Entertainment for older children in the form of the quest game “12 Notes”

Game 12 notes examples of notes:

game for children

  1. “To find the next note, you should play the melody.” (A note in a musical instrument or radio, can be hidden in the speakers)
  2. Look around your house quickly, I keep note No. 3, I diligently warm the room, I am proudly called... (Battery)
  3. (Note in the vacuum cleaner)
  4. (Machine for washing clothes)
  5. (Bathroom)
  6. A note in the form of a children's puzzle, cut the picture into 4 parts. (TableThe note is taped under the table. (Refrigerator)
  7. The best photo is lying there, Someone suddenly hurries towards it, Look behind the back, There is a note waiting for you. (Best photo in an album or frame)
  8. Connect the dots to find out where the note is. (In flowers)
  9. To decipher an anagram, you must rearrange the letters correctly so that they form a new word. (Wineglass)
  10. A note with the following contents is kept under the stem of the glass or inside it. (Jacket pocket)
  11. “Ask your mom if she saw the strange package.” Mom answers where the package is, there are gifts in the package.

for the street

  1. "Note in the Squirrel's House" (Duplo)
  2. In the hollow lies the following message. (Shop)
  3. In order to find the right shop, you should carefully consider the place in the photo. Another message is waiting on the bench. Solve the crossword puzzle and make a word from the letters circled in red. (Bush)
  4. To prepare a note, use blank ink to stamp a word onto the paper. It will not be visible on the sheet, but after the sheet is shaded with a pencil, it will appear. (Flashlight)
  5. (Flowerbed)
  6. “The kids love to ride them.” (Swing)
  7. (Fountain)
  8. “They dress her up for the New Year.” (Spruce)
  9. Unscramble the anagram. (Alcove)
  10. Solve the puzzle. (Stump)
  11. Solve the riddle. (Balloon)
  12. “Go up to the old man reading a newspaper on a bench and ask where the treasure is.” The old man is his own man and knows about the ongoing game.


  1. “I smell good and there are bees circling around me.” (Flower)
  2. We need to decipher the rebus. (Birch branch)
  3. Solve the riddle. (Stone)
  4. The note is blank, written with lemon juice. To develop, you should hold it over the fire. If children are playing, let adults help heat the ink. Use lemon juice to draw a fox trail and a house. By connecting these two concepts, you can figure out where the next note is located. (Nora)
  5. You need to practice graphic dictation to find out the next place. The picture will look like a squirrel. (Hollow)
  6. “There are fish there and frogs croak.” To prevent the note from getting wet, place it in a bottle and secure it so that it does not float away. (Pond, reservoir)
  7. “Look for a miniature DIY home.” (Branch hut)
  8. "Search in the high grass" (Search in the tall grass). You can test your knowledge or use a phone translator app.
  9. Unscramble the anagram. (Firewood)
  10. If it is difficult to solve the riddle, the answer can be made from the first letters of each line. (Bush)
  11. (Halt). A note on the bedspread or under plates or bags.
  12. “Show this note to the oldest person in the group.” The eldest, having seen the note, rewards the seekers with tasty prizes.

for adults

  1. What burns at 451 degrees Fahrenheit. (Note in the book)
  2. The note contains an image that appears in a painting in the house or on a laptop screen. (Note in a painting or on a laptop)
  3. The note is written with lemon juice; you need to heat the message so that the juice darkens. (On the wardrobe)
  4. The picture shows a food chain that leads to the next note. (Fridge)
  5. A number is the serial number of a letter in the alphabet. (Mirror)
  6. (Windowsill)
  7. 12:55, 18:00, 13:15 (Hours)
  8. It is an important portable storage device for information. (Flash drive)
  9. Sherlock Holmes ate it for breakfast. (Oatmeal)
  10. Why are there a lot of them? (Wallet, because there are a lot of germs on money)
  11. “A note where the memories of the holiday are left” (Photography)


in verse

  1. I'm waiting for you on the pipe, She's hot everywhere. (Battery)
  2. I know you like to read, try searching in the press. (Newspaper, magazine)
  3. When the sun is not in the window, the lamp shines instead of the sun. (Table lamp)
  4. You like to relax there, come and follow me to bed. (Bed)
  5. I'm waiting for you in your shoes, Come on, quickly look for me. (Shoes)
  6. You look at it in the morning, I’ll wait for you behind it. (Mirror)
  7. Have you heard this strange sound? Oh, the laptop turned on. (Laptop)
  8. Look before I freeze, When I freeze, it will be too late. (Fridge)
  9. In it, things spin in the water, I am where purity is everywhere. (Washing machine)
  10. You can relax in the water in it. Come on, hurry up and come to me. (Bathroom)
  11. I'm on TV! Cool? I'm waiting for you. How long has it been like this? (TV)
  12. I give you my heart, the last note in the oven. (Stove)

