Collection of competitions, games, relay races for the holiday “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland”

February is very rich in holidays. Emotions have not even had time to calm down after Valentine's Day when February 23rd is already knocking on the door. And although most men claim that they expect absolutely nothing from this day (a day is like a day), in fact, many of them want attention, care and bright impressions. As you understand, neither an expensive perfume, nor several pairs of socks or panties as a gift can cause real joy. But a good party with competitions and entertainment can do this.

In order to make the strong half of humanity happy on this holiday, it is enough to organize a truly exciting and interesting celebration, where every man can express himself and prove his superiority. After all, being winners in life is in their blood. You can, of course, not bother too much and hire a good presenter. Or you can turn on your imagination and creativity and organize everything yourself. A little effort and time spent will bring long-awaited results - a joyful and cheerful mood for the heroes of the occasion.

Party in honor of February 23: ideas for holding

First of all, you need to decide what style your party will be held in. There are actually a lot of options: it all depends on what you want. This may well be a fairly traditional military-style holiday, where guests are dressed in costumes associated with military service. Or you can not get attached to the troops, but hold, for example, a party:

  • hussar;
  • pirate;
  • cowboy;
  • boxing;
  • gentlemanly;
  • heroic;
  • Sultan's;
  • historical and others.

There are many options. The main thing is to organize everything correctly. First of all, decorate the room where the fun will take place, choosing those attributes that will match the theme. Secondly, guests should be warned about the style of suits they should wear. Thirdly, do not forget about the holiday menu: it must also correspond to the chosen style. For example, if the party is a pirate party, then there must be seafood and rum on the table. If the party is heroic, then you need a lot of meat dishes, beer and kvass. And you can come up with quite original names for the appetizers (the “Heroic Strength” salad, the “Mermaid’s Kiss” appetizer, corsair sandwiches).

And fourthly, you need to take care of competitions and entertainment. After all, they will be the highlight of your evening. You can use well-known games, or you can find more original competitions, in which you can win prizes. What these prizes will be is up to you and your budget to decide. But alcohol, various snacks, funny gifts, socks, perfume, playing cards, sweets are suitable rewards...



You need two bottles of water (1 - 1.5 liters) and a stopwatch. We call one at a time, no more than 5 people in total. You need to take these bottles, spread your straight arms to the sides and hold on for as long as possible. The winner is easily determined, a prize for him! The props will not be lost, the children will drink everything after the holiday :-).

We shoot down the target

Draw a target on the board. We invite each participant (let there be no more than five) to hit the target with a paper airplane. It’s quite exciting, because it’s difficult not only to hit the top ten, but also to hit the target itself from 3–4 meters. We give everyone 5 attempts, so there are a lot of airplanes to be folded. By the way, then try to shoot down a flying enemy plane. Let it be made of colored paper. It almost never works out, but the children play very excitedly. Give 3 minutes for this pampering :-). Everyone needs to aim at the same time, “the coordinated work of OUR defenders” will win.

If one of the children has darts with sticky balls or ring throws, you can also arrange a competition in accuracy.


Here you need to call the same number of girls and boys (you can do 7 - 8). Give each team a clothesline (about 3 meters). When the leader claps, you need to quickly and with imagination “string” the team players onto a rope. This can be done through a loop in a jacket, through shoe laces, through the armhole of a sleeveless vest or sundress, through a belt, and so on. Very funny!

I have collected other 20 competitions with simple props in the “Animator's Chest”, be sure to check them out. Any of them can be drawn into a military theme - it’s all about the name of the props and the description of the task.

Wounded soldier and dry rations

Here you need to quickly and symbolically “bandage” your right hand. You can use a bandage, you can use toilet paper. If there is nothing, the boys simply hide one hand behind their back. We pre-pack a pack of cookies in several layers of paper and tie them with a ribbon. Now the boys need to unpack the packed lunch with one hand. Do not use tape or tight knots; after all, it is important for boys to get to the sweet prize. 2-3 people participate at the same time.

Sole of company

Three participants can be selected a couple of days before the holiday and prepared. You need to tell three jokes (boys must understand that everything must be decent :-)) with cartoon characters or fairy-tale characters. There are such collections, so the main task is artistry. The winner is determined by the classmates themselves. If everyone was good, we give prizes to everyone with gratitude “for a good mood.”


