Gift surprise birthday greetings, 50 ideas, loved one, friend, mother, husband, wife, child

Birthday gifts

  • Delicious jar
  • Postcard
  • Air balloons
  • Notes "100 reasons"
  • Boxing with congratulations
  • Sweet poster
  • Balloon surprise
  • Guests

On your birthday you always want to please your loved one and give him the most original gift . Much, if not all, depends not only on the presentation, but also on its presentation.

Using our selection of original ideas, you can surprise and make any birthday person happy.

DIY birthday surprise, master class

Originality always comes first, and it doesn’t matter who you are going to congratulate, your mother or friend, sister or work colleague. Our options are suitable for any celebration.

Option 1

Jar with health vitamins. Fill a jar with colorful candies, such as raisin jelly beans, lollipops, or brightly colored M&Ms. We wish only the best to all our loved ones, let them eat these funny candies and they bring them joy. The situation is played out in different ways, for example, colored dragees can also be called candies of happiness or desire. After eating each candy, the birthday person will make a wish.

Option 2

Balloons. Suitable for both adults and children. Inflate beautiful balloons, preferably transparent ones. You can take it with sparkles or inscriptions about the holiday. Before you inflate the balloons, you need to put banknotes in them. It is necessary to have several balls, “empty” and 1 “filled”. On the one hand, balloons are a good gift for children, they love to play with them, but there is one caveat with them: if the balloons are helium, they can fly away, so parents need to be vigilant so that the balloon with a monetary gift does not go into the sky.

Option 3

Door. This surprise is suitable for congratulations at home and at work. It is advisable to start making a surprise from the inside, it will be more convenient. The door from the inside along the opening is covered with film. In this case, the front door is closed, and at the end of the work, inflatable balls are placed in the upper hole of the film. There should be enough of them to fill the entire space between the doorway and the door. The end of the surprise is that the birthday boy opens the front door, and at that moment multi-colored balls rain down on him.

Option 4

Mirror. Every person starts their morning with a bath. Prepare for this in advance. Cover the bathroom mirror with bright stickers with wishes and confessions. As soon as the birthday boy comes in to take a shower, he will see the surprise prepared.

Option 5

Postcard. This is not an easy card; you need to make it from several folded sheets. On its pages there will be photographs from different times with memories. Decorate it in accordance with the holiday, the preferences of the birthday person, with his favorite colors and decorations.

Air balloons

Such a surprise can be prepared for both a child and an adult. For the gift you will need:

  • transparent balloons;
  • confetti or colorful feathers;
  • banknotes;
  • glitter;
  • beautiful ribbons.

Step by step steps:

  1. Place banknotes in the balls.
  2. Fill the balls with sparkles and feathers , which you can buy at a specialty store or make yourself.
  3. Inflate the balloons and tie them with ribbons.

Balloons with a surprise
At the time of delivery, you need to warn the birthday person that the main gift is in balloons. At the moment they burst, the hero of the occasion will receive not only a cash gift, but also a beautiful fireworks display of sparkles and confetti.

Birthday surprise for mom, ideas

There are many options for how to congratulate your mother on her birthday. Remember what your parent likes, what her preferences are in desserts and flowers. Perhaps she has been dreaming about something for a long time and your surprise can be made with an emphasis on a long-standing desire.

Boxing with congratulations

Recently, handmade greeting envelopes and boxes have become popular as a fashion trend. They are made using the scrapbooking technique. But, if you don’t go into details, making such a box is quite simple, and it is not necessary to purchase special materials to make it. Cardboard, glue and a few decorative details are ideal for a surprise. Glue the cardboard box together and place a signed card with wishes or a small gift inside.

With a creative impulse, you can approach the surprise in more detail. Remember the days that your mother probably remembered as joyful moments. Find photographs from that time and paste them onto the inside walls of the box. Arrange the walls of the box so that they open up like a flower. Cut the curves of the box; in the future, their shape will be held by the lid. The effect of memories will be amazing not only for mom, but for other birthday people.