for a birthday at the table

  1. (Note in a glass with toothbrushes)
  2. (On the table under the plate)
  3. (Flower pot)
  4. (In the guest's boot)
  5. (Under the blanket)
  6. (In the guest's pocket)
  7. (Under a bottle of wine)
  8. (Napkin)
  9. (Cake)
  10. (Chair)
  11. (Vase)
  12. (Under the table)

for camp

  1. (Gates)
  2. Cut the picture. (Christmas tree)
  3. (Bench)
  4. (Water) – fountain, cooler, washstand
  5. (Carousel)
  6. (Dining room)
  7. (Porch)
  8. “This game is based on throwing a ball with rackets” (Table Tennis)
  9. “The note is in the third window on the right at the entrance”
  10. (Scene)
  11. (Wheels)
  12. (Steps)

on the street in riddles

  1. (Swing)
  2. (Firewood)
  3. (Barn)
  4. (Ladder)
  5. (Sandbox)
  6. (Flashlight)
  7. (Bouquet)
  8. (Bench)
  9. (Broom)
  10. (Door)
  11. (Fence)
  12. (Watering can)

In order not to get confused, you need to lay out the notes starting from the end, i.e. from last place to first. This game will be fun both on the street and at home. Energize children and adults by organizing the active quest “12 Notes”.

Summer game for schoolchildren in grades 4-6

Summer games, fun and entertainment

Game "12 notes".
Scenario Summer is a hot time, The sun is shining in the morning, Even if it rains, Everything around is shining and singing.
In the summer there is a blue river and clouds float in it, the berries burn like rubies, it’s time for vacation for the guys. (Elena Erato) Summer is vacation time, which means the sea, the river, the forest, the park, walks with friends, as well as a summer house, a playground with games and fun!
It is very important to properly “occupy” the child in the summer. And since all children love to play, you can organize a game for them in the fresh air, no matter where, as long as it is exciting and fun! This will be useful for both children and adults. Summer gives us great opportunities to play with children, which contributes not only to the development of children, but also to maintaining trusting relationships with them. Allow yourself to plunge into childhood with your children, playing and enjoying communication! The purpose of this game is to occupy children's free time. Objectives: 1. Develop communication skills, the ability to work in a team, logical thinking, reaction speed and dexterity. 2. To instill in children confidence in mutual assistance, and also through play to instill in children love and respect for nature. Purpose: This material is intended for additional education teachers, teachers, educators and parents for playing with children 10-12 years old. The age of the game participants depends on the difficulty of your tasks. Purpose: The game is very universal, it can be played in a camp with pioneer leaders, during school holidays with the class teacher, at home on any children's holiday with parents. Safety precautions: During outdoor games, it is very important to follow safety measures. The task of every teacher is not only to develop the physical health of their students, but also to prevent injuries, bruises, and deterioration of the child’s general condition due to oversight. To do this, there are certain safety rules that every teacher must strictly observe and demand the same from children. You can't stay in the sun for too long without overheating. In case of injuries or injuries, contact an adult. Do not push, be attentive to your comrades. For the game we will need: Sheets of A-4 paper, felt-tip pens, markers, pens (computer and printer), scissors. Rules of the game: The game “12” notes is a team game.
This game requires time to prepare. The children present form several teams. Their task: to find the “treasure-treasure” as quickly as possible. There are 12 notes hidden in the area, each one telling where the next one is. The last note explains how to find the “treasure”. In your notes you can use poems, puzzles, charades, in general, everything that your imagination is capable of. You can play with several teams to see who will find the treasure first. It is important that adults accompany the children throughout the game, sometimes giving hints, but most importantly, monitor their safety. In advance, when handing the children the first note, you need to warn them that they must be very attentive, because notes can be hidden in the most unusual places (for example: in a dirty, old matchbox, or in a cola cork, or low on a tree, or under a root or snag). And they must also move around together in search of notes (the boys are waiting for the girls). So that all participants read the found note. Description of the game.

I, as a class teacher, welcomed the summer and the beginning of the holidays with my sixth graders with the game “12 Notes.” We decided to play the game in the park. In order to receive the first note, the guys had to guess a puzzle with the word “Game”, which they received from my hands at the beginning of the game.

