Marusin's birthday (4 years old): funny ideas for a loving mother

A 4-year-old birthday boy is already a conscious and mature person. The child has the right to decide for himself who to invite to the holiday, what gift he wants, what to wear, how to decorate the room. He begins to develop different types of games and interests. Therefore, be sure to consult with your baby on organizational issues. By informing him a week in advance about his upcoming birthday, he will look forward to the holiday.

Our professional Sea of ​​Joy team will help organize a themed party for the birthday person. But you can handle everything yourself by reading the tips and recommendations provided.

Programs for the birthday of a 4 year old girl

The following programs are suitable for young birthday girls:


Children will be delighted with princesses in beautiful outfits, etiquette lessons, outdoor games, searching for the keys to the castle, creative master classes and ballroom dancing. And at the end of the program, the young birthday girl will be presented with a cake with real fireworks. More about the program


Many girls like modern dolls. With our program, the party will definitely be remembered for the fashion show, creating outfits, finding a surprise ball, collecting a birthday cake, fun puzzles, a dance flash mob and creative improvisations. Additionally, you can order magical furniture and a unicorn ride. More about the program

Candy party

This program is suitable for both young children and teenagers. Culinary riddles, a search for sweet keys, a surprise in a ball and much more awaits the birthday boy at the party. More details about the program.

Magic fairies

The program includes an exciting journey for children into a mysterious forest, a clearing with magical flowers, a meeting with forest trolls, a fairy dance, comic skits, games and various riddles. A holiday wouldn't be complete without cake. More about the program


In this program, children will travel to magical islands. On each island there are thematic tasks: a master class on creating headbands with horns, a parachute flight, collecting the unicorns’ favorite flowers and berries, searching for magic keys, a dance marathon, an island of riddles, creating a painting for the Unicorn. More about the program

End of the holiday

The wrong end of the holiday can ruin the entire impression of the event. The end of a birthday should not be blurry; it is best to do something symbolic and memorable at the end of the holiday.

Examples of ending a birthday:

  • Cake with candles. This is a classic: the lights go out and a cake with burning candles appears spectacularly. The birthday girl blows out the lights, makes a wish, and the holiday ends with a tea party.

  • Presentation of souvenirs. At the end of the holiday, little guests will be pleased to receive mini-presents. It could be a small toy, a kinder surprise or something else.
  • Launching balls. Launching balloons will evoke positive emotions in children and will be a great end to the event.
  • Song. As a farewell, you can sing some song for the birthday boy: “Crocodile Gena’s Song”, “Loaf”.
  • Disco. All children of this age usually love to have fun and dance uncontrollably. A children's disco will be a memorable end to the holiday.

The girl’s birthday will remain in her memory for a long time if you follow the rules of this article. 4 years will be remembered not only for gifts, but also for a wonderful celebration.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Birthday programs for a 4 year old boy

We have also selected five popular programs for four-year-old boys:


Many boys aged 4 years old love to watch the adventures of superheroes. At the festival, he will have a unique opportunity to meet and play with his idols, as well as defeat the real villain. The program includes a quest for children to find a map of the city, an obstacle course, a real battle using various weapons, creative tasks and a dance flash mob. More about the program


At this age, almost all boys love to roll cars. In our program, the birthday boy will be able to take part in the construction of the city, study traffic rules, assemble a model of a car, go through real races and solve the main questions about cars. More about the program


Children can enjoy jugglers, acrobats, trained animals, magic tricks, relay races, dancing, and comic clown scenes! The program will definitely appeal to boys and girls. Additionally, you can order a surprise show with animals or neon soap bubbles. More about the program


If a child enthusiastically watches the adventures of trolls in cartoons, then you should invite them to his birthday! Children will find a map of the forest and magic keys, riddles from the forest inhabitants, a comic obstacle course, a magical meadow with flowers, a hot air balloon flight and a disco with trolls. Additionally, you can order a cryo show from the Bergen cook and a ride on a rainbow pony. More about the program

How to celebrate at home

Organize a holiday for the restless ones at home, having previously thought through all the details of the upcoming event:

  • prepare beautiful invitation cards with the date and time of the celebration and distribute them to future guests;
  • choose the right time for the holiday so that all the invited kids are well-rested, healthy and friendly;
  • invite only those children who sympathize with each other and do not like to fight;
  • make sure that all available toys are presented in several copies so that the children do not become capricious and start conflicts over them;
  • remove carpets or cover the entire floor space with a large oilcloth to avoid damage to your property;
  • carefully consider the menu, consulting with the parents of the invited children. Make sure that the products are fresh, of high quality and do not cause allergies in your little guests.

