8 exciting games for younger schoolchildren during recess

Maintaining distance, wearing a mask and studying remotely, all this prevents students from celebrating the most magical holiday. And to brighten up this situation, we have come up with the most fun 2022 games and competitions for the New Year at school for 6th, 7th and 8th grades. No! Don’t think anything bad for 5th graders, we also have New Year’s competitions with games. There are no strict restrictions here, because age does not matter in this celebration. And any of these competitions can be included in the script for the New Year of the Tiger for primary schools. Just imagine how colorful a holiday can be in a classroom or assembly hall.

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Happy New Year 2022 greetings and pictures

Outdoor games in the hallway

In elementary schools, it is necessary to organize games for young children during the big school break. The location of the game is chosen according to the time of year - outdoors or indoors. In a school building, children's play space is limited by the walls of the classroom or school corridor. What games for primary school age can be organized in a small space?

Game 1 - Pioneer, give me a change

The game is organized for children in the school corridor. The class is divided into two teams. In each team, schoolchildren take each other’s hands and stretch out in a line. Rows of children stand facing each other. One of the teams (determined by lot) says in chorus: “Pioneer, pioneer, give me a shift!” The second one answers: “Who?” Next, the first team of schoolchildren names the person from the second team whom they invite to join them. The selected student runs to the first line and tries to break through the hands of the children from the first team. If he succeeds and the children let go of their hands, he takes one of the children of the first team, and the two of them return to the second rank. If the first line held the student without breaking his hand, he remains on the new team.

Game 2 - Third Wheel

The game for primary school age is suitable for middle-aged children, and even for high school students. Classmates stand in a circle of two (the choice of pair is arbitrary). Children in pairs stand one behind the other, first and second. They choose the one who will run away (first) and the one who will catch up (second). The first one runs away from the catcher and can at any time stand in front of any pair (from the inside of the circle). At this time, the last person from this pair must quickly run out of his place and start running in a circle away from the person catching up. If he was lazy and caught up with him, the roles change and he himself becomes the catcher.

When running away, each participant takes a place in front of any player, while he becomes the first in the pair, and the one who was first becomes second.

Game 3 - Handkerchief

This children's game is popular in kindergarten. But it brings a lot of pleasure to younger school-aged players. Children stand in a circle and squat (if desired, you can stand). The leader takes an object (a cube, a scarf, a small briefcase) and walks with it in a circle, repeating the song: “I’m carrying, I’m carrying a handkerchief under the raspberry bush.” At the same time, he tries to quietly leave the object behind someone’s back. If he succeeded and left the “handkerchief” on the floor behind the child, walked around the circle and again came to the abandoned object, then the onlooker becomes the driver. Each child in the circle tries to be attentive and notice when an object appears behind them. If he notices, he gets up, takes the “handkerchief” in his hands and catches up with the driver.

Game 4 - Panas

The game is organized during breaks in the corridor. The driver is blindfolded with a scarf or handkerchief, wrapped around himself several times and left. All the playing children clap their hands and call “Panas!” Panas! The driver catches the players, focusing on the sound of clapping.

Interesting competitions for the New Year 2022 for schoolchildren

This paragraph opens with an interesting New Year’s relay race, which can be used both at school and at a corporate event for an adult company.


This is the name we came up with for this game.

For this game you need to prepare leaves in advance (you can take landscape ones). On each piece of paper you need to write 1-2 lines from some New Year's songs. There should be as many leaves as there are participants in this game.

The presenter lays out the leaves on the floor, lines down. When the game begins, the participants take pieces of paper and read the lines on them. They need to find players with words from the same song. Those participants who find each other faster than others will win.

Game "School Artist" for children for the New Year

Each participant in turn receives a card with a certain phrase, which will need to be depicted so that the others can guess what exactly the participant showed. Thus, the participant shows, the rest guess, then change to a new participant until everyone tries themselves in the role of an actor. Example phrases that cards may contain:

- poor student at the board;

- a crying child who wants to eat;

- angry dog;

— Santa Claus brought gifts;

- dance of little ducks;

- the street is slippery, and so on.

Telegram for Santa Claus - a cool game

Secret for Santa Claus

The guys are divided into teams of about 10 people. Each team stands in a row, one after the other. The first participants receive a sheet - a letter, the information of which must be conveyed to Santa Claus.

For example, on the evening of December 31st, hares and squirrels, deer and wolves, children and adults are waiting for you at the Christmas tree! At the command “start”, the first participants convey the information as they memorized to the second participant in the ear, trying to do it quickly and not loudly, so that the opponents do not hear, and so on in the chain.

