How to greet and see off guests according to etiquette for a birthday or wedding? Meeting guests at home, in a restaurant, meeting important guests

Birthday greetings and tips on how to have a fun birthday that will be remembered for a lifetime.

This is the question we ask ourselves every time our birthday approaches. Unfortunately, or fortunately, birthdays only come once a year. Some people look forward to this holiday, others try to avoid it year after year. And the whole difficulty is not that we are not getting younger every year, the problem lies in the ordinariness of this day.

It became insipid, monotonous and uninteresting. From year to year everything happens according to the same scenario:

– we invite friends and relatives to our home or to a restaurant (cafe); – snacks and drinks are always the same; – after the guests leave, we are left with mountains of unwashed dishes; – the birthday boy is like a squeezed lemon; – I go to work tomorrow, but my colleagues have nothing to brag about.

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But you can celebrate a holiday in such a way that you will remember it for the rest of your life!

Comic poems: how to celebrate a birthday funny?

How to celebrate a birthday with a laugh, So that everyone remembers it for a long time, So that the guests laugh deliciously And leave you tipsy?

You need to prepare in advance and go to one site - PORGI. Here you can write down jokes and tasks to make your loved ones laugh.

If you yourself go on a visit and dream of laughing while visiting. You can download a bunch of the most hilarious congratulations on the website.

The PORGI website strives to make your belly burst with laughter day and night. We love visitors very, very much and are ready to laugh with you!

Our website is young, but promising. It is updated every day. There is no open m...ta and, But, of course, it is not for children.

How to celebrate a birthday with joy, so that they remember it all year? We reveal all the secrets deliciously! You will always be lucky at PORGI!

Next, we offer you 50 ideas for children and adults on how to diversify the usual name days.

All ideas are divided into blocks according to age categories: from babies from 1 year of age to pensioners. Celebration scenarios take into account the interests of those being congratulated, the circle and age of their guests. Therefore, it will be easy for you to choose the option you need.

How to greet guests on a birthday?

To prevent the feast from turning into an ordinary wish for goodies, prepare for the holiday in advance. Send out invitations, and the day before the celebration call all the guests and tell them the time and in what format the celebration will take place.

This is necessary so that guests can purchase suitable clothing and gifts. If you are planning a barbecue or barbecue, warn guests that they need to wear sportswear.

Options for meeting guests:

  • If you are celebrating at home, then everything is simple. You can come up with some kind of image for each guest. For example, treasure island, then someone will be the captain of the ship, and someone will be a pirate. Tell a short excerpt from Treasure Island, explain to the guest that today he will be a pirate and put a hat and eye patch on him. Tell them that pirates traditionally drink rum and offer them a glass of the alcoholic drink. Guests will be delighted with such a meeting
  • If you're throwing a birthday party for your kids, buy balloons and put a cartoon character on each piece of paper. The child must choose a ball, burst it and turn into the hero indicated on the sheet. Prepare wigs, hats and other accessories in advance
  • Classically, guests can be greeted with bread and salt. Ask your guest to break off a piece of the loaf and dip it in salt. If guests are not teetotalers, you can offer a glass of alcoholic drink. The meeting can be accompanied by poetry or simply soft music

meet guests for a birthday

Baby's jam day from one year to 5 years

Idea No. 1.

If a child's birthday falls in the summer, then you can invite little guests to spend the holiday at the dacha . Inflate the splash pool, prepare a summer menu: sliced ​​fruit, ice cream, candy, juice. Favorite country activities: a swing, a hammock, a sandbox, many toys with which you can play on the water and in the sand, a green lawn with a blanket on which you can play while lying down, a trampoline, jump ropes. The main thing is that the weather does not disappoint.

Idea No. 2.

Go on a short trip to the zoo . You can visit it with your family or with little guests. After the zoo, the children will be tired and hungry, so prepare a tea party at home or plan a trip to a cafe in advance.

Idea No. 3.

A good entertainment for young children would be a trip to a children's water park , if there is one in your city. If not, don’t worry, any children’s pool will do, for babies with their mothers. Don't forget to invite your parents too, in this case. Prepare a table with treats in a cafe nearby, or at home.

Idea No. 4.

