TOP 10 funny and cool competitions at corporate events

In educational institutions there is always a large “family” consisting of teachers. They work together on the knowledge of their students and deserve attention and respect. In the fall, schools hold events dedicated to the holiday: “Teacher’s Day.” But in addition to this date, evenings are organized for teachers dedicated to other holidays. To organize a cooperative or a gala concert, an interesting script is drawn up with skits, songs and dances.

The following skits for teachers' corporate events will help create a festive program, entertain and amuse the audience.

How to hold competitions for corporate events?

Let's determine what is the main task of a corporate event? - Bring employees together.

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Competitions and games for corporate events play an important role in this. Without a doubt, this is a unique way to unite as one cohesive and fun team. It is desirable that all participants enjoy the festive fun, and that the event is remembered warmly and with a smile.

To ensure that everyone remembers the corporate holiday, colleagues receive a positive charge, and the party time flies by unnoticed and interesting, introduce all kinds of jokes, outdoor games, musical breaks, mini skits, and dances into the entertainment program of the corporate party for employees.

See also new competitions: All-Russian competitions: vserossijskie-konkursy International competitions: mezhdunarodnye-konkursy Literary competitions: literaturnye-konkursy Children's competitions: detskie-konkursy Creative competitions: tvorcheskie-konkursy

We recommend choosing in advance for your program the most interesting and memorable ways to have fun with your colleagues. See the selection!

Competition No. 5 “Quiz for teachers”

Presenter (in a whisper): Now let’s test their knowledge. I have prepared the most tricky questions.

  1. Both the title of the film and the student’s favorite period at school. (Big change)
  2. There is a rider, a rooster and a student on the exam. (Spur)
  3. Why is a student kicked out of class? (out the door)
  4. This letter has a bad influence on even the most good-natured teacher. (“M”, teacher-tormentor)
  5. Arithmetic teacher in Ancient Rome. (Calculator)
  6. Hunters, drummers and mathematicians cannot do without this. (No fraction)
  7. It is taught by a dictator. (Russian language)
  8. Why do computer science teachers often get sick? (They sit a lot with the windows “open”)
  9. Why do cats like to sit at the computer? (There's a mouse there)
  10. This teacher has a skeleton in his closet. (Biology teacher)

The presenters announce the end of the program. Thank you all for your participation, congratulations again. A vocal/dance number will be performed upon request.

Cool competitions at corporate events for employees

Competition "Collective Toast"

A fun game called “Collective Toast” will help you combine a feast with a game. Its essence is that the host begins to make a toast, then meaningfully breaks it off, and the next person from the company must continue. And so on down the chain. The host finishes making the toast.

It will be fun if the presenter limits the playing colleagues to the number of words, let’s say each person cannot say more than two. As a result, a funny holiday toast will be born, you can start it with the words “Dear colleagues!”, The next guest will add, for example: “We are glad,” and then other guests will complete the phrase in a circle.

Competition "Cinema on the Table"

The organizing team of the party on the eve of the holiday for the “Cinema on the Table” competition is preparing cards with famous catchphrases from comedy films. You can talk about food, for example, “How disgusting this jellied fish of yours is,” “He who doesn’t work, eats,” “Sit down to eat, please,” or others.

The presenter announces the start of the competition. Guests, on the festively set table between the dishes, find cards with well-known phrases that have long become popular in everyday life. They read the cards out loud one by one, guessing the comedies from which the phrases are taken - “The Irony of Fate”, “The Adventures of Shurik”, etc.

Choose phrases that everyone knows and that will bring a smile or laughter at the table. Whichever guest finds the most cards and guesses the most movies wins a prize.

Competition "Who am I?"

Fun competition “Who am I?” We suggest you spend it among young employees who know how to have a lot of fun. 8 or 10 people are invited, the number of players must be even. The players are given small strips of multi-colored self-adhesive paper, measuring 4 by 6 cm, or cards (they can be attached to clothes with paper clips or small decorative clothespins). On cards, players write the name of a famous person, for example: “Pyotr Tchaikovsky”, or “Lyudmila Gurchenko”, or any other famous name.

When filling out the card, you should try not to show the entry to your neighbors. Then you need to attach the card to the clothes of the guest sitting opposite, so that he does not see the famous name and cannot guess what is written on it. He, in turn, glues a strip or card with the name of a famous person to his counterpart.

