How to organize a holiday and give everyone a great mood

In the modern world, this kind of celebration has almost lost its popularity. Nowadays, rarely does anyone organize a feast at home, since it is more convenient and much easier to order the organization of a festive table in a restaurant or cafe. However, I know several families who, as before, organize fun parties at home.

My mother has always been a very good housewife, she was the one responsible for the table and its setting, I learned a lot from her, and she, I think, in turn, learned everything from my grandmother.

Treats and snacks

When you are thinking about how to organize a holiday party, one of the important points of the event is the holiday menu. First, you should determine the format of the party: will it be a banquet, a buffet or an outdoor celebration.

If the celebration involves a grand feast, the menu should include appetizers, appetizers, hot dishes, and a sweet table. If this is a light buffet, various canapés, sandwiches, and skewers will be suitable. Appetizers for a buffet table are designed so that they are easy to take; everything should keep its shape and not fall apart on the way to the plate.

Have you decided to have a barbecue? Consider who will grill and serve the meat. To avoid standing at the stove all day, or even two, order catering services.


My mother always starts planning the menu as early as possible; it also happens that the list of dishes is ready a month before the event itself. In general, such a trait as taking care of everything in advance helps a lot in the fight against stress; you will have enough time to take into account all the features of the holiday, adjust the menu for all the guests, think through the dishes to the smallest detail, and so on.

Write down all your favorite recipes and think over a plan for serving the dishes. Most often, our menu includes several salads, main dishes, meat and vegetable appetizers and, of course, dessert. Try not to repeat yourself, for example, do not allow salads, hot dishes, and snacks to be made from the same type of meat or fish. Then guests will not be able to really appreciate the taste of the dishes, since they will all merge together. Create a menu so that the table is varied, interesting and memorable.

Each family, of course, cooks differently, but lately we have been trying to prepare as few dishes as possible with mayonnaise and other fatty ingredients. It's summer, stores are gradually filling up with fresh vegetables and fruits, you shouldn't load yourself with heavy high-calorie dishes. If you just can’t live without mayonnaise or dressing, make it yourself. On the advice of my friend, my husband and I now always add low-fat yogurt to our salad, seasoned with vinegar, spices, olive oil and mustard or garlic. The taste is almost identical, and the calories are minimal.

Where to hold the celebration?

Decide on the venue in advance. Nowadays, organize a holiday anywhere:

  • Outdoors,
  • on the ship,
  • in a restaurant,
  • at the dolphinarium,
  • even on the roof.

Check out the venue in advance. Plan your guests' accommodations. There must be enough free space for everyone to be comfortable. No one likes to sit too close to each other or crowded into a small area.

How to organize an enchanting holiday? It should be ensured that waiters move freely and have access to each guest. Designate a designated smoking area. It is better to organize it further away. Some people cannot tolerate nicotine. If you have invited artists, think about where they will perform. Set up a stage or space for performances and dancing.

Evening preparations

I don’t have many holidays that I organized on my own together with my husband, and all the ones that happened weren’t very crowded. That's why I always start cooking on the day of the holiday itself. But in the family where I grew up, there were always a lot of guests, so preparations began in advance, an evening earlier. Usually at this time all the vegetables and other ingredients that would be used for salads were cooked.

Of course, you can cook them on the day of cooking, but, you must admit, this way you will avoid much more stress, and you will also be a little less tired before the feast itself. Peel the vegetables (here, of course, they also do everything the way they’re used to) and cook everything you need, cut it if possible. This is useful because everything will definitely have cooled down by morning, and salads that should be cold will not be uncomfortably warm.

Holiday themes

Plan any topics you like. Consider the preferences of the majority of guests. You don’t need to focus only on your own interests. Send out invitations in advance with the theme and dress code announced. Guests should be prepared for the upcoming entertainment.

This could be a party in a national style or based on a literary work or film. Everyone will be interested in taking part in a quiz dedicated to the selected country. Prepare small souvenirs to reward the winners.

• Select a country. Let's study interesting facts about her. • We prepare national clothes of the selected country. • We inform guests about the dress code. • We prepare traditional dishes of the chosen country. • Choose thematic musical accompaniment.

You can have an unforgettable gangster party in the style of Chicago of the 30s. Prepare appropriate outfits. Stock up on pistols, cigars and whiskey.


It so happened in our family that I always looked after the children of the guests. In fact, it is very important to assign some responsible person to them who will not drink throughout the evening. This is important not only for children; in fact, it doesn’t matter to them who they play with. The most important thing is that guests who come with children can really relax and enjoy the evening, without worrying that their little hooligans will break something somewhere if they just turn away.

Corporate event

How to organize a holiday for office workers? Sometimes, in order to save money, a company entrusts a responsible employee with organizing a corporate event. As a rule, this is an office manager or HR manager. It is better to immediately discuss the details of the event with the team.