If a child’s birthday falls in the winter, then building a snow town in the yard will be an unusual adventure. Children love to spend time with their parents, work and learn something new. Ask your adult neighbors for help to fill the slide and ice sculptures. Dilute gouache paints in jars or bottles to decorate fairy-tale snow heroes. Write in close-up with the same colors on the track “Happy Birthday, (name of the birthday person).” Such a gift will delight the little one, because he will not only be an active participant in the construction process, but also the creator of such a miracle in the yard, which the kids will use all winter.

After a walk in the cold, invite your little one home to drink hot tea and cake.

Idea No. 5.

The “Treasure Search” quest is not the simplest, but a very interesting idea. Take a cardboard box in which various sweets are placed. This will be a treasure that needs to be found. You need to hide the treasure in such a way that you can gradually reach it using the arrows. It is better to make the arrows bright, from cardboard, taking into account the young age of the participants. Parents think through easy tasks that will be given to children at each stage. There shouldn’t be too many stages, 10 is quite enough. After completing each task, the children follow the arrow to the next stage. A sweet prize awaits the children when they complete all the tasks.

Tasks can be like this:

1. From the blanks, make the “Seven-flowered Flower” applique. 2. Solve the riddle: “He galloped away from his grandfather and galloped away from his grandmother, and he became dinner for the cheating fox” (guess: bun) 3. Sort the buttons by color into different jars. 4. Arrange the cardboard numbers in order from 1 to 10. 5. Solve the riddle: “His house is the ocean, and on his back is a fountain” (guess: whale) 6. Tie a bow to the doll. 7. Guess who the mother is portraying (for example: a mother grunts - that means it’s a pig, or a mother puffs out her cheeks - that means a hamster). 8. Solve the riddle: “The green jumper is hiding in the grass, he jumps like a ball, he is afraid of frogs” (guess: grasshopper) 9. Spin the spinner on the table so that it spins while the adult leader counts to 10. 10. Find a way out drawn labyrinth. You can make a poster, or you can draw it with chalk on the asphalt.

Idea No. 6.

If your baby was born in the fall, we can suggest the scenario: “Kitchen” . In autumn, there is an abundance of fruits and vegetables in your home. The competition is suitable for ages 4-6 years, when the child can already hold a knife (it’s better to get a plastic one), a spoon, or a rolling pin. Children are divided into 2 opposing teams. You need to come up with the simplest recipes for cooking in advance. For example: “Fruit salad”, or “Figured cookies”, from dough prepared by mom in advance. A certain time is allocated, for example, 15 minutes. Participants must prepare the dish together. Whose culinary creation is completed on time is the winner. Naturally, friendship wins. No one should be offended, especially the birthday boy.

Idea No. 7.

Trampoline center . Visiting this establishment is not possible in every city. Therefore, you can organize your trampoline park in your garden. You will need shell nets from old beds (without headboards). To prevent the jumpers from being injured, the nets should be covered with a soft blanket or mattress. This is one of children's favorite activities, which they like to spend more than one hour doing. And parents can calmly relax on the sidelines.

Idea No. 8.

For one-year-old babies, many games are not understandable. Children do not yet know how to play together; adult participation is required. Mothers with babies can play a quiet game: “Kulichiki” . Special masses for modeling are sold that can be placed in molds. The kids are enthusiastically playing with such a bright and pleasant-to-touch material as colored clay. It is quite safe, the main thing is to make sure that the baby does not eat it.

Idea No. 9.

If your baby was born in winter and it is difficult to organize a walk in frosty weather, then we suggest calling the hosts for children’s events to your home. Many children are afraid of clowns and start crying when they see them. try inviting not a clown, but kind characters from your favorite cartoons: Masha and the Bear, Smeshariki, Luntik, or just cute animals: for example, a kitten and a puppy. Entertainers know exactly how to cheer up those who still don’t really know how to speak. Make room in the house for round dances, loaves, dances and fun performances.

Idea No. 10.

puppet theater for kids will be an unusual surprise for the toddler’s birthday boy. You can make puppets yourself or buy ready-made ones. Scenarios for children's fairy tales are available on our website in the section:

How to welcome guests at home?

  • There are several rules for welcoming guests at home. First of all, when the first guest arrives, he is greeted by the owner along with the hostess. Then, the owner opens the door, and the hostess of the house is sitting with the arrived guests.
  • If you have adult children, they may also meet the invitees. The owner of the house introduces everyone. He immediately says the name of the person who has come and seats him at the table.
  • These are the basic rules, and you can make the meeting more fun as you wish. Have a carnival or 60s themed get-together

Meeting guests in gangster style looks very unusual. In this case, each guest is given a hat, a bow tie around his neck and a glass of whiskey.

welcome guests at home

How to greet guests at a restaurant?

