Quiz for teenagers “Everything about everything” class hour on the topic

How to prepare for a comic quiz?

Birthday, wedding anniversary, youth party - these holidays are quite fun. If you prepare for the celebration in advance, then the evening will turn out simply enchanting. You can decorate the room in which you are planning to celebrate. bright balloons around the perimeter of the room , place vases with bouquets on the tables, hang garlands on the walls .

These elements can give a great mood at first glance. You don't need the services of a decorator. Think for yourself where you can hang balloons, place flowers, and so on. Moreover, they are quite inexpensive, and the impressions gained from such decor are unforgettable.

You can arrange a themed party. Give each participant a festive accessory, for example, a bright hat, cap or unusual mask. Here everything will depend on what topic you decide to choose.

Which topic should I choose?

Quizzes for children 6 years old and younger can be divided into the following topics:

  • knowledge of Russian folk tales or one story;
  • knowledge of the plant world: flowers, trees, herbs and mushrooms;
  • knowledge of the animal world: species of wild and domestic animals, migratory and domestic birds, etc.;
  • on knowledge of traffic rules: an educational quiz that helps your child learn important rules of behavior on the road in an accessible and easy way;
  • knowledge of the seasons and weather phenomena.

Quizzes for children of primary school age can include all of the above topics, with the addition of topics studied in lessons, namely:

  • knowledge of history;
  • knowledge of grammar;
  • knowledge of mathematics;
  • for the title of sports;
  • on knowledge of a literary work.

Of course, topics for quizzes may go beyond the proposed list.

Comic quiz No. 1: funny questions

If you feel that the holiday has become unexpectedly boring, offer your guests the following quiz. The most active participant who answers the most questions should receive a great gift. This quiz is suitable for both adults and children.

  • At what point does a person become headless? (Then when he decides to stick his head out the window).
  • How to proceed so that 4 men remain in 1 boot? (It is necessary that everyone takes off 1 boot).
  • In which month does a person speak the fewest words? (In February. Since this month has the fewest days).
  • When a horse is bought, what does it become? (Wet).
  • A person has only 1, a raven has 2, a bear has 0. (Letter “O”).
  • It belongs to one person, and others use it. (Name).
  • What kind of stones are in the lake? Which ones are not there? (Wet, dry).
  • Which hand is better to use when stirring sugar in tea? (It is advisable to use a teaspoon ).
  • When it turns over, it gets a little bigger. («6»).
  • A person will never be able to do this if he is in outer space. (He won't be able to hang himself.)
  • Adam has it in the front, but Eve has it in the back. ("A").
  • It travels all over the world, but at the same time it is located in this place. ( A postage stamp when it is affixed to an envelope).
  • A man is sitting on an airplane. At the same time, there is a horse in front of him, and a car behind the man. Where is he anyway? (On the children's carousel).
  • How to break a branch on which a bird is sitting without scaring it? (You need to wait for the bird to fly off the branch).
  • This is thrown away when needed, or picked up when there is no longer a need. (Anchor).

Find answers to questions

  • People cannot drink this milk. (Birdish).
  • Man will never untie this knot. (Railway).
  • This is what people see when they close their eyes. (Dream).
  • A fox sits under this tree during the rain. (Wet).
  • Where can liquid stand in a column? (Cup).

Questions about fairy tales

Example of quiz questions for children with answers based on fairy tales:

  1. Who did your grandfather and grandmother make from flour? (gingerbread man)
  2. What did the fox promise to give to the cockerel if he climbed out the window? (peas)
  3. Who did Ivanushka turn into after drinking water from his hoof? (into a kid)
  4. Who is called immortal in fairy tales? (Koshcheya)
  5. In which fairy tale does the old man take his daughter to the forest in winter? (Morozko)
  6. In which house does Baba Yaga live? (in a hut on chicken legs)
  7. Which animal was hit by the third brother's arrow? (to the frog)
  8. What is the name of the three-headed snake in fairy tales? (Dragon)

By following all the advice and spending a little time and effort, you will organize entertainment for your children that they will definitely remember for a long time. This fun way of spending time is not only interesting, but also useful for the development of children.

