Table chants for a corporate event or party on March 8

Birthday is a fun and heartwarming holiday. Congratulations and warm wishes pour in from all sides for the birthday boy. On the occasion of the celebration, they arrange gatherings with friends or family. To make the holiday fun and interesting, games, competitions and other entertainment events are held. Children happily take part in holiday games, but adults are not so easy-going. They are embarrassed or lazy to go out into the circle. The organizer of a gala evening has to try to amuse the guests and arouse interest in participating in the festive program. No problem! Funny chants for a man's birthday by role will help entertain those present.

With the help of chants, a large number of people are involved in congratulating the birthday person, but at the same time those present remain in their places. A very comfortable and interesting entertainment room that will amuse guests and the birthday boy, put you in a positive mood and lift your spirits.

Shout for my husband's 33rd birthday

We would like to shout congratulations on your birthday.
And listen and look, you are thirty-three today. This age is very important, He comes to us one day, You don’t miss him, (name) is thirty-three.

You created something, you succeeded in something, you did a lot of good deeds. Also, live profitably, (name) – thirty-three.

You are a man in the prime of your life, you have conquered all the peaks. You catch your luck, (name) - thirty-three.

Be (name) always in shape, May your health be normal. Take everything from life, (name) - thirty-three.

So that you soon build a house, plant trees all around, then grow up your son, (name) - thirty-three.

(If all this is there)

You built a house, planted trees all around, now your son is growing up, (name) - thirty-three.

He found a beautiful wife, and brought her to his house, always love her alone, (name) - thirty-three.

Keep it up! And don't complain! Waiting for the best all the time! Don't lie on the sofa, After all, you are only thirty-three.

So that at forty and fifty, I will be happy in business and life. Be pleased with yourself, (name) - thirty-three.

Let no one object, pour it into their own glasses. Soak your throat with vodka, (name) - thirty-three.

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

The presenter asks questions, and the participants unanimously, clapping their hands, answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” If they agree with the statement. Or they stomp their feet and remain silent (or say “Oooh!” if they don’t agree.

Who, tell me openly, spent this year laughing? Who didn’t make an effort and just lay on the sofa? Are there any of you who sleep at least an hour at work? Which of you, tell us, worked even at night? Which of you deserves the title of “hard worker” for your efforts? Or maybe someone spent all these days on the Internet? Maybe they forgot something or were looking around the house for the remote control? And who walked with a cheerful step at least once a year to buy vodka? And who, tell me a secret, has been dreaming about this meeting all year? Who is ready to drink wine until the end of the New Year?

Katerina Stepanova

Competition at the table - My motto

In general, you can make some pretty cool wedding competitions with cards. Such a game is a table game for adults - My motto in life. Depending on the questions and answers, it can be used for any age. The essence of the game is simple, the leader puts the first set of cards in one box or places it on a tray, and the second set in another box or on a tray. Each participant pulls out one card from different sets and reads out what he got, starting with the words: My motto...

First set of cards:

  1. My motto is in love
  2. My motto in friendship
  3. My motto at work
  4. My motto in the store
  5. My motto on the beach
  6. My motto in the sauna
  7. My motto in bed
  8. My motto is away
  9. My motto in the restaurant
  10. My motto in the market
  11. My motto at the resort
  12. My wedding motto
  13. My motto in transport
  14. My motto in the bank
  15. My motto in the bedroom
  16. My motto in the kitchen
  17. My motto in the theater
  18. My motto at the club
  19. My motto in the hospital
  20. My motto for a romantic date
  21. My motto at the festive banquet

Second set of cards:

  1. Russian vodka - don't let yourself dry out!
  2. Enter quietly, speak clearly, ask little, leave quickly!
  3. Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow!
  4. He laughs well who laughs like a horse!
  5. Pay, don't break the bank - then enjoy!
  6. There is still gunpowder in the flasks and berries in the buttocks!
  7. He came, he saw and... he left!
  8. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have an impudent face!
  9. You may not shine with your mind, but you must shine with your boots!
  10. Big ship, big torpedo!
  11. If you drive slowly, you'll never get there!
  12. There's no need to run into me, because I'm a tornado!
  13. Those born to take cannot give!
  14. Control yourself if your legs won't hold you up!
  15. Happy people don't wear panties!
  16. I love you, life, and you love me - again and again...
  17. Money is not a luxury, but a means of drinking!
  18. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can drink today!
  19. Stand up for yourself, stand up for others!
  20. Pedal until you stop!
  21. I don’t swear, I speak it!

