Rainbow party: a full range of positive emotions

What could be more fun than a bright and cheerful party in the company of your best friends and loved ones? It's hot summer outside, which means it's time to throw a real rainbow party. And, believe me, to turn a day into an unforgettable holiday, you don’t have to have a reason for it.

In this article, we have prepared for you great ideas for organizing your own Rainbow Party, which will be of interest to both adults and the youngest children.

So, the first thing you need to think about is the decoration of the party.

How to decorate a rainbow party?

To decorate the room, you can use balloons, crepe paper, satin ribbons and paper pompoms in rainbow colors. Decorate the festive table, walls and ceiling with decorative items.

Using a few fern leaves and balloons of rainbow lights, you can make a fashionable and stylish garland with your own hands, which will be a wonderful holiday decoration, both in the apartment and outdoors.

To decorate your party, use a rainbow holiday banner, which you can download from our website.

Happy wonderful birthday garland/streamer printable

Party the color of the sun

What color will reign at this party? There is not just one, there are two at once - yellow and orange. In fact, the holiday can be dedicated to any other colors: green, red, blue, purple, lilac, etc. Each of them is good in its own way. For example, green is a symbol of balance, harmony of body, soul and spirit. Red is a symbol of life. This is the color of energy, indomitable forward movement. Blue is a sign of wisdom, yellow carries positive energy that promotes inspiration, and purple is an indicator of a craving for the mysterious; experts say that it awakens intuition. However, yellow and orange are colors of extraordinary power. These are the colors of joy. It is they, according to psychologists, that, in addition to promoting a positive mood and focusing on the expectation of changes in life, help get rid of complexes (especially orange ones), and the ruff tribe of teenagers is full of them. When you want to fully immerse yourself in fun, jokes and laughter, then choosing sunny flowers as the main theme of the party will be the right decision. However, if the majority of friends (or the birthday person) prefer some other color, the holiday will also work out. Only in your own way.

What you need for the party - Invitation cards, the shape of which will resemble, for example, an orange. In addition to indicating the place and time of the party, invitation cards should also include the request “come dressed in ORANGE!” or - “come in YELLOW!” — Appropriate room design: orange or yellow lampshade (you can wrap the chandelier in some safe material of the desired color). Orange ribbons and balloons may hang from the ceiling. Together with other orange and yellow objects (cushions, vases, etc.), they will create a feeling of light and warmth, regardless of the weather outside the window. On the central wall, if the party is organized for a birthday, there is a poster with the image of a happy, smiling birthday boy (a pasted photograph helps ensure recognition), with a red head of hair, caressed by the rays of the sun, under it is a garland of balloons according to the number of years lived. It should be written on them: “1st year”, “2nd year”, etc. - The festive table can be covered with a “sunny” tablecloth, but better - with napkins (so that the decoration is not overly bright). Among the treats are oranges, tangerines, apricots (dried apricots), persimmons, dishes made from carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, candies (mixed candies in orange, sand, yellow, red wrappers), orange jelly in vases. Drinks - orange juice, Fanta, etc. - Props for competitions - oranges and tangerines. — The reward fund is supplies of orange (tangerine) and lemon caramel as incentives for each competition, and the main prize is a kilogram of oranges, mangoes or another similar product, outlandish for the northern latitudes. — Musical arrangement (“King - Orange Summer”, “Orange Song”, “Orange Song”, etc.). — A crown of orange or bright yellow for a ceremony honoring the luckiest guest.

How to throw a party

Orange, like yellow, is the color of the party everywhere - in the dresses of the guests, in the decoration of the room and table, in the competition tasks, and finally, in the prizes for the winners of the orange fever. And someone will be lucky enough to become the Orange King or Orange Queen (Solar King, Solar Queen). But the most important thing is that joyful energy will fill each of those present. Everyone will be in a life-affirming “orange”, sunny mood: both the organizers and the guests.

Entertainment program

If a party is a birthday


As befits a birthday, at the beginning of the holiday, guests are given the opportunity to express good wishes to the hero of the occasion. The congratulatory ceremony this time will be special.