Comic quiz No. 2: for the smartest

  • Why can the eyes leave their own place, moving upward? (During surprise).
  • What disadvantage do ordinary cabbage rolls have? (Stuffed cabbage rolls are just “lazy”).
  • How hot can you make an angry person? (To white).
  • Which plant helped the monster become much happier? (Scarlet).
  • Where on the body must a person mark in order to remember something? (Nose).
  • Where can a person prance to get to know all the sights very quickly? (Galloping across Europe).
  • Students and actors call this holiday, which has a humorous character. (Skit).
  • Who has problems with memory and remembering things? (A young girl, since she has a “girlish memory” ).
  • Which authority figures do people remember when it comes to old times? (King Pea).

Questions for the smart ones

  • Who does a person remember if he remembers hunger? (Auntie).
  • What important payments should a person make in order to sleep peacefully at night? (Taxes).
  • Which tree freezes very often in winter? (Small).
  • It is located somewhere deep in the body, and every person warms it. (Soul).
  • How many points can a person give in advance? ( 100. “Give 100 points in advance”).
  • When is the net able to catch water? (When the water starts to freeze).
  • It's bigger than an elephant, but much lighter. (The shadow that appears from the elephant).
  • Which months have only 28 days? (All months).

Sample questions

Example of animal quiz questions for children:

  1. Which animal has the longest neck? (at the giraffe)
  2. What animals have a lush mane? (at the lion)
  3. Which animal has a body covered with needles? (hedgehog)
  4. What birds fly to warm countries for the summer? (ducks)
  5. What animal has tusks? (elephant)
  6. What bird has a large beautiful tail that opens like a fan? (at the peacock)
  7. What is a baby frog called? (tadpole)
  8. What bird knocks on trees with its beak? (woodpecker)

Comic quiz No. 3: children's

  • Little girl's daughter. (Doll).
  • Bad weather is not for her. (Nature).
  • It is green in color and flies die from it. (Yearning).
  • A children's jacket that has no buttons. (Vest).
  • What is considered the middle of each bagel? (Hole).
  • The beloved offers this part of the body to his other half along with his heart. (Hand).
  • What do people call a small stationery nail? (Button).
  • People come to this institution to learn something. (School).
  • What is the name of the porthole that is located in an apartment or house? (Window).

Children's quiz

  • Many people hang this body part when they are disappointed in something. (Nose).
  • What do people call a rubber baby nurse? (Pacifier).
  • During this shooting, only the person's ribs are included in the frame. (Fluorography).
  • In what units is boiled sausage measured? (Stick).
  • Where do horses live? (Stable).
  • What is the name of the lettuce that cows eat? (Silage).
  • What plant do monkeys love to ride on? (Liana).
  • Where does Ryaba Hen live? (Perch).
  • Firewood lives in this building. (Barn).

Comic quiz No. 4: about people, animals and ordinary things

  • Is Solomon the wisest man of all time? Why? ( All because he was a polygamist and tried to ask each wife for advice ).
  • Why does a monkey have large nostrils? ( Because she has very big fingers ).
  • There is a lot of water around it, and in the center is the law? Who is this about? (The prosecutor decided to take a swim).
  • What was the first person who decided to build a ship? (Noah).
  • Who was the first to advertise the product? ( Devil. He offered Eve to eat an apple.)
  • In winter, summer, spring, and autumn it is the same color. (Crocodile).
  • Motorcycle and bicycle - what do they have in common? (Moped).

Yes-no round

Invite one representative from each team. Let them choose the smartest or the funniest. You need to give some object to your right hand, the demonstration of which means “YES”. To the left is an object for the word “NO”. These could be red and blue balls, a spoon and fork, a wine glass and a glass, a toy elephant and a doll.

