How to celebrate an astronaut’s birthday: a large selection of ideas

Cosmo, a space wanderer, comes to visit the birthday boy. He offers to travel in space. But the problem is that they are followed by space pirates who have a grudge against Cosmo. Ingenuity will help you get rid of persecution.


Create a festive mood and a friendly atmosphere.


On the walls are stars, images of planets, asteroids, meteors. Stars can represent balloons. Stretching - congratulations in space style.


  • Spaceship (can be made from cardboard boxes);
  • Recording space music;
  • Paper bracelets, markers;
  • Images of planets - stations;
  • Paper cakes of various shapes - craters;
  • Traces (draw on paper);
  • Hoops;
  • Star map, stars;
  • Ball, ring on it;
  • Paper snowballs, bandages;
  • Multi-colored sand, glue, paper;
  • Food in tubes;
  • Encrypted message;
  • Cake.


  • Space Wanderer – Cosmo

Space invitations

First of all, you should create beautiful and bright invitations for your child’s friends, after receiving which they simply cannot help but come to visit you. Going with the birthday boy on a trip to different planets or visiting aliens together is so cool!

Invitations can be designed in the shape of a rocket or space shuttle.

The text can be in poetic form:

One, two, three, four, five - Come to us for a walk, celebrate a birthday, sing songs and dance. We invite you to the holiday, and we promise fun, and delicious food, and skillful competitions. Let's celebrate your birthday in a great mood!

Space dishes and table settings

The appetite of little astronauts depends on how beautiful the festive table looks. Take care of the dishes in a space style, come up with a tablecloth that resembles a starry sky. The effect of twinkling stars can be created with New Year's garlands or other luminous objects.

A jetpack can hang on the back of every chair - what would it be like in space without it. Napkins, drink bottles - everything should correspond to the same style and theme.

Some decorations for the holiday table can be made in advance with your child.

Constellation Ursa Major

Here the guys are faced with a difficulty: evil space pirates have decided to set a trap. They stole a constellation from the sky. Now this place is so dark that it is simply impossible to fly anywhere. We need to return the stars to their places.

The game "Constellations" is being played.

Children lay out yellow stars on a black sheet of paper - the sky - to make the constellation Ursa Major and then Ursa Minor. To help them is an old map of the starry sky that Cosmo has. As soon as the guys complete the task (on time - the signal of the pirate ship is already heard), they move on.

Space decorations for children's birthday

The birthday boy will be pleased if his room is decorated in a cosmic style on this holiday. If the festive feast will take place in the living room or in a cafe, in the area near the house, you can come up with cosmic decorations there.

Decorations for the holiday can be made from cardboard, colored and luminescent paper, balloons and other materials that can be found at home. Do this with your child - he will be interested in cutting out parts of a rocket or circles that will later become planets.

The planets of the Solar System can be made from balls or spherical-shaped blanks can be prepared in advance from papier-mâché, for example.

If there is a large free wall, decorate it with posters, flags, and all kinds of thematic inscriptions.

In the process of preparing for the holiday, your astronaut will probably gain new knowledge, a lot of positive emotions and joy from communicating with family members. If you want to make a surprise and not introduce the birthday boy to your space plans in advance, be as careful as possible: conspiracy is everything!

Space entertainment for the birthday boy and guests

The astronauts will be bored just sitting at the table, no matter how tasty the treats are in front of them. They need drive and real space adventures. Therefore, take care of the props for games, think about holding a space quest, a quiz, or musical breaks. Of course, you will need small space-themed souvenirs for encouragement.

The birthday boy and his guests must understand what mission they are fulfilling. This could be a flight to the Moon, liberation of the Earth from insidious aliens, a search for a cosmic “artifact”, etc.

It's more fun to study constellations using pictures. In place of the stars, invite the children to glue rhinestones and circle the constellations using the dots.

Starfall of wishes

At a birthday party, it is customary to say kind words to the birthday person: congratulations and wishing the best. This tradition can be turned into a real shower of wishes!

On a clear and moonless night, the sky is strewn with stars. There are billions of them! Sometimes you can see how some shining lights quickly rush down to the ground. This is a starburst. It is believed that if you see a shooting star, you need to make a wish and it will definitely come true. Let's have our own starfall! Make a wish... Cut out stars from foil or silver cardstock.

Next, one of the adults should stand on a chair and throw the cut out stars up. Your wishes will definitely come true!

Now that everyone has made a wish for themselves, let's arrange a starfall for the birthday boy! Give pens and self-adhesive leaves to all guests - let them write their wishes to the birthday boy. Then the guests, standing in a circle with the birthday boy in the center, must unanimously throw their stars up. After this, the birthday boy collects the fallen stars and reads out the wishes (if the child cannot read yet, an adult does this).

Competition "Building a Rocket"

The host invites two couples. One person from each pair should stand up straight and raise their arms up, placing their palms together - this is a rocket. The partner’s task is to wrap the “rocket” with a paper towel (toilet paper) as quickly as possible. The result will be a real rocket, and you cannot cover your face, since the “astronaut” must see what is happening. The pair that finishes the building the fastest wins.