After the word was solved, they were solemnly presented with the first note.
Note No. 1 Note No. 2 is located in the second bench from the playground along the main alley.
The team rushed to search, although as always happens in a hurry, the search began on the wrong bench. This is where the help of an adult (class teacher) was needed. They didn't need to be prompted, just asked to re-read the note again. And so..

The search in the right direction was crowned with success, the note was removed from the crack and read.
Note No. 2 Note No. 3 is where young and not so talented people like to sing and dance on “Village Day.”
They didn’t think about this easy riddle for a long time and ran to the stage. Although at this stage the guys had to use their wits, because the stage is quite large. But after some reasoning, they came to the right conclusion, and... found it.

Note No. 3 Note No. 4 is located in the gazebo on the river bank.
There are 2 gazebos in our park, which is why the clarification was made.
I don’t think it’s worth giving all the notes, because your description will depend on where you will play. You can simply describe the place where the next note is hidden, you can write a charade, a riddle or a poem with a missing word. Let me give you a few examples. Note No. 6 Solve the puzzle, you will understand where Note No. 7 is hidden. 100/about

Note No. 7 To find note No. 8, insert the missing word. I entered a cage instead of a wild animal, and now I am sitting on the shore. Come quickly to me in …….. I’ll help you find the note.

Note No. 10 Solve the riddle and you will find note No. 11. In the summer in the park in the stifling heat, a column of water flows. There is splashing, but the faucet is hidden. What is this, tell me?

The search was carried out enthusiastically and with great enthusiasm.
Before the last note, everyone was in anticipation of the “treasure.” Note No. 12 “Sit on the bench where you found this note, facing the Club building.
Determine where your right hand is and where your left hand is. So, you need to go about 10 meters to the left. Then turn left and look carefully around. The prize is hidden not far from you! Good luck!" They took off from the bench to search.

Hooray! The treasure has been found, and as it should be, it must be divided fairly!

The children liked the game and the “treasure”; the fresh air and sunny day brought us a lot of positive emotions. Try it too. A good mood is guaranteed for big and small for a good half of the day!

We recommend watching:

Useful tips and recommendations for parents on organizing summer holidays with children. Sports event for a summer playground. Scenario for grades 2-4 Summer game - life safety relay race for younger schoolchildren Tourist quest game for schoolchildren

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Child's birthday or game of 12 notes

Found it!!! Well, I found it, I stole it from someone on the forum, there aren’t enough questions, but I’ll look for more. Help is welcome.

Well, now to the notes. There was a balloon hanging in the room with the first note inside; on the balloon it was written: “The gift is here”!

1st note. Play a game with me, I will lead you to a prize! I’m lying under your feet, And you’re jumping all over me in circles, But you’d better go to the door, Find the upper right corner. And there victory is already close, The desired note is waiting there! ANSWER: Door mat

2nd note. Put the letters correctly and you will find out where the next note is. Seven notes ANSWER: STOVE (oven). 3rd note. Linen girlfriends play with the sun, If the sun is tired, they boldly drive it away. Find us in the picture and come to us quickly! (insert picture of a window) ANSWER: CURTAIN. 4th note. Guess the rebus and find out where the next note is. (,,, Santa Claus E = AND Christmas tree) ANSWER: FREEZER. 6th note. Take the first syllable of each picture and make up a word. (banana, plate, river, anchor) ANSWER: BATTERY. 7th note. I am not a simple machine, I wash your laundry. Look into the drum and you will see a surprise there! ANSWER: WASHING MACHINE.

10th birthday. Added a simple quest to find gifts in the apartment

In less than a month, my Lerochka will be 10 years old. We decided how to celebrate so that the birthday girl and her friends would like it. She has been to the cafe many times, both with friends and on her own holiday - she doesn’t want to, the same goes for bowling, cinema, etc. I immediately threw away the amusement rides and water park, even though my daughter wanted to take her herself, but bear responsibility for the safety of strangers I don’t allow children in the pool or on the attractions. So we decided to have a picnic. We will decorate the clearing, prepare prizes for guests and competitions.