Change players after every three to five questions.

Whether you read a question, the sound of a bell, or simply use the lids to “bam-mm-ms,” the players pick up the desired item. Someone has to keep the scoreboard and count the points.



Bulls react to the color red. - Not really

Bulls are practically color blind. In bullfighting, they react not to red, but to the annoying waving of a cape.

Ostriches hide their heads in the sand from danger. - Not really

Ostriches run away when they sense danger. The myth that they burrow may have arisen because, exhausted from a long chase, they simply drop their heads and long necks.

Bananas grow on palm trees. - Not really

The banana plant is a giant herb. And bananas themselves are berries.

Einstein was a loser. - Not really

Einstein did not study well, but he did well. The only low grade on his certificate was a C in French.

A chicken can live without a head. - Not really

When chickens lose their heads, they are able to live for a few more minutes because they can preserve the brain stem. It is reliably known about the case when chicken Mike from Colorado in the USA lived without a head for 18 months. All this time he was fed through the esophagus.

Bats are blind. - Not really

Bats have quite normal vision. They combine its capabilities with echolocation.

Lightning cannot strike twice in the same place. - Not really

Lightning can strike one place more than two or even three times. It hits some buildings up to a hundred times a year.

Russia's land area is larger than that of Pluto. - Not really

The land area of ​​Russia is 17 million km2. This is more than Pluto (16.6 million km2).

Camels store water in their humps. - Not really

Camels store fat, not water, in their humps.

The phrase “And yet she spins!” belongs to Galileo. - Not really

Information about the phrase “And yet it turns” appeared 5 years after the death of Galileo. So this is more of a beautiful myth than the truth.

If you pick up a frog, a wart will appear. - Not really

Warts can appear on the hands from the human papillomavirus. But not frogs.

If you laugh a lot, facial wrinkles will appear on your face. - Not really

Laughter does not age the skin, but on the contrary, it tones it.

Nerve cells are not restored. - Not really

The process of neurogenesis—the formation of new nerve cells from precursor cells—is constantly occurring in the brain. With age, the process slows down. But still it goes!

There are more stars in the Universe than there are grains of sand on the beaches of Earth. - Not really

There are about 10 sextillion stars in the Universe, and there are about half as many grains of sand on the beaches of our planet.

The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object on Earth visible from space. - Not really

From low orbit you can see not only the Great Wall of China. The Egyptian pyramids, for example, are no worse visible.

Comic quiz No. 5: everything is the other way around

In order to give the correct answer, you need to say the word that is considered the opposite. To do this, it is also necessary to find the catch in the question.

  • This person receives less wages than others. (Director).
  • When do walruses like to swim? (In summer).
  • This animal is considered a descendant of the one who barked at Moska. (Mammoth) .
  • This needs to be added to put out the fire. (Oil).
  • It looks at the lady every morning. (Mirror).
  • The guides never allow people here. (Coupe).
  • A disease that can be cured if you constantly eat ice cream. (Angina).
  • People love to spread this delicacy on red caviar. (Loaf).
  • This grandmother takes gifts from children for the New Year. (Father Frost).
  • This bird constantly flies, and at every danger it pulls its head out of the ground. (Ostrich).

Vice versa

  • This man never drinks alcohol, and therefore he is always sober. (Alcoholic).
  • People take large amounts of garbage from this place. (Dump).
  • If a soldier violates it, he is given a long rest. (Charter).
  • What is the time period when children study called? (Turn).
  • This can hit your finger. (Sky).
  • There they enjoy good moments with their beloved in the hut. (Hell).
  • He cries when Tanya falls into the water. (Ball).
  • A drop of this substance can even revive a horse. (Nicotine).

Comic quiz No. 6: for schoolchildren

Children, for the most part, try to answer every question sharply and energetically. They try to show off their intelligence, surprising others. This quiz will give some children the opportunity to open up, while others will demonstrate their own knowledge thanks to it.

