Game disco “Dance and have fun” material on the topic

Best Teen Party Ideas

As your child gets older, planning a birthday or other party for your teen may require thinking outside the box. Activities for younger children may no longer be open, but that doesn't mean you can't organize something memorable. Just plan activities that teens will enjoy: here are some ideas!

petting zoo

Petting zoos are commonly thought to be only for young children, but in fact all children love interacting with animals.

. Invite everyone to the petting zoo. Older children may have many questions for animal caregivers, and older children will be more careful when handling animals than their younger siblings. Find animals that kids can really interact with, maybe even help care for.

Folkmanis: soft toys that can be glove puppets.

Gamer Party

What do teenagers like most? A game. A gaming party can be full of games (or console games) and activities, then your home will be the place for an unforgettable

a party that will be remembered for a long time.

Still from the Xbox One game, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.

Laser Tag or Nerf blasters

, including laser ones - this is something completely different from a computer game. This is a game in reality!

An option for thrills, without screens. Even adults will want to play this game!

Learn a skill

Teenagers love learning to do new things. Bring an expert to the party: learn how to make fabric dolls, cake decorating, jewelry making, candy making, or anything else they've never tried before. If you yourself have special skills, you can also teach your children something new, for example, sewing, cooking, drawing or playing sports. If you have another interesting hobby, you can also share it with your child and his friends.

It's a magical time

Magic shows appeal to people of all ages. If you decide to hire an entertainer, make sure they understand the age group well and offer interesting activities that will appeal to older children.

Balloon time

Again, you might think that balloons are only fun for younger children, but getting really creative can keep teens interested. For example, balloon painting is an amazing activity, you will need balloons and markers and you can create many creatures and other amazing things.

Most likely you will need to prepare everything for at least several

events, it all depends on how long you are planning the party. Teens may become interested in one thing, or you may need to change activities if interest begins to wane. In addition to treats, also have a box or two of puzzles, a deck of cards for Mafia (and other card games, such as Uno), as well as materials for creativity and drawing, and your guests will definitely not get bored!

Wild dances

Schoolchildren are divided into teams of approximately 5 people (the more teams, the better). Each team gets a forfeit, which indicates the animal (monkey, antelope, lion, crocodile, giraffe, etc.). Then they turn on the music and the teams dance their wild dances (the team that got the forfeit with a crocodile dances the dance of crocodiles, depicting these animals as believably as possible, the team that got the forfeit with a monkey dances the monkey dance, and so on). Based on the results of applause, the best team is chosen - the wild animal dance team.

Shouldn't offer

We reserve all programs with animators dressed as characters from cartoon films for children. Alas, children of 10 years old can, just for the sake of decency, guess riddles, pull a rope and crawl into holes in stretching fabric. They do all this with a doomed sigh: “Mom paid the money,” they must participate.

Teenagers, who are often taller than the animators, are embarrassed to dance to children's songs and put together foam puzzles with mushrooms. You should not provoke them into cynical statements and familiar jokes.

Best Cancan

Schoolchildren are divided into teams with the same number of participants (approximately 6-7 people each). The participants of each team have their legs tied (one leg of one participant and the second of the second, the second leg of the second and one of the third, the second leg of the third and one of the fourth, and so on). For speed, you can simply wrap it with tape. The host turns on the music and the teams begin to dance the cancan dance. Whoever endures the entire dance and shows team spirit, and at the same time creativity in performance, will be the winner.


For this competition, you need to prepare a piece of music in advance (using the Internet and a computer). We take many, many different songs from cartoons and fairy tales, from films and popular performances, from the field of rap and rock, and so on. We cut each song and put it on top of each other. This way you will end up with one long melody with many excerpts from different songs. The passages should be approximately 5 seconds long. It’s better to take as many songs as possible. At the disco the presenter plays a super track. Schoolchildren dance and listen. When the track ends, the students remember and guess what songs were included in the track. Whoever raises his hand calls the song. For the correct answer, the participant receives a point. And at the end, whoever has the most points will win a prize.

School disco culture

There comes a moment in every person’s life that during school years is described with the phrases “butterflies in the stomach” and “legs give way.” Our blogger Georgy Vedernikov tells how to increase your confidence at a school disco and start talking to a girl or boy you really like.

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This is not the first time I have organized a disco for schoolchildren, and almost always before the dances I am asked the same question: “How many delays will there be and how often?” From which I conclude that since the time of Tsar Pea, models of behavior have been stored in teenage minds about how to act before, during a disco and after a disco. A certain culture of courtship has developed and lives on, when a guy or a girl, using various means, try to find a partner for dancing or even a romantic relationship. Let's try to figure out what's what.

Before the disco

The digital revolution has expanded and transferred communication to social networks, where the systematic identification of common interests (through correspondence and sending each other memes) allows us to prepare the ground. It's no secret that even adults find it easier to communicate after texting. For example, you can remember in a conversation a funny video that you watched together - and now the ice has already broken.

The modern exchange of likes greatly reduces the nervousness of taking the first step, since simply tapping on a screen is depersonalizing. I'm confident that if you take your digital first steps consistently and methodically, with a little extra focus at school, they're very likely to help you succeed at the disco.

What mistakes should you avoid during correspondence?

  • insults, jokes and attacks: many people may not accept this style of communication and will immediately be banned;
  • boasting: no one likes it when words are not backed up by deeds;
  • excessive pressure: there is no need to make a tragedy out of the fact that they did not answer you right away, because each of us conducts many correspondences at the same time;
  • lack of culture of speech: of course, this is your personal correspondence, but even in it there should be a framework of decency.

It is important to understand that the conversation you start online needs to be able to be maintained at school. A simple “Hi, how are you?” when meeting, it will be enough for the interaction to continue beyond social networks.

At the disco

High school students, as the most experienced participants in flirting, need a simple set of emoticons and stickers to start communication, but even they know that the most difficult stage of interaction will occur during the school disco. There are many factors to consider here:

  • site size: possibility of accidental collisions;
  • light in the hall: strobes and color music set the mood;
  • the ability to order tracks: your favorite tracks will help you establish communication;
  • ventilation of the room: stuffiness discourages the desire to come away;
  • presence of company: a local get-together will add confidence.

It’s good if you have excellent control of your body, have been dancing for many years, and you perceive any flat surface as a platform for self-expression. We advise everyone else to come to the disco in small groups: among friends you will feel more confident, and therefore more relaxed.

If, in addition to the desire to have fun, a disco attracts you with the opportunity to enjoy romance, you should take breaks between hard flex to the music of the groups “Khleb” and Little Big: hardly anyone will like sticky hugs.

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