You can invite an animator to a child’s birthday from 4 years old. Then the baby will no longer be afraid, but, on the contrary, will take part in fun games and competitions with pleasure and genuine interest. Animators in Almaty do an excellent job with this role.

We offer some tips for organizing a celebration at home:

  • Before you decorate your apartment for the holiday, ask your birthday boy to help you with this interesting task. A child at this age can do simple things, for example, hanging flowers, garlands or ribbons on chairs for guests. And if you consult with your son or daughter about what color balloons to choose and how many to place in each room, then your child will be in seventh heaven and will feel even more important the importance of the upcoming event;
  • You can leave a few balls on the floor so that guests can play with them with pleasure;
  • Prepare large sheets of paper, pencils and markers - the children will be happy to use them;
  • Small children love soap bubbles, which they will chase with joyful squeals. Let them have plenty of fun, but take care of the safety of the little fidgets. Take care of their eyes and make sure that the children do not fall because the floor becomes slippery from the soapy solution. Let the floor be covered with a thick fabric that absorbs moisture. After the fun it can be easily removed;
  • hide your baby's gift in the morning. Create a short quest that will lead the birthday boy straight to his treasure. Help your child find it by going through all the stages of the task with him. Draw a cabinet on an A4 sheet of paper and cut the sheet into 4 parts. Collect the sheet piece by piece and go with your daughter or son to the closet. There you will find, for example, an image of a bed divided into 4 parts. Follow the clue and you will find a beautifully wrapped gift under the bed. The delight of completing the task will lift your child’s mood for the whole day. Don’t complicate the task, otherwise the little one will get nervous and upset;
  • Help your child feel like the most important person at his party. Build a throne from an ordinary chair by wrapping it in foil. Create a crown for the birthday boy out of foil and cardboard. Believe me, he will be very pleased;
  • Accompany competitions for invited children with rhythmic music and simple movements. Fidgets will always be happy to jump and dance;
  • take care of gifts for all invited kids;
  • prepare simple and tasty dishes, originally designed, for example, in the form of funny faces, small animals or butterflies;
  • prepare plenty of water and natural juices (it is better to choose apple juice - it most often does not cause allergies in children);
  • Let the birthday cake be “enchanted.” Let the kids guess a few riddles to break the spell and try it out. Or you can announce that the cake was stolen and hidden in an unknown place. A small quest to find the location of the sweets will delight the kids. Let the birthday boy blow out the candles and receive a bright surprise and applause from the audience for this;
  • gifts that were brought to the birthday person should not be opened at the beginning of the holiday, otherwise the event may fail. The children will occupy themselves with toys and forget about the celebration;
  • It’s worth setting a separate table for adults, but you don’t want them to just sit. Invite your uncles and aunts to participate in competitions and games. It will be more fun this way;
  • end the holiday with a home puppet theater. This will calm the kids and set them up for the end of the celebration; I showed the children a puppet show for Alexey’s fifth birthday... what can I say, children’s delight is guaranteed. They really liked the fairy tale and asked for more)))
  • thank your guests for coming to visit you;
  • if the birthday takes place during the warm season, then it is better to organize the holiday in the country house or in the yard, naturally, having first taken care of the safety of the space. There should be no open fire or water near children. Also bring a tent in case of rain.

What to give a 3 year old child

And now about the gifts. Gift options for children are incredibly diverse. A wide variety of toys are suitable for three-year-olds:

  • safe construction toys based on age;
  • bicycles with safety wheels;
  • balance bikes;
  • scooters;
  • snow scooters;
  • sled;
  • electric cars;
  • swing;
  • cars;
  • pistols;
  • dolls and baby dolls;
  • music books.

Your baby will be very happy with any of the above, as well as fun games and competitions, which are best played with fun rhythmic music.

Top 5 road shows for a 4 year old child’s birthday

It’s easy to surprise a young birthday boy with a show. We have many different numbers in our arsenal. Each show features exclusive outfits, a unique script, musical accompaniment and interactivity with young viewers.


Children will take part in various tricks: diving into a bubble, soap rainbow, bubble carousel, fiery hand and others. More details about the program.

