What to give to friends for their 1st wedding anniversary. Calico wedding (1 year). years - turquoise wedding. What to gift

The 1st wedding anniversary is considered an important day of married life for a reason. It was on this day a year ago that the couple legalized their relationship and all the events are still fresh in their memory. After a year of relationship as spouses, passion and sensuality do not fade away; rather, on the contrary, they gain momentum with renewed vigor. Especially if a young family is planning to expand. Therefore, this date should not be left unnoticed; it is recommended to celebrate it in some way, be it with modest gatherings at home or a magnificent celebration like the wedding itself. It is important to inform invited guests that according to signs, they cannot come to such a date without a gift.

"Cintz" gifts for the first anniversary

The first anniversary is usually called the Calico wedding. The main gift for a year of marriage was traditionally chintz intended for diapers. Usually by this time a young family was already expecting their first baby.

Now young people look at the birth of children differently, and chintz is no longer considered a valuable gift. However, the tradition of giving textiles for the first year of a wedding remains. An ideal gift for a family who has lived under the same roof for a year could be a warm blanket, a beautiful tablecloth, a bedspread, curtains, bed linen, terry sheets, and beautiful towels. Inexpensive gifts include napkins or small fabric paintings, which, by the way, you can embroider yourself.

You can give clothes as a gift for a chintz wedding. A useful and practical gift would be two bathrobes or two cozy pajamas, of course, one for women and one for men. You can also give a T-shirt to your husband and wife. It will look even more original if you order personalized T-shirts with congratulatory or humorous inscriptions.

A wonderful gift for a chintz wedding would be a painting on canvas. You can take the most successful wedding photograph as a subject. Such a gift will definitely become a family heirloom.

What is not recommended to give?

It is worth remembering that modern couples do not always strive to have children in the first year of life. Therefore, if you donate paraphernalia for a child without consulting them, you can ruin friendly relations.

The gift would be appropriate only if there is a small family member. Children's clothing should be chosen carefully; most young mothers prefer to solve this issue on their own. If the guest is not a close friend of the young family, a neutral gift would be the best choice.

Only members of the immediate circle have the right to give gifts of an intimate nature, since they know best about the tastes of the spouses. Certificates for extreme sports may also not be the best, albeit original, idea. Animals should also not be given as gifts without the couple’s knowledge.

Even if it is obvious that there is an item that the couple lacks in the household, if you are not their close friend, you should not make the purchase yourself. Before taking this step, you should discuss the need with friends or relatives. it happens that someone has already decided to present them with an item. You should also discuss together the possibility of a large gift in the form of equipment, and not make decisions alone.

In order for the 1st wedding anniversary date to go smoothly, it is important to choose the right gift and organize the event correctly. Options such as T-shirts, towels, tablecloths, potholders and other small household utensils can serve as a present. It is worth remembering that in the first year of marriage, it is not so much the value of the gift that is important, as the very attention of the couple to each other and the environment towards them.

What do newlyweds give each other on their first wedding anniversary?

According to tradition, the wife should give her husband a shirt, and the husband should give his beloved wife a sundress. Nowadays, instead of a sundress, you can buy a fashionable T-shirt or a beautiful robe. As a last resort, it is enough to simply exchange cotton handkerchiefs and a passionate kiss.

Of course, no one forbids loving people from making expensive memorable gifts in addition to textiles. A young wife will happily accept gold jewelry from her happy husband, which will remind her of the first anniversary of family life for a long time.

Practical gifts for a chintz wedding

Supporters of practical gifts can move away from folk traditions and buy some household appliances for their wedding anniversary. If your family still doesn’t have a convenient coffee maker, a functional blender, kitchen scales, a toaster or a good iron, then the wedding anniversary is a great reason to get them!

It is considered indecent to give gifts that hint at the arrival of children. But, if young people are preparing for their first child, you can give them something that will indirectly be useful after replenishing the family. A useful gift would be a clothes dryer, an electric heater, an air ionizer, and a small blanket.