Pineapple mango version. You will need an elegant assortment of fruit pieces - pineapple and mango.

WHAT ELSE IS NEEDED FOR THIS CONGRATULATION CEREMONY - A knife with which to get the pieces - Multi-colored plastic skewers on which the juicy pulp of tropical fruits is placed - A vase where you can put them

Each guest says a short congratulatory word, and at the end of the speech puts a piece of pineapple or mango into his mouth. The procedure continues until the vase is empty. How many good things a newborn will hear addressed to him - there are a lot of fragrant pieces!

Orange version. For this greeting, guests join hands to form a circle. In the center of the circle is the birthday boy with a golden fruit, or even two (so that there are enough slices for all the guests) in his hands. The guests begin to dance around the newborn and sing to the tune of the song for the game “Loaf”.

Guests. As for... (name of the birthday boy) We bought an orange. This is such a height (hands are raised up), This is such a lowness (hands are lowered down)! This is the width (the arms are spread wide to the sides, and the circle becomes larger), This is the dinner (everyone approaches the birthday boy - the circle narrows)! Orange, orange, There are many of us, but he is alone.

Birthday boy. I’ll give a slice to everyone, but I’ll give a whole one... (the guest’s name is called).

Each person who receives a rolling orange ball performs a number in honor of the birthday person.


This entertainment is a worthy culmination of the congratulatory part of the solar birthday party.

WHAT YOU NEED FOR A FIREWORKS - Orange or yellow balloons for each guest - Safety pins - according to the number of balloons - Scotch tape

Make the sharp ends of safety pins safe by wrapping them with tape. Attach a pin to each ball with tape, and then you can proceed in one of the following ways.

Method one. At the presenter’s signal, the guests first throw the balls up, and then, having caught them, make the balls burst, and burst all at once - after all, a real fireworks display is accompanied by a loud cannonade!

Method two. First, the guests also throw the balls up, and then, having caught them, they take turns making the balls burst. There should be as many “volleys” as the birthday boy is old.

Method three. If the weather permits, the festive fireworks will please you not with their volume, but with their brightness: all the balloons can be immediately released into the sky. As the yellow-orange cloud moves away, wishes should be heard addressed to the birthday person.

Whatever fireworks option you choose, everyone will remember it for a long time. This is a very expressive stage of a festive meeting of friends that evokes strong positive emotions.

If the party is in honor of a calendar, personal holiday... or just a holiday for the soul


An auction, even a holiday one, can be educational and can turn into a competition in logical thinking and erudition. What else is special about this auction? The fact is that each lot (question) will have something to do with the color orange.

WHAT YOU NEED FOR AN AUCTION - A drum is a device from which the next lot is taken (an orange fruit with a square of paper attached to it with tape with a number corresponding to the number of a particular issue). A capacious jar with a wide neck, or a saucepan with a lid, or a plastic bag will do - A list of questions on a separate sheet with serial numbers - A hammer for the auction manager - Registration cards of participants - rectangular cardboards with numbers printed on them - Musical accompaniment

The auction manager, to the sounds of a cheerful melody, spins the drum for some time with orange “balls” placed in it - numbered oranges. Then the music stops and he takes a fruit out of the drum, reads out the question number attached to it, and the assistant manager reads out the question. The manager announces the price of the lot - the maximum number of game points for a comprehensive answer (it is determined by the organizers in advance). If any bidder wishes to respond, he will hold up his registration card. If the answer is correct, he is awarded victory points. You can also earn points for participating in the bidding process—by clarifying an answer or providing additional information. A lot is considered “sold” if no one has expressed a desire to participate in the auction before the auction hammer hits. The winner of the auction is the guest who scores the highest amount of points.

