marker, scissors and tape. The women's team must create a "statue" of the ideal man, and the men's team must create a "statue" of the ideal woman.

If the company has an unequal number of women and men, you can randomly split into two teams and, using the same equipment, create any “sculpture”: a snowman, a “beloved” boss, a statue of love.

"Drunk Checkers"

You will need a chessboard and twenty glasses. If there is no real chessboard, you can draw it in advance on a piece of whatman paper. Ten glasses are filled with red wine, and another ten with white wine. You can choose the drinks as you wish: make a “stronger” version with vodka and cognac, or vice versa, an option for non-drinkers with tomato juice and mineral water. The rules are the same as in regular checkers, but before removing the opponent’s “piece” from the board, you must drink a glass.

Eiffel Tower

For this game you will need a set of dominoes. Task: build a tower of dominoes. Two dominoes are placed vertically, the top one is placed horizontally, etc. Participants place one domino in turn. The one through whose fault the tower collapses must pay a pre-agreed “fine”: crow, drink a glass of champagne.

From nose to nose

This competition is held while sitting at a table. You will need a matchbox lid. The first participant puts it on his nose and hands-free passes it to his neighbor. He, also without helping with his hands, takes the cap on his nose and passes it to the next participant. The game is played in a chain. The one who drops the box is eliminated, and the game continues further in a circle until one participant remains or until he gets bored.

Dance floor

A newspaper is spread on the floor - a “dance floor”, to which a couple who wishes to participate in this entertainment is invited. Partners must dance to rousing music without stepping over the edges of the newspaper. After 30 seconds the music stops, the newspaper is folded in half and the dance continues. After another 30 seconds, the newspaper is folded in half again and so on. Usually the competition ends with the partner holding his lady in his arms, trying to dance on one leg.


This competition is suitable for a very relaxed group. All participants get down on all fours and begin to crawl one after another in a circle, repeating: “What an awesome moon walker I am.” The phrase must be pronounced very seriously and thoughtfully. The one who laughs is out of the game. The most convinced “moon walker” wins.

Dress up the lady

Men and women are divided into pairs. Each woman holds a ribbon rolled into a ball in her hand. The man takes the end of the tape with his lips and wraps it around his lady without using his hands. The winner is the one who completes the task faster or whose outfit turns out to be “more elegant.” For a more relaxed company, the tapes can be replaced with toilet paper.

Profitable investment

Men and women are divided into pairs. Each couple is given an equal amount of “money”. These can be real small denomination bills or just candy wrappers. The presenter invites women to open as many deposits as possible within a minute. Banks can serve as pockets, collars, lapels and other secluded places on a partner’s clothing. At a signal, the women hide the “bills” in the clothes of their partners. After a minute, the host stops the game and invites the ladies to change places and find all the hidden money within a minute.

"Killer Cocktail"

This competition is held while sitting at a table. Guests pass a glass to each other in a circle. Everyone pours a little drink into it. Anyone whose glass overflows and the drink overflows must say a toast and drink the resulting “cocktail.”


A line of wallpaper or a long, narrow rug called a “stream” is spread on the floor. Women are asked to walk along the “stream”, spreading their feet wide so as not to get their shoes wet. After all the ladies have “walked” along the stream, they are asked to take turns trying again, but with their eyes tightly blindfolded. One contestant remains in the room, and the other ladies leave the room so as not to see how their “rival friend” completes the task. A blindfolded participant walks through the “stream”, with the permission of the presenter, removes the blindfold and sees that a man is lying face up on the wallpaper path. Of course, the man lies down on the “stream” after the woman has completed the task, but has not yet had time to remove the blindfold. The lady, of course, is embarrassed. The next participant is invited into the room. When everything is repeated, the first contestant is already laughing along with everyone else.


Only men participate in this competition. They are blindfolded and asked to do push-ups on the floor as many times as possible. After the participants have performed several push-ups, the presenter says that the floor is not clean enough, and so that the men do not get dirty, he suggests laying down paper. The blindfolds of the participants are not removed. Pieces of wallpaper or sheets of whatman paper with full-length silhouettes of naked women drawn on them are spread on the floor. The men continue to perform the task above these silhouettes. After some time, the leader removes the bandages and asks the participants to continue doing push-ups. The fans keep score, encourage the participants, and give them tips.

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What is he doing?