So, everyone has a name card on their clothes. Any player sees the names on the cards of other participants, but not his own. The player’s task: by communicating with others, including other colleagues present at the party, to find out “Who am I?” as quickly as possible. Once the answer is found, the host asks the player to improvise and impersonate a celebrity so that the audience clearly recognizes the famous person.

Competition "Piglets"

For the funny “Piglets” competition, you will need the piglets themselves - they will be party participants who want to enjoy some delicious cold culinary dessert, for example, jelly. The players' task is for the piglets to eat it as playfully as possible, loudly smacking, slurping and grunting. You should try to swallow the jelly quickly; suggest doing this with toothpicks or colored decorative sticks. Give the winner a surprise.

See also: Funny table competitions for adults' birthdays: 100 best

Which scenarios to choose for a corporate event on Teacher's Day

The most important thing to consider when preparing the script is the location of the celebration. What could be the scenario:

  • The holiday can be in the form of a skit party, an evening with funny jokes, filled with skits and parodies. After all, every teacher has a large baggage of humor behind him, which can be thrown off on this day.
  • You can hold a themed celebration in the form of an exam, think through questions for the whole evening, possibly with multiple-choice answers. Throughout the holiday, teachers will take tickets with questions. But you can add humor here: make the questions provocative, and make the answers streamlined so that they can approach any question. All evening, someone will take turns asking questions, and someone will answer, the holiday will be fun.
  • Another scenario option is a parody competition. Parodies can be of anyone: famous personalities, teachers, students. The evening at this pace will be very fun and original.

Active competitions for a fun group of adults at a corporate event

When the festive feast is in full swing, colleagues have already allowed themselves to relax, and some of the prepared dishes have decreased, it’s time to move on to active entertainment. We present to your attention several options for outdoor games and competitions that will help to further liberate the team and give more momentum to the fun.

Competition "Flying gait"

A participant in the “Flying Walk” competition is given the task of walking blindfolded between pins or empty plastic bottles of different sizes arranged in a row. The task at first glance is not difficult, but there is one feature that the contestant should not know about. The fact is that while the player is taken aside and blindfolded, they check whether he sees or does not see, all objects - skittles or plastic bottles - are removed.

Imagine the laughter of the audience when a participant diligently raises his legs and slowly walks around the hall, trying to get around non-existent obstacles, afraid of dropping objects. It will be good if the audience begins to “tell” a colleague where the missing objects seem to be (“Take to the left!”, “Walk straight!”, “Keep your feet up!”, etc.). Funny actions and ridiculous movements of the player will give everyone the pleasure of such fun.

Competition "Playful kitten"

The presenter invites the participants to portray a cheerful company of kittens; at the end of the game, they need to choose the winner of the competition, and give him an incentive prize - a souvenir cat. The host introduces the players to the rules of the competition. (During the game, keep the pace, do not prolong the action.)

To start, the presenter asks the participants to stand in a line. He himself becomes the first, reads the text and offers to perform movements characteristic of the image of playful kittens:

  • “You kittens are wonderful guys. A group of kittens - cheerful guys - are in a hurry to go for a walk" (all the players begin to move cheerfully and chaotically around the hall, depicting cheerful cats, you can "sharpen their claws", "hiss" at each other, etc.).
  • “The kittens were tired - they sat down, relaxed, dozed off, someone took a nap and meowed quietly or loudly, or purred” (the kittens squat, someone dozes, someone meows, purrs).
  • “The kittens have woken up - they are nimble guys, let’s dance” (players perform any dance steps). Suddenly the “Stop” command sounds (the last player who did not hear the “stop” command or the last player to complete the dance movements receives a prize).

Players should not know by what criteria the winner is selected. The competition can be repeated several times, choosing next time as the winner the first one who stops dancing, or adding and replacing the text with details in the style of “kittens swimming are funny guys” and so on, in this case additional prizes will be needed.

If, during this fun competition, a photographer in the hall takes successful photographs of “playful kittens,” his colleagues will certainly appreciate it.

Competition "Best Sculptor"

At corporate events, unusual competitions have always been highly valued for employees.

The goal of the "Best Sculptor" competition is to try to sculpt a funny female or male figure using inflated balloons and tape. It won't be easy to do, but it will be fun.

Competition "Best Artist"

If the corporate party takes place on the eve of the New Year, then at the “Best Artist” competition, remember and draw with felt-tip pens on an inflated balloon the face of a funny representative of the year, for example a Pig (a cute animal, funny, impudent, cunning or something else, depending on the artist’s skill).