Don't take on all the organizing tasks yourself. Involve employees. Distribute responsibilities. Your job is to plan. Seek advice and don’t be shy about asking your colleagues for help. Discuss how and where the corporate party will be held. An important point will be the budget of the event. Discuss everything in detail, especially the menu.

These days, entertainment such as quests are popular. This is great entertainment at any event, especially a corporate party. Participants are divided into teams of an average of 4 people. Create different tasks. For example, find a treasure or get out of a locked room.


Never refuse help! My mother, basically, likes to do everything herself, and she does everything, of course, perfectly, but usually because of this she is very driven and tired. But the mother-in-law, on the contrary, always gladly accepts help. Of course, it’s up to you, but you must admit that the second approach has its advantages if you distribute responsibilities correctly. Involve even your smallest helpers, they can lay out napkins or make sure that everyone gets their dishes.

Read also on - 5 options to give your loved one an unforgettable holiday

Children's holiday

All parents want to give their child the best holiday. Today, not all parents can afford to celebrate a child’s birthday at an entertainment center. To make the holiday interesting at home, prepare a program in advance. These are various competitions, quests, outdoor team games. Be sure to prepare incentive prizes.

Children love surprises very much. Let each child go home with a small souvenir. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time. Decorate the room with balloons and come up with fun decorations. Nowadays there are all sorts of interesting things on sale for children's parties, and you don't have to worry too much.

Smoking guests

Even if you are against smoking and have never even put a cigarette in your mouth, you will have to come to terms with the fact that some of the guests will at one point stand up and ask: “Where can I smoke here?” They cannot smoke on the porch and in the entrance of your house (unless, of course, the house is completely yours), so you should make sure that they have the opportunity to do this somewhere else, for example, in the kitchen. You can be completely and completely against smoking, then at least provide guests with information about where they can smoke without harming the surrounding guests, for example, in a designated place on the street.

Table decoration for kids

How to organize a holiday for children with beautiful treats? Cake and sweets will do. Children usually eat little at such events, as they are mostly busy playing. There is absolutely no need to cook a lot of complex dishes.

Children's sandwiches and vegetables and fruits will be enough. Decorate everything beautifully. There are many options for healthy snacks for kids online. Buy bright festive disposable plates, cocktail straws and sandwich skewers. Stock up on plenty of water and juice. Children love juices and cocktails.

Buying groceries

After you write out the menu in detail, also carefully consider how many ingredients, and therefore food products, will be needed to prepare it all. Usually mom buys food with a small surplus, so as not to have to run to the store again and save money when preparing dishes.

My mom has a thing for making lists of groceries to buy; she affectionately calls them estimates. In them she describes what needs to be bought, the quantity and the approximate cost of everything. This really helps to get an overall idea of ​​how much the holiday will cost financially.

The purchase of necessary products from us also always begins in advance, to the extent possible to store them. You can buy canned food even a month in advance, nothing will be done to it, they will just sit on the shelves in the store. As for vegetables, fruits and some meat delicacies, of course, it is better to buy them last, but not so much that on Friday evening you sadly wander between the display cases and realize that everything has already been sorted out. Freezing can also be purchased in advance; it does not matter in which refrigerator it is stored.

Place and date

You should pay particular attention to the choice of date and venue. If you want to spend an evening at home, you need to take into account the number of guests who will feel comfortable; taking into account the size of the room, your guests should first of all be comfortable.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the holiday can be held outside the house, for example in a sauna or bathhouse, a cafe or restaurant, in a country house, or in the fresh air. You can also throw a party on the shore of a pond or at a tourist base, it will be unforgettable and unique.

When choosing a place, everything depends on the flight of your imagination. If desired, you can rent a house with an amine and a sauna, which will undoubtedly impress your guests. You can relax in a sports club, play bowling with friends, go skiing or skating, or have fun in a water park.

There are plenty of sports and entertainment places where you can have a good rest, and besides, you won’t have to figure out how to entertain your guests.

Such events require a long time, and in order for no one to disturb you, you need to book a vacation spot for the desired date and time, two weeks in advance, or maybe earlier, depending on how popular the place you have chosen is. If you haven’t decided yet, it’s better to book two places and then cancel the extra reservation.

The beginning of the holiday at home with a mini-quest for the birthday boy

On the morning of his birthday, the child wakes up with the feeling that many pleasant and exciting moments await him today. Of course, you can simply go up to the baby and congratulate him by handing him a box with a gift. But it is much more interesting to prepare an envelope with tasks for a quest (adventure game), after completing which he will find a gift. Parents can hide it in any convenient place, for example, in a closet with clothes, a sofa or other piece of furniture. Completing tasks can be as interesting as the gift itself. At each stage, the baby will solve the letter and receive a new riddle. In the tasks you need to encrypt the letters from the name of the “secret place” with a gift. So, step by step, the child will move along a certain route in the apartment until he composes the hidden word.