This is a kind of variation of “The Hat”. Players are divided into teams. Each of them writes some action on a piece of paper, for example: change a diaper, flip pancakes, ride a Ferris wheel, pass an exam, dance in the fan zone at a rock concert, and so on.

The player draws out the task and tries silently, only with gestures and facial expressions, to show this action to his teammate.

The rest of the rules are the same as in “The Hat”: the team with the most artistic and quick-witted players who collect the most cards wins.

Examples of interesting charades

  • For those who want to surprise guests with unusual logic riddles, we have also prepared a selection. So, charades for adults are interesting options. Complex and simple, funny and more serious, with a trick, with ingenuity - that's all about these tasks! Suitable for both adults and teenagers. Examples of similar riddles:
  • We are talking about real television stars! The three of them have been shining on the screen for a long time! One is called Philip, the other is Stepan. Name the third celebrity. (Answer: Piggy)
  • Not a ship, but floating away, not an icicle, but melting. (Answer: salary).
  • What to do if you see a green man? (Answer: cross the road).
  • She's black, but she's still white because she's still green! What are we talking about? (Black currant)

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These are quite original and funny riddles for adults ru (with answers), and such options are not at all difficult to come up with on your own. Unleash your imagination!


A game with very simple rules. The presenter imagines a situation and briefly describes it. For example: “A man jumped out of a plane, but remained alive. How did it happen?" Players can ask questions to which the host can only answer “yes” or “no.” For example:

— Did he fall into the ocean? - No. — Was he with a parachute? - No. — Was he saved in the air by another parachutist? - No. — Was the person on a moving plane? - No. — Was the plane on the ground? - Yes.

Situations can be invented of any complexity. The main thing is that they have at least some logic. The one who solved the situation becomes the leader.


The game involves two teams, which must have the same number of players. Each participant writes 5–6 words on cards (small pieces of paper) (one word per piece of paper). Then the cards are put into a hat.

The first player draws a card from the hat and, at a signal, begins to explain the word written on it to one of the players. You cannot mention words of the same root or consonant; you can use metaphors, synonyms, and abstract explanations. The second player’s task is to express his versions and manage to guess the word in 20 or 30 seconds. If it works, the card remains with the team, if not, it is put back in the hat.

Then the players of the second team guess the word in the same way, and so on until the hat is empty. The team with the most cards wins.

Guess game

Difficulty level: low

Preparation: having a scarf or handkerchief that will be convenient for blindfolding

Rules: The rules are simple as hell. The one who drives is blindfolded and led one by one to everyone present. The player’s task is to guess which guest is in front of him.

To divert attention, guests can wear additional items of clothing and make their height taller/lower. The main thing is to remain silent so as not to be identified by your voice :).

Game "Crime"

Difficulty level : high

Preparation : you need to create a murder situation, hand out cards with the names of the roles to the guests, one of which is the Murderer. You can create additional roles and circumstances. You can also create cards with suspected murder weapons and evidence.

Rules : in the course of thinking and finding out who and where was at the time of the murder, the participants in the game identify potential suspects, arrange cross-examinations and try to catch the Killer in a lie. Use the tactics of the game "Mafia" and you will spend an unforgettable evening with friends.

What cool competitions do you use at parties? Share them in the comments!

Why not do it today?

Each of the guests takes turns pulling out a forfeit, which indicates the action that needs to be done. In case of refusal, the guest drinks a glass of any alcohol in one gulp (at the discretion of the public). The actions of forfeits should be unusual, for example: Drink a raw egg; Knock on a neighbor’s door and kiss him/her; Run to the store in just a T-shirt and buy beer; Publish a funny photo on social networks or write a funny status, for example, “I’m my mother’s fool, I eat herring with sugar”; Dial the third or tenth number in your phone book and recite a poem, for example, “I came to you with greetings” and so on. A cheerful mood and memorable moments of the party are guaranteed to each of the guests.


Well, what’s a party without jokes? This game lasts throughout the evening. For the competition, you need to prepare in advance leaves (with a sticky side) with the inscriptions “Fool” and “Fool”. The notes will hang on a stand or easel in the corner of the room. Throughout the party, each guest can take a note and discreetly stick it on the back of any guest. Having seen such a note on someone's back, guests should remain silent about it. At the end of the evening, the most glorious “Fool” and the most glorious “Fool” are determined by the number of such notes.

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