Question options 1. Explain the meaning of the expression: “What am I, a redhead, or what?” (I am no more stupid than others.) 2. According to the rules of etiquette, how do you peel tangerines and oranges? (Tangerines - with your hand, oranges - with a knife.) 3. Who came up with orange mothers who sing orange songs to their orange children? (Arkady Arkanov and Grigory Gorin) 4. Which singer turns to her beloved with the words: “Do you want sweet oranges?” (Zemfira) 5. Why did women in medieval Europe avoid dyeing their hair red? (Red hair was perceived by others as an indicator of belonging to evil spirits, as the mark of the devil.) 6. Officials of which country are called tangerines? (China) 7. How can you explain that lifebuoys, buoys at sea, vests of workers on the railway and even the black box on airplanes (you would be wrong to think that it is really black) are painted orange? (Orange color has the property of attracting a person’s gaze, and therefore materials of this color are used for objects, things, if they want to make them more noticeable.) 8. Continue the teaser “Red-haired, red-haired, freckled...” and say: what cartoon is it from, and also who is the author of these lines? (“I killed my grandfather with a shovel,” the cartoon was called “Red-haired, red-haired, freckled,” and the author of the lines was Eduard Uspensky.) 9. Name the song for whose author and performer a stylish orange tie became a faithful companion? (Song “Stylish Orange Tie”, lyrics by Valery Syutkin, music by Evgeniy Khavtan) 10. The name of which orange fruit in Latin means “divine food”, probably due to the very, very sweet taste of the ripe fruit? (Persimmon) 11. Where does the expression come from: “I’m not Ryzhikov, I’m Chizhikov?” (From the movie “The Adventures of Electronics.”) 12. Who is the author of the “fruit fairy tale” itself, among the characters of which are Mandarin, Orange, Lemon, and Lemon? (Gianni Rodari) 13. What famous story by Arthur Conan Doyle has to do with the color red? (“Union of Redheads”) 14. Hollywood has conquered many red-haired actresses. Name at least a few of them. (Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Bette Miller, Diana Kitton, Susan Sarandon) 15. What does the expression “know like a pig about oranges” mean? (Do not understand the essence of the question at all)


This part of the party is doomed to wild success. Everyone can participate in the fashion show, acting both as clothing demonstrators and as spectators, enthusiastic or a little critical, depending on the circumstances.

WHAT YOU NEED FOR ENTERTAINMENT - Catwalk - Costumes of guests, specially selected for the party - A solid additional supply of various yellow and orange things - wigs, satin ribbons, stationery and other fiery red stuff for spectacular additions to costumes - Pre-prepared accessories from orange-colored materials

At the festive gathering of fans of the color of the sun, “yellow-orange” positivity will reign. How could it be otherwise if the guests, walking along the catwalk, explain to the audience the merits of their costumes, in which the details of these cheerful colors occupy not the least place? The organizers of the exhibition of corresponding accessories should not lag behind the clothing demonstrators in wit: original bags, hairpins, ties, umbrellas, jewelry, bows, paper flowers, fans, etc. All these items must also be presented to the audience. Then they will be able to evaluate the creative idea, award a certain number of points to the manufacturers of the exhibits and, perhaps, also walk with their favorite thing on the podium, receiving applause.

Important! Exhibits for the exhibition can be made in advance - as homework. Particularly honorable participants in the fashion show are red-haired and freckled guests.

And now comes the turn of active entertainment. The proposed activities - “Crossing”, “Orange Pyramid”, “Race for the Agile”, “Bouquet of Balloons Relay Race” - will require a lot of physical strength and energy from the guests. They will prove themselves just like the advertised energizer batteries that never tire.


Remember the words of a wonderful children's song about sad little men “somewhere by the orange river”? A visit to the shore of such a strange river will take place during this game. Actually, it doesn’t cost anything to get to one of its banks - all the participants in the game will gather there. The goal is to get to the opposite bank as quickly as possible.

WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY THE GAME - Inflatable rubber circles - orange boats (the circles can be wrapped in orange ribbons). The number of boats depends on the number of swim participants - Chalk - for marking the river banks on the floor - Orange life jackets. They can be made from anything - from paper, ribbons, etc. - Musical accompaniment

At the signal from the presenter (he turns on dynamic music), the players are seated on the boats, positioned right in the center of the lifebuoys - 2-3 competitors start at the same time. Pushing off with their arms and legs, they strive to get ahead of their opponents. The winner of each race will receive a reward - a fragrant fruit.


