Harry Potter - return to Hogwarts (holiday scenario)

The Lord of the Rings or the Little Hobbit's Birthday

Birthday boy


Number of guests

not limited


8-12 years

Duration of the holiday

3 hours


house and yard

Holiday colors black, brown, green, orange
Treats: “Black Spider” cookies, cheese magic wands, “Book of Spells” cake, “Dumbledore’s Hat” filled straws, butterbeer, juice cocktail
Decor "Express to Hogwarts" sign, brick door, plastic snakes, spiders, cockroaches, green and yellow balloons
Themed entertainment games: “Blind choice of a hat”, “Preparing a magic potion”, “Search for the Golden Snitch”, “Search for magical creatures”, Snitch game


To tell the truth, one event prompted me to decide to organize a magical party based on the Harry Potter film for my son and his friends. My son and I went to an antique store. Accidentally. And there they installed a real ship’s bell on the display case. We heard it ring. And then my boy exclaimed: “So this is Professor Dumbledore’s bell!” The bell really looked like a chimera. Here, at the counter, we finally decided on the idea for the holiday! And, of course, we bought a bell!

Invitations to a party with Harry Potter

We were going to base the plot of the holiday on the lives of little wizards at school. Do you remember how each of them got there for training? An owl (instead of a carrier pigeon) brought them a letter from the professor. They got ready, went to the station and looked for platform “9, 3/4”. And on the platform they passed through a brick wall into another, fairy-tale and magical world! We decided not to “be wise” and made the invitations in the form of letters with Dumbledore’s wax seal on the back.

A little about text design. In theory, the internal content of the letter should correspond to the annual invitation from McGonagall for the new school year. All inscriptions must be made in green ink and it is advisable to draw the green coat of arms of the school of magicians at the top of the message. And if you don’t know how to use pen and ink, create an invitation in regular Microsoft Word using the Blackadder ITC font and green fill. And the text itself:

Dear Mr. Potter [addressing each guest personally] Welcome to another school year at Hogwarts! We hope you can join us! We will again wear magic clothes, play matches, prepare potions and perform magic. You know that Hogwarts and its surrounding areas are well protected. But if you miss the Express to school, you won't get to school! We are waiting for your answer! If you are unable to convey your decision by owl, please write to us at _______ (email address), or contact us via the Muggle telephone system at _____ (telephone number). We look forward to your arrival at Hogwarts. Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress Hogwarts Academy

And for everyone who is interested, a small master class on the topic of making a seal with your own hands.

I made the Hogwarts seal from ordinary polymer clay (before that I dried the lump of clay a little in the oven). Then, using a sewing needle (or an ordinary toothpick), I applied the pattern of the coat of arms of the school of magicians. The grooves need to be made wide rather than deep. Then the pattern on the sealing wax will be clearer.

Decoration of the playground, scenery for real wizards

a) Platform 9, ¾. Express to Hogwarts. The place of departure for students, the place where the most fabulous adventures !

Of course, this sign was simply destined to become part of our holiday!

Our dad took it upon himself to make the sign. For the sign, he used a piece of plywood and drilled holes for hanging. Then I primed it for painting. All inscriptions are made with acrylic paint in white, black, red and gold. A circle with numbers can be circled under a regular portion plate.

With the inscription "Hogwarts Express" everything is much more complicated. Before you paint the letters, you need to make a pattern (Microsoft Word using Perpetua Titling MT font 180pt and format it as an outline). Trace the letters on the board along the contours of the pattern. And then draw the outline with gold paint.

b) Platform 9, ¾ - Brick wall. The brick wall through which the wizards passed, on the way to the school of magicians.

To “camouflage” the entrance to our house, I decided to make a real red brick wall. The most economical option is to buy a roll of red brick wallpaper at the market (or at a hardware store). But, unfortunately, I didn’t find anything that suited me. That’s why I decided to make the wall with my own hands. And, since you already have to spend time on this, it is better to make a “wall” not from paper, but from fabric (so that you can use ready-made props later).

At a fabric store, I bought a regular dark brown fabric bathroom curtain (the advantage of it is that there are ready-made loops at the top, which will make it easy to hang the “wall” by the door). The best way to paint bricks on canvas is with a kitchen sponge or fabric paint.