The team that is faster than the rest and, most importantly, correctly conveys the information to Santa Claus (that is, the last participant must say the original text of the letter) will win.

Holiday competition for high school children

The presenter asks questions that relate to New Year's characters and school subjects at the same time, and the children answer and the smarter and more interesting the answer, the better. For example: how is the Snowman related to geometry? (it consists of balls).

How is Santa Claus related to geography? (he flies all over the world and delivers gifts to children at every point, so he must know geography to a solid 5).

How is the Snow Maiden connected to the Russian language? (she signs birthday cards for children and must do it correctly).

The more interesting the participant answers such questions, the greater his chances of becoming a winner.

Outdoor games in the classroom

Outdoor games for a small space are in demand in cases where the corridor is small and there is nowhere to roam around in it. The most interesting games have a deep history, and were often used as ritual dances during folk festivals.

Game 5 - Brook

A popular game at recess because it does not involve active movement and is not traumatic. Interesting for children of all ages.

Children line up in pairs one after another. Each pair joins their hands and raises them up. A corridor is formed. A student walks along a living corridor and chooses a mate. The one he chose follows him, they leave the corridor and become the first couple. The one left without a pair goes to the last pair and enters the living corridor, choosing a new partner.

Game 6 - Thread and Needle

The game can be organized even in a small classroom. Children line up one after another. The first student is a needle, all the rest are a thread. The needle moves around the class, all the other players repeat its movements: they walk between desks, step over chairs, walk around the teacher’s table.

Game 7 - Confusion

It also presents outdoor games for children in a minimal space. The driver leaves the class, the children stand in a circle and hold hands. Then they tangle their circle, step over each other or crawl under the joined hands of their neighbors. The only important condition is that the hands should not be released. Confusion ensues. When there is nowhere left to get confused, they call the driver. “Grandma, grandma, the threads are breaking. They'll burst soon, soon." The driver returns to the class and tries to clear up the confusion, showing the players where to step and how to turn. If the thread breaks, the game starts again.

Game 8 - Cockerels

This game requires dexterity. Two children are selected to play. A circle is drawn on the floor. The players stand inside the line, each bends either leg at the knee and holds it with their hand. In this position (on one leg), the children try to push each other out of the circle with their chests. The winner is the one who remains inside the drawn circle.

New Year's competitions at school

Students sit at tables in the classroom.
Each table is a team, whose representatives participate in various competitions. The winners of the competitions are awarded with sweets, chocolates, waffles, apples, bananas, etc. Business Card Competition

Each team table presents a name and its own motto. After this, each participant will have an emblem on their chest. Warm-up (candies are awarded for correct answers) 1. How much is 2+2*2? (6) 2. How much will it be if fifty is divided by half? (2) 3. Name the pronouns that bother drivers on the road. (I-we) 4. Which pronouns are the purest? (you-we-you) 5. Name words that have one hundred identical letters. (sto-n, sto-p, sto-th, sto-l) 6. Why is a canary called a canary? (originally from the Canary Islands) 7. Where do Siberian cats come from? (from South Asia) 8. What animal is attached to one place all its life? (coral) 9. Which birds have wings covered with scales? (penguins) 10. Who has the longest tongue? (at the anteater) 11. Why does a glass of water containing sugar cool faster than a glass without sugar? (the process of dissolving sugar requires heat) 12. It begins with a bird, ends with an animal, what is the name of the city? (crow-hedgehog) 13. Name a bird that can digest metal. (ostrich) 14. Which is easier: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (they weigh the same)

Competition "Applesauce"

(2 apples, 2 graters, 2 plates) More than 200 years ago, New Year was celebrated on September 1. Dear guests were treated to apples straight from the trees. What does half an apple look like? For the second half. So, competition - you need to make applesauce. The players are given 2 apples of the same size, each with a grater and a plate. Speed ​​and quality are taken into account. The winner is awarded a prize, the second an apple.

Competition “Get an Apple”

A bowl of water is placed in front of each participant in the competition. The condition of the competition is to reach a floating apple without using your hands.

Competition "Relay Race"

(pan, spoon, glass of water) Each team member uses a spoon to transfer water from the pan to the glass. Who is faster and who will have more water in the glass.