For other holiday events that fall at a different time, invite employees to draw caricatures of their favorite boss or caricatures of their subordinates on balloons. If there is no artist in the team, invite someone from outside. Give the balloons to your colleagues after the competition.

During the break between dancing and active competitions, give the party guests a little rest, but do not let them get bored. During mini-breaks, play out short, ironic jokes and skits about the daily activities of employees, let the guests sitting at the table recognize their department, office or work site and have a good laugh.

It will be more interesting if the “actors” are in some kind of national costumes or the joke-sketch is transferred to another setting, so that you might not be able to recognize yourself right away.

Scene “The Iron Lady”


  1. Director.
  2. Physics teacher Sinichkin.
  3. Babenko Lyubov Antonovna.
  4. Teacher Lotareva.
  5. Teacher Ivanova.
  6. Teacher standing near the wall.

The improvised stage depicts the director's office. The teachers are sitting on chairs, except for one person who stubbornly stands. In the middle of the room, without moving, stands the Robot Teacher. “She” is wearing: a knee-length skirt, a jacket, and large horn-rimmed glasses. The Director is nearby, with a pointer in his hands. He addresses those present.

Director : “Dear colleagues! Thanks to the Ministry of Education, the regional council provided our school with an extraordinary gift. This is not only a great achievement of science, but also a necessary attribute for our educational institution. Let me introduce: the teacher is a robot!”

The teachers whisper in surprise and admiration.

Director : “Our new extraordinary employee’s name is the Iron Lady. We will introduce her to the children as Zinaida Lvovna. This robot looks no different from an ordinary teacher. However, it is not. This amazing product is equipped with the most incredible and necessary functions for high-quality work with the school audience. Look at these amazing glasses (The director points a pointer at the glasses) They are made of special glass with a high diopter, and are able to see even the smallest cheat sheet from the back desk.”

Teacher Vasily Ivanovich rises from his seat, raising his hand. His glasses are half covered with duct tape.

Teacher Vasily Ivanovich : “Allow me to address you, Comrade Director?”

Director : “Yes, yes, Vasily Ivanovich?”

Teacher Vasily Ivanovich : “This, of course, is a wonderful advantage of glasses. But as practice shows, in some classes the teacher, before he even has time to blink an eye, can lose such a necessary accessory as glasses. Just like the other day, an incident happened to me. I covered the 11-B topic about the speed of light, and the well-known student Lapushin demonstrated in response the speed of a flying eraser (The teacher indignantly clears his throat and touches his glasses). It would be more reasonable to attach a helmet with optical devices to this robot rather than simple glasses. To avoid unpleasant consequences. It seems to me that Lapushin has a large arsenal of flying erasers.

Director : (smiling contentedly) Don’t worry, Vasily Ivanovich, the scientists have foreseen this moment. The glasses are not only equipped with shatterproof lenses, but also with reflective impact. If some daredevil dares to shoot with a slingshot again, the “bullet” will ricochet back to its “owner”.

The teachers applaud enthusiastically.

Vasily Ivanovich exclaims admiringly: “Wonderful!”

Director : “And that’s not all! The skirt of our “new employee” is equipped with magnetic inserts of enormous amplitude. Walking along the school corridor, our Iron Lady absorbs all the buttons and nails that the students had previously placed on the chairs!”

The teacher standing to the side loudly claps his hands and shouts: “This is excellent!”

Director : “Zinaida Lvovna has amazing hearing. She is able to catch the quietest rustle and any movement from the farthest corner of the classroom. Let me demonstrate this quality to you."

The Director turns on an invisible button on the Iron Lady's back.

Director : (in a commanding tone) “Dear Zinaida Lvovna, you are in class now. There are students around. What do you hear? Some of the teachers perform various actions in advance. When they notice the robot, they stop in embarrassment and look around in surprise. The robot teacher pronounces words in a clear and even voice, without emotion.

Robot teacher : “Sinichkin, stop nervously fiddling with your leg and fidgeting in your chair! (The physics teacher suddenly sits down on a chair with a straight back) Babenko stop sneaking around with candy!

One of the teachers stops chewing with her mouth full. Colleagues sitting nearby shush indignantly and reproachfully: “Lyubov Antonovna!”

Robot teacher : “Stop making noise! Lotareva stop constantly scratching your nose and whispering to Ivanova. Cheremikhin, move the pointer to the other hand, your fingers are sweating!”

The director looks at his hands in surprise, takes the pointer in his other palm and turns to the teachers.

Director : “Agree, colleagues, this is brilliant!”

