How to organize an anniversary at a high level: high-quality preparation and scenario design of the holiday

Birthday is the dearest and closest holiday for each of us. We offer funny scenes for a woman’s birthday at the table. Take a closer look at this exclusive selection.

After studying our selection of congratulatory scenes, you will be able to have a fun and interesting birthday with your family and friends, congratulate the birthday girl in an unusual way and entertain guests!

During the holiday, you can improvise.

Funny scenes for a woman’s birthday are a way to avoid big preparations and diversify the holiday by congratulating the birthday girl in an original way. Scenes can be divided into table scenes and moving scenes.

Definition of anniversary and its types

An anniversary is a solemn celebration of a milestone date or other significant anniversary.

Such an event is not held every year, so its organization must be at a decent level so that the hero of the day and guests remember the celebration for a long time.

Depending on the thematic focus, several types of anniversaries can be distinguished:

  • Corporate anniversaries
    Such celebrations are dedicated to the anniversary of the establishment of a company or enterprise. Holding corporate events is not only an opportunity to represent the company, but also to unite the team of employees and unlock their potential.
  • Wedding anniversaries
    A wedding anniversary is a emotional memory of the most important day in a couple’s life, an opportunity to go back a few years and feel like newlyweds again.

    Each wedding anniversary has its own name and corresponding traditions.

  • Personal anniversaries
    The anniversary celebration in honor of the birthday takes place once every five years - dates ending in the numbers “5” and “0” are considered anniversaries. At such events, a definite summary of the life achievements and acquisitions of the hero of the occasion is summed up.

    Anniversaries are often considered to be other significant birthdays that are turning points in the life of every person - for example, coming of age.

    It is important that such an important event is attended not only by the closest people, but also by a wider circle of relatives and friends.

  • So that no one gets bored, and the holiday is remembered for a long time, prepare comic congratulations on the anniversary from our selection.
  • Your boyfriend deserves to receive an original birthday gift, see ideas here.

All for one

This game can also be considered a variant of the competition described above. Only now only one participant sticks the card on his forehead. On the sticker is the location of the event, for example, a bedroom, swimming pool, sauna, toilet. The guests begin to ask the participant questions: “What do you usually do there? Why do you go there? What form are you in there? Do you like it there?".

A guest with a card on his forehead answers questions. The participant can also be blindfolded, sitting with his back to the others. The competition is very interesting, given the discrepancy between the answers and the indicated location.

Participants can change places as much as they want, as long as the game brings laughter and joy. Or start another competition.

Stages of preparing a holiday party

Select the date of the celebration and time of reception of guests

Focus on weekends and holidays, when people are free from work and in no hurry. For an adult celebration, it is better to choose the evening; Organize a children's birthday party during the daytime.

Determine your holiday budget

Not only the holiday menu, but also the entertainment program, as well as the number of invited guests, depend on financial capabilities.

To make it easier for you to control costs, divide the preparation of the celebration into several components and calculate the amount of each of them - drawing up and sending out invitations, room decor, festive table, memorable souvenirs for guests, etc.

Make a guest list

This step is necessary for three reasons.

First of all, you won't lose sight of anyone. Secondly, knowing the number of people present, it is easy to calculate the approximate amount of food and drinks. Thirdly, the number of invitees will make it possible to determine the right place to organize the anniversary.

Choosing a place to celebrate

With twelve or fewer guests, you can organize an anniversary celebration at home. If there are more people, it is better to hold the event in a cafe, restaurant or rented premises.

Book tables in advance - this is not only reliable, but in some cases it is also profitable, since you can get a good discount for booking several weeks in advance.

A more expensive option is a celebration in a banquet hall. It is appropriate if a luxurious holiday with fifty or more guests is expected.

Determining the theme of the anniversary

If you want the event to be bright and interesting, base it on some thematic plot that is close to the hero of the day.

For young people, a party in the style of a Hawaiian party or a costume ball is perfect. An older audience will be delighted to organize a holiday in a retro style, based on a famous movie or TV show.

Drawing up and sending out invitations

In invitation cards, you need to not only indicate the place of the celebration and its start time, but also draw the attention of guests to the nuances of the event.

For example, if the party has a specific theme, specify the dress code rules. The invitations themselves should also be designed in the appropriate style and immerse the invitees in the festive atmosphere.