Competition "Take the Prize"

(chair, prize) A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the competition participants. The presenter reads the poem “One, two, three!”. Those who tried to grab the prize at the wrong time are eliminated from the competition. I'll tell you the story a dozen and a half times. As soon as I say the word “three” - take the prize immediately! Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we counted small fish - And not just one, but TWO. A seasoned boy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion, Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command one, two, SEVEN. When you want to remember poems, don’t cram them until late at night, but repeat them to yourself Once, twice, or better yet FIVE! Recently I had to wait THREE hours for a train at the station. But why didn’t you take the prize, friends, when you had the opportunity to take it?

Competition "Theatrical"

(cards with tasks) Competitors who wish are given cards with a task, which they complete without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like: - a woman with heavy bags; - gorilla in a cage; - sparrow on the roof; - stork in the swamp; - chicken in the yard; — a girl in a tight skirt with high heels; - a sentry guarding the food warehouse; - a baby who has just learned to walk; — a guy in front of an unfamiliar girl; — Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Competition “Make a Word”

“Strange” words are written on the board. In them above" rearrange the letters so that the word ceases to be "strange". Ople - (field) Rvanya - (January) Lautsi - (street) Badus - (fate) Klerosa - (mirror)

Soap Bubble Competition

(balloons) The willing boys inflate the balloons. Then they break into pairs, each of which tries to “crush” the ball with their bellies. The surviving ball is a reward.

Competition "Get the candy"

(bowl, flour, candy) Flour is poured into a bowl in a heap. The candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, by which it can be pulled out. If your nose and cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Not representatives of teams, but everyone who wants to test their dexterity can take part in this competition.

Competition "Funny Pictures"

(chalk, board) On the board you need to draw AT THE SAME TIME: with one hand a triangle, and with the other - a square.

Competition "Mosaic"

(envelopes with postcards) Each table is given an envelope in which a beautiful postcard is cut into various geometric shapes. The task is to collect a postcard. (You can “restore” a landscape picture, a portrait of a writer).

Competition “One ring, two rings”

(objects, rings) At a distance of 2-3 meters from the competition participants there are objects wrapped in paper. Each person is given 3 rings with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters made of thick cardboard. Contestants must throw rings on these objects. The item on which the ring has fallen becomes the property of the victim.

Competition "Funny Nonsense"

(sets of strips of paper with text) This competition improves the mood of those present and makes the holiday fun. The presenter has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand are questions, in the right are answers. The presenter goes around the tables, the players take turns playing “blindly”, pulling out a question, (reading out loud) then an answer. It turns out to be hilarious nonsense. Use your imagination when composing questions and answers. The larger the list of questions and answers, the more options for funny combinations you will get. Sample questions:

- Do you read other people's letters?
-Are you sleeping peacefully? - Do you listen to other people's conversations? - Do you hit dishes out of anger? - can you screw your friend? — do you write anonymously? -Are you spreading gossip? - Do you have a habit of promising more than your capabilities? — would you like to marry for convenience? - Do you tend to be intrusive and rude in your actions? Sample answers:
- this is my favorite activity; - occasionally, for fun; - only on summer nights; - when the wallet is empty; - only without witnesses; - only if this is not associated with material costs; - especially in someone else's house; - this is my old dream; - no, I’m a very shy person; - I never refuse such an opportunity.

Competition "Jump-jump"

Participants of the competition stand in one line. When the leader says “land,” everyone jumps forward; when they say “water,” everyone jumps back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water,” for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word “land” - shore, land, island. Those who jump at random are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.

Competition "Chamomile"

(paper daisy) A large daisy was made, which has as many petals as there are tables in the classroom. A representative from each table tears off a petal with a task. The whole team takes part in the competition. Possible tasks: - show product advertisements; - depict a silent picture from a fairy tale; - act out a scene from school life, etc.

Competition “Your hand is the ruler”

(rope, scissors, “candy,” gifts) Identical “candy” hangs on a string, inside of which it is indicated what the one who cuts the “candy” blindfolded will receive as a gift.

At the end of the holiday, the host (or representatives from each table) can read the poem:

The New Year has come to us again, and wonderful days have come! And the thirty-first will leave: And in farewell it will take away all our twos and sorrows. But the wishes are clear, And every year they are the same: Peace and tranquility for the whole country, And for children of different heights, Change their shoes, hats and pants once a year - but no less often; Eat sweets, take care of your stomach; Play pranks, but not mischief; Chop cutlets, eat compote; Go to the cinema, theater and bathhouse; Fight with this one, and be friends with that one, But in general, do the right thing and go to school every day, without demanding a reward for that!

Next page

Outdoor games for children on the school playground

The most popular active street games for younger schoolchildren, which can be played during recess, are jumping rope, rubber band, and hopscotch (usually girls jump).