  • It is best to entrust this to professionals. There is a special position abroad, the person who greets guests always smiles, tries to establish contact with the guests
  • He tries to ensure that guests enjoy the restaurant. Hire a host who will greet and entertain guests. If the company is small and you are not ready to shell out a lot of money to invite a toastmaster or host, you will have to do everything yourself
  • Be sure to prepare for welcoming guests with children. Buy pencils and white papers. An easel will do. Place children at separate tables and let them draw while you tend to the adult guests.
  • You can make postcards indicating the table number and location. The postcard can be designed as a movie ticket. It will be easier for guests this way, they won’t have to think about who is sitting where.

greet guests at the restaurant

Table decoration for kids

How to organize a holiday for children with beautiful treats? Cake and sweets will do. Children usually eat little at such events, as they are mostly busy playing. There is absolutely no need to cook a lot of complex dishes.

Children's sandwiches and vegetables and fruits will be enough. Decorate everything beautifully. There are many options for healthy snacks for kids online. Buy bright festive disposable plates, cocktail straws and sandwich skewers. Stock up on plenty of water and juice. Children love juices and cocktails.

How do you greet and escort guests to your wedding?

This is where things get a little more complicated. After the registry office, the newlyweds usually go for a walk or a photo shoot. Accordingly, the guests are left to their own devices. If possible, do not invite guests to the registry office; it is better to sign on another day.

Invite guests directly to the restaurant. While you are riding and taking photos, ask a close relative to meet guests at the restaurant. So that the invitees do not huddle in the hall and do not know what to do, arrange a buffet.

In the hall of the hall, place several tables with cold cuts, canapé sandwiches and champagne. There is no need to place chairs near the tables; this is a snack before the feast. You can arrange a few simple competitions until the bride and groom arrive to the guests.

meet and escort guests to the wedding

Outdoor games

For those invited, you can also try outdoor games, they are no less fun. For example, you can try to stretch a rope across the room and attach various kinds of gifts to it. It can be anything, from food to a sock, as long as it’s funny.

You can also try holding an orange or other fruit between your legs and try running from one end of the room to the other. Guests must split into two teams. The team that carries the most fruit will win.

How do you greet dear important guests?

  • First of all, take care of the red carpet. All guests should be showered with gold or silver confetti. If you wish, invite a gypsy ensemble, it will perfectly welcome your dear guests and will not leave anyone indifferent
  • If you have invited young people to the holiday, you can make the meeting informal. Invite girls in sexy outfits who will lead the guests into the hall
  • You can supplement the meeting with bread and salt, but in a young company this tradition is not welcome. Young people love creativity and an unconventional approach. Let it be cognac with lemon or tequila

welcome dear important guests

Corporate event

How to organize a holiday for office workers? Sometimes, in order to save money, a company entrusts a responsible employee with organizing a corporate event. As a rule, this is an office manager or HR manager. It is better to immediately discuss the details of the event with the team.

Don't take on all the organizing tasks yourself. Involve employees. Distribute responsibilities. Your job is to plan. Seek advice and don’t be shy about asking your colleagues for help. Discuss how and where the corporate party will be held. An important point will be the budget of the event. Discuss everything in detail, especially the menu.

These days, entertainment such as quests are popular. This is great entertainment at any event, especially a corporate party. Participants are divided into teams of an average of 4 people. Create different tasks. For example, find a treasure or get out of a locked room.

Scenario for meeting guests

This scenario is suitable for meeting guests in a restaurant.

Script text:

  • Presenter. “Hello dear guests, please accept cards and gifts from us.” Postcards are presented with inscriptions of the places that the invitees should take. Gifts should be themed, these can be simple ceramic souvenirs
  • Presenter. “Today men should forget about fishing, and women should forget about prices in stores. On this day we celebrate our birthday. On this holiday it is customary to give only joy and fun.” This is followed by a dance number.
  • Presenter. “Dear guests, thank you for coming, here are your prizes from the birthday boy.” Packages with comic gifts are presented. It could be a clown on a spring or some funny souvenir
  • Presenter . “Now you can please the birthday boy and give him gifts.” Guests give gifts. After this, fun competitions are held according to the script

Scenario for meeting guests

Celebrate your father's day

It will be nice for your dad if his anniversary is not a banal feast, but a fun holiday. The beginning can be completely unusual: let the guests secretly go into the room where the celebration will take place, and the birthday boy does not see them. Then invite him to a room where he will see many guests.