Once the orange base was ready, I took a brush and used a darker paint (you could even use brown!) to paint the divisions between the bricks! This is what my finished brick wall looked like.

c) Diagon Alley. All new students of the school of magic were sent here to receive everything they needed for training - magic wands, books, powders, uniforms.

We decorated our son's room under "Diagon Alley" They removed all his things and left only what was needed for the magical holiday.

To fill the shelves, we bought stuffed owls, toads, rats and cats. And we attached a real broom to the window (having previously hidden the wooden handle with gold paint) and signed it “Nimbus 2000” .

Costumes and props for real wizards

black cloaks for little magicians and hats from a carnival costume store. But we had to tinker with the magic wands ourselves.

Materials: wooden blanks, hot silicone glue, beads, beads, pebbles, sticks, acrylic black and brown paint, varnish.

And don't forget about the magic potion ! Bloodworms (spaghetti with marinade), seaweed (leaves of grass from the yard), mouse stomach (canned oysters), etc. From this, children-magicians will learn to perform magic and transformations!

And lastly, Dumbledore's talking hat . Unfortunately, we were unable to find the speaker, but we bought a fairly plausible imitation of foam rubber and velvet.

Protection from dark magic

The essence of the subject is to teach students protective spells that will help in the fight against werewolves, vampires, dementors and other evil spirits. An important area of ​​the course is protection against forbidden spells that dark wizards can use. The Defense Against Dark Magic teachers replaced one after another - Quirrell, Lockhart, Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody. And rumors that the place of teaching this subject is cursed have been circulating since the construction of Hogwarts.


We welcome Harry Potter's guests

The guys (we invited 16 people to our party) were very surprised by the “stone wall” at the entrance. Their facial expressions are simply impossible to put into words!

And then - we gave them magic wands and the game began!

Games and entertainment for students of the school of magic

When all our guests successfully passed through the brick wall and sat on the sofas of our main hall of the “school of magic,” their eyes sparkled with delight. I, in the image of Minerva, began to initiate them into students.

Game 1. Blind hat selection

Remember, with the help of a magic hat, Hogwarts students were assigned to study in 4 different houses - Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff? The essence of our game was the same!

And then – there was our first magic lesson. Professor Dumbledore (aka dad, only with a beard and in a red wizard's robe) taught our guests how to prepare various “potions.”

Game 2. Preparing a magic potion

The children were allowed to mix the ingredients of the potions in random order and submit them for evaluation by the professor. Everyone had to not only prepare a potion, but also come up with a name for it and say what they could do with it! Everyone really enjoyed this fun! I had to repeat the game several times!

Some of our guests believed so much in the power of their magic that they even risked trying a homemade product! Fortunately, at least the components of the “potions” were edible!

After all the children's experiments with products, it was urgent to clean the house, and at the same time ventilate it before the feast! Therefore, we decided that dad would continue to play with the guys in the yard, and I would clean up and set the festive table.

Game 3. Hunting for magical creatures (outdoors)

Throughout the yard we placed small plastic figurines of creatures popular in the wizarding world. These were owls, dragons, dragon eggs, snakes, rats and frogs, etc. The one who finds the most described items wins.

It is important to inspire children to use magic objects such as brooms and wands when searching. It will be much more interesting this way!

Game 4. Search for the Golden Snitch

This game is a little more difficult than the previous ones. The essence of the game: children must look for a real Snitch (and, by the way, you can buy it in a toy store, there are many battery-powered options). But this needs to be done in teams (remember, we divided them into houses?). To play, you first need to hang yellow paper and rubber balls around the clearing (or around the house), which would look like a magic snitch. You also need to prepare a list of questions in advance (best of all, about knowing the plot of your favorite movie). Progress of the game: all the guys sit down in teams, you read the question. The team that gave the correct answer goes in search of the Snitch. They have 5 minutes. If the “seekers” return with nothing during this time, or with an imitation of a real snitch, the game continues..

Game 5. Throw the Snitch

When you have a magical thing in your hands, why not try its power? For example, check how it flies? And even if you haven’t found a battery-powered Snitch toy, you can play this game with an ordinary rubber ball. The essence of the game is to throw the ball into the hoop and not miss.