I would be grateful if anyone can suggest fun games for children 10-12 years old. There will be both boys and girls. Hints on the menu are also welcome. I’ve already found a few on the Internet, many of them are familiar to me from childhood. Maybe it will be useful to someone too. I will update the post. “Smeshinka” All children stand in a circle, and each is given a name. For example: Saucepan, Ladle, Rolling Pin... To avoid offending anyone, we called them all kitchen utensils (otherwise, if you call one Ladle and the other Dead Eye, offense cannot be avoided). I was the driver. My task is to go around the children one by one and ask each one one question. The children's task is to answer the question with one word - their new name. For example: - What is your name? - Ladle. - What did you eat today? - A saucepan. The one who laughs is out of the game. *************** “Grandpa's Pants” This game is similar to the previous one, it will help maintain a cheerful mood. Initially, we agreed on the so-called code word, that is, a universal answer to any question from the presenter. A word or a couple of words should be chosen funnier. We agreed that our code words would be “grandpa pants.” It's harder to stop laughing in this game. So, I ask: - What is your favorite toy? - Grandpa's pants!

- What's on your plate? - Grandpa's pants! And again the one who laughs is eliminated from the game. We awarded the most serious player (who lasted the longest without laughing) a prize - a chocolate bar. *************** “Ha-ha and hee-hee” Moms and dads, hearing cheerful laughter from our room, looked in on us. And we invited them to participate in our next game. The conditions are quite simple: the first player loudly says “ha”, the second “hee”, and so on in a circle. When it’s the first player’s turn again, he says “ha-ha”, the second player “hee-hee”. And so with each circle one syllable “ha” and “hi” is added. The more repetitions, the faster the pace of the game. After some time, the game turns into general cheerful laughter and, along with “ha-ha” and “hee-hee,” “ho-ho,” “he-he” and other funny sounds are heard. *************** “Draw a Monster” This is a drawing game. Each player is given a piece of paper, a pencil, and then blindfolded. The presenter names some object or living creature, and all players begin to draw. Even if someone has finished drawing, he does not remove the bandage until the last person finishes drawing. Then the players, at the command of the leader, remove their blindfolds and admire their masterpieces. It’s okay if someone gets a monster instead of a cat, because here it’s not at all necessary to accurately depict the object. The player who comes up with the most ridiculous drawing can be awarded a small prize. *************** Boyars How to play. Participants in this ancient Russian folk game are divided into two equal teams and stand opposite each other in ranks, holding hands, at a distance of 10–15 m. The teams move towards each other, pronouncing in turn a long chant: “Boyars, we have come to you, dear ones.” , and we came to you...” The dialogue ends with the words: “Boyars, open the gates, give us the bride forever.” The one who is chosen as the bride must then run away and break through the enemy’s chain. If the attempt is successful, the player returns to his team; if not, he remains in another. The losing team starts the next round. The goal of the game is to gather as many participants as possible into a team. What develops: the ability to be in a team and win in a “one against all” situation. *************** If you drive more quietly, the further you will go - stop How to play. The driver’s task is to stand with his back to the participants at the finish line (the greater the distance between the driver and the participants, the better) and say loudly: “The slower you go, the further you go, stop.” While the driver is talking (and he can do this at any pace), the participants try to run as far as possible towards the finish line. As soon as the driver falls silent, you need to freeze in place. Anyone who did not have time to stop or made an accidental movement is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first and touches the driver. What develops: coordination, the ability to run quickly and react to changing circumstances *************** Edible-inedible How to play. All players sit or stand in a row. The driver throws the ball to one of the participants and at the same time names an object. If the item is "edible", the player catches the ball. If not, he repels. The driver’s task is to confuse the player, for example, in the chain “apple-melon-carrots-potatoes” he suddenly says “iron”. If the player makes a mistake and “eats” the “inedible”, then he himself becomes the driver. The faster the driver throws the ball and names objects, the more exciting and interesting it is to play.