Instead of the suggested sayings, you can come up with your own versions of mottos, using various proverbs, sayings and catchphrases.

Funny and modern chants for corporate events

On the eve of the New Year, work corporate parties will be held throughout the country. In this section we have collected funny and modern New Year chants for corporate parties:

And today we have a feast

The men (on a signal): “Crow, clink la-la” - they clink their glasses with the ladies. The ladies (on a signal): “Wonderful, boom-boom” and send air kisses to the gentlemen sitting next to them.

And today we have a feast. We'll wear our pants to holes, fir trees, poplars. Cuckoo, ding-la-la.

And today we have a feast. And where there is a feast, there is peace. And a pleasant noise. “wonderful, boom boom”

And today we have a feast, we toast together. And we all can’t get bored “Crow, ding la-la”

And today we have a feast, we drink, of course, not kefir. But we have a sharp mind! “wonderful, boom boom”

And today we have a feast. Who made the costume for the feast? Who got drunk on the sly? “Crow, ding la-la”

And today we have a feast. We play, not sleep. The toast was said by a big silent man. “wonderful, boom boom”

And today we have a feast. I see someone hasn't finished drinking. It’s a pity we can’t “Crow, ding la la” without a hangover

And today we have a feast to drown our worries. The spree continues. “wonderful, boom boom”


Presenter: The New Year is knocking on the door, We have gathered for a banquet, And today we will say to illness and lack of money...

Guests: “Shoot!”

Host: So that you are persistent and don’t give in to problems. To all sorrows and sorrows, We will cheerfully shout...

Guests: “Shoot!”

Presenter: To be slim, beautiful, Graceful like a lynx, Let’s shout very loudly for sad and dreary days.…

Guests: “Shoot!”

Presenter: So that awards and encouragements rain down on you, Let’s breathe in more air, And let’s shout louder...

Guests: “Shoot!”

Presenter: And the size of the wonderful salary will rush sharply upward, We will shout out loudly only the tedious routine...

Guests: “Shoot!”

Host: To overseas resorts So that you and your family can get there, Thoughts “This is impossible!” Let’s say firmly “come on...

Guests: “Shoot!”

Host: Let your dreams know no barriers and always strive upward! Well, let’s answer bleak thoughts in the New Year...

Guests: “Shoot!”

Let's celebrate the Year of the Ox!

Presenter: Good holiday New Year Celebrated by our people. A nice reason to shout...

Guests: We will (symbol of the year) welcome you!

Leading. The Year of the Rat has already ended, He quietly said goodbye to us. We will call New Year...

Guests: We will (symbol of the year) welcome you!

Presenter: Santa Claus has been storing up gifts for all of us for a long time. They are ready to receive...

Guests: We will meet the Bull!

Presenter: Our global team - we support each other! Everyone is ready to dance!

Guests: We will meet the Bull!

Host: Toasts, competitions and songs! We’ll drink “a hundred,” or maybe “two hundred.” You can have fun walking!

Guests: We will (symbol of the year) welcome you!

What table competition should the celebration begin with?

The beginning of a wedding is a very important moment. It should put guests in a romantic and cheerful mood. It is here that the host establishes contact with the guests and sets the tone for further fun. The scenario is considered successful if everyone takes part in it: young people, their parents and guests. Therefore, table competitions must begin with chant games. For example, a wedding role-playing game shouting “I agree!”

To conduct this chant, the host divides the guests into two halves. The first group shouts: No, no, no!, the second: Yes, yes, yes!. The bride, at the signal from the host, says I agree!, the groom Oba-na!. The presenter indicates whose turn it is to speak.