The host forms teams of builders from the guests. They delegate their representatives (when choosing them, you can resort to drawing lots) for the construction of elegant structures. Competitors must assemble pyramids of oranges in 1 minute. The base of such a pyramid may consist of 4-5 fruits, and in subsequent layers there will be fewer and fewer of them. The “spire” of the structure can be as high as desired, but it must be stable. The completion of the construction of the pyramid is indicated by a friendly exclamation from the construction team: “Ready!” The winner is the team whose pyramid turns out to be taller and more stable - it will last longer than the opponents’ construction.


Individual dodgers, pairs of dodgers, or team members can run. In the latter case, specialists in moving oranges and lemons in various ways will take turns.

WHAT YOU NEED FOR THE COMPETITION - Oranges and lemons - Chalk - to mark the start and finish lines

Types of races - Walk the distance with a piece of fruit held between your knees. - Drag the fruit along the floor with a stick, knocking down the placed pins. - Go the distance while holding an orange on a table tennis or badminton racket. — Carry a fruit to two participants, holding it between their heads. - Jump around with a plate on an outstretched leg, on which there is fruit. The winner's laurels go to the fastest competitor who managed to never drop the treacherous fruit. — Move towards the finish line backwards, throwing the fruit from one hand to the other. The winner is the one who is more skilled in juggling - he has thrown the fruit more times. — Overcome the distance by getting on all fours and pushing the fruit forward with your forehead.


Young people dedicate this competition to girls (or the birthday girl). Spectacular orange bouquets - aren't they wonderful gifts?

WHAT YOU NEED FOR THE RELAY - Sheets of whatman paper - according to the number of teams - Orange and yellow paints. To make the bouquet even more elegant, you can also use red paint. Instead of paints, you can use felt-tip pens - the drawings are less expressive, but dry faster - Brushes - Cups of water - Chalk - to mark the starting line on the floor - Musical accompaniment

The host helps the guests form teams, and they line up at the starting line. As soon as the music starts playing, team members, in order of priority, run up to the nearest sheet of Whatman paper and draw a flower (or several at once) using paints and a brush or a felt-tip pen. There is no point wasting time in this, otherwise the opponent will pass the baton - a brush or felt-tip pen - to a member of his team faster. The competition continues as long as the music continues. And then it’s time to take stock. Whose bouquet they choose will win the prize. Less fortunate artists deserve incentive pay.


How soulfully you can sing about the love of life, one of the symbols of which is the color orange!

The evening program may include “orange” hits from different years: - “Orange song” (lyrics by A. Arkanov and G. Gorin, music by K. Pevzner) - “Orange song” (group “Brilliant”, authors unknown to the general public ) - “The King - Orange Summer” (lyrics by V. Stepantsov, music by V. Syutkin) - “Oranges” (lyrics by L. Derbenev, music by I. Nikolaev) - “Orange mood” (group “Chaif”, authors unknown to the general public) - “Orange Dreams” (group “Merry Guys”), etc.

Of course, the party organizers will not find a special disc with “orange” songs. Therefore, they themselves will have to record suitable songs, or rather, their melodies, on disk. And hand out sheets of text to guests. If you want a more live performance, solo or group, then it’s worth rehearsing a little in advance, at least for individual performers - the rest will pick up. And the inspired singing will make everyone’s mood even more “orange.”


From time to time, everyone wants to look into the future in order to understand how to live in the present. And they look in. But everyone does it differently: some in their dreams, some using the services of dubious clairvoyants and gypsies... There is a more reliable and witty way - using the orange horoscope.

WHAT YOU NEED FOR FUN - 10-12 oranges - Labels made of adhesive tape with written numbers - the serial numbers of the main events that should happen in the future - A large plastic bucket - An elastic stocking with a cut off trace - A list of numbered major upcoming life events - on a beautifully designed scroll — Paper and pen to record the predictions received — Another scroll — Musical accompaniment

Labels with numbers are placed on the oranges. Then the fruits are placed in a bucket. The stocking is pulled over the bucket - not completely, through the remaining free part of the stocking the oranges will roll out of the bucket. To the accompaniment of music, the person who takes on the role of the fortuneteller must first vigorously shake the bucket to mix its contents. Then he tilts the bucket, and everyone who wants to shed light on the future takes turns catching the falling oranges. The fortuneteller's assistant writes down in the protocol which number each guest got. When the container with the fruits is empty, the fortuneteller takes the scroll in his hands and announces the milestones of life, as well as the numbers under which they appear on the list. This way the guests will know what the prediction will be about.