Preparing the festive table

Create a menu for the celebration taking into account the tastes of the birthday boy and all the guests. All dishes must be safe and not cause allergic reactions (this especially applies to the presence of children at the party).

The holiday menu has its own characteristics depending on the location of the holiday and its time - for example, in the summer you need to stock up on more drinks and cool desserts.

Room decoration

The decor of the party venue should correspond to the chosen theme. The classic option is decoration with balloons, ribbons and bows, and congratulatory garlands.

At themed parties, decorative elements should be visible in everything - in outfits, on the festive table, in the preparation of dishes.

Determining the entertainment program

During the entire festive evening, guests should not get bored, so you need to plan games and competitions very carefully. Alternate active, creative and intellectual entertainment so as not to overtire your guests with monotony.

Have a few extra treats in reserve in case something goes wrong.

To make it easier for yourself to entertain guests, you can invite a toastmaster or a professional host.

Thinking through organizational details

Musical accompaniment of the holiday, props for competitions, prizes and souvenirs for guests - all these moments should also not be overlooked.

Be prepared for unforeseen situations and troubles

The celebration does not always go smoothly and according to a clearly planned scheme. Consider relocating the event if weather prevents it from being held outdoors.

You should always have a first aid kit on hand in case someone gets hurt (especially when going outdoors).

If children are present at the anniversary, they may become overtired and begin to act up, so organize a relaxation corner for them with interesting books and toys.

Not really

Everyone's favorite and famous game. Both adults and children can play. To do this, you will again need sheets of paper and pens (pencils). You can play alone or in a team.

The birthday boy prepares cards with the names of, for example, movie characters. The guests come up with a character for the host of the evening. Then, each participant places a sticker on their forehead. Next, guests take turns guessing their hero. How? Asking questions. But they should not be common. The question must be specific so that it can be answered affirmatively or negatively.

You can’t ask, “What color is my hair?” You need this: “Do I have red hair?”, “Am I a real or fictional character?”, “Am I good or evil?”, “Is my character a man or a woman?”, “Is this a domestic or foreign picture?”

There can be many variations of this game. It is not necessary to make wishes for television characters. These could be flowers, various objects, animals, famous personalities, countries or even presidents. Adults may also enjoy a slightly frivolous version of this game - guessing items of clothing and underwear.

If the number of men and women is the same, another version of the game is available. The participants still have cards on their foreheads. This time they have the name of one of the famous couple on the stickers. For example, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Bonnie and Clyde. A man and a woman are given a corresponding "half". The participant guesses his star pair by asking leading questions.

For example: “Are my partner and I married?”, “Do we have children?”, “Do we live in London?”, “Am I a singer?”, “Am I tall?”, “Is this my first marriage?” The winners guess each other the fastest, while asking the fewest questions.

Stages of celebrating a round date

Official part

The beginning of the celebration in honor of the anniversary is the opening speech of the host or toastmaster.

Guests should be imbued with the solemnity of the event, so you need to prepare a special speech with an emphasis on the achievements of the hero of the day, his potential and, of course, emphasize the importance and respectability of the round date.

Introductory words can be in poetic form.

A real surprise for the hero of the occasion will be a slide show about his significant moments in life - a bright childhood, graduation from school and university, the beginning of working life, starting a family, the birth of children...

An addition to the slide show can be a video recording of congratulations from old friends and acquaintances - for example, classmates or classmates.

Congratulatory part with presentation of gifts

Usually, congratulatory words are said during toasts at the festive table, but presenting gifts is a separate part of the holiday.

Presents can be presented after the official part or at the very beginning of the holiday. However, it is more interesting to play up the unusual presentation of gifts - this can become part of the entertainment program.

We offer you several original and fun options for celebrating anniversary celebrations:

A gift for “the very best”

This is a great idea for giving a present during a woman’s 50th birthday (maybe a different age).

Pack the gift in several boxes according to the matryoshka principle, attach a note to each of them - “The tallest”, “The red-haired”, “The thinnest”, “The blue-eyed”, etc.

Descriptions should not relate to a person’s personal qualities (for example, if it is written “The smartest” or “The most beautiful”, everyone will want to take this box for themselves).

According to the scenario, a postman enters the room and says that a parcel has arrived at his department, and it says “Give to the highest.” The guests find the tallest one, he unwraps the box, and there is another package with the inscription “Give to the snub-nosed one,” etc.