Girls can encrypt a congratulatory quatrain. It’s better to have two different ones, then you can divide the boys into 2 teams and offer to decipher them for speed. They must figure out that it is important to divide the words among themselves in order to complete the task faster than their rivals.

The cipher can be a laptop keyboard (the verse is written in Latin, and Russian letters are on the same keys). They also often use Morse code, dancing men, or any other ready-made cipher.

Good manners

Three participants with plates of peeled bananas in front of them. The point is this. The banana should be eaten as elegantly as possible (like in a restaurant :-)), using a knife and fork. Speed, aesthetics and ability to handle cutlery are assessed. Musical accompaniment is definitely needed here. I would recommend the famous music from the Soviet film “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”.

The task can be complicated: cut the banana into thin slices. The one who has the most of these slices wins.

Scout's memory

In a minute, 2-3 participants try to remember the location of ships or ground equipment, symbolically drawn on the squares as in the Judas “Battleship”. The one who can reproduce the shaded figures as accurately as possible wins. To do this, prepare an enlarged image of the playing field on A4 sheets of paper and attach it to a magnetic board or separate tablets.

You can replace the competition with a real fragment of a map of your area with marks where the “enemy” was spotted. Then, on a blank map, children must find all these places and repeat the marks.

Short relay race in uniform

We divide the guys into two teams. We give each team two shoulder straps. We do not sew or glue cardboard shoulder straps to the shoulders of the participants. We just put it on top and ask you to overcome a simple obstacle course: step over a chair lying on its side, walk around a bottle of water, crawl under a rope stretched at waist level. At the end of the distance we pass the shoulder straps to the next participant. The neatest team wins.

Let's cast our nets

This is a kind of team fishing (each team has 1 boy and 3 girls). The boys will cast the nets, and let them choose three girls each as their assistants. The net will be a small piece of fabric, a women's scarf, and a regular men's scarf will do. Place paper fish and clothespins (20 pieces each) in two bowls or boxes. We give any piece of music or just the command “1-2-3”, the boys straighten the nets, and the girls quickly, quickly pin the fish to the scarf with clothespins. The fastest ones win. If you don’t have time to cut out the fish, you can just attach clothespins.

Military stratagem

Two participants, two balls. You need to hold the balls with your feet at the very bottom and cover a distance of 3-4 meters (there is so much free space in the classroom), take provisions (a pack of cookies) and come back. And what tactics of movement in such difficult conditions your boys will choose - by jumping or “like penguins” - is up to them to decide for themselves. This is the trick of war. My other contests with balloons are described here.

Military Intelligence Map

You call two participants and in a whisper tell them where the secret package is hidden in the classroom. Give them a piece of paper attached to a solid base. Then ask two more people to come out, whom we will conditionally call “frozen artists,” since they must stand motionless with open felt-tip pens in their hands.

And now - the most interesting part. The first two players (who know the location of the treasure) must move a sheet of paper along the tip of the felt-tip pen so that the end result is a class map, and the location of the secret package is marked with a cross.

The task is humorous, fun, and in a secret bag, of course, there are candies for the whole class. As a rule, it is difficult to solve the map; the teacher shows the “treasure” with funny comments on the drawings.

Military band at the parade

Let everyone participate here. We give several children tools: spoons, iron jars with change, rustling bags, bells, plastic bottles with peas or beans. The rest should imitate the sounds of military aircraft, helicopters, fireworks, shout hurray and march in place, like soldiers at a parade. Assign 2-3 people to these roles, help them find and rehearse a similar sound (the boys will help out :-)).

This is such a noisy and cheerful finale of the holiday. We take the best music! March “Farewell of the Slavyanka”, for example.

Competition "Beer Belly" (for the fastest)

It's no secret that among men there are a lot of lovers of the foamy drink - beer. It is also known that the more beer you drink, the more your stomach grows. And this competition is dedicated to all beer lovers.

4 men are participating. It is desirable that they be approximately the same build (but this is not important). Each of them is given one inflated balloon, which they need to place under their shirt, T-shirt or sweater (depending on what they came to the party in), simulating a beer belly. After that, 20 pairs of socks are randomly scattered on the floor in front of the participants. The socks can all be the same, or they can be completely different, depending on how difficult you want to make this task. Next, at the signal, the participants must collect socks from the floor, but the ball must not burst. In addition to collecting them, they also need to be arranged in pairs. Whoever has the most pairs of socks wins.