Magic ball

Find a large box. The size should be such that an inflated balloon can easily fit there. As you already understood, mom opens the box and a ball is waiting for her inside. You will need to put several homemade notes in a colorful and bright ball. You can write congratulations on them or items that the birthday girl will need to complete in the near future. Also, instead of wishes, declarations of love and compliments can be written for the most beloved mother. After preparing the projectile, it will need to be signed: “Burst me.” Mom opens the box, bursts the balloon, and as soon as the balloon bursts, notes with pleasant wishes or congratulations jump out of it.

Wall newspaper

The blank is a large greeting card with sweets and wishes. The idea is that every sweet is the beginning of a congratulation. For example, “Miracle” yogurt: Mommy, you are a real “Miracle”. This phrase is completed by a box of yogurt, then the wishes continue, like the islands of an archipelago. The first wish may be followed by a declaration of love, for example: I love you very much. Instead of “I love”, chewing gum “Love is” will be stuck, etc.


There can be several ideas for a collage. It all depends on what status your mother is in. If she doesn’t have grandchildren yet, then the congratulations will be limited to the phrase “mother”; if she already has one or more grandchildren, then the phrases may continue with “grandmother”. So, for the kit you need to have photographs with prepared phrases.

All family members can participate in amateur performances, from the youngest to the oldest. The photograph requires a person to stand and hold a sheet of paper with a phrase on it. For example, a daughter holds the phrase “Dear Mom”, the son in the next photo holds a sign with the words “this day”, the husband holds a piece of paper “we decided”, the grandson “congratulates you”. As a result, the beginning of the congratulation goes like this: “Dear mother, on this day we decided to congratulate you...”. To be continued as desired.


This is not a simple card, so the giver will have to try . To make a unique gift, you need to prepare:

  • 10 sheets of thick white paper;
  • scotch;
  • thick cardboard;
  • 2 red sheets of A3 format;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • photos;
  • stationery.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. Take sheets of white paper and glue them with tape to form an accordion.
  2. Cut two squares measuring 35x35 cm from cardboard.
  3. Cover the cardboard blanks with red paper on both sides.
  4. Glue photographs on the front pages of the card - it is advisable to choose joint photographs with the birthday person.
  5. Carefully glue the paper “accordion” to the cardboard, you should get an interesting book with memorable photographs.
  6. If desired, the card can be supplemented with decor or warm words and wishes can be written on the pages.

Birthday surprise for your loved one, ideas

  • 50 reasons. A box or glass jar of the appropriate size holds 50 tea bags or sweets. Attached to them are written notes “Why I love you...”. The reasons can be very different, from personal, to banal “for your kind heart”, “for your intelligence”, “for your sense of humor”;

  • 100 reasons. Notes. Rolled notes are placed in a beautiful tin or glass jar. It is desirable that it be beautiful paper of the same color, for example red. It will be even better if each piece of paper is folded in the shape of a scroll, envelope, or triangle. On the inserts you can write declarations of love, congratulations, wishes, plans for your future life;

  • Dinner. It’s banal, but very romantic, especially if you’ve been living together for a long time and all your dinners are similar to one another. While your loved one is at work, you need to prepare his favorite dish, decorate the table beautifully, light candles, lay out the petals and wait... As soon as he enters, say words of congratulations and invite your man to the table. Continue the evening as desired;

  • Certificate. This is a rather difficult certificate. It applies to very unusual services: massage, striptease, washing dishes, kissing, etc. The value is expressed in points, each service costs a certain number of points. Valid until the declared denomination is fully used;

  • Poster. Make a poster of sweets and wishes, your own drawings and additional pictures. Fantasize to your heart's content. Remember the affectionate nickname of your loved one; perhaps the store sells something from this series, and if for you he is simply “favorite,” then the store always sells a box of juice of the same name.

Non-standard ways to give money - 7 popular options

  1. Money can be folded into origami, but be careful not to tear it.
  2. You can order a bouquet of money.
  3. You can give money in an original way by buying a photo frame and making a chaotic ornament out of the money.
  4. You can assemble a cake from rolled money; to make the cake more voluminous, use small bills.
  5. Give money in a beautiful thermos, mug or glass.
  6. You can write wishes on money with a pencil.
  7. You can put a heart out of money on the birthday boy’s desktop.