*************** Socks Two players are blindfolded and seated in front of a basin with socks (lots of socks of any kind), you need to pull as many socks as possible onto ONE foot. *************** Snowballs: Two teams throw paper airplanes or paper snowballs wrapped in tape across the line to the other half. In whose half there are fewer snowballs after two minutes, they win. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Searching for treasure in the apartment using notes or a home quest The birthday girl wakes up and goes to wash. There is a note of congratulations on the mirror + 1st riddle: Lerochka! Our beauty! Happy birthday! We wish you happiness and joy! Be smart and find the treasure in the apartment! This is not a treasure, but a fairy tale! Where's the map? Here's a hint: She washes the clothes white. It turns white like a snowy peak. How difficult it would be for mom without her! Did you find out what it is? We don’t write the answer (Washing machine) in a note! And we hide the following hint inside this very washing machine: You are great! Keep it up! Now you need to answer all the fairytale questions. And then take the first letters from each guessed word and make a new word from them. That way you'll know where to look. From the first letters you will get a word that gives clues to the place where the next part of the map lies. 1. He makes friends with the bear cub, gives Donkey a balloon for his birthday, and bursts the balloon himself... 2. She is one of the daughters of the sea king. The dreamiest of them all. I wasn’t afraid to go to the witch and change my voice to beautiful legs instead of a fish tail... 3. Koshcheev’s death is hidden in her. If you break it, it won’t be his! 4. This boy wears a big hat, gets into all sorts of troubles, even flew to the moon! He is friends with Donut. 5. The king from any fairy tale sits on it. 6. The guy is sitting on the stove. Chews rolls. Rides on a sleigh. And the sleigh is without a horse! All these things were conjured by the pike! Who is this guy? 7. A long-haired beauty, she was kidnapped by a witch as a child. Her long hair is a source of youth and magic. (Answers: Piglet, Little Mermaid, Needle, Dunno, Tron, Emelya, Rapunzel The word made up of the first letters of the riddles is PRINTER. In it, on top, in the compartment for photocopies, you will hide further instructions for finding the treasure) In the printer, in the photocopier itself Hidden at the top is the following clue: Well done! Here's your next tip! When he is not in the kitchen, dinner cannot be served. Place a glass of milk, plates, cups, spoons. It's simple: just one board and four legs! The answer is a dining table, under it there is 1 gift on tape and the next task: put together a “gas stove” puzzle. I couldn’t come up with anything more interesting, which contains gift No. 2 and the next task: another puzzle

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, by folding it you can read the riddle about the “refrigerator” on the reverse side. There is a white cabinet in the kitchen, Winter lives inside, It keeps the cold all year round. If you don’t believe me, look at the riddle again, about the microwave. We have a Magic Box in our kitchen. Today for lunch we have a stew warming up in it in which we will hide the 3rd gift and a new task. :rebus about TV

Ready-made quest game for your beloved husband with riddles for finding a gift

The most interesting version of a quest game for a man is a box in a box. This idea will create a little intrigue and arouse intense interest in a man.

But, before you implement your plans, you need to:

  1. Choose a present . To do this, it is worth taking into account the taste preferences of the hero of the occasion. It is recommended to pay attention to high-quality and at least slightly useful gifts that will bring enormous pleasure to the birthday boy.
  2. props needed for the quest . No idea can be realized without proper materials. For this option, the donor will need to buy the main gift, boxes of different sizes and a satin ribbon. It is advisable to select a large size package. It is necessary to purchase a number of boxes that will be equal to the number of riddles.
  3. Set the optimal time .
  4. Start organizing the quest game in advance. Most often, people put off all worries until the last minute, after which they rush to prepare and implement everything in a short time. Because of this, it is impossible to achieve the desired result and everything collapses. It is advisable to start preparing a couple of weeks before the holiday. This time will be enough to prepare a surprise for your husband.
  5. Calculate your budget . Many ideas that come to the donor’s mind are beyond his means. In order not to get into a difficult financial situation and not to spend your last money on what you have planned, you need to choose a gift that will be within your financial limits.

After careful preparation, you can start the game . Its essence will be as follows: each box is a certain stage in completing the quest. To open it, the birthday boy will need to solve each riddle. They can be in any form. By solving all the puzzles, the birthday boy will be able to open all the boxes and receive an original hidden surprise.

Ready quest game

Props and preparation for the quest

We purchased and prepared the props ourselves:

  • balloons, flags, napkins with pirate symbols,
  • pencils for face painting,
  • compass,
  • "archaeological sets" with skulls,
  • a lot of plastic containers for chocolate eggs (they put a key in one, candies in the others), they were all hidden in a black bag,
  • chocolate coins and bills,
  • chest (found in household supplies), covered it with pirate pictures,
  • as well as a lock and key,
  • a set of pirate accessories (hook, earring, sword, eye patch).

Of course, we prepared a map with our own hands on aged paper (a sheet of Whatman paper was soaked several times in tea leaves, then slightly torn and the edges were scorched over a candle), and we printed out a pirate’s dictionary and honorary pirate diplomas (more on that below).

Treasure Hunt Map

For the outfit, I cut a scarf from black fabric and sketched out a skeletal design with white paint.

We also prepared personalized souvenirs (they put them in bags, tied them with a coarse cord, and made seals from plasticine, with the initials of the birthday girl and guests written on them).

Ships were quickly built on the table from eggs, mayonnaise, sausage and cheese. Toothpicks were used as masts, and pirate flags were pre-printed in a photo studio on A4 sheet, cut out and glued to toothpicks.