Surprise show

Humorous scenes and plenty of surprises from the boxes. The mini-play contains more than 25 jokes. The show ends with an interaction with the viewer and a meeting with cute animals. More about the program

Tricks with animals

This show is suitable for all ages! The magician will show an amazing performance with a flying table, turning paper into snow, changing the color of gloves, as well as the appearance of animals from different objects. Children will meet a lemur, a rabbit, pigeons, a bulldog, a chinchilla and a guinea pig. More about the program

Foam show

From bright foam cubes, children will have to build a real city, labyrinths - in general, everything they want. Or you can literally plunge into the foam sea, having fun in it and throwing cubes. More about the program

paper show

Do you want to arrange an enchanting finale of the holiday? Paper show is the best option. The launch of silver confetti and a lot of colored and foil paper awaits you. themed games, jumping into snowdrifts and a dance flash mob. More about the program

Creative activities for a 4 year old child’s birthday

Children aged 4 years can be occupied with master classes. If you wish, you can organize them yourself, you just need to practice in advance. If there is no time to prepare, we will take care of all the organizational issues. Here are the top 5 master classes that will interest the young birthday boy and his friends:


The master will take out a sheet of paper and a real fairy tale will begin to appear on it! Young viewers will take an active part in the creation of the cartoon: they will create characters and scenery, as well as compose the plots. And at the end of the installation, all guests will be able to watch the cartoon according to their own script. There is room for your imagination to run wild here.

Sand paintings

The technique of painting pictures with colored sand will not leave anyone indifferent. This activity will captivate children so much that they will want to create sand paintings at home after the holiday.

Mask decor

Making a festive mask is an activity that children will definitely enjoy. Here everyone can show their creative abilities. It is only important that parents help their children. Some of the tasks will be difficult for children to complete on their own.

Salt dough modeling

Children love to sculpt from plasticine, but here instead there will be puff pastry. They have to make a figurine they like, paint it, and decorate it. After this, the craft will remain as a keepsake for the baby.

Shadow play

At the age of four, children will be interested in taking part in the creation of a fairy tale. And if it is a shadow theater, then there will be even more interest. The master will tell you the structure of the shadow theater. Children will prepare a short fairy tale, which will be shown at the end of the master class.

Competition No. 4 “Merry forfeits”

All interested children are invited to participate in the competition. The presenter prepares pieces of paper in advance on which tasks or forfeits will be written. Little guests, pulling out a forfeit, must depict what is indicated on the sheet. The tasks can be different, for example, eat candy, sit down 5 times, dance or sing, depict how the wind blows or how a kitten meows. Participants perform tasks one by one. There are no winners in this game; all children receive a sweet small prize.

Sweet table for a child's birthday

Do you want to pamper your children with sweets? Organize a candy bar! Our craftswomen will prepare treats of various tastes and colors for big and small guests. They will also organize a special photo zone so that everyone can take a memorable photo!

sweet table for children

  • cake pops and macaroons
  • muffins, shaped cookies and gingerbreads
  • marshmallows, marmalade and marshmallows
  • dragees, lollipops and chocolates
  • lemonades, fruit drinks and juices

Competition No. 1 “Who is the dwarf and who is the giant”

To conduct this competition, participants need to stand in a circle. In the center, the presenter tells the children the rules in detail. Their essence boils down to the fact that as soon as the toastmaster calls the word “dwarf,” everyone must immediately squat down, and at the command “giants” stand up again. During the game, the leader pronounces similar words, for example, high or low, the children also must guess and correctly follow the rules of the game. The toastmaster can mislead young guests and say completely different words that are not related to the topic. Such a competition will make children have fun and also think about what to do when they hear a specific word. The winner is the participant who made the fewest mistakes in his actions. The prize can be any symbolic gift.

Tips for organizing a holiday table for children 4 years old

  • The menu should be made for children. No adult snacks such as smoked sausage, marinades, mushrooms.
  • If your children have allergies, include special dishes for them in the menu.
  • There is no need to fill the table with only sweets - the menu should be healthy.
  • There is no need to prepare complex dishes - they will remain unappreciated, and a lot of time will be wasted.
  • Table setting should awaken the appetite. You need to choose a tablecloth and dishes in bright colors or with a cheerful pattern,
  • Cutlery should be light and safe.
  • Serve food in interesting shapes or patterns on the plate
  • Parents spend a lot of time preparing for a birthday. If there is no free minute left to think through the menu, then we will take over the organization of the festive table.