Competition "Greetings from an astronaut"

Guests are divided into two teams. Come up with names and tell them to the presenter. In a limited time, each team must come up with a letter from an astronaut from outer space. In your letter, you should try to use as many words starting with the letter “P” as possible.

Competition "Excellent Flight"

Each participant is given a regular bag (small and not too dense). You can paint it with markers in the form of a rocket or an unidentified space object. At the leader's command, each player blows on his bag from below, trying to keep it in the air. The winner is the one who makes the longest flight of the package above the ground! You can play with balloons in the same way.

Competition "Baikonur"

Each participant is given a piece of paper. He twists a tube out of it, i.e. a rocket. Then everyone stands along the same line and “launches” their rockets - they try to throw paper tubes onto a cabinet or shelf. You cannot raise your hand above waist level. Those who succeed move on to the next round and receive a smaller piece of paper - so the task becomes even more difficult. The game continues until one winner is determined.

Competition "Gagarin"

All guests stand in a circle and join hands, forming an orbit. One of them comes out into the center of the circle - “Gagarin”. From time to time, players raise and lower their hands. The task of "Gagarin" is to break out of the circle within one minute, to "fly out of orbit." The presenter records the time and monitors compliance with the rules of the competition.

Competition "Stargazer"

Participants are located in random order in a pre-limited area. Water is selected - “stargazer”. All players crouch, they are “stars”. But the “star” can only shine in the “standing” position. The “Stargazer” walks between the “stars” and tries to touch the player before he has time to sit down. If the “stargazer” managed to do this, he himself becomes a “star”, and the “disenchanted” player takes his place.

Competition "Expedition to Mars"

The presenter reads out loud a long list of items that, in his opinion, must be taken with you on an expedition to Mars. Then he asks the players to stand in a circle and take turns naming one item from the list. Those who name something that was not on the list, or repeat themselves, “fly to Earth” - sit on the floor. The one who remembers the most items from the list wins.


There are a lot of craters and lunar seas here. Traveling along it is dangerous - you can fall, twist or break your leg. Therefore, this must be done very carefully, but quickly, so that the children are not seen by the space pirates who are following Cosmo’s trail, trying to capture him.

The game “Beware the Crater!” is played here.

Children line up one after another and grab the person in front by the waist. The very first person, the birthday boy, is blindfolded so that he cannot see anything. Paper figures called craters are laid out on the floor throughout the area. The driver must take the team to the opposite side, going around all the craters. When approaching the crater, the team shouts “Crater on the right!” or “Crater on the left!”

After successful completion, the children return to the ship and, to the sounds of a cosmic melody, continue their journey to the next station.

Space quiz questions for kids

1. What was the name of the first person who went into space?

A) Yuri Gagarin. B) Vasya Tatarin. B) Dino!

2. What is the name of the place from where scientists observe stars and other space objects?

A) The roof of the tallest building in the city. B) Observatory. B) High mountain.

3. Who is the planet Venus named after?

A) In honor of the famous singer. B) In honor of the ancient Greek goddess. C) In honor of the wife of the astronaut who flew to Venus.

4. What do astronauts eat?

A) Sweets. B) Green porridge and blue pasta. C) Regular food from tubes.

5. How do people sleep in space?

A) On the bed. B) Upside down. C) No one sleeps in space.

6. What stone flies to Earth from space?

A) Cobblestone. B) Martian quartz. B) Meteorite.

7. What is the name of the condition in which a person and the objects around him lose weight?

A) Don't touch me, I'm evil. B) Lack of appetite. B) Weightlessness.

8. Which white river flows across the night sky?

A) Milk River. B) Milky Way. B) Milky Road.

9. What pits are visible on the Moon?

A) Craters. B) Burrows of Luntiks living on the Moon. C) The holes that the aliens dug to plant potatoes on the Moon.

10. What device with antennas flies in space?

A) Grandma's old phone. B) Flying saucer. B) Satellite.

11. What is the name of the place from where a rocket is launched?

A) Airfield. B) Cosmodrome. B) Observatory.

12. Which planets in the solar system rotate in the direction opposite to Earth?

A) Venus and Uranus. B) Venus and Mars. B) Neptune and Saturn.

13. The closest star to us?

A) The sun. B) Orion. B) Polaris.

14. What is the name of the path along which a satellite or spacecraft flies?

A) Route. B) Ring. B) Orbit.

15. What is one revolution of an artificial body around the Earth called?

A) Curl. B) Orbit. B) Coil.

Riddles about space for children

The shuttle flies over the ball, winding its coils on the ball. (Satellite.)

The entire blue path is strewn with peas. (Stars.)

From which ladle do they not drink, do not eat, but only look at it? (Big Dipper Bucket.)

There is a special spacecraft, It sends signals to the Earth to everyone, And like a lonely traveler It flies in orbit... (satellite).