Read each question carefully so that the children can listen carefully. Children must choose their own answer and express their own opinions.

  • What disease, as a rule, “strikes” every student who refuses to go to school to study? (Inflammation of cunning).
  • What do children call one child who does not share with anyone at all? (Greedy).
  • During this game, participants may suddenly stop while in a calm state. (“Freeze-die”).
  • Thanks to what object did the evil stepmother find out which girl was considered more beautiful than her? (Mirror).
  • What do people call the student who gets the highest scores in school? (A round excellent student).
  • Boniface rested on this continent during his own vacation. (Africa).
  • What is the name of the boy who constantly chases the sparrow? (Andrey).
  • This toy, no matter how you place it, constantly returns to its original position. (Vanka-Vstanka).


  • When a person is faced with a difficult situation, he pushes himself into it. (Corner).
  • This word, according to many people, is considered magical. (Please).
  • What kind of doctor goes to Africa to save poor animals? (Aibolit).
  • Usually children are persuaded to eat a spoonful of porridge by mentioning these people. (Mother, father).
  • In this game, the main “characters” are considered to be the plus sign and the zero? (“Tic Tac Toe”).
  • This animal swallowed the sun in a fairy tale. (Crocodile).

Comic quiz No. 7: for the youngest participants

When preparing questions for kids, consider the following important nuances:

  • Age . At this age, a year is important. 7-year-old children will be interested in some questions, and 8-year-old schoolchildren will be interested in others.
  • Interests . Consider what games, cartoons, films or books children like.
  • The place where the quiz will be held.
  • Theme of the celebration . For example, you can throw a party for children in the style of a pirate or magical fairies. But at the same time, all questions should be on the same topic.

The organization of the competition also plays an important role in this case. There are some guidelines that will help you organize a quiz easily.

  • Create a buzz from the start. Invite the kids to split into several teams. They must name their own teams, come up with an interesting motto and choose a team captain.
  • Encourage the children to choose their own theme. You can divide the questions into specific groups. For example, animals, cartoon characters, and so on.
  • Be sure to include fun songs. The children will be bored playing in silence, answering questions.
  • Give each winner a prize.

Questions for the little ones

And now the actual comic quiz:

  • This letter occupies a leading position in our state. But in Africa she got 4th place. ("R").
  • How can you transfer liquid using a sieve? (The water needs to be frozen).
  • If the green man shows, what should you do? (Cross the road).
  • Does this bird never lay eggs? (Rooster).
  • When a cat is bought, what happens to it? (She gets wet).
  • This product, according to Carlson, makes everyone happy. (Pie).
  • This product is made from milk, but it is quite hard. (Cheese).
  • It is transparent and made from meat products. (Aspic).
  • The dough is poured into the frying pan. The end result is this delicious dish. (Crap).
  • This is what people tell others when they tell lies. (Noodles).
  • Is this what a person grabs when drinking water? (Straw).
  • His back is turned to the king himself. (Coachman).
  • How many berries are there in an empty mug? (Not at all).
  • This man, when he works, immerses himself in water with his head. (Diver).
  • This key prevents the doors from opening. (Note key).
  • Does he have a head but no brain? (Garlic).
  • What do you call grass that has dried out? (Hay).
  • What is the name of summer that comes in autumn? (Babier).
  • Who can crawl on the ceiling upside down? (Fly).
  • This man never works on the land? (Astronaut).
  • Who, as the saying goes, doesn't have boots? (Shoemaker).
  • He has “ears” on his paws. (Grasshopper).
  • This comb cannot be used to comb curls. (Petushin).
  • It can be cooked, but it cannot be eaten. (Lessons).

Funny birthday quizzes:

If another family holiday is coming up, don’t be lazy and start preparing urgently. Enough to just eat goodies and chat at the table. Birthday quizzes will lighten the mood and amuse your guests. For correct answers, you can give small gifts to invited people.


Birthdays are not a sad holiday at all, contrary to the line from the song. If you prepare for it in advance, it will be just an enchanting party. Be sure to decorate the room where the celebration will take place.

