Children's superhero party (organization, games and competitions)

Ready-made scenarios for indoor and outdoor quests: Quests for children (up to 10 years old) Quests for teenagers (up to 16 years old) Quests for adults (over 18 years old)

Probably, each of us dreamed of becoming a superhero - and not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. Now, when the superhero theme is at the peak of popularity, we still remember that same Superman in tights, funny special effects and that same sad Spider-Man delivering pizza and living in a simple apartment without cool costumes from Tony Stark. We love these films for their lightness, humor and sad moments, for the opportunity to feel stronger and more confident. It's time to share this magic with your children! We offer you a scenario for a fun party in a superhero style, which is suitable for both birthdays and other children's parties.

Secret messages (invitations)

A superhero party is a great opportunity to bring the most unusual and bright ideas to life. Many people worry that such a holiday will require a lot, which will affect the wallet, but most of the decorations and decorations can be made with your own hands. Start by sending out event invitations to get guests excited about what's in store for them at the event. Children will love cards with images of their favorite superheroes and logos; you can also place drawings from comics on them. Discuss the issue of costumes with other parents in advance and, in a humorous manner, ask each child to appear at the party as a superhero. For example: “Don’t tell anyone, but we are going on a secret mission to save the world. And we really need a brave hero like you. Don’t forget to take your super suit with you - you’ll really need it!” All the details of time, place and costumes must be written in the invitations.


The holiday table should not be ordinary and boring. All dishes should be super dishes, and drinks should be super drinks . Meat dishes should predominate on the table, because heroes need strength for exploits. Prepare super-cutlets, pizza in a cheese web, bake super-strength meat, super-flying wings, make a Caesar salad, stuff super-peppers. Don't forget about super beer, super wine and super vodka, as well as super rossol "for tomorrow." Experiment, come up with super names for your dishes. The main thing to remember is that there should be enough food, because hungry guests are not the best option.

Do you want to attend a Greek party? Organize it yourself!

Superhero Headquarters (interior)

To add a special atmosphere to the rooms, you can cut out the silhouettes of multi-story buildings - just have old boxes or thick paper, scissors, and watercolors on hand. They will also be an excellent backdrop for a photo zone. If you don’t have time to tinker with crafts, print the design on photo wallpaper and attach it to the wall with tape. Hang colorful garlands and balloons of different shapes and sizes around the house. Electric garlands won’t be superfluous either. Another important decorative element is bright posters with a superhero theme. You can look for them on sale or print them yourself at any printing house. These could be logos, battle scenes, portraits of your child’s favorite characters. Also, if you have themed figurines, place them around the house. Prepare signs with your best quotes, famous phrases, or humorous captions. For example: “Please leave all swords, lightning bolts and water pistols at the entrance” or “Flying and becoming invisible is strictly prohibited.”

Competitions for a Superhero party.

