Is it possible to give a watch for a birthday or not - advice from our ancestors and modern psychologists

In this article:

  1. Where did the belief come from that a watch is a “dangerous” gift?
  2. Is it possible to give a watch: oriental signs and superstitions
  3. Attitude to such a gift in the West and in Russia
  4. Is it worth giving watches to women and men?
  5. Is it possible to give a watch to your “halves” or friends?
  6. Who can and should give a watch to?
  7. Proper presentation of a gift in the form of a watch

Is it possible to give a watch? Some say that no is a bad omen. Others are sure that all this is nothing more than superstition. Who is right? It’s impossible to say for sure. Moreover, there are Eastern traditions, and there are Western ones. In some ways they are similar, but in others they are not.

On the other hand, who will refuse if they give him a watch worth a million rubles or even more? Especially if the gift is from the head of state? There is clearly no time for superstitions here. However, you can bypass them too. Read about it in our article.

Why you can’t give a watch - signs and traditions

A negative attitude towards chronometers is observed in both eastern and western countries. Representatives of Western culture believe that sharp arrows spread negative energy by “shooting” at new owners. Such an impact on a person can lead to illness, troubles at work and in his personal life. Feng Shui, which came from the East, does not recommend presenting watches for birthdays, as well as installing gifted chronometers of any kind in the spouses’ bedroom, so as not to speed up the separation of wife and husband. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to give such gifts, in most countries the answer will be negative.

Should you believe omens or not?

Our ancestors noticed many phenomena and events happening around. And on the basis of this information, signs were “made up”. But should modern people believe in them? Many experts in the field of bioenergy are sure: when a person believes in something bad, it will happen.

Watches should not be perceived as something negative. According to popular belief, trouble should only be expected from a gift. You can buy this accessory for yourself. He will certainly bring good luck. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers believed in the ability of watches to warn their “owners” of danger. Stopping the arrows meant something bad was approaching.

At the moment, walkers, especially wrist models, are considered a necessary item in everyday life and in the workplace. In constant affairs and worries, citizens try to constantly keep track of time in order to get everything done during the day.

To blindly follow old signs or ignore them is everyone’s business. It is better to believe in the bright and good!

As our ancestors believed

In Russia, chronometers were rarely given as gifts because of their high cost. Orthodox Christians did not believe in omens about watches. However, the superstitious believed that the donated chronometer was capable of:

  1. Lead to loss of vital energy. Time moving forward ages a person. And the older people are, the less strength and vitality they have.
  2. Cause depression or worsen mood. If we approach this sign from a scientific point of view, then the superstition is explained as follows: a person constantly sees a reminder of the shortening of his life and begins to feel subconscious discomfort. This discomfort leads to a feeling of depression.
  3. Incur persecution from evil spirits. The chronometer was perceived as a mechanism with consciousness and a connection with the other world. Some people associated the arrows with the arrows and spears of Satan's minions that would be used to stab sinners in hell.
  4. Make the new owner a loser. A gift measures the time of a person's good fortune. The chronometer could harm “trading” people (merchants).

A broken watch is considered a bad omen. The owner can expect a fatal illness. The gift can cease to function after the death of the owner. The chronometer should be thrown away and no attempt should be made to repair it.

Today, the gift of various gadgets - smartphones, tablets and others - can refute the signs of ancestors. There is always a chronometer on the main screen of the gadget, which no one pays attention to. And the lack of energy supply does not allow the signs to work.

Sign for girls

Are you going to buy a watch to give to your daughter, best friend, sister or grandmother? This is not a very good idea. Dangers that experts in folk wisdom warn about:

  • Is the recipient of the gift an elderly lady? Please note that this accessory will hasten her demise. Unfavorable energy will “hover” around the owner of the watch, taking away vitality. This means that the lady will live 2-3 years less.
  • Deprivation of beauty and early old age. Walking shoes can “take away” the attractiveness of young ladies. Because of this, problems will arise with finding a soul mate.
  • This is also a bad gift for a wedding anniversary. Especially if the spouses do not yet have children. Such an acquisition will energetically hinder the successful conception of a baby.
  • Deterioration of the relationship between father, mother and their child. If you present a watch to a minor, then his relationship with both parents and teachers may deteriorate. And he will find himself morally isolated from representatives of the adult generation.