The ancient game of town is more popular among boys. In the “towns”, figures are made from wooden logs (gates, cannon, well, arrow). The figures are placed in a square drawn on the ground. At a distance of several meters, they mark the line of the horse, from which the pieces are knocked down with a wooden bat. You can compete in accuracy individually or in teams.

Game No. 2. “Lost oxtail!”

To play the game you need a large picture or poster of the Bull, but without a tail. Sound accompaniment is also necessary - music and applause.

Children’s task: with eyes closed, attach the tail to the Bull. Each participant has 3 attempts in a row. After each incorrect attempt, there is a stylized squeal, and if correct, there is applause. This way the child will understand when the tail has hit the picture correctly.

Everyone can play for about 5 minutes.

What are outdoor games for?

Modern school education from the early grades limits children's need for movement. This is fraught with the development of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. The famous expression “movement is life” is not just a beautiful phrase. It expresses the essence of child development: without movement, the full formation of the body and brain is impossible.

What do outdoor games provide during recess:

  1. replenish the necessary motor load;
  2. activate blood flow throughout the body, preventing congestion and the development of diseases;
  3. give rest to the mental activity of the brain, switch attention;
  4. stimulate the development of dexterity and physical strength;
  5. give a charge of positive emotions and create a good mood.

The love of games continues into adulthood. Football, volleyball and table tennis help adults stay agile and youthful.

Comic fortune telling

Graduates can be entertained with comic fortune telling. To do this, you will need a large hat and traditionally rolled up leaves with fortunes.

If there are not very many graduates, you can invite them to read the received prediction out loud into the microphone. If there are a lot of graduates, it is better not to do this, as the competition will drag on and can become tedious.

Examples of predictions:

  1. You will see that physics can also be useful in everyday life!
  2. You will prove from your own experience that money is not everything, but almost everything.
  3. True happiness awaits you.
  4. Your entrepreneurial talent will produce impressive results (even if you don’t know about it yet).
  5. You will receive the highest education possible.
  6. You will become the director of the school you are graduating from today.
  7. You will greatly surprise those who stand here next to you today.
  8. You'll be wearing pink at the Oscars...
  9. Taking part in a space flight as a tourist will not cost you that much.
  10. Pleasant surprises await you in all the capitals of the world.
  11. Who you will be is unknown, but fans will shower you with flowers and letters.
  12. Your exciting career will begin with a photo on the cover of a magazine.
  13. In your memoirs you will write that pure luck began with reading this prediction!
  14. You will be shown on TV more often than the president.
  15. You will have the rarest profession.
  16. We will see your face on the cover of Forbes (Forbes).
  17. You will become the owner of the world's largest private library.
  18. Your knowledge will help save the lives of many people.
  19. You will give the world a new type of art.
  20. You will make sensational discoveries in the field of child and adolescent psychology.
  21. You will make our physical education teacher proud that he opened you up to big sports!
  22. You will understand true human values ​​​​before others.
  23. Your children will come to study at this school.
  24. You don't need predictions, you already know everything.

Competition No. 10. "Snowball Throwing"

The competition requires an adult dressed as a snowman. He will periodically prevent children from competing. It is also necessary to make a lot of snowballs from padding polyester, cotton wool and fabric, in extreme cases, crumpled paper, or small light balls wrapped in foil.

Children are divided into 2 teams. A wide basin or bucket is placed 3-4 meters from them.

Task: throw as many snowballs as possible into your basin or bucket.

But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. In the midst of the competition, a snowman suddenly appears, who can cover the buckets, or try to steal the already collected snowballs. Then the children need to drive away the snowman with the same snowballs. If you hit it, it disappears for a while, then it may appear again. He can interfere with each team in turn. You can allocate 5 minutes for the game.

Competition No. 12. "Get the same gift"

For the competition, you need to pre-assemble a children's gift set of sweets, toys, chocolates, and decorate it in a transparent New Year's bag and a bow.

Children are given time (about 30 seconds) to remember all the components and design of the gift. Then the gift is removed from the children's eyes.

Various objects, toys and sweets, wrapping paper, bows are laid out on the table. In addition to the same components of the gift, it is necessary to sort out the “extra” items. Children need to collect the same gift that they saw at the beginning.

Game No. 7. "Our New Year's Tale"

This is not a competition, but just a game that will help you take a little break from running around, show your imagination and laugh heartily

The essence of the game: everyone: mothers, fathers, children, teachers or guests come up with a fairy tale.