A selection of games for Superheroes. “We need to pump ourselves up.” It’s a long way from the gym, but we need muscles right here and now. We take two T-shirts of size XXXXXL. And we inflate about 30 balloons. Superheroes put on T-shirts, the task is to put the most balls under the T-shirt in the allotted time. The most muscular one wins. “The Wall” Now the heroes are strong enough to break through a brick wall with ease. The game will require 10 -15 boxes lined up as a wall. All participants will have to break the wall one by one using the ball. “Super touch” The day before we shop at a joke store: the crazier the prizes, the better. We hide them in an opaque fabric bag. Super heroes must guess what the item is hidden in the bag using only their sense of touch. The one who guesses gets a prize from the bag. Neutralize kryptonite Scatter kryptonite (balls the size of snowballs rolled up from foil) around the room. Everyone knows how kryptonite affects the abilities of superheroes. It should not be touched with bare hands. Chinese chopsticks to help the heroes. The task is to collect as many kryptonite balls as possible in the allotted time. Super marksmanship competition Two teams (superheroes and superheroines). Each team is given a balloon. You need to hit the target with the ball. Super speed competition Now the participants of the same teams are invited to compete in speed (there is a balloon between their legs, they need to run to the goal, come back and pass the baton to the next participant). Superpower Here you can arrange a battle with blasters made from modeling balls or any other soft “weapons”. Super Straws Contest This contest will require a lot of plastic juice or cocktail straws. Participants are invited to participate, and the presenter divides them into two teams. Each team receives half a pack of straws (approximately equal quantity). The presenter gives the start, and the teams begin to make a long straw: insert the end of one straw into another and so on. Teams are given a few minutes to complete the task. The team that makes the longest straw during this time wins the competition. Game "Liberation" The leader forms a large circle of chairs (or designates the circle in some other way) in order to limit the movement of players. A participant with his hands and feet tied (prisoner) sits in the center of a circle formed from chairs. Next to him is a blindfolded player (guard). The remaining participants in the game (liberators) try to free the prisoner, that is, they try to untie him. The guard must interfere. By touching any participant, he takes him out of the game, he must go beyond the circle of chairs. The player who manages to free the prisoner without being caught becomes the guard himself the next time. Competition "Web". Conditions of the competition: participants are divided into two teams and stand in a circle. Each of them receives an elastic band for jumping, it is pulled around the participants. The task of the teams is to all exchange their rubber bands together, move from their circle to another circle, while remaining with their team. You can hold a competition for a while. Competition "New Superhero". For this competition, you need to divide the guests into two teams, each of which must come up with and create their own new superhero. Competitions for stock, suddenly there will be few basic ones. Game “Folk Art” To participate in the competition, 5 people are needed. The four go into another room for a while. The remaining fifth person reads the text out loud. “The Greek was driving across the river, and he saw a cancer in the river. He put the Greek’s hand in the river, and the cancer by the hand of the Greek-DAC” (instead of this tongue twister, there can be any other, including proverbs). One of the participants is invited to the hall. The participant who read the text must use facial expressions and gestures to retell the story to the person who came. The arriving participant, if he understands what is being said, says: “Got it!” Then the next one is invited, to whom the second one tells his story. Also without words. Then the next participant is invited and so on until the last one. Naturally, everyone will have their own story, but everyone will find it funny. At the end, the first participant reads for everyone else what really happened. Competition "Beads" For this competition you need a pack of popcorn in a large plate. The competition is held in two stages and several couples (m+f) are needed to participate. The first task is carried out by women - each is given a needle and thread. At speed, in just over a minute, they take popcorn from a large bowl and thread it onto a string to make beads. Once the time runs out, the amount of popcorn on the beads is counted. The pair that makes the most “beads” on the beads earns a prize point. Then the next stage is when the women put the beads on themselves, and now the male representatives of the couples must eat these beads as quickly as possible. The pair that destroys the beads the fastest wins. This ends the second stage, after which the audience themselves choose the winner.

Super power (food and drink)

The food at the party should not only be delicious, but also superhero-like. Since people with superpowers are most often residents of the United States, you can treat your guests to traditional fast food - healthy, of course. It is best to ask parents in advance about the dietary habits of their child in order to exclude foods that may cause problems. Juices and sweet water, fruit slices, homemade burgers and hot dogs, cupcakes - all this will appeal to little superheroes even more if it is creatively designed. You can decorate the glasses with the emblems of your favorite characters, and also make cute mini-cloaks from plain paper and attach them to the neck. The tablecloth, chairs, plates, spoons should all remind the little heroes that they have supernatural super power.

Also make layered jelly with the colors of a specific hero: for example, green for the Hulk or red and yellow for Iron Man. Decorate the strawberries with white and black fondant and you have Spider-Man's face. Attach humorous notes to dishes. For example: “This juice improves levitation skills” or “This apple makes people strong like Thor.” You can also delve a little into the biographies of the heroes and find out what they wouldn’t mind enjoying. For example, Wolverine is crazy about burgers, and Spider-Man eats away all his sorrows with Aunt May's fragrant pies. Don't forget to indicate this fact in the description of the dish.

Ready-made script for a children's home quest “Superheroes” (click)⇓

Superhero Party Script

Superhero party, script, invitations, competitions, menu, costumes, photos Recently, stylized parties have become very popular. What people who want to have fun can come up with. Some dress up as fairy-tale characters, others try on the image of famous people, and we’ll talk about a superhero-themed party. After all, they are brave, strong people with different super-powers . Both men and women can be superheroes, the main thing is that they are always ready to perform heroic deeds.

How to organize a Superhero themed party?

So, where to start preparing for the party? The first thing you need to do is make a to-do list: decide on the number of invitees and the location of the party, decorate the venue, make invitations, sort out the images of the characters, think through costumes, come up with a menu, and an entertainment program. In general, there are a lot of worries and troubles, but if you think of and prepare everything in advance, your party will be unforgettable.

List of invited guests, who to invite?

Who should you invite to a superhero party? Best friends, of course. If among them there are people who, to put it mildly, do not resemble heroes, this will be an excellent reason for them to feel strong and omnipotent, to look at themselves from the outside, with different eyes, to believe in their strength.

The number of people also needs to be considered; the principle “the more, the better” does not apply here. It is better if there are not too many guests so that you can pay attention to everyone and take part in competitions with them. You can also experiment : invite the first person you meet to the party, or several complete strangers. They may not come, but maybe you will meet like-minded people who will be happy to participate in your event.

Where can I spend

You can hold a superhero party absolutely anywhere , everything will depend on the number of people. This could be an apartment, a private house, a cafe. Very often, for such parties, an apartment or house is rented on a daily basis. This is a great option for everyone, you will be sure that guests will not come to you unexpectedly, neighbors will not complain about loud music, and guests will not break your favorite vase.