Approximate content of a magic scroll 1. School years. 2. First love. 3. School graduation party. 4. Admission to university. 5. First salary. 6. Love is like a dream. 7. Wedding. 8. Birth of a child. 9. Work, work and more work. 10. New business project. 11. Stable financial situation. 12. Dreams come true.

The presenter will tell you what the destinies of fate will actually result in by looking at another scroll. Intrigued guests may hear something like this (make your own adjustments):

1. School years are unforgettable, and classmates are the closest people for life. 2. A short-lived and stormy romance with a former classmate or former classmate from a parallel class. 3. Well, let's take a walk! 4. Admission to a university: I always dreamed of going into medicine, but ended up in food science. 5. It’s good that the first salary was enough for ice cream in a cafe and flowers for mom. My friends and mom really liked everything. 6. Love, like a dream, is one and lasts a lifetime. 7. A wedding is a rare harmonious union of kindred souls, when one feels the other’s state as if it were their own. 8. The birth of the first child - honey-daughter, daddy's favorite. 9. Going to work feels like a holiday, and... disappointment. 10. Own business project: “everything according to the mind and soul.” 11. A hospitable home is a full cup. There is a bicycle, a scooter... Next up is a yacht and an airplane. 12. Only one thing upsets me: “And the years fly by…” and give new dreams!


There is no teen party without a disco. No matter how much effort is spent on the festive lists, there will still be enough of it for the disco. And at this disco it will be oh so hot - the sunny colors will do their job and melt away the bad mood. What will the DJ please you with? Song hits of recent times! Old things cannot survive in sunny temperatures! However, at a disco there can be more than just dancing. “Orange” games skillfully built into it will contribute to the development of the theme to which the party is dedicated, making it even more interesting and fun.


Orange harvest. The host invites the guests to divide into two teams, and his assistants turn the room into an orange grove: “oranges grow” on the floor, in armchairs, on chairs, etc. Teams must collect the harvest as quickly as possible into the baskets provided to them, but this must be done with the help of special equipment - tablespoons. At the same time, you must remember to move to the beat of the music (the “Orange Song” performed by the group “Brilliant”) is playing. Both teams start collecting fruits at the same time - there is enough fruit for everyone. The team that is the first to collect all the fruits, or the one with the most fruits in the basket, wins.

Orange is in fashion. The guests stand in a circle and, using a counting rhyme, determine the leader who will give the commands. For example: “Touch the orange object on your head, one, two, three!” After the command is given, each player must, as quickly as possible, touch the orange object on the announced part of the body of the guest standing next to him (or simply the named part of the body, if there is no orange object on it). Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. Then the leader gives the command again, but already points to another part of the body or piece of clothing. For example: “Orange buttons are in fashion!” Or maybe freckles, hair pins, rivets on shirts, etc. The last participant in the game wins.

Who has an orange? Guests form a narrow circle, touching each other's shoulders. Using a counting rhyme, they determine the driver: he takes a place in the center of the circle, and the rest again close their shoulders, and their hands are behind them. In the hand of one of the players there is an orange, which he passes on to his neighbor, who then passes on. The presenter must find out who has the fruit. Thinking that he is on the right track, he, looking at the suspicious player, should say: “Hands!” And he must obey the command - extend his arms with open palms forward. The winner is the one who can, using three attempts, correctly determine the location of the elusive orange.

Dance with an orange. A chair is placed in the center of the room, and the presenter (birthday boy) sits on it with a large beautiful orange in his hands. Two girls approach him at the same time and, curtseying, invite him to dance. The birthday boy makes his choice: he goes to dance with one, and gives the remaining one an orange. She sits down on a chair. Two young men approach the young lady, the lady chooses a gentleman, leaving the game talisman to another guest. This is how dancing pairs are formed while the music sounds invitingly.