Quest task

For example, parents hid the box under or behind the sofa. The child will have to complete tasks and form the desired name “sofa” from the letters found.

  • The delivered envelope will contain the letter D and a piece of paper with a riddle. Parents can read the riddle; if the child doesn’t know how to read it yet, he only needs to understand where the next letter is hidden. Example: “There are wet clothes in the round window.” Answered correctly, then run to the washing machine.
  • The next step will require some preparation. Fill the machine drum with small balloons. In one, put puzzles you made yourself. To do this, for example, draw a saucepan (kettle) or find a suitable image and cut it into separate parts. The other ball will contain the letter I, which the baby guessed earlier. Now, upon opening the washing machine, the child will find many colorful balls. He needs to find balls with a riddle (puzzles) and a letter. Having assembled a picture from the puzzles, he will be able to continue his search.
  • Inside the pot (teapot) the birthday boy will find a chocolate egg, only inside it will be a task. To prepare everything, you need to keep the Kinder Surprise for about half an hour at normal temperature, then, after removing the wrapper, carefully open the egg, hide your investment in a plastic container, fold the chocolate halves and put them in the freezer for a while. When a child eats chocolate, he will find, along with the toy, the letter B and a piece of paper with the name of his favorite book or magazine.
  • There is nothing difficult in preparing a book. You need to carefully mark the letters for the next name on three or four pages, for example, “pillow,” and also insert a piece of paper with the letter A. The book should be in a visible place. You can tell your child with leading questions that he must find letters in the book and make up a word. As an option, prepare leaves with letters written in one color, and the letter A will be in a different color. After completing the task, the baby will have to look for a pillow with a hidden letter N.
  • The hiding place for this letter may be in candy. Remove the wrapper, wrap the sweet contents in foil or cling film, hide the treasured piece of paper with the letter and pack everything back.
  • The letters found will give you the name of the cache with the gift. Now we can quickly get the treasure and rejoice with the whole family! Having received such a boost of energy, the child will look forward to the next events of the holiday.

Script is the key to success

the holiday script plays an important role - a certain sequence of different elements of the program. Here it is necessary to take into account many details - the choice of entertainment events, organizational issues, the method of seating guests, the features of the decor, interior, music and lighting.

The mood and effectiveness of the event - the mood and perception of the guests, heroes of the occasion, and organizers - depend on how well the script is drawn up, based on the target audience and the nature of the holiday. In a properly composed script, space is allocated for each stage of the festive event - from the opening speech of the host and musical group, to a detailed consideration of the menu and farewell to the guests.

Musical accompaniment

This is also worth thinking about, since the overall mood of the holiday very much depends on what will happen when the conversations at the table die down. You can simply turn on music or the same TV on some neutral channel so that it works simply as a background, but does not attract general attention.

If I missed something or you just have something to share with us, leave your comments below! We would be very interested to hear your opinion.

Professional approach - advantages

To ensure that the holiday goes flawlessly, without any complaints from the guests, many prefer the services of professional agencies involved in organizing festive events . Turning to competent specialists allows you to avoid many misunderstandings, boredom and monotony, since the range of their services includes many different scenarios and entertainment programs.

For each specific holiday, professional agencies offer a unique, original scenario, where many characters will appear at will - a talented presenter, a fashionable DJ, famous artists. The agency's arsenal is constantly updated with new offers, unique solutions and ample opportunities - all these funds are aimed at ensuring that the holiday is flawless and worthy of the best praise.

What else needs to be considered

One of the common mistakes when preparing for a holiday on your own is considered to be the wrong attitude towards the guest list. Most often, the number of invitees includes all acquaintances, relatives and colleagues, or children when organizing a children's party. This approach is deeply flawed because it serves as a source of chaos and disorder. As a result of an inaccurate number of guests when seating them, the fact of a lack of seats is revealed, or, on the contrary, there will be many “empty” chairs in a huge hall. The exact number of guests is set in advance, which allows you to correctly calculate the scale of the room and the features of the menu.

Nowadays, themed outfits for the holiday are popular - guests are invited to dress in costumes of a certain style. Invitees are notified of this in advance orally or in writing (business cards, invitations). This allows guests to avoid an awkward situation.

The host at the holiday is the main character, whose level of preparation, sense of humor, literacy and tact determine the general mood and degree of activity of the guests. A good host will not let the guests get bored; through his efforts, the holiday becomes truly bright, memorable and unconventional.

Lighting equipment is part of the technical equipment at any holiday. Modern achievements in this area make it possible to make any room cozy, including a summer cottage or the courtyard of a country house. With the right lighting, any room acquires a festive atmosphere. Sound equipment plays an equally important role - the quality of the equipment determines the appropriate musical accompaniment of the holiday.

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