When choosing a room, pay attention to its size. You should have enough space to place tables with food and still have an area for dancing and competitions. If the house or cafe is located outside the city, think about sleeping places for guests, because after a successful party , it’s unlikely that anyone will want to go home straight away.

You shouldn’t hold a superhero-themed party in the forest or in the park; you must admit, supermen frying barbecue and cat women collecting brushwood are not the most attractive sight.

How to design a party venue?

If you have decided on the location of the holiday, you need to decorate in order to create the appropriate atmosphere. But the design depends on which superheroes you want to see at the party. After all, everyone’s heroes are different: someone will want to transform into the Hulk , Superman , Spider-Man , Catwoman ; some people prefer Ninja Turtles and Samurai ; and some prefer Russian superheroes - heroes . Think over and discuss with the guests the exact theme of the event, and start decorating the hall.

For registration you can use:

• New Year's garlands. They will be appropriate at a party and will create a feeling of celebration.

• Posters. You can hang posters with images of superheroes. To cheer up your guests, you can paste the faces of your friends onto the posters instead of the characters’ faces.

• Attributes of heroes. You can make a web from the mesh, draw symbols of Superman and Batman, and place models of weapons everywhere. Very often, for this purpose, their toy arsenal is taken away from younger brothers.

• Super wish board. On such a board, everyone can write their super wishes: super strength, super health, super heroism, and so on.

• Comics. Place comics on shelves and coffee tables; they will perfectly complement the style of the party.

superhero movies with the most relevant scenes. Broadcast this video all evening, guests will enjoy comparing themselves and others with the characters on the screen.

Las Vegas is a city that many have only heard about from movies. To experience all the charm of this fabulous place, you can try to organize a party in its style!


How do superheroes have fun? Besides saving the world, of course! We have prepared several ideas for a corporate party scenario.

Watch the movie (classic!)

The best superhero movies:

  • "Be, 2002 (classic of the genre!)
  • "Venom"
  • good old “Superman”, 1978
  • "X-Men" (all parts)
  • "The Dark Knight", 2008
  • series “The Boys” (modern about the superheroes of our time)
  • Hancock, 2008
  • "Wonder Woman", 2017
  • “Iron Man”, 2008
  • “Keepers”, 2009

We recommend choosing a movie in advance so as not to waste a lot of time at the party discussing it.

Competition No. 1 “Create a superhero”

Why not imagine what other superheroes could exist besides the ones we know about? Invite partygoers to come up with the characters' appearance/name/superpowers/strengths and weaknesses.

For the most unusual/funny/plausible (choose yourself) option - award a prize!

Competition No. 2 “Who is cooler”

Arrange an intellectual battle. Who's cooler: Batman or Superman? Quicksilver or Captain America? Catwoman or Mystique? (Or any other characters of your choice)

Just remember, this is just entertainment! Arguments should be based on logic, not emotions.

What to give the winners as prizes?

As gifts for winning competitions, you can give coloring books about superheroes, themed accessories, sweets/drinks with logos.

Corporate event in the style of superheroes: what and why

Superheroes are those characters who have at least a little admired and inspired (and perhaps this is still true) each of us. After all, these are not only super-people in beautiful suits and with incredible abilities. This is a belief in a miracle, that “everything will be fine,” that we will cope, and all evil will definitely be punished.

And when, if not now, do we need this faith, and it is critically important to know that everything will work out and problems will remain in the past.

Therefore, throwing a superhero party is not only a tribute to the comic book classics, but also a cool way to lift your spirits, at least for the evening to feel your “superpowers” ​​and also have fun!

We have collected everything you need, step by step (practically instructions), so that you can easily organize this themed party, and your corporate event will be a 100% success! Go!


Organize a “Spider-Man” competition (similar to the “Confusion” game). Probably everyone has dreamed of being in the role of Spider-Man at least once in their life. Guests will be able to create a huge collective Spider-Man. To do this, all participants will need to join hands, strictly following the instructions of the presenter - Cat Woman.

However, being in the role of Spider-Man is not so easy: having become completely entangled, guests will have to independently disentangle themselves from the web, while the thread should not be broken (hands must remain clasped).

Important point: OFFLINE OR ONLINE?

During a pandemic, it is not always possible (and not entirely safe) to organize a corporate event in person. The party can be easily organized on Zoom, don’t worry! Write down the dress code and decor wishes for participants in advance. It would be cool to send all your guests a “menu kit”: ingredients for cocktails or dishes (or ready-made food!).

Then no one will have to worry about themed food and drinks.

On Zoom you can watch a movie, listen to music, dance, and organize competitions. Safe and just as fun!

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