Giving an original gift and arranging an original presentation are not easy tasks.
It is important to take into account the tastes of the birthday person. Reason 2019-09-23 admin

Birthday surprise for wife, ideas

  • Flowers. Think about romance, more and more women began to ask their husbands to replace flowers with breakfast sausage or something healthier for the home. Don't listen to her, give her her favorite flowers. In addition to bouquets, florist shops sell wooden signs that are inserted into bouquets; insert them into beautiful flowers and make a surprise;

  • A surprise of balloons and photographs. Order a couple dozen helium balloons. The balloons should have long ribbons; tie memorable photographs to the edge of each ribbon: from travel, from the moment you first met, from joint holidays. Attach a happy birthday card to the center of the balloons;

  • Wrappers of love. Remember the 90s, everyone collected inserts from “Love is” chewing gum. It just shows the reasons why you can be together and why you can love each other. This is the most romantic chewing gum that is sold so far. If you have the opportunity to acquire such candy wrappers, be sure to make a postcard or poster with stickers;

  • Guests. Surely you did not plan to celebrate this birthday. Persuade guests to come at the appointed time to surprise your loved one. While she is taking off her shoes in the hallway after work or shopping, hide the guests in the next room, give them a cake, confetti, festive whistles and, on command, congratulate the birthday girl;

  • Dream gift. Remember what your wife has been dreaming about for so long: a new hair straightener, a bicycle, a leather bag or something else. Find this gift, wrap it beautifully and wait for the birthday girl. It will be a surprise for her.

Surprise for a friend's birthday, ideas

  • Bucket of gifts. The surprise is based on a bucket. You can push polystyrene or foam rubber into it, so that in the future skewers with gifts will be held on this material. Now take long wooden sticks and attach a small gift to them, perhaps it will be candy. Decorate them with beautiful wrappers, flavor them with symbolic numbers or a comic congratulation and you can present them to your beloved friend;

  • Sweets with photos. If your friend loves everything original, order candies with photos for her. For each chocolate bar, prepare a wrapper with its photo. Download photos from social networks in advance and go to a photo workshop or printing house. There they will also help you make a congratulatory box with a photo of the birthday girl and wishes;

  • Handmade soap. A very practical and at the same time unusual surprise gift. If you like to make soap or you have an experienced needlewoman, then your friend will surely like this surprise. Put everything in a beautiful box, decorate it with ribbons and send it to the birthday girl by mail;

  • Decor. If your friend is also your roommate or apartment that you rent together, then decorate her territory with holiday cards, balloons and garlands.

Birthday surprise for a child, ideas

  • Call an animator. Think about your child's favorite heroes. As soon as he sees his idol on the threshold of his house, happiness will know no bounds;

  • Cake. It must be decorated with your favorite fairy tale or cartoon characters;

  • Drive. Think of a place where your child would dream of visiting: Legoland, Dinopark, Amusement Park, Oceanarium, Zoo, Circus, Water Park, etc. Prepare him a surprise trip;

  • Surprise gift. It is different for each child. Perhaps your child dreams of some kind of toy, ask him to write his wish in a letter to the fairy, and if he is still very small, just let him tell his mother in his ear about his dream. On the morning of your birthday, take your child to the window and show him a gift from the fairy. This will be his surprise;

  • Birthday with friends. Prepare holiday caps, cupcakes and a delicious cake for everyone in advance. The celebration can be held at home or in a children's cafe. For such events, everything is usually already prepared there: an animator on duty, a set table and a fabulous atmosphere.

How to congratulate in an original way

If you like to surprise and amuse your friends and family,

If you want your gift, toast or congratulation to be remembered for a long time and cause fireworks of emotions among the heroes of the occasion and guests, then this section is for you!

Here you can find a lot of useful information on the topic of how to congratulate in an original way , a section for those who experience joy by coming up with pleasant: funny or touching surprises for those who are dear to them!