So the guests unwrap the gift, and on the last box there is an inscription: “Give to the one for whom we are here.” The birthday girl opens the box, and there is a decoration or other valuable gift with a card “To the most beloved woman on earth.”

Arrival of the courier with documents

This congratulation is a continuation of the official part of the script and an excellent present for a man of any age during his anniversary.

Immediately after the solemn speech of the host, a serious man in a suit and with a diplomat comes to the guests and the birthday boy, introduces himself as an employee of a reputable company and says that he has important business with Mr. Birthday Man (the surname, name and patronymic of the hero of the day are given).

He takes out a stack of papers and asks to sign all these contracts. Each document is a contract for the delivery of an annual supply of health, happiness, financial well-being, love, luck, etc.

At the end of each text you must put a signature in the “I have no claims” column. Then these documents are solemnly presented along with the diplomat (there may be other gifts inside).

Festive banquet

Preparing a banquet for an anniversary means setting the table correctly, serving dishes in several stages and thinking through table entertainment.

In the culture of organizing anniversaries, there are several types of banquets, depending on the scope of the event and its focus:

Banquets with full or partial service

The first type of banquets are used at the highest level and require compliance with certain rules of etiquette. Dishes are offered to guests one by one. Such banquets are organized at official events, for example, corporate anniversaries of large companies.

At partially catered banquets during an anniversary in a cafe or restaurant, dishes are placed in advance, and waiters serve only hot dishes and desserts in portions. Guests serve themselves - serve food, pour drinks.

Banquet buffet

Its distinctive feature is the absence of chairs at the festive table. Dishes at the buffet are served in small portions so that you can pick up the plate and eat without the help of a knife.

Buffets have two advantages: firstly, this banquet option is more economical compared to a standard feast. Secondly, those present have more opportunities to communicate with each other, moving freely around the hall.

A buffet can be held at events of any level.

Mini banquets

These include a cocktail banquet and a tea banquet. Their names indicate the predominance of certain drinks. These are usually small events with light snacks and sweets. More often they are held during corporate parties.

Entertainment part of the event

You can prepare an entertainment program on your own or order it from professionals. When writing a script for an anniversary, remember a few rules:

  • The central place in most entertainment should be given to the hero of the occasion.
  • When creating a relaxation program for a party, focus on the age and preferences of the guests; do not select competitions that are too intellectually or physically challenging.
  • Use various types of games and competitions at the event - creative, intellectual, dance; alternate them so that guests do not get tired of the monotony.
  • To motivate and encourage guests, prepare small prizes for them not only for winning, but also for participating. At the end of the party, arrange a ceremonial awards ceremony and present comic certificates or medals to the most active participants.
  • There should not be too much entertainment - those present need free time to relax and chat with each other.
  • You will find the best options for an anniversary gift for a woman manager in our article.
  • In order not to rack your brains about where to celebrate your anniversary, look for ready-made ideas here.

No time to explain

The game is forfeits. What is required for the competition:

  • Small bowl or bag
  • Leaflets
  • Pencils
  • Fantasy.

Before starting the game, each participant writes down an item or item of clothing, animal, or activity on a piece of paper. The folded pieces of paper are placed in a bowl and mixed.

Next, the guests are divided into teams of two. One of the team takes out a piece of paper, reads the written word to himself and explains it to his partner. Your partner must guess the word. Then the turn passes to another team representative.

Explanation time is limited, 30-40 seconds. You should not set a larger interval, otherwise the game may drag on for a long time and quickly become boring.

To make the game even more fun, you don’t need to indulge in a primitive explanation of the word.

You should use your imagination and come up with cool explanations. The word “sausage” is not interesting to describe as a “meat product”. You can say: “For a piece of this, your cat is ready to jump on its hind legs.”

Original scenario ideas for a holiday party

Table games and fun

Compliments in alphabetical order

This game may be the first script competition for a cool way to celebrate a woman’s anniversary. Along the chain, all guests give compliments to the hero of the occasion, starting with certain letters of the alphabet in order (the letters “y”, “b” and “b” should be omitted).

Anyone who cannot come up with a description of the birthday boy in a few seconds is awarded penalty points or another “punishment” (for example, having to dance a dance for the birthday boy to randomly selected music). For each penalty point, the guest grants one birthday wish.

