Amateur activities at a corporate party: top 8 best ideas from Mosevent

How would you like to, having worked properly for a whole year, finally, at the end of it, have a corporate rest so that this event will be remembered for a long time, if not forever!

It’s no secret that New Year’s corporate parties can charge you with a real storm of positive emotions and give new strength for work feats for the next year! We have developed exclusive corporate party jokes especially for you! We are sure that these funny, amusing jokes will bring any team together even more! We highly recommend capturing everything that happens on video! Happy New Year! And have a wonderful celebration!

Joke No. 2 “A fabulous gift!”

Several participants are called. Behind the back, Santa Claus or the presenter shows a picture, but so that the participant himself does not see anything. Before presenting the gift, Santa Claus asks the participant questions, and he must answer them.

After all the questions have been answered, and all the watching spectators have laughed heartily at the participant’s answers, Santa Claus pulls out their gifts from his bag (a baby potty, an enema, and a set: handcuffs, a whip, a gag): and gives them to the participants as souvenirs .

1st Participant – picture “children’s potty”:

Santa Claus addresses the first participant:: I have prepared a very interesting gift for you. But first you must answer a few of my questions.

So, questions:

  • How much do you think you need this gift?
  • How often do you think you will use it?
  • And if your best friend asks you for this gift, will you give it?
  • How long can you live without it?
  • Which of the people closest to you are you willing to give it to? Who needs it more than you?
  • Is there such a person here who has such a gift? And who is it?
  • Could someone around you steal it from you?
  • How will you return it?

The second participant is called. Behind his back, Santa Claus shows a picture of an enema.


  • Do you think this is a very precious gift for you?
  • Who loves you so much that they could give it to you?
  • Will you use it every day?
  • How will you feel? Please list!
  • Do you think that sooner or later you might get tired of this gift?
  • Who could you give it to? Who do you especially like among those present?
  • Will you watch how he uses your gift?
  • And can you give any advice on operation?

The third participant is called. Santa Claus holds behind his back, but so that everyone else can see a picture of handcuffs, a gag and a whip (a set for role-playing games).


  • Do you think you need it?
  • How many years have you missed this gift?
  • Will you like it?
  • Will you be able to share it with friends, or, for example, use it simultaneously while sitting in the same company?
  • What sensations will it give you? How do you feel when using this gift?
  • Will you suggest your colleagues to purchase this gift?
  • Would you buy it for your manager’s birthday?
  • This gift is very unusual and unique. Do you think it’s worth filming it when using it?
  • If you were asked to describe him in three words, what would you say about him? What is it for?

Santa Claus addresses the audience: Well, who else wants gifts from me?

The greeting itself

First you need to say hello to the public. Many professional speakers already have their own greeting habits. So, for example, Vladimir Putin, when speaking to an audience of another nationality, greets not only in Russian, but also in the native language of the listener (a greeting in Tatar at the opening of the Universiade in Kazan or a greeting in Armenian when speaking in Yerevan, etc.).

It is enough for a novice speaker to warmly greet everyone gathered, using such clichés as:

  • good afternoon/evening;
  • Ladies and Gentlemen;
  • dear friends/colleagues;
  • glad to welcome/see you;
  • welcome, etc.


At the conference: “Good evening, dear colleagues! I am pleased to welcome you to today’s scientific conference dedicated to neurolinguistics.”

Welcoming speech at the opening of the stadium: “Hello, dear guests! I am pleased to announce the grand opening of the city’s long-awaited stadium.”

Funny competition No. 3 “Sweet kiss!”

To conduct it, several participants are called in pairs.

The number of men and women must be equal. Each couple is given a balloon, on which the young man, looking at his couple, draws with a marker the eyes and lips of his partner in the competition.

To the music and at the command of the leader, the balls are placed between the faces in each pair. A woman can hold it with her forehead, nose, cheek or lips. Women's hands are behind their backs. Do not touch the ball. But the partner holds the ball with his hands, like the face of his beloved girl, and chews the ball with a kiss, or rather with his teeth.

From the outside it looks like a passionate kiss! Whoever bursts faster, and whoever does it more believably and artistically, wins the New Year's contest “Sweet Kiss!” The winning couple is rewarded with a slow romantic dance.


At the end of your speech, you need to express your hopes for the future and wishes for the audience regarding the event. Thus, an anniversary speech usually ends with congratulations to the hero of the day or a wish for a good time during the holiday.

A clear example of ending a speech with a wish is the invariable expression of the presenter Dmitry Nagiyev: “Good luck, love and patience to you. Well, that’s it, bye, bye.”

Any speech, no matter what its nature, should end on a bright note. The following expressions will help create this impression:

  • I believe that continued prosperity awaits us;
  • I hope that only victories await us ahead;
  • I want to wish everyone present a good evening;
  • I wish you to enjoy the concert/evening/performances, etc.