Opinion of psychologists - TOP 5 quotes

Galina, 37 years old, Moscow “Despite the fact that the 21st century has long arrived, people continue to support medieval superstitions. They gave the watch to their parents - mom and dad believe that the child wishes them death. Is it worth giving the girl an expensive gift after this if she is sure that they want to leave her. Fight your superstition. You yourself create unpleasant situations.”

Anton, 42 years old, St. Petersburg “As a psychologist, I am against signs. I think they poison life. Superstitious ideas about the world appeared many centuries ago, when people did not even know the alphabet. But today we all go to school. It’s embarrassing to listen when a person with a higher education asks whether they should give a watch for their birthday, what should they do if their relatives have already been given one? Give from the bottom of your heart and use it if it is given to you.”

Natalya, 29 years old, Krasnodar “I consider myself to be non-superstitious people, one might say, atheists. But I don’t recommend presenting Cartier, even for several thousand dollars. It will take humanity another century to overcome superstitions. There is no need to scare your loved ones with such gifts. Elderly people react especially hard. There’s no point in reminding them that they’re about to die.”

Olga, 34 years old, Samara “Signs about watches don’t work. About 7 or 8 years ago I gave a watch to my brother, who had just started doing business. Now he is thriving, he even moved to Moscow. He hasn’t separated from his wife and isn’t sick. The third child was recently born. People all over the world find themselves in unpleasant situations every day. But you shouldn’t attribute your troubles to a clock or a black cat that crossed the road.”

Andrey, 36 years old, Vladivostok “I am an Orthodox Christian, but I am skeptical about omens. I also don’t advise my clients to become superstitious. At the same time, I believe that other people’s tastes and faith should be respected. I don't understand why you can't give a watch. This is a practical and convenient gift. But if your loved one is superstitious, don't insist. Give him something that will please him."

The watch was given to you

Not everyone is familiar with folk beliefs and signs. Some people prefer to live without looking back at the past and without listening to the advice of distant ancestors. What should a citizen do if he himself has become the recipient of a gift? It was not presented by a stranger. And he clearly doesn’t want anything bad. Then don't worry. The item was given from a pure heart, which means that trouble will not enter your home, but will bypass it. What matters is the emotional response of the new owner of the item, his belief in the omen itself, or complete ignorance of its meaning.

What if you accept a gift from someone who truly envies you or dislikes you? There is a high probability that he is giving the gift while bad thoughts are brewing in his head. Do you doubt this? It is better to politely refuse the gift.

It is worth learning to recognize with what message a thing is presented, what feelings the giver experiences.

To avoid a disagreement with the person delivering the item, you must pay a “ransom” for it. This should be a purely symbolic amount - change lying around in your wallet.

Is it possible to give a watch to a woman: mother, wife, friend?

Women are more superstitious than men. For this reason, many refuse such a gift. Girls believe that the chronometer:

  1. It will cause separation from your loved one. Arrows will “cut” the relationship with your lover.
  2. Will make a woman lonely. The gift will be a symbol that the woman’s time has passed, and she will no longer be able to create her own happiness.
  3. It will deprive a woman of her youth and beauty. Time is running out, which means a woman is losing her youth and attractiveness.
  4. It will take away the opportunity to become a mother. The ability to motherhood will be “cut” by arrows. If there are children, the umbilical cord between mother and children will be “cut.” The son or daughter will move away, in some cases forcedly (they will move to another city, end up in prison or hospital).