Another variation of this competition is the use of each letter in the first and last name of the hero of the day for compliments.

Fun “Exclusive congratulations”

This is a great table game for warming up guests and raising the level of fun. Prepare cards with words of different themes according to the number of guests.

Each of those present draws a card and must congratulate the hero of the day using the written word. Choose complex and unexpected words - for example, “transformer”, “inventory”, etc.

Magic hat game

The host announces that he has a magic hat that can read minds. He puts it on the guests one by one.

When the hat is on someone's head, a short excerpt from a popular song is played (the musical cut must be prepared in advance), which contains lines from the first person. It is advisable to choose funny and unexpected songs.

Creative competitions and projects

Competition “Symbolism for the birthday boy”

All guests are united in several teams of 2-3 people. Teams are given whatman paper and markers.

Their task is to come up with a flag, coat of arms and anthem for the birthday boy (the anthem can be a reworked quatrain of a popular song). Then these projects are presented. The jury awards certificates to all participants in various categories.

Game “Assemble your team”

For all guests you need to prepare cards with words that can be combined into several groups (for example, “Construction”, “Depot”, “Circus”, “Kitchen”, etc.). Each guest takes one card.

At the command of the leader, the search for members of their teams begins. The players whose team assembles the fastest are considered the winners.

The second part of this game is to compose congratulations for the birthday boy on behalf of your team. For example, the “Kitchen” team can congratulate the hero of the day on behalf of the housewife, “Construction” - on behalf of the construction team, and so on.

Game “Associations”

The presenter says two words that are not related to each other. The first player comes up with a sentence that includes these two words.

Then he names the next word, and the second participant must continue the story started by using it. This continues until the guests run out of imagination.

Letter by letter

What would a birthday be without toasts and wishes? It is this part of the fun that can be made a little more inventive. The next idea is that each guest says one word of congratulations. The catch is that the first word must begin with “A”, and each subsequent word must begin further in alphabetical order.

You can diversify this competition with the option when each of the company, in a circle, gives a compliment to the birthday boy. Each word of praise must begin with one letter. For example: every compliment starting with the letter O is charming, enchanting, dazzling, fiery.

Or each subsequent compliment begins with the next letter of the alphabet: angel, brilliant, magnificent, graceful. This playful form of congratulations would be appropriate for an anniversary or for a large company.

This will especially flatter the fair sex.

Raising the level of fun: entertainment for the “equator” of the holiday

Outdoor games and relay races

Competition “Hold the balls”

Balloons are laid out on the floor. At the command of the host, the guests begin to collect them. Their task is to collect and hold as many balls as possible.

Relay “Eat Pie”

Participants are divided into two teams of equal numbers. Each player's hands are tied behind them. A pie is placed in front of the teams. Players run up to their pies one by one, take a bite and run back.

Having passed the baton to the next participants, they stand back. This continues until one team's pie is eaten - these players are declared winners.

Fun competition “Cucumber”

All guests stand in a circle, pressing their shoulders tightly against each other. In the center of the circle is the leader.

The players’ task is to pass the cucumber behind their backs unnoticed by the host.

and take a bite when the opportunity arises. If the driver guesses who has the cucumber, he takes his place and the game continues.

Comic competitions and fun

Competition “Sushi in Russian”

Two or more people participate. The host announces that the guests will prepare an excellent dish for the birthday boy - sushi, but using a special technology. A mountain of candy is placed in front of the participants and they are given a pair of sushi sticks.

At the leader’s command, they begin to transfer the candies into their vases. Whoever has the fullest vase at the end of time is the winner.

Game “Feast of Moles”

Several pairs of participants are selected for the competition and they are blindfolded. Partners sit opposite each other at the table. In front of them is a plate of some semi-liquid dish (for example, jam or semolina porridge).

Their task is to feed each other within a certain time. The winners are those who have the least amount of food left on their plate.

Competition “Milk the cow”

This fun will fit perfectly into a cool anniversary scenario.

Participants are given one glove filled with water and a small container. There are small holes in the fingertips of the glove. The players' task is to milk their glove as quickly as possible.

At an anniversary party, not only the guests, but also the hero of the occasion should relax.

Despite the fact that preparing a holiday is a very troublesome task, the hero of the day should find time to relax and enjoy the attention of the guests, feel their love and support

How a left-handed person finished drawing a flea...