Today, the contents of the section “How to congratulate in an original way” are as follows:

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Original congratulations

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Toasts, congratulations, jokes, parables

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Comic congratulations

Comic congratulations and gifts for a woman on her anniversary. Comic congratulations with gifts for a man's anniversary. Comic nominations and medals for colleagues on February 23. Ideas for comic medals, orders and nominations. Comic sketch - congratulation “Searching for nest eggs in the family of a military man” Comic scene for congratulating colleagues on March 8th “Car for loved ones” Comic medals for classmates on March 8th. Comic nominations for corporate honoring. Comic nominations and medals for colleagues on March 8. Comic medals and nominations for a man's anniversary. Comic medals and coronations on a woman's anniversary. Comic and original meetings of the hero of the day at the beginning of the evening. Comic and original meetings of the hero of the day at the beginning of the evening. Comic and original congratulations and competitions for teachers at graduation. A comic coronation ceremony on a man's anniversary. A comic congratulation with a gift and fortune telling. “Sweets for a woman’s anniversary” Comic congratulations on housewarming “Feng Shui in Russian” with funny gifts. Comic congratulations for newlyweds. Dramatization "One heart - one flesh!" Comic congratulations with gifts for the anniversary of a woman “Soap Opera” Comic congratulations and gifts for the 10th anniversary of the company. Comic New Year's gifts "Festive Starfall". Comic congratulations for retirement “Ambulance team with gifts” Comic congratulations to the hero of the day “Coronation photo session.” Presentation of comic diplomas and titles to teachers at the Graduation Party. A comic congratulation for a pensioner on her anniversary “Indians with fruit” A comic scene for an officer being transferred to the reserve. A comic congratulation to a retired colleague “Flag in hand” A comic drawing of prizes or nominations “Let’s wave without looking.” Comical musical congratulations to classmates on March 8th Comical skit “A nurse’s arrival for the holiday” Comical game – congratulations for an anniversary (wedding) “Let’s play a melody of love” Comical musical congratulations – game “Wedding Lady” Comic nominations for Teacher’s Day. Script for congratulating teachers. Comic costumed congratulations to teachers “Medical Advice” Comic skit for the hero of the day retiring “Broken Heart” Comic nominations for colleagues for February 23 “And a Swiss, and a reaper, and a player on the pipe” A comic wedding congratulation – a fairy tale “About a foreign groom who found happiness in Russia" Script for comic congratulations to colleagues on February 23 "Banzai, samurai!" Original ideas for meeting young people with comic challenges and surprises Comic congratulations to men on February 23 “True Defender” Congratulations to men on February 23 with comic nominations “My beloved name!” Congratulations for women on March 8th with comic nominations “One in a million!” Musical congratulations to graduates with comic nominations “Golden hits of the 21st century” Original and comic vows of newlyweds at a wedding Comic congratulations for the birthday girl “Defile with glasses” Comic congratulations to men on February 23 in a nautical style Original musical congratulations for February 23 with comic nominations “The best guys of my countries!"