It is not advisable to give a watch as a gift to a woman on her birthday. It is generally accepted that all gifts on this day affect the birthday person. It is advisable to give a gift on March 8th. On this day, in the person of one girl, a gift will be presented to all women on the planet. You can congratulate your beloved girl on the anniversary of your relationship.

Even a superstitious woman can forget about signs after receiving a gift from a fashion designer. To ward off bad omens, you need to buy an accessory made of precious metals, decorated with stones. Metals not only do not cause harm, but also protect the owner from negative influences. A few years after the husband gave a wristwatch to his wife, he can point out to his wife the fact that the omen did not work.

Arguments for"

If you still doubt the advisability of such a gift, then you should pay attention to the following arguments:

  • They will always remind you of who gave them, because a watch is a practical thing, and the need to know the time will never go away.
  • For a business person, it is very important to follow your personal schedule, and when you have a watch on your wrist or in your office, it is much easier to do this. Therefore, this gift will in no way disappoint such a birthday boy.

  • For women, they can serve as an excellent addition to the chosen style, especially since manufacturers are now producing models that look more like a small work of art and serve more for decoration than for measuring time.
  • There are many cases when a watch becomes a family heirloom and is passed on from generation to generation without thinking about any signs.
  • To ensure that the gifted watch carries the meaning you intended, you can engrave it to avoid ambiguity. For example, having given your beloved girl a watch with the inscription “Together forever!”, she will definitely no longer think about any prejudices associated with separation and quarrels.

What happens if you give a watch to a man: husband, dad, son, friend?

Men are rarely superstitious. Some of them don’t even know the signs about watches. How, according to superstitions, a chronometer can harm a representative of the stronger sex:

  1. Loss of male strength. Aging, which is often symbolized by the gift, leads to the development of impotence or decreased libido.
  2. Destruction of a career or loss of authority. In some countries there was a ban on placing clocks in throne rooms. The sign read: a “dangerous” object counts down the time until the end of the reign of the emperor (king). A ruler who ignored superstition was bound to die as a result of a conspiracy among those close to him who ceased to respect him. By giving a watch to dad, children undermine the authority of the head of the family.
  3. Destruction of personal life. Sharp arrows make a man aggressive and hot-tempered. It becomes difficult for his beloved to get along with him. A lonely man does not find a common language with any girl.

Will a watch as a gift to close relatives cause harm?

Superstitious people claim that if you give such a gift to a loved one, the recipient will expect:

  1. Quarrels with the donor. There is a possibility of separation forever, despite the close relationship.
  2. Financial difficulties. Along with time, money will also leave the family. The sign should work if the gift is painted golden, silver, yellow or gray. These colors are associated with money.
  3. Loss of health of the recipient of the gift or members of his family (spouse or children). This is another explanation why watches are not given to relatives for birthdays and other celebrations. You may receive disability or irreparable injury. But the sign will only work when the gift is green. This color is often associated with health.

Attitude to such a gift in the West and in Russia

The Middle Ages in Europe, among other things, were marked by an ardent confrontation between science and the church. It was during those troubled times that a superstition associated with watches could arise. Like any incomprehensible mechanism, this object caused great fear among ordinary people. Clocks were considered the creation of the devil.

On top of that, watches entered Europe from Arab countries. The Arabs, who in turn borrowed the idea of ​​counting time from the Chinese, were considered infidels in the Christian world, and their culture was rejected by medieval Europeans.

It is no wonder that watches had a bad reputation in Europe. People tried to avoid this accessory so as not to be known as sorcerers and witches among church ministers. It was believed that if a person was given a watch, evil spirits would take possession of him and burden his life with suffering, illness, poverty and other troubles.

As for Slavic superstitions on this score, they are close to the Eastern ones. That is, the clock did not just count down time, but determined how long it was left to live with the person dear to the heart before separation. It is logical that it was not welcomed to give such a gift to lovers before the wedding, as well as to close relatives. And today there is a sign that a watch as a gift to newlyweds portends discord in the family, constant quarrels and an imminent divorce.