Room decoration

A girl’s 4th birthday will become a bright and colorful event if you pay special attention to decorating the room for the celebration:

  • Time to prepare the room. A party room doesn't have to be dressed up all week. Over a long period of time, parents and the child will get used to the decorations, and they will become commonplace. It is best to dress up the hall directly on the day of the holiday together with the birthday girl. If a surprise is expected, then the room can be prepared in the evening, after the child goes to bed.
  • Balls. Balloons are the best type of decoration for a children's party, some advantages of balloons:
  1. affordable;

  2. bright;
  3. can be presented in different designs (in the form of a number or a cartoon character);
  4. children and adults like it;
  5. easy to install.
  • Different decor. As other decor you can use the following:
  1. Garlands;
  2. flashlights;
  3. congratulatory inscriptions and posters;
  4. numbers corresponding to the number of years of the child.
  • Organization of a photo zone. If desired, a photo zone can be organized. But it’s better to think in advance about its necessity: does the space allow, will the children have a desire to pose in the designated area?
  • Homemade decorations. The decor can be made independently with the children. The easiest way would be to make paper decorations: garlands, lanterns, posters.
  • Simplicity. Complex and intricate decor, stylized as something, is more interesting for adults than for children. If parents are focused on kids, then simple balls and tinsel will be enough for decoration.

Popular dishes for a 4 year old child's birthday

Popular dishes for children 4 years old

  • vegetables in the form of figures or pictures on a plate
  • tartlets with pate or salad;
  • donuts and pies
  • mini sandwiches and burgers
  • cheesecakes and casseroles
  • meatballs
  • country style potatoes

Unity with nature

In the warm season, you can celebrate outdoors. There is a lot of room for maneuver here: there is a lot of space for outdoor games and competitions, you can invite a live pony to ride the children on it, organize a mobile pool or an inflatable castle.

Useful and interesting - Child’s birthday party in nature - examples of competent organization

Games and competitions for the birthday of a 4-year-old child

We have selected ideas for games that you can play on your own even in a small room.

1. Guessing game. Parents lay out toys of different shapes on the table. Children are blindfolded and allowed to examine and touch the toys. Then they change the order of the toys on the table and ask the baby to take any one, trying to determine what it is.

2. Minefield. A game for one, but fun. Raw eggs are laid out on the floor and the baby is blindfolded. Then one of the parents quickly collects the eggs and launches the player into the “minefield”. All the spectators in unison tell him where to go. The ultimate goal is to cross the room to reach the prize. Then you must remove the blindfold and show that all this time the baby has been persistently trying to avoid non-existent eggs.

3. Who is faster? Several children begin to twist a rope tied to a stick with both hands. Whoever gets there first will receive a prize.

4. Balloon relay. Balloons are placed on the floor in front of the children. The children get down on all fours and start blowing on them. The task is to bring the ball to the finish line first. An analogue of the game is to give everyone a ball and start throwing them into the air. The task is to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible without touching the floor.

5. Make-up artists. Theatrical makeup will be required. Children must paint their parents’ faces, using makeup to create images of different animals.

6. Incendiary dancing. The leader gives the children commands on how to dance. For example, like a bunny, bear, horse, butterfly, frog. Tasks need to be changed frequently so that children do not get tired and have fun.

7. Piglets. Here parents will have to prepare a delicate dish, for example, jelly, in advance. The participants are required to do the following: they need to eat the treat faster than the opponent using a small doll spoon.

8. Herring. Each participant in the competition has a paper herring tied to the back of their clothes on a rope. It should drag along the floor. Everyone starts running after each other, trying to step on the herring and tear it off. Whoever does not keep track of his herring is out of the game.

9. Accuracy and agility. Children are divided into two teams and given small balls. They place two baskets in front of them. The task is to get the ball into the basket. Whichever team manages to score the most goals wins.

10. Harvest. There are many toys or toy vegetables and fruits scattered across the floor. Children are given baskets and they have to collect as much “harvest” as possible to win.

We advise you to prepare prizes for all little guests . These could be balls, markers, sweets, magnets. At the beginning of the games, it is worth giving everyone a bag so that the children can put their prizes in them and then take them home. This way they won’t lose or forget anything. The collection must be replenished after each competition. And let the parents have the “storage room” so that nothing gets mixed up.

Where can you celebrate your 4 year old child's birthday?

If you want to organize a themed party, then choose the following venue options:

  • restaurants and cafes
  • lofts and banquet halls
  • hotels, park areas.
  • private house or cottage

If you want to organize a trip to an interesting place, choose a site with ready-made entertainment.