If you decide to use socks of completely different colors, then an additional condition appears: the socks must be paired by color, and unpaired socks will not be counted.

Competition "Ladies' Man" (for the greatest connoisseurs of women)

A real man is not only one who is strong, resilient and courageous, but also one who is ready to do anything for a woman. Even something that is, in principle, not inherent in men. In a word, a real man is one who is ready to please his chosen one in everything, even in the most unthinkable.

For this competition you will need nail polishes, cardboard-cut female hands with unpainted nails, and the participants themselves. The number of competitors is limited by the available number of props.

At the signal from the presenter, the competitors must carefully apply varnish without going beyond the boundaries of the painted nails. This competition evaluates not only the speed, but also the quality of the work done. The winner is the one who most skillfully and efficiently copes with the task.

Competition “Armed and very dangerous” (for the most convincing)

What would a party be on February 23 without weapons-themed competitions? This entertainment is also good because it does not require any additional props. All you need is to prepare pieces of paper in advance with the names of various weapons according to the number of competitors. And both several people and all those present can participate here.

All participants take turns pulling out pieces of paper with the name of a weapon. For example, it might read:

  • saber;
  • sword;
  • grenade launcher;
  • a gun;
  • halberd;
  • boomerang;
  • nunchucks.

Do not use options such as a pistol and a machine gun. They are too light.

The task is quite simple: to show, using facial expressions and gestures, the weapon that has fallen out. It is clear that the contents of the leaflet are kept secret. The winner is the one whose pantomime is solved the fastest. Therefore, in this competition the winner is determined using a stopwatch.


The game requires 6 men and one woman. First of all, the players carefully examine the lady standing in front of them. Participants must remember every small detail in their appearance and outfit: shoes, eye color, moles, earrings, tights. Then the men leave the room. During this time, the lady is changed: she changes her blouse, puts on a bracelet, a ring, repaints her lips, glues on a mole, puts on contact lenses, etc. The men return and the scouting activities begin. They must carefully examine the woman and catch every change. Whoever notices the most changes wins.

We hope that you have found those competitions that fill February 23 with a lot of positive emotions. If you have any competitions of your own, write them in the comments and we will add to the article.

Game “Koloboks are investigating” (for the most perceptive)

It is carried out simultaneously with all guests. They are presented with three mysterious stories that need to be solved. After getting acquainted with each of the stories, the presenter can ask clarifying questions that can only be answered “Yes” or “No”. Questions requiring other answers will not be taken into account. The one who finds the answer first wins. There may be several winners, because there are also several riddles.

Secret story No. 1 "Real case"

Every night, a truck full of stones arrives at the Pyramids of Giza, which workers scatter on the ground. Why are they doing that?

Answer: Tourists really like to take pebbles with them after an excursion as a souvenir. And if everything continued like this, then there would be nothing left of the pyramids. Therefore, the authorities adopted such an original solution to the problem that had arisen.

Secret History No. 2 "Unusual Behavior"

Every day Evgeniy enters a small room, stands there for some time, after which he leaves and goes about his business. He performs this procedure several times a day. What's happening?

Answer: Evgeny gets into the elevator and goes to the floor he needs.

Secret History No. 3 "Paradox"

Business partners made a bad investment and suffered losses. But at the same time they remained millionaires. How is this possible?

Answer: They were billionaires before the failed investment.


Tasks for men are written on fake money from a joke store and hidden in plastic disposable cups. To make the game more interesting, you can place a real bill in one of the glasses. The presenter calls the players by the number of glasses and gives everyone a toy gun in turn. The player's task is to get into the cup in the hope of winning money. Instead, all but one of them are given assignments. For example:

  • make a toast for the company;
  • sing a song about a military man;
  • jump from wall to wall on one leg;
  • write a self-portrait;
  • do push-ups several times;
  • march.

All participants will receive memorable souvenirs, and the luckiest one will receive a real banknote.

Competition “Three Olives for Cinderella” (for the most dexterous)

Every man is a prince for his beloved. And princes, as you know, are ready to do various crazy things for the sake of love: find rejuvenating apples, fight a dragon or defeat a giant.