Are we going to be silent and sad at the wedding? No no no! For a drink or a snack? Yes Yes Yes! Connect two destinies? I agree! Let's, let's have fun Yes, yes, yes! Let's try to get drunk No, no, no! We will very cleverly wrap the groom around Oba! Let's show off a little Yes, yes, yes! And we’ll steal the bride. I agree! But we'll probably get her back. No, no, no! If the groom dances for us Yes, yes, yes! Only, mind you, it’s not very bad, Oba! Let the guests kiss everyone Yes, yes, yes! From now on, the young people will not lose their love, Oba-na! I agree to give birth to children! And gain wealth Yes, yes, yes! Yes, on the street to passersby Distribute daily No, no, no! And set an example to all the lonely with this wedding Yes, yes, yes! So that the husband, coming home from work, exclaims only... Both-on! And his beloved wife would be faithful to him for a hundred years! I agree!

This fun game should be played at the beginning of the festive feast to create a positive mood among those present.

Cool chant for an anniversary


Today, here at the festive table, the hero of the day tied us with a sea knot. To untie this knot, we will have to disenchant us! Let's say the magic words, And the hero of the day's soul will tremble! All: "Fuck - tibi - doh - tibi - doh - tibi - doh"


Enter nirvana so that you can! All: "Fuck - tibi - doh - tibi - doh - tibi - doh"

So that the microbe goes around your house. All: "Fuck - tibi - doh - tibi - doh - tibi - doh"

So that grief does not step on the threshold - All: “Fuck - tibi - doh - tibi - doh - tibi - doh”

Paths that are not difficult and straight roads - All: “Fuck - tibi - doh - tibi - doh - tibi - doh”

May your god protect you. All: “Fuck - tibi - doh - tibi - doh - tibi - doh”

Silence is gold

At the beginning of the game, the host stipulates that there are a number of words that cannot be spoken during the half hour/hour/entire wedding event. It is desirable that these are the most common words at a wedding celebration, for example: Bitter!, bride, congratulations, wedding, flowers, glass, dress. After this, the presenter selects several people from the audience who will be asked tricky questions, forcing them to use forbidden words. It is recommended to interview not everyone at once, but everyone at certain intervals, so that guests have time to relax and lose vigilance. Example of a trap dialogue:

Can you tell me what the event is today? - Um... the wedding of my friends. Who is the most beautiful at this wedding? Bride
. (Error)

The most resourceful person receives a small present. And the one who makes a mistake - a fine (can be different, from reading poetry in honor of the newlyweds, to participating in some competition).

Shouting: “Oh, well, what a great fellow he is!”

For the next chant, those present at the celebration must remember the phrase: “Oh, well, what a great guy he is!” A slogan with an exclamation and admiring expression will add brightness and cheerful notes to such an interesting task.

What a fun birthday! Here, boredom and melancholy end. To (name of the birthday boy), congratulations pour in. Oh, well, what a great guy he is!

Handsome, helpful like a knight. Listen to him - a sage! There are only a few people like him, Oh, well, what a great guy he is!

He sits down at the dinner table, eats twenty cabbage rolls, Grandma can be proud of him, Oh, what a fine fellow he is!

When he puts on a tie, makes a hundred women's hearts fall in love, and politely blows everyone off, Oh, well, what a fine fellow he is!

He is a faithful family man, a master, a good, loving father, busy with household chores. Oh, what a great guy he is!

When you hammer a nail into the wall and hit your finger with a hammer - FUCK! He patiently falls silent... Oh, what a great fellow he is!

He disappears in the gardens In the fight against beetles, he is a brave man, Fearlessly pours poison Oh, what a fine fellow he is!

He collects a library of newspapers and advertisements, and knows a lot of jokes, Oh, well, what a fine fellow he is!

Let's raise a glass to him Yes, the birthday boy is a daredevil! How nice it is that we know him, Oh, what a great fellow he is!

Funny chant in the year of the Ox

The symbol of 2021 is the White Metal Bull. Here is a funny and modern chant about the Bull.

A common phrase for everyone is “We welcome the Year of the Ox!”

The beloved New Year is coming, everyone is saying goodbye to the old. We are celebrating the Year of the Ox! It's only begining.