Bright balloons, flowers, garlands - all these paraphernalia will give you a good mood upon entering the hall. There is no need to hire a decorator; think for yourself where it is best to hang balloons, bouquets, and paper banners with congratulations.

All these things are inexpensive, and the impressions from such decoration are amazing.

You can hold a themed party and give each guest some suitable accessory: hat, mask, beads, caps, pipes. It all depends on the topic you choose. Birthday quizzes are always a great success. Excitement awakens when visiting. There is no need to invent too intellectual questions and confuse everyone. Everything should be easy and unobtrusive, like fun fun.

Humor and jokes

There is never too much laughter. Therefore, choose questions for the quiz that are funny and clever. Correct answers should be rewarded. Buy inexpensive and useful prizes for your household. Good fit:

  • washcloths, pencils, pens, notepads, key chains, chocolate, shoehorns;
  • corkscrews, clothespins, toilet paper, toothpicks;
  • hair clips, combs, varnishes, hygienic lipstick.

This funny birthday quiz will be remembered by all guests. Questions with a little trick:

  • What letter is in first place in Russia, and in second in France? (R)
  • Which hand is more comfortable to stir tea? (in which there is a spoon)
  • When it is needed, they throw it away, and when it is not needed, they pick it up? (anchor)
  • When is the best time for a cat to come into the house? (when the door is open)
  • Which wheel does not rotate when the car turns? (spare)
  • What month of the year has 28 days? (every month)
  • Is it possible to light a match underwater? (if you are in a submarine)
  • What are all the people on Earth doing at the same time? (live, grow old)
  • How to use a sieve to draw water out of a river? (scoop up ice)
  • How could the truck driver see the woman if there was no moon and the headlights were off? (it was during the day)
  • What will happen to the white stone if it falls into the water? (will drown)
  • Six cats catch six mice in six minutes. How many minutes does it take one cat to catch one mouse? (in six minutes)
  • Forty letter bird name? (forty "a")
  • What bird does not lay eggs, but hatches from them? (rooster)
  • You saw a green man. Your actions? (cross the street)
  • These birthday quizzes with answers will help you cheer up your guests a little.

    Suggestive questions

    You can hold a non-standard quiz at the holiday. The result will be something similar to an auction. The host says suggestive phrases, and the guests guess which object is veiled by words. The winner is the one who guessed right, he receives the hidden object as a gift.

  • Football fans send the referee to him. This item kills bacteria and dirt. It leaves its mark in every opera. It can change shape and color, and be liquid, but not tasty. We are talking about soap, the one who guesses correctly receives a piece of fragrant soap as a gift or, on the contrary, to make it funnier - household soap.
  • The best fortune teller who will tell you exactly whether she loves you or not. Drinking tea with her is a pleasure. The best gift for Masha! Of course, these are daisies. Give the winner a pack of chamomile tea.
  • This item measures patience. If you don’t know what to give, be sure to choose this item. Coffee, juice, compote, jelly - you can fit everything in it! This is a cup.
  • Always on the table. It exists both in the musical staff and in the mighty ocean. We are talking about salt, give the person who guessed it a whole pack.
  • Everyone has one in their house, but it’s better not to approach it in the morning. Sorcerers enter the other world through it. Girls spend more time with him than with their beloved. This mysterious object is a mirror.
  • It is better to conduct such quizzes at an adult birthday; children need to choose simpler questions.


    It happens that the guests are very active and dance all evening until they drop. A quiz at the table will be a short break (it’s customary to treat friends with goodies on birthdays). Tricky questions about food will whet the appetite and give guests the opportunity to relax a little.

    The quiz game “Guess the Taste” is loved by both children and adults. Prepare a variety of foods and disposable plates. The presenter blindfolds the volunteer and invites him to try a mix of sweet, spicy, flour and meat.