Each person takes turns speaking one sentence. You can tell an already known fairy tale, or combine characters from different fairy tales, or come up with your own storyline with completely new characters. Collective creativity will both unite and make everyone present laugh.

Competition No. 9. "Blizzard"

The competition requires the participation of 4 adults and a 2-bed embroidered duvet cover or any other white fabric. It needs to be decorated on one side with snowflakes, pasted on ready-made ones or sewn on. This is a snowstorm.

Guys who want to play stand in the center of the hall. Adults take the corners of the duvet cover and cover the children with the duvet cover. You can play for 3 to 5 minutes as desired.

The children's task is to run out of this snow storm before it covers them. Children who are caught in this storm, that is, under the duvet cover, are eliminated.

Children's competition No. 8. “Draw the answer!”

Children are divided into 2 teams and seated at different tables. Each person is given an album and markers.

The leader(s) give both teams riddles, and the children do not say the answers. And they sketch. Whoever draws the answer faster, more correctly and accurately receives 1 point. When the puzzles are completed, the points are tallied and the winning team is determined.

All participants, without exception, can be given an album and markers.


Beautiful, gentle and wonderful! But loving her is not safe! She is cold and vulnerable! Tell me what's her name? (answer: Snowflake)

He's like a guard! He doesn't sleep at night. Made from snowballs... (answer: Snowman.)

Lives in the forest, feeds on pine cones. He is very strong! His name is... (answer: Mishka!)

The entire ice slide glistens with ice, the children woke up early, rushed up the mountain to ride, taking with them... (answer: sled!)

Adults and children love them, there are a lot of them in New Year's gifts! We are grateful to Santa Claus for this! They are very sweet, these... (answer: candies!)

On New Year's Day, like on Father Frost's name day! We love to eat fragrant, orange ones... (answer: tangerines.)

At the New Year's party, She is the only one who is hot, Apart from the festive garland, There is a light on the table... (answer: a candle)

Competition No. 5. “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with snowflakes”

There are many snowflakes of 2 colors scattered on the floor: bright blue and light blue. The number of varieties of snowflakes should be the same. Children are divided into 2 teams (from 4 to 6 people).

Task: collect and hang snowflakes on the Christmas tree faster than the other team. Each team collects snowflakes of its own color. The time given is from 30 seconds to a minute.

The team with the most snowflakes on the Christmas tree will win. Tip: It will be easier to count the remaining snowflakes on the floor or in the hands of team members. Whoever has the fewest remaining snowflakes will win.

Quiz game No. 3. “What do we know about the Tiger?”

  • What does a tiger do for a successful hunt? (Imitates the voices of other animals, attacks the neck, hunts from ambush). What tigers can't do (Purr)
  • What do newly born tiger cubs lack? (Vision)
  • What will the males do if several tigers claim one caught victim at once? (They will let the females and cubs go ahead)
  • Why do tigers roar? (For communication)
  • How many times is a tiger's vision better than a human's? (six times)
  • How is the word “tiger” translated from Greek? (Fast)
  • How many stripes does a tiger have on its body? (About 100)
  • What time does a tiger see best? (At night)
  • How many teeth does a tiger have? (36)
  • What book is the tiger listed in? (to Krasnaya)
  • What is the most correct name for the tiger that lives in Russia and where does it live?
  • (Amursky, he lives in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories)
  • Which wild animal is considered the closest relative of the tiger: cheetah or lynx, lion or snow leopard? (Lion - they belong to the same genus - Big cats)
  • How many cubs does a tigress usually have? (4-5 kittens)
  • How long does a baby tiger stay with its mother, learning from her? (Three years)
  • What speed can a tiger develop in attacking prey? (20 m/sec.)
  • Which capital in Asia is located on the Tigris River? (Baghdad)
  • What do people call an ornamental stone that has a beautiful golden brown color? (Tiger Eye)
  • Why do we need longitudinal and transverse stripes on an animal’s skin? (Longitudinal – warning for other predators; transverse – camouflage)
  • The Lion is considered the king of beasts - is it larger or smaller than the Tiger? (Smaller and weaker)
  • Which animal can hunt the Tiger? (Nobody)
  • How do Tigers hunt, alone or in groups? (Tiger is a loner in the hunt)
  • How did the girl Ellie and her friends from the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City” by Volkov avoid being attacked by tigers? (They walked very quietly, and the animals did not hear them)
  • What flower is the Tiger most afraid of in Kipling's fairy tale "Mowgli"? (Fire)

Follow this link to find other New Year's quizzes for children.

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