As an example of the end of a speech, a solemn speech at the official closing of the festival is used: “In the end, I want to wish you never to stray from your path in life. I believe that one day our roads will converge again, and we will spend unforgettable days together, like at this music festival. Love yourself and be true to yourself. Goodbye, dear friends!”

A speech for any event has the same framework that a beginning speaker can use to prepare a good acceptance speech for any occasion. The main thing is to be sincere and remain yourself.

Corporate party joke No. 3 “Continue the New Year’s poem”

It would be better if Father Frost and Snow Maiden read out. It is also possible to wedge the presenter's words into the script itself.

When the New Year is knocking, open it quickly! It took him a whole year to come to us. Open wide...(doors!)

Let Grandfather Frost come in, and with him his toys: Cars, dolls, a steam locomotive, And various...(animals!)

We are still waiting and let the girl come to us - a girl! Do you remember her name? Of course...(Snow Maiden!)

And let the snowman come, But just don’t let him melt! Otherwise he’ll have to stand there all year, Because everything is there... (sweeps up!)

About the event itself

The central part of a welcoming speech, whether it is a speech from a school principal or a speech on a company anniversary, is a short story about the essence of what is happening. Thus, the speech of the host at a wedding is based on the introduction of the couple, the history of their acquaintance, the description of the celebration itself, etc. It is necessary to present to the audience the reason for the event, its purpose, significance, as well as the program in individual cases.

To describe what is happening at an event, you can use expressions such as:

  • we have gathered here to...;
  • The purpose of today's event is...;
  • this event is dedicated to...;
  • this conference/this opening/this holiday has a special meaning for everyone present;
  • Today you will find performances by artists/scientists/teachers, etc.


Speech by the manager at the corporate party: “We have gathered here to celebrate the upcoming holidays together. We are all not just colleagues, but rather one big family. The festive atmosphere will unite us even more, which will allow us to continue to effectively work shoulder to shoulder for the benefit of our common cause.”

Solemn speech at the opening of the sports complex: “This wonderful event is dedicated to the opening of the most important facility in the lives of citizens, namely the sports complex. We have all been waiting for this for a long time and believed that in the near future a modern sports center will appear in our city. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of today's event for the life of the entire city. Let’s enjoy the performances of young athletes who will begin attending classes at our new sports complex tomorrow.”

Joke No. 4 “Draw Santa Claus”

An oval is drawn on two Whatman papers (this is the future face of Santa Claus). Whatman paper is mounted on a stand, with markers nearby. Two teams are formed: “girls” and “boys”.

At the “start” (chair), two teams line up. Everyone first is blindfolded.

Task: speed, blindly, reach the Whatman paper and draw only one element of Santa Claus. Then the bandage is removed and the participant runs to his team. The next participant is blindfolded, he runs to the Whatman paper and draws another element of the face with his eyes closed, and so on. Then both drawings are compared. Santa Claus comments and chooses the winning team! Santa Claus takes pictures with her! Takes a selfie.

What to perform if you have no vocal abilities

When it comes to somehow standing out at a corporate party, celebration participants try to come up with something original, but often abandon the most winning option - a song. Because they are afraid that they will not succeed. And how can you give an original performance at a corporate party if you can’t sing? In fact, there are a lot of musical genres, and one of them requires from the performer not so much the ability to sing, but the ability to recite, maintaining the desired rhythm. It's much easier than singing. But at the same time, rap is a very expressive style, and it will be remembered no less than a romantic or rock composition you performed.

Of course, this does not mean that, having chosen rap, you can relax and wait for the performance. You will still have to rehearse, as well as show creativity and artistry. In addition, when choosing rap as your performance for a corporate party , do not forget about suits or at least stylish or funny accessories. And then your performance will definitely create a sensation.

What format should I choose for a corporate event with amateur performances?

The choice of concepts and ideas in such events is unlimited. Although for the most part they rely on several successful formats. These include the following options.

Theater performance

The staging of the play with co-actors is a classic of the genre: varied and exciting. There are a lot of ways to implement such amateur performances at corporate events: from just a performance to a competition among theater troupes of the group. Moreover, the participants may have different tasks. Thus, at the Fairy Tale Festival dedicated to the New Year, we invited employees to be both actors and screenwriters who, for mini-performances, would finalize given fairy tales to fit topics relevant to the company. Reworking plots is generally an excellent idea for corporate theater, which evokes a special response from the participants. The proof is the performance “Three Heroes” we performed for a large bank on March 8 (it was performed only by men). The audience liked it so much that almost a year later, on February 23, a “women’s” performance “Three Heroes” was held. Return move!