The Christmas tree is dressing up, the Old Year is ending. Our people rejoice. We welcome the Year of the Ox!

We will call Santa Claus, we will decorate the apartment. A lot of pleasant troubles await, We welcome the Year of the Ox!

We give gifts to each other, put them under the Christmas tree in advance. Every moment awaits. We welcome the Year of the Ox!

We will make wishes, We will remember the passing year. After all, a new one is waiting at the gate. We welcome the Year of the Ox!

At one big table we play and sing songs. New Year is just around the corner. We are celebrating the Year of the Ox!

We are waiting for the chimes to strike, We don’t know what’s ahead. How many new worries await. We welcome the Year of the Ox!

Shout in the year of the Ox 2021

A cool New Year's chant especially for the Year of the Ox 2021:

Presenter: Good holiday New Year Celebrated by our people. A nice reason to shout...

Guests: We will meet the Cow!

Leading. The Year of the Rat has already ended, He quietly said goodbye to us. We will call New Year...

Guests: We will meet the Cow!

Presenter: Santa Claus has been storing up gifts for all of us for a long time. They are ready to receive...

Guests: We will meet the Cow!

Presenter: Our global team - we support each other! Everyone is ready to dance!

Guests: We will meet the Cow!

Host: Toasts, competitions and songs! We’ll drink “a hundred,” or maybe “two hundred.” You can have fun walking!

Guests: We will meet the Cow!

New Year's table game - chant “What do you want?”

1. Do you want to drink milk and compote all year round? What do you say in response... (NO)

2. Well, what if you have five-star cognac on an empty stomach? What do you say then... (YES)

3. Do you want to live without bonuses and benefits all year? What do you say in response...(NO)

4. Well, what if your salary is a hundred times greater? What do you say then... (YES)

5. Don’t you want to get into trouble all year? What do you say in response... (NO)

6. Well, what if you relax with someone in the Canaries? What do you say in response... (?)

7. Do you want to live without stress and worries all year round? What do you say then... (YES)

8. Well, what if you have hassle and migraines every day? What do you say then... (NO)

9. Well, what if we pour something into the glasses now? What do you say then... (YES)

Table chant for a woman's anniversary


We begin the first hearty toast here, we read a series of congratulatory poems, we throw lush bouquets at once, in a beautiful impulse we repeat for you:

(Name, patronymic of the hero of the day) many years to come!

Guests. Long live this beautiful lady!


She was born, studied, was pretty, at home and at work - everything is always great. She has a clear estimate for everything in her head!

Guests. Long live this beautiful lady!


Fate has gifted her with so many things: a husband, children... This is her strength in them! They love her, often ask for advice...

Guests. Long live this beautiful lady!


He has a lot of good habits: He values ​​​​his relatives in everything - both matchmakers and in-laws... He does not spare warmth and greetings for them.

Guests. Long live this beautiful lady!


This beauty is appropriate everywhere, She is curious about everything, she is interested in everything! Full of fantasies, like a poet's muse.

Guests. Long live this beautiful lady!


She is kind, she is smart, and she gives us this evening! And we are unlikely to find a better lady somewhere.

Guests. Long live this beautiful lady!


Participants in the competition are asked to write down on a piece of paper 10 adjectives that come to their minds first. Then they are given a text with gaps, instead of which they insert their adjectives, after which they read it to the young people. The text could be like this:

Dear…..groom and…..bride! From my..... soul and on behalf of..... the team, I congratulate you on this..... event! Happy….. the day when your….. hearts united and the most….. and….. family in the world was formed! I wish you….. love!

The winner is the author of the most fun and unusual wedding greeting.

Chant “Friendly company!”

Presenter: Hurray, it’s winter, and we’re walking, And soon we’ll celebrate the New Year. We have dreams, and we have desires. In general...

All guests: Friendly company!

Presenter: There were toasts, songs, speeches, New Year's Eve was in full swing. Women have a sea of ​​charm. We in general..

All guests: Friendly company!

Presenter: Even if Santa Claus is a little thin, And his voice is very young - We won’t pay attention to that. We as a whole...

All guests: Friendly company!