Is it possible to give watches to children? Since ancient times, this has also been considered a bad omen. Giving a chronometer reduces the time it takes for a child to leave the parental home.

Does the sign “spread” to friends?

If I give a chronometer to my friends, I will wait for the giver:

  1. Conflicts with the person to whom the gift was given. Conflicts will gradually turn friendship into mutual enmity. Particularly superstitious people claim that a blood feud can begin through a donated item.
  2. Betrayal on the part of the one who accepted the gift. By handing over a “dangerous” object to a friend, the donor symbolically declares that the time of friendship has come to an end.

You should be especially careful if your friend is a foreigner, a representative of Eastern culture. For a Chinese, giving a watch to loved ones is an invitation to a funeral. In Chinese, the character for chronometer is similar to the character for death. For a Japanese, an offering would mean a wish for quick death.

Signs in different cultures

In many cultures, giving a watch as a gift is bad luck. This is based on their beliefs and customs, as well as observations over hundreds of years. Everything that a person could not give a logical explanation was attributed with magical properties, thereby giving rise to fears and prejudices.

In different countries, people had different attitudes towards this gift:

  1. The Slavs believed that with such a gift you could shorten your life. The donor gives away part of his allotted time on this earth, thereby shortening his life. For the same reason, there was an opinion that the one who lost the chronometer loses part of his life, and the one who finds it gains it.
  2. In Western Europe, there was an opinion that giving a watch as a gift was a bad omen, because its hands had a point. Gifts with sharp and piercing parts are a harbinger of an imminent quarrel between loved ones.
  3. In China, there is another sign why you should not give a watch. This is associated with death, which counts down the remaining time, and the gift only reminds the person of this. It’s not for nothing that the Chinese character for “clock” is similar to the character for “death.”
  4. But in Japan, such a gift would be regarded as a wish for quick death. It is customary to send watches to enemies and ill-wishers.

Is it possible to give a wristwatch to a child?

Birthday watches are not given to children for several reasons:

  1. The gift will reduce the child's stay at home. Children who are given such a gift will begin an independent life early and may stop communicating with their parents.
  2. The child will deceive mom and dad. A son or daughter who is given a watch will become as fickle as time.
  3. Children will begin to become interested in sex life early. By giving a son or daughter a chronometer, father and mother accelerate his puberty.
  4. Parents will lose authority in the eyes of their children.

It should be borne in mind that folk beliefs have not yet taken root in children's minds. The gift will not cause superstitious fear in children. Signs will affect the consciousness of dad and mom. Parents will unconsciously create situations that will become “proof” of the actions of the signs.

To prevent superstition from working, you can give a preschooler a watch without a clock mechanism. Such models are often filled with sweets. A schoolchild or teenager can be pleased with a watch with a special children's design. Models for boys are decorated with comic book characters. Watches for girls depict princesses or a Barbie doll. This option carries a semantic load that will help overcome the bad omen: a child who receives a gift for children remains a child.

What do signs say about wall clocks as a gift?

The wall chronometer affects the entire house because it does not belong to anyone living in it individually. A gift placed in one or another room of the apartment can promise various misfortunes:

  1. Kitchen or dining room. Staying in this room for hours is detrimental to the financial well-being of the family, since food is stored in the kitchen and food is eaten in the dining room.
  2. Living room. The whole family gathers in this room. Guests are also received here. A chronometer on the wall can ruin relationships between relatives or between hosts and guests.
  3. Bedrooms and children's room. Keeping clocks in these rooms can lead not only to separation (in the spouses’ bedroom), but also to the development of neuroses, to which children are more often susceptible. The development of neurotic states can be influenced by moving elements of an object, for example, a pendulum.

Do bad omens about watches work if you give them for New Year?