Dance orangeball. Orangeball, like volleyball and basketball, is a team game. Only on the playground at the same time there is not one, but several, or rather, many balls - oranges. In addition to the fruit, you will need a rope - it is pulled across the dance floor and secured at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor. This will be the "grid". The host helps the guests divide into two teams. While performing dance steps to cheerful music, players must throw as many oranges as possible into the opponent's territory. The team that has the fewest oranges at the end of the music wins. Jugglers dance. The host hands each guest three inflated orange or yellow balloons. As soon as the music starts, the contestants, moving to the rhythm of the dance, must, like skilled jugglers, throw the balls up, trying not to let any of them fall. If this does happen, the contestant continues the dance with the remaining props. The most dexterous one, who managed to hold the obstinate objects for the longest time, wins.

Dance marathon. The host helps the guests divide into two teams. Each person receives the necessary props - orange balloons. Team members must form two circles, with balloons sandwiched between the competitors' heads. The host turns on fiery music (lady, Charleston, “Dance of the Ducklings,” lambada, sirtaki, rock and roll), and the guests start dancing, trying to keep the balls trying to slip out. The winner is the team that allowed the fewest balls to fall, despite the fact that they danced with all their might.

The disco ends with the counting of the winning trophies collected by the guests. And then the names of the Orange Queen or the Orange King (Solar Queen, Solar King) are called. While the song “King - Orange Summer” is playing, the winner is put on a crown and awarded the main prize - a whole kilogram of juicy, fragrant fruits the color of the sun. Each guest, when leaving home, will take with him at least one orange orange - a little sunshine that will remind of the wonderful time spent with friends. The evening ends with a kind parting word from the owner or hostess of the house and the organizers of the holiday, which is echoed by the others: “Be healthy and live well!”

Rainbow Salad

Required ingredients:

red - tomatoes or red peppers; orange - orange pepper; yellow - corn or yellow pepper; green - green onions or aromatic greens; blue - black beans; purple - red onion.

Season the salad with salt and pepper and add vegetable oil to taste.

Pizza Rainbow

Rainbow pizza can be a hot dish. Decorated with rainbow colored vegetables, sausage and cheese.

Menu, serving

If this is a holiday for adults, you should not “drown” dishes in a heap of petals and buds. A few elegant details are enough to maintain the theme. Menu according to the taste of the company. It is advisable to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, seafood, light snacks, and natural juices.

  • petals around the perimeter of the plate, extending beyond its limits. You will get a salad or hot dish in the center of the bud;
  • glue or paint with acrylic thin delicate flowers on transparent dishes;
  • Decorate desserts with sugar flowers;

  • buds, petals on cakes, cupcakes (icing, mastic);
  • bouquets of live sweets in miniature vases;
  • roses wrapped in napkins or thin paper wreaths instead of napkin rings;

  • prepare cookies and chocolate (melt, pour) in a shape that emphasizes the theme;
  • roses from any thin slices, tulips from cherry tomatoes, chrysanthemums from egg whites cut into strips . There are hundreds of ways to make a flower from any food! Look at the photo and MK on the Internet, there are definitely no problems with this;
  • you can sew petal skirts for bottles and glasses;

  • For a birthday or anniversary party, order/bake a cake in the shape of a flower , a summer meadow, or simply decorated with delicious buds.

Fruit canapé

For dessert, be sure to prepare a fruit canapé. Canapés can be served on skewers, or for small children in disposable plastic cups.

Approximate ingredients required for fruit canapes:

purple – grapes; blue – blueberry; green – green grapes; yellow – melon or apricots; orange – pineapple or citrus fruits; red – strawberry.

Rainbow Cake

And of course, the main dish at any party is the birthday cake. And at a rainbow party there should be not just a simple cake, but a real “Rainbow Cake”.

You can add a bright, rich color with food coloring.

You can decorate a rainbow cake with multi-colored cake cream or small candies in multi-colored glaze.