Site options:

  • children's auto town;
  • town of professions;
  • amusement park "Zamania" or "Immersion"
  • shadow theater or Kuklachev;
  • aquarium;
  • Puppet Theatre
  • aquapark

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better

One of the most common options for holding a child's birthday at the age of four is to celebrate at home. Hospitality in Russia has always been a national tradition, and anyone will enjoy a holiday in a warm home environment, where everything is carefully prepared for receiving guests.

It will be interesting to read the article here - How to celebrate a child’s birthday at home

Of course, some restrictions may be imposed by the size of the living space, but the expression “in cramped conditions, but don’t be offended” was also invented for a reason. When preparing your home for the holiday, you should take care to free up as much free space as possible: move furniture, remove or hide unnecessary items, and clean. You can decorate your living space in advance, actively involving the birthday person in this process. If this is a private house, then you can decorate it outside, as well as in the yard. Don’t forget about a creative approach: for example, you can attach a sign saying “the birthday boy lives here” to a gate or fence, tie colorful balloons, and put a beautiful garland around the neck of a yard dog.

Our advantages in organizing a birthday party for a 4-year-old child

The Sea of ​​Joy agency has been organizing and holding holidays since 2011. We are not afraid of difficulties; we will take on orders of any complexity. Each holiday is an individual approach. Much attention is paid to details: script, props, costumes, decor, lighting, music.

Advantages of working with us:

  • professional artists with theatrical and pedagogical education;
  • individual scenarios;
  • a large selection of programs for all ages;
  • designer outfits, we can sew costumes specifically for a given theme;
  • We are chosen by large companies and famous personalities.

Organization of a birthday party for a 4-year-old child includes:

  • choosing a program, confirming the estimate;
  • assistance in site selection;
  • elaboration of the script by the artists, tailoring of outfits;
  • design layout of scenery, their creation;
  • discussion of the menu, playlist.

From us you can order photo and video shooting, creation of a souvenir video and books with photographs. Additionally, you can order cleaning of the site after the holiday. Without this service, the artists will leave all the props they use with you.

What to give to a child

Birthday is a day of pleasant surprises. Gift options for a girl who has turned 4 years old:

Sports equipment and outdoor toys

  • Children's transport:
  1. scooter;
  2. bike;
  3. sled.
  • Water activities:
  1. inflatable pool and accessories (circle, pool ball);

  2. water pistols;
  3. sets for games with water.
  • Sport equipment:
  1. balls;
  2. mini trampoline.
  • Sand games:
  1. sandbox;
  2. sand molds;
  3. trolleys;
  4. buckets, shovels, scoops.
  • Team games:
  1. bowling set;
  2. basketball set;
  3. croquet set.

Educational and developmental toys

  • Mosaics and puzzles.
  • Designers.
  • Kits for experiments.
  • Educational kits (counting, alphabet and others).

Art supplies

  • Modeling:
  1. plasticine;
  2. kinetic sand;
  3. polymer clay;
  4. modeling machines;
  5. modeling tools;
  6. play sets for modeling.

  • Paper art:
  1. colored paper;
  2. colored cardboard;
  3. tools for creativity;
  4. kits for appliques and origami.
  • Drawing and coloring:
  1. paints;
  2. colored pencils/pens/markers;
  3. sketchbooks;
  4. coloring books;
  5. brushes and accessories.


  • Fiction:
  1. fairy tales;
  2. poetry.
  • Educational literature:
  1. encyclopedias;
  2. books about the world around us and phenomena.
  • Books about children's leisure.
  • Child Development:
  1. alphabet;

  2. language learning;
  3. study of the surrounding world;
  4. learning numbers and counting.

Toys for girls:

  • electronic toys:
  1. tablet;
  2. telephone;
  3. watch;
  4. musical instruments;
  5. microphone.
  • role-playing toys:
  1. store game (checkout, grocery cart);
  2. household appliances (iron, vacuum cleaner);
  3. style and beauty (dressing table, hairdressing set);
  4. kitchen (stove, dishes);
  5. doctor's kit
  • Interactive toys.
  • Sets of figures (animals, people).
  • Stuffed Toys.
  • Dolls and baby dolls, doll accessories:
  1. doll houses;

  2. puppet theaters;
  3. furniture for dolls;
  4. clothes for dolls;
  5. doll strollers.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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