Signs prohibit giving watches for the New Year. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in:

  1. The death of the person accepting the gift in the coming year. If a person was presented with a chronometer, for example, for 2021, then in 2021 and not a year later, this person’s life should end: his time is up.
  2. Death of the donor. According to another sign, sudden death from illness or accident awaits the donor in the new year. He symbolically handed over his time to another person.
  3. Termination of the existence of the family that accepted the gift. If a gift is given not to one person, but to the whole family, a divorce is expected in the coming year, children may leave home, etc.
  4. Loss of housing. This scenario can also be expected if a gift is presented to a family or home. There will be a fire, a robbery in the apartment, and the neighbors from above will flood. Giving watches to people who are forced to pay off a loan or mortgage for housing is considered especially dangerous. In the new year, due to dismissal or illness of working family members, it will not be possible to pay off the debt. The bank can take the property.

How to “safely” give a watch - a detour will take place

If the recipient of the gift is a superstitious person, the gift must be turned into a purchase. The recipient of the gift must give the donor several coins of any denomination. It is recommended to shake the coins so that their ringing will scare away evil spirits. To prevent a person from becoming a victim of his superstitions, he can be invited to a store and asked to choose a gift himself, and then give him money. Thus, watches donated to relatives or friends will also turn into a purchase.

To prevent signs from causing harm to the recipient, you can order engraving on the watch case. These may be the initials of the future owner or his last name, first name and patronymic written in full. A “dangerous” object receives the mark of its owner, whom it cannot harm. The recipient of the gift cannot give an engraved item as a gift. It will not bring happiness to the new owner.

If the person who is to receive the gift adheres to any faith, cult or philosophical movement, quotes from holy books or symbols (crescent, runes, etc.) of the movement are used as engraving. In this situation, the object will become “related” to its owner, and no harm will be done. You can put the following inscription on the gift wrapping or box:

  1. I wish you great happiness every hour of your life.
  2. Desires come true every hour.
  3. A practical gift for a business person.
  4. More fun hours.
  5. From Switzerland with love! (For such an inscription, it is desirable that the model be a Swiss brand).

The wish must override the effect of the sign. You can present less traditional watch models that are not associated with negative superstitions:

  1. Smart. This is the most modern chronometer model, suitable for people of all ages and tastes.
  2. Waterproof or shockproof. A person who leads an active lifestyle and engages in extreme sports will be happy with such a watch.
  3. Sand. This is an outdated model that continues to be used. It is suitable for the kitchen. Using an hourglass, you can track the time for cooking (boiling eggs, baking fish).
  4. Alarm clocks running away or flying away. These models will not allow the owner to oversleep on his way to work. An alarm clock with a similar mechanism is more suitable for children and young people.

What to do with a donated watch

If you received a wrist or wall clock as a gift for the New Year or another holiday, you can deal with it in several ways:

  1. When the giver was raised in a different culture, is not superstitious, or is an atheist, it is acceptable to accept a gift from him. Such a person did not put any meaning into this subject. The choice was made on the basis of aesthetic appeal or the desire to please the recipient with an expensive branded product.
  2. If the recipient is not superstitious, signs will not affect him. Believers should not worry either: the Christian Church considers belief in omens to be a pagan tradition.
  3. When the recipient is not sure of the purity of the intentions of the giver, the gift should not be used. The enemy is capable of giving with secret wishes for death. If you suspect damage, you should take the chronometer with your right hand. The left hand is quietly moved behind the back or lowered into a pocket and folded into a fig. Thus, the donor will accept back the negative message sent.

You can try to refuse to accept the gift.
However, if this is not possible (for example, the donor is a business partner), after receiving the chronometer, you must immediately read any prayer. You can go to church and light candles for the health of yourself and your loved ones. It is recommended to contact St. St. George the Victorious and ask him for protection from possible enemies. A questionable or simply unpleasant gift from an unfriendly person should not be re-gifted.
The chronometer can be thrown away or donated to some organization, for example, an orphanage or a hospital. Damage and bad wishes made on an item for one person will not have a negative impact on other people. Reason 2019-07-08 admin

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