    The participant must guess what was slipped to him. If all the ingredients are named correctly, you can award a prize. To avoid food poisoning and food incompatibility, you can use a standard game with questions and answers.

    Here are some birthday quiz questions:

  • Fried, boiled, dried, baked, it’s delicious in any dish, what’s the baby’s name? His mom is a beauty, his dad has a tough feather. (chick)
  • The doctor prescribed it for people and recommended it for breakfast. Pink, thick, in beautiful cellophane, enjoy life, eat on the sofa. (doctor's sausage)
  • Like thin snakes, curling around the plate, I put them in the pan and turned on the burners. Mayonnaise and ketchup, sauce and cutlet, only candy does not go with the dish. (spaghetti, pasta)
  • White, yellow, salt, frying pan - preparing dinner is not a problem at all. (fried eggs)
  • Red, tasty, aromatic and very pleasant to look at. There are beets, carrots, cabbage - it's very, very tasty. (borsch)
  • New Year's version, very tasty salad. He lies under a fur coat and does not tremble in winter. (Herring under a Fur Coat)
  • Cherries, apples of any kind, sugar goes there. All the fruits in the house are suitable for this mixture, you need to fill everything with water and send it to rest. (compote)
  • it is transparent and meaty, it is not cold in winter, both my wife and father-in-law love to eat this dish with horseradish. (aspic)
  • Let's get personal

    Invite guests to check how closely they know the hero of the occasion. All quiz questions at the birthday party will be dedicated to the birthday person. You can start with the simplest thing: ask your guests about the color of his eyes, the name of his haircut, foot size, favorite color, writer, movie, song.

    Ask as many tricky questions as possible. Be sure to ask your guests about the birthday person’s interests, his hobbies, and whether they know how he spends his free time. For your spouse, prepare a separate question that only he/she knows the answer to.

    Such unusual birthday quizzes with answers will help you quickly organize an entertainment program.

  • This was given to the birthday girl, and other people use it more often than she herself. (Name)
  • Can a birthday girl be in a room without a head? (only if he sticks it out the window).
  • One day at school, the birthday girl was kicked out of class. For what? (out the door)
  • What stands between the birthday girl and her husband? (And)
  • What question cannot be answered “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)
  • Which month is shorter than others? (May)
  • Will the hero of the occasion be able to jump higher than a five-story building? (no, at home they can’t jump)
  • What can’t the birthday girl stuff even into the biggest pan? (cover from it)
  • It is in front of each of us, but we cannot see it. (future)
  • Write the word "mousetrap" in five letters. (cat)
  • Who is this bug? (beetle's wife)
  • Quirk - who is this? (boat owner)


Funny quizzes for adults' birthdays can be done with a musical twist. In questions, use the most popular songs, hits of famous artists that everyone knows. Make a selection of birthday songs that mention the name of the birthday person.

An unusual option is a quiz in the “Guess the melody” style. Here you will have to work a little and create a collection of hits. Record excerpts of songs one by one and ask guests to guess the melody. For each correct answer, award a point.

The one who scores the most points is the winner. Give this music lover a CD with good music.

To make it fun, use a variety of music: rap, songs by Joseph Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Timati, children's tunes, the Russian anthem, the dance of little ducklings, songs from famous movies.

Proverbs and sayings

Every person knows folk proverbs and sayings. We hear them since childhood and use them in our speech all the time. If you're tired of regular birthday quizzes or you've already done them, try asking your guests to guess reverse proverbs.