Father will be pleased if dishes are placed in front of him, and he will guess who cooked it. A great competition is to write ditties with one of the words: “dearest”, “tail wagging”, “the car starts itself”, etc.

The best gift for a father is songs of his youth accompanied by a guitar or button accordion.

Dear friends, I am sure that you will find these tips useful: how to celebrate a man’s anniversary without a toastmaster, and your hero of the day will be cheerful and happy the whole evening.

Greeting guests in Russian with bread and salt

This is an ancient custom when salt was worth more than gold. Bread is mercy, and salt is love. This is a decoding of two characters. By serving a loaf with a salt shaker, you show love and grace to those invited. It is believed that eating a loaf of salt together binds guests together; this is a ritual of bonding.

Nowadays, newlyweds from the registry office or foreign guests are greeted in this way. Thus, they show their mercy and joy. The loaf is presented on an embroidered towel, and a solemn speech is made. Guests break off a piece of baked goods, dip it in salt, and eat the loaf.

Welcoming Russian guests with bread and salt

Welcome words for welcoming guests

Greetings vary depending on the occasion and holiday.

For a meeting with bread and salt:

We welcome our dear guests On our native Russian soil, We offer you bread and salt, As custom told us. We present the loaf to the most respected and long-awaited ones, Come on, all together, come on, start singing! We welcome you with joy, in a good mood, come in, don’t be shy, help yourself to bread and salt!

Words for welcoming guests at school:

Let us welcome our dear guests today. Since they came to our school, they are full of fresh ideas. Share, don’t be lazy, we won’t be in debt! We will show our beloved school in the best light! School is our home, We live in it together for half a day! Here you can develop comprehensively and be filled with spiritual energy! Come in without hesitation, this is the best establishment in the world!

Words for greeting guests on a birthday:

Hello, dear guests, Everyone is so smart! We have been waiting for you for a long time, already an hour, and we are worried about you. And the hero of the occasion has been waiting for you since the morning! Come in, don’t be shy, make yourself comfortable, we’ll start the holiday soon, let’s dance and binge! Let's have fun until the morning, the kids are with us. Let's eat and chat, while away the time with pleasure!

Welcome words for welcoming guests

Seeing off guests, words

When the party has come to an end, you need to say goodbye to the guests, but do it in such a way that they want to visit you again and again and drink a cup of coffee or something stronger. This can be done in poetry.

Farewell poems for guests:

What lovely guests... they ate... I see the dinner was delicious! I'm a little tired of you... I'll see you off so that no trouble happens...

If the guests are tired, And “they don’t want to go home”, Clap your hands loudly, attracting their attention. And then read poetry to them, Demand that they listen to you... You will notice how quietly the number of guests will decrease. Pour a glass of glass for the most persistent in farewell... And they will go home, inspired by poetry...

When seeing off guests, the words
Try to think through everything to the smallest detail. It’s very nice when friends and relatives consider you a good housewife and always come to visit with pleasure.

Cooking delicious food

The festive table is an integral part of any celebration. It is customary that a woman deals with these issues, and the feast needs to be prepared in such a way that during the holiday you will not collapse from fatigue.

The easiest way is to organize a Swiss table or order food from a restaurant, but this is not always possible, and many people prefer home-cooked food as treats. In order to set a large table and get everything done on time, you need to plan the table and the sequence of cooking dishes.

With the help of little tips, you can prepare a feast in a timely manner without being tired.

Note to the owner:

  • To speed up the robot, it is worth preparing semi-finished products in advance.
  • Before cold appetizers, offer guests hot soup. This does not exactly correspond to generally accepted etiquette, but it is more natural. Guests can satisfy their hunger and feel at home with a cup of hot soup. You can also feed unexpected guests, and the beauty of the salad will delight the eye.
  • There is no need to prepare many types of salads; two are quite enough. They need to be beautifully decorated, served in different dishes.
  • It is advisable to prepare the first and second courses in advance, reheat the first course, and serve salads from the refrigerator.
  • Instead of store-bought juices, if desired, you can cook compote or fruit drink.
  • For dessert, you can offer guests ice cream decorated with fruit and syrup. It will be more original than cake and cookies.

With these simple tips, you will save time and effort, and the table will be set when your guests arrive.

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