To free up space in your closet, vacuum bags will be useful for compact packaging of things. A set of such bags is a very useful gift. It is possible that a universal plastic chest of drawers will fit into the home of a young family, where you can put numerous children's things.


Previously, when the family celebrated their first anniversary, relatives gave the newlyweds gifts made of chintz, hinting that the couple needed to strengthen their vibrant family relationships. It is appropriate to present chintz gifts today.

According to tradition, the daughter-in-law should receive a cotton dress from her mother-in-law. In addition to this, you can give your children a piece of chintz for sewing bedding or diapers, or a set of towels (kitchen napkins) for their first wedding anniversary. Beautiful fabric looks great in finished products intended for interior decoration. That is why you can give a handmade souvenir as a gift - paired tilde dolls, a panel painting, a lampshade, a patchwork blanket.

How to sew tildes:

What to give for 1 year of marriage - gifts for a “calico” wedding

The first year of marriage has flown by, and now the very day on which a year ago the newly-made spouses legalized their relationship is approaching. Still so fresh in my mind! No matter what has changed this year - perhaps a new addition is coming to the young family or the housing issue has somehow been resolved - feelings are still so new, and passion and tenderness still rule the roost in relationships.

This day cannot be ignored, regardless of whether a magnificent celebration or modest home gatherings are planned. Close people should express their attention and love to each other by presenting pleasant gifts. And if guests are invited to the holiday, they should not come empty-handed either!

We will help you choose original and traditional ideas for choosing a gift for your significant other or a young couple for their first wedding anniversary.

Should we celebrate our first wedding anniversary?

The couple must resolve this sensitive issue on their own. But more often than not, a couple decides to celebrate an important date by inviting their closest relatives and friends to visit at home. Such a holiday is another reason to bring together important people who were with the couple on a significant day.

Solving the question of where to celebrate the first wedding anniversary is simple. Most couples follow the standard option and celebrate in a family home environment. Some people choose a more unconventional option with a themed trip to a restaurant or cafe. But most agree that home furnishings are more cozy and date-themed. At home, you can refresh your memory of some moments from the wedding by reviewing the photo and video materials provided by the photographer and cameramen.

If you choose the option of visiting a cafe or restaurant, you shouldn’t skimp. It is recommended to choose the best location in the city. An ideal and romantic option would be to book tables in the place where the celebration itself took place a year ago. Everyone should feel comfortable in the chosen place. If you wish, you can invite a host or toastmaster to the celebration. This technique will lift your spirits and allow you to go back a year for a few hours.

But not all couples prefer a quiet home celebration of such a date. Often couples specially retire on this day and spend time together. A 1 year wedding anniversary is a great occasion to have either a romantic dinner or go on a trip together to a neighboring city not far from home. Such a trip will be remembered by lovers for its special, romantic atmosphere. You can have a more modest celebration by attending an interesting film at your local cinema. Spending leisure time together will guarantee a great mood for a young couple for several days to come.

The meaning of the first date together

The first wedding anniversary is popularly called “calico.” This not so romantic meaning is due to the fact that many couples by the end of the first year of seed life have already acquired or are about to acquire offspring, and chintz will be useful to them “for diapers.”

Another version of the origin of this interpretation is related to the fact that chintz is a fragile material, it is easy to break, just like relationships that have not yet gained strength. In addition, chintz is something ordinary, everyday, like everyday life, into which the first festive months lived together gradually turn.

Gifts for a young family

The calico anniversary is not always celebrated grandly, but sometimes couples do not want to leave this day unattended by inviting guests. Of course, you need to think about a good gift that will make the newlyweds happy. And we will help you with ideas: surely, among the mass of options, you will come across “exactly that!”

Calico gifts

As part of the traditional approach, you can purchase gifts for a married couple that are related to the material declared as a symbol of the anniversary:

  • a beautiful set of bed linen;
  • tablecloth and napkins to match;
  • fluffy towels (always useful at home!);
  • terry sheet of interesting colors;
  • curtains, blankets or other home textiles;
  • a fabric or embroidered picture (doubly valuable if created by the donor himself, but among ready-made ones there is an excellent choice that can decorate any home);
  • a painting on canvas (not quite chintz, but also fabric), and if it depicts a family portrait, for example, from a wedding photo, then the first family heirloom is ready, which the couple in love will undoubtedly like.