Costume congratulations

Costume scene for February 23rd “Fashion designer Stakashkin with a new collection” Costume congratulation “Medical examination for February 23rd” Costume congratulations for February 23rd from “Barbie Dolls”. Original costumed congratulations on March 8th from the Gentlemen. Costume multinational congratulations on February 23. Costume congratulations on March 8th from “Hussar”. Costume scene for Valentine's Day "Prince and Old Man Hottabych" Costume scene "Men's prayer on the eve of March 8" Costume congratulations for March 8 from the "Ambassador of Zimbabwe" Costume scene for the New Year "Baba Yaga and children" Costume congratulation "Cowgirl on a man's anniversary" » Costume surprise for a man “Anniversary Harem” Costume congratulations on a man’s anniversary “Baby from the maternity hospital” Costume scene “Psychic on a man’s anniversary” Costume congratulation “Genie on a man’s anniversary” Comic costume scene on a woman’s anniversary “Magician” Costume congratulation “Guests from Egypt” at the woman’s anniversary” Costume skit for graduates “The Virus of Not Giving a F*ck”. Congratulations to the parents. Costume congratulations from parents at the graduation party “Pioneers” Costume congratulations from teachers “Matryoshka dolls at the graduation party” Costume congratulations “Chukchi on a woman’s anniversary” Costume congratulations from “Japanese” for a wedding or anniversary. Costume congratulation “Chinese on a man’s anniversary” Costume scene on a woman’s anniversary “Three Cavaliers” Costume congratulation on a man’s anniversary “Weavers with gifts” Costume congratulation on an anniversary “Go to the bathhouse!” Costume scene at a wedding “Marriage Dance” Costume New Year’s greeting from the “Japanese Geisha” Costume congratulation “Flip-flops at an anniversary (wedding)” Costume scene “The Padishah is a one-love man” for a wedding (wedding anniversary) Costume New Year’s scene with Santa Claus for a close company. Costumed congratulations to the hero of the day from the Highlanders. Costume scene for a close party Costume congratulations for a woman’s anniversary “Poor Cupid” Costume congratulations for the hero of the day from Neptune and Mermaids Costume scene for March 8 “One day in the life of Adam and Eve” Original costume congratulations for February 23 “Fairies with gifts” Costume congratulations from colleagues from February 23 “Kids from kindergarten” Costume scene-congratulations to colleagues on February 23 “Invitation to Olympus” Costume congratulations from doctors on March 8 from Aibolit Costume congratulations to women on March 8 from Georgians. Costume congratulations for a woman’s anniversary “Queen of Stars” Costume congratulations for a woman’s anniversary “Foreign Ambassadors with Gifts” Costume musical scene at graduation “Fantastic machos” Costume scene for congratulating men on February 23 “Old Grandmothers”. Costume scene-congratulations for a woman “Grooms on the anniversary” Costume scenes for March 8 “For the sake of women”

Video congratulations and competitions

Scripts for video competitions for graduates “Unusual professions?!” Ideas for table video competitions for any holiday. What kind of video congratulations can you give? The best ideas for video greetings to friends and family. A cartoon about your child is the best gift! Collection of New Year's videos and musical entertainment “Together is more fun” Game program “Battle of the Ages”. Projector competitions for graduation and other holidays New Year's karaoke video clips and song adaptations “Shall we sing in a new way?!” How to order video greetings for family and friends from stars, politicians and more?! Video for kindergarten graduation “One day in the life of a kindergarten.” Comic video greeting for weddings and wedding anniversaries “Teleconference with V.V. Putin - 1." Comic video congratulations for graduates and youth Comic video congratulations from the president for the anniversary and birthday “Teleconference with V.V. Putin” – 3" Comic video greeting from the president for a corporate party and evening of relaxation "Teleconference with V.V. Putin — 4" Scenario of the New Year's game program "Five Elements". Competitions for the projector (plasma) New Year's video clips-karaoke of songs-remakes "Let's sing in a new way-2" Video congratulations to Putin for a corporate party from the Parodist studio Personalized video congratulations on his birthday from V.V. Putin and celebrities New script for any holiday "Cinema Party with Friends." Video contests. What to give for your birthday?! Gift ideas. New Year's musical video game for anyone New video games for men's and women's holidays "Funny musical gifts"

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Birthday surprise for dad, ideas

  • Congratulations from homemade gingerbread cookies. Co-production between children and mother is welcome;

  • Photo greeting. In each individual photo, the child is holding a letter, it can be drawn on paper or directly on the baby;

  • Suitcase. Prepare a suitcase filled with dad's favorite treats;

  • Pillow. Make a custom pillow. There should be family photos on the pillow;

  • Hobby. Surprise your dad by giving him a gift that reminds him of his hobby. For example, from candies you can make a fish figure - for a fisherman, for a motorist - a car figure, for those who like to play computer games "Tanks" - a tank figure.

What surprise to give for your husband's birthday

  • Provide a comprehensive car wash. Some men care about cars the same way they care about women;

  • Erotic massage. Make a change to your usual sex life schedule;

  • The path to the gift. Receiving a gift immediately after a reported congratulation is trivial. Lay out the path of arrows to the prepared present;

  • Wall. Congratulate him right on the wall. Attach a poster with congratulations there. From photos or postcards, post a symbolic date, as soon as your husband opens his eyes, he sees the surprise;

  • Electronic photo postcard. Make a collage from your photos with gestures. It should look like a big heart. Send this to your loved one as a morning greeting via email.