Everyone claps, and Lyubov Antonovna Babenko quickly throws another candy into her mouth.

Director : “Zinaida Lvovna is programmed to communicate with students. She has a full range of suitable phrases for all occasions in her arsenal. You can see this for yourself!”

The director presses the button again.

Director : (smiling, asks a question with the intonation of a schoolboy) Zinaida Lvovna, can I go to the toilet?

Robot teacher : (in an even, loud voice) “You’ll come out during recess!”

The director motions for the teachers to participate in the test. The teachers rise from their seats one by one, asking the Iron Lady a question. After each answer, they smile contentedly and show each other a sign of approval: a nod of the head, “class,” and more.

Physics teacher : “Zinaida Lvovna, I forgot my diary at home today!”

Robot teacher : “It would be better if you forgot your head.”

One of the teachers : “Zinaida Lvovna, I don’t feel well, can I go home?”

Robot teacher : “What, another inflammation of cunning?? Tomorrow, a doctor’s certificate will be on my desk!”

Second teacher : “Zinaida Lvovna, and Sinichkin is copying from me!”

Robot teacher : “I won’t figure out who is cheating from whom!” I’ll split the score in half!”

Third teacher : “Zinaida Lvovna, sorry for being late...”

Robot teacher : (shouts) “Get out and close the door on the other side!”

Fourth teacher : “Zinaida Lvovna, I had a headache yesterday. Sorry, I didn’t memorize the verse!”

Robot teacher : (loudly) “God will forgive!”

The teachers jump up from their seats in delight and applaud.

The robot teacher , continuing to look at one point, screams loudly: “Sit down! The bell rings only for the teacher!”

Director (addressing the teachers): “Colleagues, agree, this is brilliant!”

Everyone nods their heads in agreement. Babenko Lyubov Ivanovna gets up from her chair.

Lyubov Ivanovna : (addresses the director) Excuse me, Eduard Petrovich, where will this amazing product be used? In what area will this miracle robot work?”

Principal : (sighing heavily) This scientific invention was created specifically for our school, at our numerous requests. God answered our prayers! Zinaida Lvovna will become the new class teacher for 11-B!”

All the teachers “ooh” with trepidation: “For 11-B!”

Director : “I think only she can provide our school with peace and tranquility, taking the students of 11-B into her tight hands!”

Everyone shakes their heads, Lyubov Ivanovna Babenko crosses herself.

Director : “This, dear colleagues, ends our planning meeting. Now, Zinaida Lvovna will begin her official duties and go straight to hell... eleventh grade, excuse me..."

All teachers: (with one voice) “With God!”

The director presses a button on the robot's back. The robot teacher slowly and firmly moves behind the scenes, repeating the phrases under his breath:

“Tomorrow I’m going to school with my parents!” Quickly change to the first desk. I'll seat you! Diary on the table, two for you...”


Funny forfeits for adults

Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Funny forfeits for adults

A game of forfeits will amuse any company and help make the holiday unforgettable. Choose from the proposed tasks the most interesting and suitable for your company. The cards can be placed in a hat, in a beautifully designed box, or on a tray.

Players take turns drawing forfeits at random, reading the assigned tasks aloud and demonstrating their creative and acting abilities.

Teacher of the Year

Not every teacher can receive this honorary title, so you can independently organize this competition within the framework of your school only and determine who is the best in the team this year. To do this, come up with competitions, let them be with a bit of humor. If the weather permits, organize competitions outdoors. Let the tasks be not only to determine the level of professionalism, but also beauty contests, demonstration of talents and skills. Determine your personal “Teacher of the Year”, who will transfer this title to another teacher next year.

Holiday for the active

Teacher's Day is not only a traditional feast and concert performances. You can have a great time with your team while engaging in active recreation. For example, you can all go to the pool together and play ball or do a speed swim. You can organize volleyball or football competitions. Such a pastime not only helps to improve the health of the body, but also helps improve relationships between colleagues. Such a vacation will be unforgettable for the teaching staff on their professional holiday, and you will want to repeat the experience every year.

What music to use at the party?

Due to the fact that the teaching staff usually employs people of different age categories and musical tastes can vary greatly, it is not recommended to invite a DJ. Choose something neutral. Of course, school songs are played at any Teacher’s Day celebration. And you can dilute this repertoire with songs from the eighties. Such a musical selection usually appeals to everyone: the older generation will remember the past years, and the younger generation will dance to their heart's content to the fiery hits.

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