“Paired” chintz

Such gifts can be given to newlyweds, giving both husband and wife at the same time: this will further emphasize their unity and hint at strengthening joint feelings. Such gifts can be both useful and funny:

  • paired T-shirts or T-shirts with funny photographs, drawings or inscriptions (you can make them to order, then your gift will also be exclusive!);
  • paired aprons for husband and wife (nothing brings people closer together than spending time together in the kitchen!), of course, also take care of originality;
  • a pair of bathrobes or bathrobes (not necessarily the same color, it is quite possible to maintain a common style or embroider memorable inscriptions or at least the names of the recipients on the pockets);
  • two cozy pajamas (of course, women's and men's), which will be so pleasant to put on and, more importantly, to take off each other in a fit of passion;
  • if you are planning a very modest gathering, it is quite possible to give chintz scarves (it will be better if you decorate them with embroidery or original appliqué).

Other family gifts

Gifts “for two” are always in trend, because they are presented specifically to the family as a whole. Today, a responsible donor has a wide range of opportunities to please a young family by giving, for example:

  • wedding calendar - you can order it from a printing company, using good photos for sketches, if you can get them (you can use exclusively wedding ones or expand the assortment with reminders from joint events);
  • paired gifts “for lovers” - a couple will be pleased to remember those carefree days by intertwining their hands under a cozy blanket “for two” (with holes for heads), wearing paired mittens designed for holding hands inside them, or opening them above themselves “paired” umbrella;
  • cups from sets “for two”;
  • decoration divided into two symbolic halves;
  • a board game for family pastime (today you can order copies with any names or inscriptions on the boxes);
  • multi-photo frame for family photos, of which there are probably a lot already accumulated;
  • a useful gift is household appliances, if the family has not yet purchased them, for example, a meat grinder, coffee maker, blender, high-quality iron, etc.;
  • always “with a bang” - gifts-impressions, for example, to a spa or swimming pool, to an interesting master class, horseback riding, photo shoot, even tickets to a concert, theater or cinema. Well, the height of generosity, for example, parental, can be a tourist trip.

Be careful with such gifts!

The first, original meaning of the calico anniversary - “in the swaddling clothes” - today should no longer be taken literally. Young spouses have a different attitude towards childbirth than was customary in earlier times. Therefore, gifts hinting at a new addition to the family should be made with caution, and if in doubt, it is better to choose other options.

But if the young wife is already pregnant or has recently given birth, then a gift related to her new role as a mother may well please her if it is appropriate.

Do not give baby clothes - most people prefer to choose them themselves, and besides, many people still have strong prejudices about purchasing things for a newborn in advance. But a children's blanket or blanket may well come in handy. An original night light, perhaps an air heater, clothes dryer or other useful household accessory will also come in handy in the future.

It is better not to make such gifts as a “surprise” if you are not a very close person to the family.

What to give to your beloved husband

If a wife wants to please her significant other with some kind of “themed” gift on this significant day, she won’t have to rack her brains for long. We offer a wide range of possible surprises for the “husband with a year of experience”:

  • If we talk about traditions, on this day the wife presented her husband with a shirt that she had once sewn with her own hands; now, of course, you need to buy a model you like that will suit your husband;
  • personalized gadget (depending on what exactly your man is committed to); today you can choose from a variety of options, ranging from a flash drive with his name in various designs, a personalized external battery for a computer or charger, to a custom-made case for his smartphone;
  • a comic “award”: a medal, a statuette, a diploma with an inscription, the meaning of which will be clear to you two like no one else;
  • a useful technical souvenir (men love all kinds of devices), for example, a thermometer, pedometer, barometer, compass, etc. original design;
  • a gift that will remind your loved one of you while he is in the office: a beautiful fountain pen with his name (so that no one accidentally takes it!), a notebook or diary with embossing on the cover, a pencil with an interesting engraving, an individually made folder organizer, an original press -papier;
  • a lovingly chosen lunch box in which loving hands have placed the lunch “snack” will always remind you of your care;
  • if your man is a dandy, then please him with beautiful cufflinks or a tie pin;
  • An interesting gift could be a bottle of champagne or beer with a personalized label made especially for your loved one;
  • It’s always nice to receive a keychain, personalized watch, wallet or other men’s accessory as a gift.