My mages were so busy flying on brooms and throwing the Snitch that they didn’t even hear me call them to the table!

Treat for little wizards

Our table also turned out to be in the spirit of Hogwarts . Cockroaches, flies, and dragon heads were in abundance! Of course it's a joke! Did you believe it? In any case, the festive table simply needs to be given some sinister shade.

Cookies "Black Spider" . We cook simply. Dip regular biscuit cookies or “zoological” pretzels into dark chocolate and put them in the refrigerator to harden. And then we add “spiders” to the standard marmalade and cream treat.

Cheese magic sticks . Place whipped cottage cheese with fruit on a wooden stick, pour melted chocolate over it and let it harden.

Dumbledore's Hat tubes . We buy regular waffle cones. We fill them with custard, condensed milk, curd mass, fruit - as you like. Drizzle melted chocolate on top and sprinkle with colorful caramel. Decorate the base of the cone with aerosol cream.

Butterbeer . Beer made from mandrake root, remember? Under the “beer” brand, you can serve several types of lemonades and invite children to mix them at their discretion.

Cake "Book of Spells"

And to go with the cake - a fancy juice cocktail.

The end of the Harry Potter holiday

To be honest, we didn't have enough time! The children finished the cake as they went, because their parents were already waiting for them in the hall! But I also planned to leave them half an hour after the treat for “free” play. So that they can communicate, share their impressions, and come up with their own addition to the Harry Potter holiday . Unfortunately, we didn't succeed! So if you also want to use our ideas in the process of organizing your child’s birthday, add another half an hour to the three hours!

Our magicians went home with such cute sweet souvenirs!

Goodbye Gary Potter ! Goodbye Hogwarts ! See you next school year!


The subject is aimed at studying the process of transforming some objects into any others. It is considered one of the most difficult areas of magic. To transfigure, students only need a wand and knowledge of the required spell. There are no restrictions on what object can be transfigured. These can be living and inanimate objects, and even individual parts. In lessons, students begin learning with the simplest transformations. For example, this could be turning water into tea or rats into a cup. Transfiguration is taught by Professor McGonagall.

Christmas decorations

Where would we be without them? It will be great if you decorate the New Year's balls in the colors of the faculties and hang them on the tree. Alternatively, you can sprinkle them with glitter and fix them with varnish. And if the toys are transparent, then you can fill them with water and throw in various sparkles and small parts, then they will “swim” inside, pleasing the eye.


The essence of herbology is the study of all possible and impossible plants that can only be found on the magical land. They are the most common, familiar to people, and can be healing and even magical. Much attention was paid to the study of the latter category of plants. Students study the features of growing and caring for plants, and analyze questions about how to properly use each part of the plant. It is important to study dangerous plants in order to know how to properly neutralize them.


The subject is aimed at studying the creation and use of various magic potions. At Hogwarts, such a discipline is strictly required and is studied from the first to the fifth year. Potions is included in the list of subjects that are taken in the OWL exam, and those students who successfully complete the tasks can continue studying the subject in the sixth and seventh year. In this case, the discipline is also passed at the TOAD level exam. Many teachers and students believed that potions were one of the most important subjects and the most difficult to learn.


There are a lot of options for different stencils on the Internet: the main characters, the villains, and Hogwarts itself - all at your discretion. The main difference between this design and ordinary drawings is that it is done in black (pencil, gel pen or paint) and cut out. By the way, if you execute such a design harmoniously, you can leave it after the holidays, which will look like a successful and creative idea for decorating a room.


A similar discipline teaches how to instantly move a wizard to another place and is studied in the 6th year. To legally transgress without harm to health, you need to pass an exam. Only wizards who have reached the age of 17 are allowed to visit it. Hogwarts organized courses costing 12 galleons that taught wizards transgression. They are usually led by a guest instructor from the Ministry of Magic. From time immemorial, a ban on transgression was imposed at the school so that no one from the outside could enter the school. And only during classes the ban was lifted.

Numerology and divination

Simply put, numerology is fortune telling by numbers. Divination directly studies fortune-telling, predictions and teaches to predict events that may soon occur. On the one hand, this seems interesting, but on the other hand, not every student decides to choose this course to study. Reprimand is taught by Professor Trelawney, whom students and teachers consider strange and different from everyone else.

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