Of course, you won’t have to do any of the above. But it will be necessary to show your dexterity. Three “princes” and three “Cinderellas” (preferably, these are couples in love) participate in the competition. The girls are given an empty saucer in one hand, and a tall glass of water in which three olives are floating in the other. Young people receive sushi chopsticks and a task: use these chopsticks to get three olives onto a plate. In this case, the olives should not be damaged: they should not be pricked on sticks, crushed too much, or pulled out only with the help of sticks. The one who does it the fastest and meets all the requirements becomes the winner.

Top secret

Men are divided into teams of approximately 3-4 people. One artist is selected from each team. The artists approach the presenter and receive envelopes with the same phrases, for example, “At 12 at night our people will attack” or any other. The phrase cannot be spoken, but will need to be drawn. At the command “start”, the team artists sit down at their easels (you can stick a simple sheet of paper on the wall) and begin to draw a phrase, and the teams must guess this very phrase. The team in which the artist can draw faster and more easily, and the rest can guess word for word the phrase indicated in the envelope, will be the winner.

Competition “Family Breadwinner” (for the most resourceful)

Men, as you know, not only protect the family hearth, but also make sure that the family is provided with everything necessary.

At the very beginning, volunteers are selected who will have to demonstrate their resourcefulness, ingenuity, speed and endurance. When the participants are identified, the presenter announces the rules. They consist of finding, upon a signal, as quickly as possible in the hall an object whose name begins with a letter announced by the presenter. You cannot use anything that the players were wearing before the start of the competition. All selected items must remain with the player until the end of the competition. And this is precisely a competition, since the one who finds the object last or violates the conditions is eliminated. The game continues until only one remains. He then becomes the winner.

Festive program

Option 1

You can invite brutal presenters to organize the holiday. Our program, for example, is called “Young Fighter Course”. It includes an obstacle course, drill training, target shooting and many thematic competitions. They even bring with them soldiers' dry rations, raincoats, things like bags, training grenades, a machine gun, etc.

Option 2

You are ready to do everything yourself right in the classroom. Of course, I cannot write you a script according to which our animators work, but I have selected other competitions that the teacher himself or one of the parents can conduct.

Here are collected ideas for celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day in the classroom. We move the desks around the perimeter to make room for games. I tried to find ideas for a small room.

There is no need to take all the ideas, it’s too long. We take only the most suitable for your group of children.

Draw “Bound by one chain” (for the strongest)

Liven up your February 23rd party with a fun prank.

You will need two chairs, two scarves made of thick fabric and two ropes. There are also two participants. They sit on chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of one meter. They are blindfolded and informed that now the left leg of the first participant will be connected with one rope to the right leg of the second participant. They will do the same with the right leg, tying it to the opponent’s left leg. The contestants' task is to lift the opponent's left leg off the floor.

The catch is that the opponents' legs are not actually connected to each other. And with the help of a rope threaded through the legs of a chair, the legs of each individual contestant are tied. So, when trying to lift the opponent's left leg with his right foot, the competitor is actually pulling his own leg.

The laughter is usually indescribable. And the reaction of the participants when their eyes are untied at the end is amazing.

What to gift?

I recommend starting with my selection of small souvenirs: “100 ideas for 100 friends under 100 rubles” (for grades 1-3); for grade 4 you can choose from these gifts.

Now I will list only what was not included in that list: an engraving (a set for creativity), a funny mug or a folding travel cup, travel magnetic checkers-chess, an egg-incubator for raising dinosaurs, metal puzzles, small encyclopedias about weapons or military insignia ).

I personally like the idea of ​​a sweet gift designed for February 23rd. For example, we once bought quite large medals (100 g) with a picture postcard from a chain supermarket. 40 rubles, pleasant for everyone, tasty, with humor.

Even better is a tea party with sweets brought by the girls (after 2 weeks the boys will organize a return sweet table). Well, it's a matter of taste, as they say.

Competition “Ships Entering the Harbor” (for the fastest)

Many people dreamed of being ship captains as children. This competition can help make unfulfilled dreams come true.

You will need several matchboxes, painted in the shape of boats. You can even make sails from matches and a piece of paper. You also need a table with a smooth surface.

The number of participants may be different, because the game will be eliminated. Two participants place their boats on one edge of the table. They need to bring their ships to the harbor, which is located on the opposite edge of the table. And you can do this by blowing on your ships. Helping yourself with your hands and other objects is prohibited. The ship must not capsize or fall. The one who brings his ship to the harbor first wins. The loser is eliminated from the competition. The winners of the pairs compete with each other. The competition lasts until only one captain remains.

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