Vocal competition

Another popular solution is a singing competition for a group. Moreover, it becomes especially successful when adapting some famous TV show. For example, for one . This corporate event, remarkably, had a team format. While someone was singing, colleagues performed an accompanying show number with dancing. This allowed everyone to express themselves without exception. Another example in our portfolio is the show “The Voice”. In concept, it repeated the original, and the qualifying rounds lasted for six months, becoming a landmark event in the company’s corporate culture. It is impossible not to mention the “Exactly” carried out by Mosevent forces. In it, the employees not only demonstrated their vocal abilities, but also had to impress with their artistry when transforming into the show business stars they portrayed.

Talent show

In many ways, the format of the amateur corporate event is similar to the vocal one, although it is more universal - after all, it does not limit in any way the numbers of participants presented to the jury. Songs, playing musical instruments, magic tricks, stand-ups, demonstrations of physical strength or acrobatic stunts and much more - for each employee you can find an interesting option for presenting yourself. As with song shows, a talent competition can be packaged in a familiar “package” - for example, the “Minute of Fame” program. What is noteworthy is that the winners can be determined not only by a pre-selected jury, but also by the audience themselves, the participants’ colleagues. This poll is easy to organize in a modern style. For example, in our portfolio there is a corporate event where employees sent SMS to specified numbers indicating in the text the name of the contestant they liked.


We must admit: this format of a corporate event with amateur performances is essentially a variation on the theme of performances. However, its possibilities for creative implementation for the participants are wider, and for the audience such a performance is noticeably more dynamic and brighter. After all, it has an interesting plot and the acting in the images of fellow actors is complemented by musical and other numbers. For example, in the event we organized for one, the employees on stage not only sang, but also demonstrated the “superpowers” ​​stipulated by the script: they controlled lightning, demonstrated a cryo show, surprised with illusions, etc. Another example in the practice of the Full Cycle Laboratory is a little more familiar, but no less interesting - a remake of the famous musical “The Town Musicians of Bremen”. We wrote a new story for it and prepared reworked songs.

Shooting video clips

If you have the opinion that amateur performances are necessarily a stage and a performance, then no, the matter is not limited to such skits. This is perfectly confirmed by filming video clips where employees play (they can also act as co-authors of the script). What are these videos about? There are many options: from clips familiar to business tasks on the theme of the company, its history or presentation of products to innovative concepts. These include, for example, the Lip Dub technology, which we tested for one customer. For this purpose, a well-known song was chosen, which the participants “sang” in the frame, moving their lips to the soundtrack, for overlaying the track in the edit. At the same time, the shooting was carried out in such a way as to create the impression that there were no cuts - the transitions between frames were hidden, as if everything was filmed in one pass.

Making movies

From shooting music videos to shooting a full-fledged film, it’s almost a stone’s throw, isn’t it? Although, of course, the level of preparation and elaboration of such a “creative” corporate event should be much higher. As an example: shooting a short film for a large international company based on a series of books about the Night Watch. We suggested that the customer expand the use of amateur performances as much as possible: the employees developed a scenario where the heroes were looking for the Chalk of Fate, helped with the selection of locations, and played all the roles without exception. In fact, only the technical support for filming was handed over to professionals. But the result exceeded expectations. The resulting picture, lasting more than 20 minutes, became a decoration for the New Year's banquet and showed the unlimited capabilities of the team in solving original problems.

Pictures come to life

The initiative of employees can be expressed not only in a spectacle, a show, but also in other creative activities - for example, taking photographs. But not simple ones, but with an idea. To do this, we propose to repeat and thereby revive famous paintings. We have a completed project of this type in our portfolio. The customer needed to present the team in a memorable style that would highlight the company’s love for creative ideas. To do this, we have selected a list of famous paintings, including, for example, “Alyonushka”, “Bogatyrs” and “Cossacks writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan”. Then, “performers” of the roles among the employees were chosen for their heroes and the props, costumes and makeup necessary for recreating the canvas were ordered for them. After that, all that remained was to conduct a photo shoot in the studio and arrange the best photographs in the form of a gallery with paintings.

Immersive performance

Immersion has become one of the hottest trends in the event industry in recent years. It offers a fusion of a scripted show with professionals and the active participation of the audience, who can unexpectedly become part of the plot. It is logical that this format will fit perfectly into the ideas of amateur performances. An example from our practice is a play, based on the plot of which the company selected applicants for work among... fairy tale characters. At the same time, some of the employees performed the prescribed roles in this show, however, those remaining in the auditorium took part in the program. Someone, for example, had to unexpectedly replace the missing dancing gnomes on stage, someone looked for Cinderella’s slipper under their chair, and at the end the audience had to set the rhythm on the drums, as required by the development of the plot of this immersive performance.

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