An original birthday surprise

  • Courier. A special service for the delivery of bouquets and gifts will make not only the morning, but also the whole day of the birthday person. A person will be pleased to receive a gift prepared in advance. In addition, this original surprise works ideally if people are separated by distance;

  • Instructions for "Secret Date". Prepare several sheets of paper. Think about where you will hide them in your house or apartment. On each sheet, write down a task, for example: “Hi, today you will have an unforgettable surprise, follow the instructions to find it... Look for the following directions in the shoe drawer.” The next sheet will naturally end up there. The new sheet will contain a new task, for example: “Go to the bathroom and open my favorite closet (drawer).” In the new instructions, indicate the final task. There must be a solution to the surprise, it could be an invitation to a cafe, a park, some memorable place known only to you;

  • Crossword . Prepare several vertical and horizontal tasks on whatman paper. Let the birthday boy guess them and find out who he is to you. You can also base the crossword puzzle on the name of the gift that you are going to present to him;

  • Date on the roof. Many restaurants are located in hotel buildings and the roofs of such buildings are often equipped with terraces. Give your other half a surprise: before boarding the elevator, close his or her eyes, and open them when you arrive at the roof deck;

  • Exotic fruits. At any time of the year you can order a wide variety of fruits. This is done by top supermarkets that have fruit departments. For an additional fee, a whole exotic basket will be prepared for your birthday person. The surprise is suitable for those who really love fruits.

For the heir and a real man - 15 birthday gifts for his son

You need to choose the best gift for your son so that he remembers it with gratitude and joy all his life.

It is proposed to consider the following ideas that will make the present unforgettable and useful:

  • video console;
  • gadget;
  • designer headphones;
  • camera for computer;
  • water resistant watches;
  • computer technology;
  • speakers for listening to music;
  • moped;
  • powerful charger or battery;
  • a set of fishing tackle;
  • laptop;
  • payment for driving courses;
  • tablet;
  • latest model phone with an unlimited data plan;
  • excursion to extreme places.

Nowadays, choosing the best gift for a young man is not too difficult. It is easy to please him with numerous technical and sports innovations.

Birthday surprise box

The box itself suggests the contents of an item. Accordingly, for a birthday, it will be a gift. The size of the box depends on the size of the gift. For example, you can order an exclusive box or make it yourself, cover it with self-adhesive paper, decorate it with a bow and place a present in it.

Another option for the holiday is a gift box. It looks like a postcard, pictures and photographs can be pasted inside, and in the very center there is a surprise - a cash gift. Banknotes can also be placed in a specially made side pocket, but the money will look most impressive in the center of the box.

Boxing with congratulations

The present is made using scrapbooking technique and is great for small gifts and souvenirs

It will take a lot of time to create the box, so it is recommended to make the box in advance. To work you will need:

  • scissors;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • glue;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • satin ribbon;
  • tweezers.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. Cut a square measuring 40x40 cm from a sheet of cardboard.
  2. Draw the workpiece into 9 squares of the same size.
  3. Carefully cut off the corner squares - no need to throw .
  4. Draw along the remaining lines with tweezers or the back of scissors so that the workpiece bends easily.
  5. Glue the remaining 4 squares to the inside of the box - this will make the walls denser .
  6. Make 4-5 more of these blanks: the size of each box should be 1 cm smaller than the previous one.
  7. Decorate the outer sides of the blanks with scrapbooking paper, and the inner sides with memorable photographs . If you wish, you can write kind words.
  8. To make a lid for the box: to do this, you need to cut out a square measuring 14x14 cm, cut off the corners and carefully glue them together. Next, the lid is decorated to taste .
  9. Collect all the boxes and put the main gift in the smallest one.
  10. Cover the box with a lid, tie it with a satin ribbon and make a bow.

Pictures of surprise day

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