An object flies through the thickness of the Icy years in space. His tail is a strip of light, And his name is... (comet).

He is friends with the wind and water, She is friends with the North Star. The Bear and the Big Bear cannot possibly meet.

On an airship, spaceship, obedient, We, overtaking the wind, are rushing on... (rocket).

Lights up the way at night, doesn't let the stars sleep. Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep. There is light in the sky for us... (moon).

The grain scattered at night, and in the morning there was nothing. (Stars.)

He won’t knock on the door or window, but he will come up and wake everyone up. (Sun.)

A chain of riddles about space for children from Olesya Emelyanova:

To equip the eye And make friends with the stars, To see the Milky Way You need a powerful...


For hundreds of years they have been studying the life of planets. Smart Uncle will tell us everything...


- he is an astrologer, He knows everything inside out! Only the stars are visible in a fuller sky...

To the moon

a bird cannot fly and land on the moon, but it can do it quickly...

At the rocket

there is a driver, a lover of weightlessness. In English: “astronaut”, And in Russian...


sitting in a rocket, Cursing everything in the world - In orbit, as luck would have it Appeared...


flies to its neighbor From the constellation Andromeda, In it, out of boredom, the Evil Green howls like a wolf...


lost my course, lost in three planets, if there is no star map, speed will not help...


flies the fastest, doesn't count kilometers. The Sun gives life to the planets, gives us warmth, tails -...

Everything is a comet

flew around, looked at everything in the sky. He sees a hole in space - It’s black...

In black holes

The darkness is busy with something black. There the Interplanetary completed its flight...


- a steel bird, He rushes faster than light. Experiences the Stars in practice...

And the galaxies

they fly into the loose as they want. Very hefty This whole universe!


This planet may once have had life. Therefore, Cosmo invites the children to explore the planet to find any evidence of life.

The game “Find the tracks” is played.

Children look for traces that can even be located on the ceiling (in this case they can be photographed). Then they must say what animals and birds lived on this planet.

An alarm sounds - the pirates are landing nearby. Cosmo and the kids run into the ship and head to the next stop.

Cosmo: Guys, there's a black hole ahead. If we now take even one step in the wrong direction, we will disappear without a trace for who knows how many years. Let's try to fly over them carefully.

Conducts the game "Black Hole".

The role of black holes is played by hoops suspended from the ceiling. The participants' task is to jump over all obstacles, trying not to hit them. After the test, they fly to the next station.

Space photos for memory

I want to capture emotions. Think about how to arrange a space photo shoot. Perhaps some elements for the photo zone can be made with the children at the holiday itself: make a rocket or costumes, draw and cut out signs with humorous inscriptions or funny drawings.

Find a well-lit area and place all the necessary props there.

Children can play with the rocket both during the holiday itself and long after it. Fabric tents in the shape of a rocket are good because they are almost impossible to break or tear, and are convenient to put away in a closet if necessary.

An inexpensive and accessible material for making a rocket is cardboard. Look for large boxes, help the children make the frame, and then they can do it themselves.

Photos are always more fun if the poses aren't static. Add bright signs with drawings or inscriptions and attach them to wooden skewers. Let guests choose which signs they would like to have their photo taken with.

You can decorate the heads of alien guests with funny caps.

Themed tantamaresques - these are things with a hole for the face - will enliven a space photo shoot. You can draw them yourself on a large piece of cardboard or whatman paper.

If you have a well-designed photo zone at your party, you can fly into space with the whole family. And more than once!

There are a lot of specialized companies where you will be offered to make a backdrop for a photo zone or any other printing product that will decorate your space holiday.

Even more ideas for a space photo shoot HERE.

Space gifts

Birthday gifts, souvenirs and incentive prizes for competitions should also be in space style. Let's share ideas, adopt what you like best.

Packaging is of no small importance, especially when it comes to a space-age birthday gift for a child. Wrapping paper can help you! If there isn't one, draw it yourself.

There are special paints on sale for painting glass, matting compounds to imitate engraving. With their help, you can create unique gifts for the astronaut birthday boy.

If you have kids visiting, give them a bucket of pencils and space-themed coloring books.

Sweet gifts (candies) or other space food can be hidden in the rocket.

Even more ideas for space gifts HERE.


The most artistic option is to invent or copy the image of an alien inhabitant (movies, cartoons). You can use shiny materials, attach tentacles, legs, arms, and even a second head with Velcro! Velcro is convenient to use to remove unnecessary parts of the costume after taking a photo as a souvenir - in a very “cosmic” look it will be uncomfortable for guests.

is much easier to buy glowing T-shirts , clothes with themed designs, neon bracelets, horns, glasses and other glowing accessories. And in stores for children there are a lot of “space” weapons - all sorts of laser swords and other blasters.

Bright shiny clothes will do , and extravagant makeup and an unusual hairstyle will complete the look. You can rent costumes for a space party or make them by looking for an idea on the Internet. For example, the same white or red astronaut suit - overalls, many pockets, stripes.

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