How to please your beloved wife on this day

First of all, pay attention! Many women, as experience and numerous questions show, are even inclined to be offended by an overly practical and utilitarian gift from a loved one, but for the attention shown to her feminine essence they are ready to forgive many past and future insults! Give your wife:

  • something new: a woman is partial to new and beautiful clothes! Traditions spoke of a cut for a sundress presented by the spouse, but modernity dictates different norms . In such situations, “surprise” may well give way to appropriateness: even if you go to choose clothes together, your wife will be happy, and you will be spared the problem of choice and possible failure with the size;
  • beautiful lingerie: this is in your interests, let her have something to seduce you with;
  • jewelry: a win-win option any day; it could be a ring, a bracelet, new earrings or a set (and if you get a personalized engraving, your spouse will be smitten!);
  • if your wife already has a lot of jewelry, give her an original organizer for her jewelry;
  • if the budget is more limited, sweets can be an excellent choice, just present it in an original way. Today you can order a personalized chocolate wrapper with a portrait of your loved one, a box of individually designed chocolates, a package of tea with an original picture or inscription, or even a caramel with a precious name;
  • beautiful lamp with name engraving;
  • New “clothes” for her smartphone, tablet or e-reader will also be relevant;
  • flowers: if not a bouquet, then a blooming flower in a flowerpot;
  • poems of your own composition or written to order (you can also arrange such a gift in an original way).

Some of the personalized gifts listed above can be purchased using the links below.

MEN, REMEMBER! A woman will appreciate not so much the amount of money invested in a gift as the personal attention given to her. Spend just a little time on the selection and process of presenting a gift, and believe me, it will pay off handsomely.

And never, never, and especially on the first family anniversary, give your better half a few bills with the words: “Buy yourself something.” And forgetting to give gifts to your beloved woman, especially on such a day, is a direct path to discord in the relationship. Let love and mutual understanding always reign in them, and gifts in such a matter, along with everything else, are also a good “glue” that unites close people.

Present for wife

Many women are offended by their man if they receive something too practical from him, for example, another frying pan. And it is also undesirable on this significant date to simply hand over money with the words: “Buy yourself something.” This neglect can lead to discord in the relationship. Therefore, in order not to quarrel with your beloved on this significant day, you need to carefully approach the choice of a surprise:

  • Women love beautiful and fashionable clothes. A gift certificate to her favorite clothing store will do just fine. If a woman’s tastes are well studied, then you can choose clothes yourself, remembering that within two weeks from the date of purchase you can return them to the store if they do not fit.
  • Beautiful and sexy lingerie.
  • Cozy loungewear.
  • A very beautiful nightgown.
  • Original jewelry, for example: a ring with a name engraved inside, earrings, a bracelet, a chain.
  • Jewelry storage box.
  • A large box filled to the top with her favorite chocolates and candies.
  • A chic bouquet of her favorite flowers or a pot of indoor plants.
  • Ticket to the theatre, concert or ballet.
  • A trip to some kind of trip together.
  • Favorite perfume.
  • A pillow or T-shirt with any humorous inscription.
  • T-shirt with any inscription: “Beloved wife”, “My wife”, “Happy and in love”.
  • A set of aromatic tea.
  • Bean bag chair.
  • A gadget she had long dreamed of.
  • A certificate for a photo shoot or a master class that she had long wanted to attend.