One of the organizers’ favorite options is to ask guests to come in clothes of the chosen color (they need to be distributed in advance, evenly covering the entire palette). As a rule, no one has any questions about what to wear - a rainbow party assumes a relaxed dress code and comfortable outfits: T-shirts, light dresses, shirts. The photos turn out great! Especially if you ask everyone to stand like in the rhyme about the hunter and the pheasant.

Another option is a rainbow in the sky. Blue denim - trousers, skirts, shorts - will act as the sky. And the top is white T-shirts (clouds) with the image of a rainbow or, again, the shade chosen for the guest. An interesting “planetary” option: a green bottom and a blue T-shirt with a rainbow.

The look will be complemented by homemade accessories - striped ties, bow ties, horns, bows, wigs and glasses. Matching makeup and colored mascara will enhance the effect!

If you're planning a rainbow party for adults or teens, the third option will be quite time-consuming. Guests must be striped from toe to head! There will be no problems with socks, but the rest can confuse the guests. But for children, buying or sewing such outfits will not be difficult; you just need to give parents time to prepare.

Rainbow party competitions

What is a holiday without fun and unforgettable competitions and games. The news portal “Vtemu.by” offers to organize active and gambling competitions and games. And one of the options will be Rainbow Bowling .

In order to organize Rainbow Bowling, you will need to prepare props. Prepare seven identical plastic bottles. Fill each bottle with water and then color the water. You can add the most ordinary gouache to water.

Screw the lids on the bottles tightly and start playing.

Another competition option for a rainbow party is the game "Throw the Ring" . Make colorful rings from disposable paper plates and a ring pole from a cardboard tube.

And another great fun option is to create amazing decorations from pasta. Paint pasta of various shapes with acrylic paints and arm yourself with a bright rope.

Festival of Disorder

Target audience: children 5-7 years old.

Is clutter a theme for a birthday party? Of course, this is just another Saturday at home for you. The party will be all about mess and dirt (if you're a brave parent, add some jelly and paint).

After such a holiday, in the eyes of your children you will be the coolest dads and moms in the world. Let go of perfectionism. Stock up on paints (washable, of course), streamers, confetti, jelly. Serve original food in graffiti style. Let the kids act like real savages!

Menu and sweet table

We offer toast with guacamole and sour cream, American sandwiches a la Sloppy Joe, or sausage sandwiches that are close to our stomach as main dishes. Liquorice candies will complement a themed party with just their appearance. Gummy worms and snakes, chocolate eyes will 100% please your audience. All this is tasty, unusual, economical.

Rainbow cupcakes

Rainbow cupcakes will successfully replace the traditional birthday cake. These delicious little ones are different from the usual cupcake with colorful colors that your six-year-olds will love. You can decorate the top of the cupcake with vanilla ice cream, on which the rainbow will be applied. Place a bag of dyes in the corner so that the children can complete the masterpiece themselves.

Additional ideas

Question: how to organize a crazy party without rebuilding a destroyed house? Donate a garage or yard space. Lay out some plastic sheeting or a tarp, hand out paints, brushes, splatters, cardboard shields and other goodies, and then just close your eyes. Repeat: you are the coolest parents in the world!


Invite the kids to fight with serpentines. Hang a huge piñata with a slippery surprise under your garage roof. Imagine how, instead of candy, freshly cooked spaghetti falls out of the piñata. By the way, how about an amateur painting in the style of Jackson Pollock on the wall of the house?

Don't forget about the dirt. If you want to make the party really crazy, fill a kiddie pool with clay and add water to taste. After the wild fun, splash the playful kids up to their ears in mud with a garden hose. Unforgettable summer experiences are guaranteed!

Important: Let your parents know about the theme of your party. Let them prepare old clothes for the children that you don’t mind. You, in turn, should take care of showers and towels for guests.

Photo shoot Rainbow

And finally, the kindest and brightest memories should remain about every fun event. And to secure them, you can arrange a festive photo shoot.

To organize a photo shoot at a party, it is important to organize a thematic background. These can be hung satin ribbons or pieces of fabric in accordance with the well-known rhyme “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.”

So, the background for the photo shoot is ready and you can start taking photographs as a keepsake.

The news portal “Vtemu.by” wishes you happy holidays and good mood!

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