Presenter: And how good the Snow Maiden is - Well, really, the soul is trembling! Let him dance with us - there is a desire. We in general ...

All guests: Friendly company!

Presenter: Yes, dancing near the New Year tree - Look, so that the needles don’t fall off! Sometimes hugs and hugs - We as a whole...

All guests: Friendly company!

Presenter: We are all going into the New Year together, We have many wishes - maybe two hundred? May everyone’s dreams come true! We as a whole...

All guests: Friendly company!

Author – L. Miroshnichenko

Changelings - names of fairy tales

  1. Humpless camel (Humpbacked Horse).
  2. White handkerchief (Little Red Riding Hood).
  3. The Waking Monster (Sleeping Beauty).
  4. Awake Freak (Sleeping Beauty).
  5. Patient Oyzdorov (Doctor Aibolit).
  6. Big and someone who lives in the basement (Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof).
  7. Big Kum (Little Muk).
  8. A story about found space (The Tale of Lost Time).
  9. A true story about a smart cat (The Tale of a Stupid Mouse).
  10. Witch of the Ruby Village (Wizard of the Emerald City).
  11. Giant Ears (Dwarf Nose).
  12. Know-It-All and His Enemies (Dunno and His Friends).
  13. Girl-with-a-hand (Boy-with-a-thumb).
  14. Village in a cigarette case (Town in a snuff box).
  15. Rainy King (Snow Queen)
  16. Domestic ducklings (Wild swans).
  17. Housewife Toad (Traveler Frog).
  18. Homebody Toad (Traveller Frog).
  19. Zharilko (Morozko).
  20. Iron lock (Golden key).
  21. Buzzing beetle (Cluttering fly).
  22. Earth girl (Star boy).
  23. A pot of soup (a pot of porridge).
  24. Square (Kolobok).
  25. A goat and seven wolf cubs (Wolf and seven kids).
  26. Chicken Silver Paw (Cockerel Golden Comb).
  27. Mikhail the Peasant and the Little White Bunny (Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf).
  28. Myshkin barn (Cat's house).
  29. Tin animal (Goldfish).
  30. Dog without a hat (Puss in Boots).
  31. By the hare's refusal (by the pike's command).
  32. Chicken Lovely (Ugly Duckling).
  33. Prince on the Pumpkin (Princess and the Pea).
  34. Republic of straight windows (Kingdom of crooked mirrors).
  35. Rusty master key (Golden key).
  36. Pink mustache (Black beard).
  37. The village of inept (City of Masters).
  38. Barefoot dog (Puss in Boots).
  39. The Queen's Old Pants (The King's New Dress).
  40. The Cowardly Seamstress (The Brave Little Tailor).
  41. Ducks-drakes (Geese-swans).
  42. The Tsar and the Hare (The Man and the Bear).
  43. Chernobrovka (Goldilocks).
  44. Black Ice (Snow White).
  45. Nigella and chamomile (White and rosette).
  46. Edik in an ordinary village (Alice in Wonderland).

Just don’t think that guessing such reversals is a child’s game: it’s not so easy to understand the names of fairy tales if you hear them backwards. The guests are adults, they don’t remember the fairy tales anyway, and here alcohol also played a role: for some, a small dose clears their minds, and for others it clouds them! Moreover, there are several options for playing this game at a wedding:

  • Like an individual competition. You can buy small children's stickers in the form of berries, flowers, etc., and attach a sticker to everyone who is the first to guess the shapeshifter, and at the end, sum up: whoever has the most of them gets a prize.
  • Like a competition between teams. To do this, the participants are divided into teams, then the leader gives each team identical tasks printed in advance. At the signal from the leader, the teams begin the game simultaneously. The team that guesses the most flips within a certain time wins.

The one who solves the most shapeshifters will definitely receive a prize: after all, demonstrating your intelligence in the midst of a wedding, after a lot has been drunk and eaten, is very difficult.

Table games for a wedding and a rich program can fill any celebration with fun and create a warm festive atmosphere not only on the dance floor, but also at the table. The choice of original wedding games and competitions, as well as their proper implementation, will help you have the wedding of your dreams, which everyone will remember for many years!

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