  • Hours of idleness equal years of tears. Time for business - time for fun.
  • Sober - dry land up to the chin. The drunken sea is knee-deep.
  • Lies caress the ears. The truth hurts my eyes.
  • If you start having fun, stay at home and be afraid. Business before pleasure.
  • Everything is bad when it starts bad. All's well that ends well.
  • Other people's sneakers are further from the soul. Your shirt is closer to your body.
  • You can't sit below your heels. You can't jump over your head.
  • Run away from the new washing machine. Stay with a broken roof.
  • There is a waterfall under a hanging cobblestone. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  • Turkey and pig are friends. The goose is no friend to the pig.
  • The policeman's UGGs are getting wet. The thief's hat is on fire.
  • Courage has a small elbow. Fear has big eyes.
  • Rice will ruin your sushi. You can't spoil porridge with oil.
  • A cow always loses specks of dust. A pig will always find dirt.
  • Don't be afraid of dogs - walk around the metropolis. If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.
  • Fun for kids

    These weren't all kids' birthday quizzes. Children also need to be taken care of. You can choose questions for the little ones; for this it is better to use characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons. Small gifts for toddlers need to be purchased in advance. Stationery supplies, lollipops, small toys, jumping ropes, and hoops are suitable.

    Plunge into the world of good fairy tales:

  • The fragrant, crispy, round lump was daydreaming and got into trouble. (Kolobok)
  • An inhabitant of the moon who found friends in Russia. (Luntik)
  • Harmful, green creatures that constantly eat. (Vupsen and Pupsen)
  • I danced so hard on the dance floor that I lost my shoes. (Cinderella)
  • People beat him, beat him, and the little animal dealt with him in a moment. (golden egg)
  • A girl worth a pretty penny, lost, confused, but she met the prince. (Thumbelina)
  • The house became full of animals: both the frog and the minnow - and for a year it stood without doors. (Teremok)
  • The bug, the granddaughter, and the mouse collected root vegetables, and helped the grandparents. (Turnip)
  • Dad created his son himself, cut him from a log, the boy is smart, mischievous, he would make friends with you. (Pinocchio)
  • The grandmother is scary with a broom, she likes to be alone in the forest. There her hut stands looking in all directions. (Baba Yaga)
  • Rushing along the path, pies in a basket, wearing a fashionable hat, she went to visit her grandmother. (Little Red Riding Hood)
  • A fat, kind guy, a donkey friend and Piglet. (Winnie the Pooh)
  • Transport is the first in Rus', take Emelya to the Tsar. (Russian stove)
  • He loves to eat sour cream, sausage and milk, and it’s probably not easy for the cat to walk around in a vest. (cat Matroskin)
  • The ears are round, large, the friend is toothy, but not evil. Well, quickly remember what kind of character this is? (Cheburashka)
  • This is a great birthday quiz for younger children. Kids will have fun guessing their favorite characters. For the older category, you need to prepare more complex questions.

    This will make it more interesting for children, and they will want to show off their ingenuity and intelligence. You can give them simple mathematical examples and problems. In addition to simple questions, you can arrange fun team games.

    After all, children don’t like to sit still, turn on fun music for them and hold sports relay races. You can arrange a dance competition.

    First year of life

    The birth of a child is happiness and joy for the whole family. I want to celebrate my baby’s first birthday in a way that will be remembered for a lifetime. Parents prepare a beautiful outfit for the birthday boy, set a rich table and invite all their loved ones.

    Birthday quizzes should be done with adults.

    Let them strain their memory and remember how the mother’s pregnancy proceeded, how many kilograms she gained in 9 months, what the baby’s weight was at birth, who came up with the baby’s name, how many teeth the baby has in his mouth, what his favorite toy and song are.

    Close relatives and friends will definitely cope with such simple questions. And in gratitude for their attentiveness and observation, you can take out a birthday cake and pour hot, aromatic tea. The holiday will end very positively, because the first year of a baby’s life is a very important and touching period for parents.

    Festive program

    Birthday quizzes are a must. Table conversations and eating goodies quickly get boring. Therefore, many holidays are not complete without conflict situations. And if you come up with funny questions and prepare prizes, the celebration will be fun and unusual.

    If the company is cheerful, you can come up with several costume scenes as a gift for the birthday boy. Guests always agree to participate in such undertakings with pleasure. A couple of exercise competitions won't hurt. Experiment, try something new, and your friends will appreciate the effort.

    Happy holidays to you!

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