Choosing a gift for a chintz wedding

The first wedding anniversary is a serious date. The husband and wife lived together for a whole year, which is not easy for all couples. That is why, having received an invitation to celebrate this wonderful holiday, you should take the choice of a gift seriously. It is worth noting that the husband and wife who are organizing a holiday for family and friends on this occasion should not forget about each other. To do this, you should purchase cute things in advance that will remind you of this date for a long time . Parents can also give their children a gift for their chintz wedding - either with their own hands, or purchase a ready-made one in a store. The heroes of the occasion will certainly be pleased that this anniversary is important not only for them, but also for their parents. [geoadvert]

Gifts for children

If a baby has already appeared in the family for the chintz wedding or the couple is expecting his arrival, give the spouses goods for newborns.

The choice of gifts is large. Buy diapers, baby vests, suits for newborns or pieces of furniture such as a baby changing table, a high chair, or a crib.

If parents expecting a baby are superstitious and do not purchase children's things in advance, you can give gifts to decorate the children's room, for example, curtains or bedspreads.

If the family already has a baby, give him care products, various toys, a blanket, a sling, or a sippy cup.

Gift ideas for a chintz wedding for friends

Don't know what gift to buy for your first wedding anniversary for your loved ones? Here are some interesting gift ideas that will surely please them:

Bed sheets

The tradition of giving beautiful chintz double sets for the first anniversary of marriage came from scarce times, when in the Soviet years only bedding made from this cheap and not very practical material could be found on store shelves.

Such a gift was considered inexpensive, and most importantly, meaningful, since it went well with the name of the upcoming holiday. Today, the range of bed linen presented for sale on store shelves is simply huge. Therefore, choosing an option that is suitable for a gift will not be difficult.

Items of clothing

nightgown for a woman and a shirt for a man as a gift . You can also buy cozy robes or pajama sets .

If your husband and wife love to read, you can give them a joint gift by purchasing a collection of essays by their favorite author .

Sushi set

Newlyweds love exotic dishes and constantly order sushi? Choose for them a beautiful set of dishes for two, four or six people so that they can treat their friends who come to visit them. If you think that this gift is not enough, buy a book that teaches you how to prepare such a dish at home , or a set of products and equipment for preparing it .

This could be a large portrait of the newlyweds on their wedding day or while spending time together. It is not necessary to ask them to pose for the artist, because then there will be no surprise. Today you can order a portrait from a photograph. The main thing is to find the most successful shot. It’s not difficult to choose, especially if the husband and wife are registered on one of the social networks.

Calico wedding: signs and traditions

At one time, the ancestors compiled a kind of list of wedding anniversaries and their names, based on their own observations. Each name has a special meaning, and certain signs and customs are associated with anniversaries. And our 1st wedding anniversary was no exception. What do the great-grandfathers warn about?

If a couple woke up at the same time on this day, then they should expect an addition to the family. It is not recommended to allow anyone into the house on the anniversary day

It is believed that the appearance of a stranger can awaken the infidelity of the spouse (if a man comes) or the spouse (if a woman appears). Those who decide to celebrate the date with loved ones should pay attention to who comes first, a man or a woman. The ancestors believed that the appearance of a man promised the couple financial independence, but if a woman came first, then they should expect a baby.

A calico wedding anniversary will help you understand how strong the relationship is in a couple

So, if the day passes calmly, without quarrels, then further life will proceed in mutual understanding and respect. But if disputes cannot be avoided, then you should be wary - the relationship is still too fragile and requires mutual “working on mistakes.” On the first wedding anniversary, according to legend, it is better to choose a shirt as a gift from your wife. The ancestors believed that this promised the couple mutual fidelity and sincere feelings in their future marriage. You cannot give pants or socks. Many people still believe that such gifts can lead to separation.

If we talk about rituals, then this one has survived to this day: spouses buy a cotton handkerchief in advance; on the day of the holiday, they take it by the opposite corners of the diagonal and stand opposite each other. Next, everyone, on his part, ties a knot, saying three times: “I tie a knot, I bring my destiny. I bring them into the house, close them off from paths, and keep them for myself. Just as a knot is tied, so are we tied together! To be together is to love each other!” Afterwards, the scarf must be hidden in a secluded place and not told to anyone about the ceremony.