Quest scenario

Of course, the treasure was hidden in advance according to the prepared map. And so, while unsuspecting guests congratulate the unsuspecting birthday boy:

A treasure was found in our house, you never dreamed of this: _____ years ago Our _____ was born!

At this moment, malicious pirate screams are heard from the next room (SONG 1), everyone runs in there.

There are pirate traces (accessories) and a letter all around:

“You won’t see any gifts, you won’t see a holiday! Your chest is in a safe place. You won't find it! Ha ha ha! Thousand devils! Pirates"

Next to it is another note:

“Or maybe we’ll give away your chest... Only you will get 13 gold coins for the treasure map! So that!"

Pirate language

To deal with pirates, you need to understand their language. We read words from pirate slang to the children, and they had to remember or guess their meaning:

To get “gold coins” and clues, children had to complete the tasks of the game.

"Settled on a desert island"

Each person was given a balloon and a marker. For the set time, the children drew little people on them. The one with the most populous island won. He received a chocolate coin.

"Sea Knots"

Pirates must be able to tie sea knots. Or at least regular ones :). Since there were also very small treasure hunters, the task was simplified. They gave everyone a lanyard. A competition to see who can tie the most knots while the next pirate song is playing.


Solved riddles found on the Internet:

He is the most insidious villain. They scare all the children with it. He carries a gun and a knife. He commits robbery. He is either poor or rich. And he's always looking for treasure. Answer quickly Who is this.....!


A giant swims across the ocean and releases a fountain.


I grew up in the forest, in silent silence, Now I carry you along the blue wave.


She lives in the water, has no beak, but pecks.


In calm weather we are nowhere to be found. And the wind blows - we run on the water.


If it lies on the bottom, the ship will not run into the distance.


The giant stands in the port, illuminating the darkness, and signals to the ships: come visit us!


Both in the taiga and in the ocean He will find any path, fits in your pocket, and leads us along.


And pirate riddles of Zabava Polezhaeva

If suddenly on the open sea or in a seaport you see this flag, soon expect pirates on board. The name of the flag spreads horror, promising an attack. Who would dare call him, promising an attack? ("Jolly Roger")

This is a valuable document, With it you will find the treasure in a moment, But you go to the treasure And manage to find it. (Treasure map)

In the vast expanses of the sea, But on the map it doesn’t seem to be there, Hidden from the views of strangers And one keeps a secret: Among the palm trees, in the hot sands, Many years ago, One of the real pirates buried a treasure there. (Treasure Island)

Either an accessory or a trophy, - Having seen it, you would have guessed, - Its owner fought desperately for his life in a battle among the seas

And he was wounded, but did not lose heart, Although he was forced to hide the injury on his face. So let whoever found out be able to name this thing for us. (Black eye patch)


Then there was a search for coins and clues in a pile of Kinder egg boxes. Most of them contained candies in gold wrappers :).

The clue I found said:

"Search on a desert island."

From the last competition, the children guessed what uninhabited islands were. Another clue was hidden in one of the balloons.

It read:

“Would you like the key to the chest? We will give it to you only for 4 skulls of our old scoundrels who gave up their lives. Find them or go to Dave Jones yourself!”

We had to carry out archaeological excavations:

For 4 skulls we received a new task:

“Did you want a map? Do you know where the south, east, north, west are? Look for the compass, young bastards!

Searches in the room. There were a lot of notes scattered, but most were teasing:

  • All hands on deck! Half-hearted! Aboard!
  • You have a sense of smell like an old dog! Search better!
  • There's no key here!
  • Fraternize with the sea devil!
  • So you will all end up broke!
  • Search, search! Otherwise you will be hanging around like ticks in the wind!
  • You can fire with all your guns, but there is no treasure here!
  • Weigh anchor, you won't find anything!
  • Caramba! Throw out the white flag!
  • Well, so be it! I'm like a cook today! Get your card!

The latter, of course, was hidden by the pirates in the farthest corner...

Well, finally, here is the bottle with the map:

The map, compass and key have been found, the rest is a matter of technology. You need to turn the map along the compass and find the chest. On the map, they sketched out in advance the layout of the apartment and the route with arrows, in which direction how many steps to the chest.

The key to the lock on the chest fits:

And here is our treasure:

Hooray! And, of course, all participants were given certificates of honor:

The quest at home was a success, the guests liked it.

If you don’t have time to prepare a script and props, use our ready-made selection of pirate quests, which you just need to download and print. And yes, prepare the prizes yourself

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