Original gifts for a chintz wedding

If you don’t want your gift to be thrown into the far corner and become one of many, purchase some original item for the newlyweds . Only in this case will you be sure that they will remember it for a long time.

Here are several options for unusual and original gifts for young people:

  1. Tree with photos and wishes . Surely many of you have seen trees in souvenir shops with small photo frames hanging on them. As a rule, there are from eight to several dozen of them there. It all depends on the price and size of the souvenir. In some frames you can place photographs of the newlyweds and their child, if after a year of happy family life he has already been born. And in some of them put inscriptions with wishes of happiness, success, good luck, patience, understanding and so on. To make the gift symbolic, decorate the branches of the tree with wishes with bows made of multi-colored chintz.
  2. Membership to the gym or swimming pool for two persons . Young spouses sometimes do not have time to be together, as they strive to spend their free minutes and hours as productively as possible. And such a gift, presented by you for a chintz wedding, will help them spend time together both usefully and with pleasure.
  3. A pendant or keychain that separates into halves of two hearts or two puzzles . Such a symbolic surprise will once again hint to the husband and wife that they are two parts of one whole.
  4. An original and cool souvenir at the same time will be a set that will contain cotton panties with a heart or polka dots for the husband and a kitchen apron or grandma’s nightgown for the wife . Since this option will cost you pennies, it can be given in addition to the main gift.

What gift to give for a leather wedding

Life goes on. Lived for 3 whole years! Young people who, as if yesterday, were celebrating a paper wedding, are already celebrating a leather one. It didn’t get this name for nothing. This is a symbol of the fact that after living together for three years, the spouses must learn well and understand each other perfectly. You could say you have to feel it with your skin.

On the third anniversary, a crisis in family relationships may occur. In our understanding, leather is stronger than glass, chintz and paper, which means that no troubles will stand in the way of loving hearts.

For a leather wedding, parents of spouses can give a leather panel, a leather figurine of animals, a vase with leather decoration or a leather photo frame.

For a married couple who is thinking of going on vacation, a leather travel suitcase is suitable. For those who are ready to give everything for the comfort of home, you can give a leather book - a bar in which you can store alcoholic drinks, or a book - a safe. It is advisable to give your children a more expensive item, a leather ottoman, for example.

What to give your husband for a chintz wedding?

As mentioned above, newlyweds, as well as their friends and family, are simply obliged to congratulate each other on their first wedding anniversary. What gift can you prepare for your beloved husband?

If he is a homebody and prefers a pleasant rest to noisy parties, buy him a warm blanket or a set of bath towels with his initials . Anyone who likes to dress beautifully and stylishly can be given a watch, glasses, gloves or a stylish scarf . A husband who is interested in hunting or fishing can be given some of the gear or things necessary for living in the wild, for example, a backpack or a tent . He will definitely like such a present for a chintz wedding. A spouse who is good at jokes and has an excellent sense of humor can be given chintz panties with a special pocket for money . You can sew it on yourself, but panties of this type can be found at any clothing market. A husband who is interested in sports can be given a gym membership .

What to give your wife for her first wedding anniversary?

There is no need to rack your brains over what to present to your beloved wife for the “chintz anniversary of their life together.” There are plenty of options. If you are not going to celebrate the first year of marriage in a large circle, give her a romantic dinner in a restaurant by candlelight .

Upon arrival home, you can give the lucky lady a beautiful set of underwear , with the hint that you purchased this gift not only for her, but also, to some extent, for yourself. If you have the required amount of money, purchase tickets to a romantic place abroad . It is unusual to give such a gift to a set of bed linen purchased in any store that is not of very good quality. The vouchers should be placed under its packaging. This way, you will first upset and then pleasantly surprise your spouse. Chintz is chintz, and the love of the fair sex for jewelry has never been canceled.


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