This competition is for people with imagination and limitless imagination. It’s even more interesting to play it later, when everyone has relaxed and drank a little (something stronger than tea). The game also requires preliminary preparation. The party host draws in advance if he can, or prints out a drawing with one part unfinished.

The main thing is that the drawing on all sheets is the same, but the unfinished fragments are different. The guests’ task is to complete the missing part, also with their left hand.

Lefties draw with their right hand. You can finish drawing anything, however you like, and let your imagination run wild.

At the end of the competition, choose a winner. The birthday boy can give him a symbolic prize as a keepsake. For example, a pre-prepared souvenir, postcard or chocolate. The birthday girl can give the winner a slow dance or a kiss on the cheek.

Basic rules of telephone communication

Discussion: 4 comments

  1. Sergey:
    06/18/2020 at 11:45

    Thank you for the article, I refreshed my memory of the basic rules of politeness - it will come in handy)) How about the saying about an uninvited guest? Is it possible to come without an invitation?


  2. Anastasia:

    11/10/2020 at 7:23 pm

    about food. As for the coronavirus right now, you shouldn’t share food with another person in order to save your life and that person’s. And it’s very interesting, thanks for the useful information.


    Vilkov Nikolay:

    11/10/2020 at 19:30

    I agree, the rules of etiquette require adjustments in connection with the coronavirus, no one had heard of it before and now the world has changed completely.


  • Camilla:

    02.02.2021 at 13:41

    I’ll have to show the article to my relatives, thank you very much. I'm tired of fighting them.


  • “I take it out of my wide trousers...”

    An original game for a fun group of close friends. The main intrigue is that the presenter does not immediately say what the essence of the game is. You just need to ask guests to tell your neighbor in your neighbor’s ear the name of a movie, TV series or book you like.

    Next, each participant needs to stand up and say: “In my pants ...” and then the name of the film they received. It turns out very funny and fun. You just have to imagine: “I have Smallville in my pants,” “I have a Legend in my pants.”

    This game is certainly not for children. It is for a cheerful company, rather young people, who will then not hold grudges or grudges against each other.

    If elderly people and parents are present at the celebration, you should refrain from such a competition.

    Scenario for a birthday, bachelorette party or party in the women's company “Lady in Red”

    If you are thinking about how to have an original bachelorette party on the eve of your wedding, a birthday with friends, or a corporate party in a predominantly female team, then the proposed scenario is one of the solutions that will help you organize a bright, cheerful, and musical party. All the entertainment in this program is themed, one way or another, related to the color red, and, if desired, can become the basis for a Red Party - a holiday for a mixed and active company. The scenario of a birthday, bachelorette party or party in a women's room will help create a festive atmosphere, lift the mood and be a good start for free fun at the table and dance floor, while it may be enough to hold only a few of them at the discretion of the organizers. This scenario will be useful for both amateurs and professionals; all the necessary musical accompaniment and explanations by the author, as well as eyeliner options for various occasions: bachelorette parties, birthdays, corporate events are included.

    Scenario for the 30th anniversary of a girl (young woman) “For the sake of the hero of the day”

    The phrase “scenario for a woman’s anniversary” evokes in almost everyone the association of a holiday for a lady who has already reached certain heights in life, i.e. from 45 years of age and older, which is perhaps why compiling programs for younger culprits causes difficulties, because almost all game moments and congratulations on any, albeit conditional, summing up are not suitable for them. To help the organizers of such parties, we offer a scenario for the 30th anniversary of a girl (young woman) “For the sake of the hero of the day”; using its example, we tried to show how you can present and play out anniversary entertainment from the game program “Everything for you”, when the birthday girl is over 30 years old and higher.

    Raise a glass to the hero of the occasion

    It's time for toast again. And again, instead of dry memorized phrases, you can play a fun competition. Forfeits come to the rescue again. This time they contain short tasks for the guest giving a toast. The tasks are very different.

    For example: “Speak and gesture like a Caucasian.” This means that the guest must make a toast with a Caucasian accent, appropriate facial expressions and gestures. Or this condition: “Remember a funny incident and associate it with a toast.” In this case, the toast should sound something like this: “Remember, in 10th grade you bent down to pick up your briefcase and your pants came apart. So, I wish that these were the only stitches that didn’t stay in place in your life.”

    You can also force the guest to speak in a languid female voice, dance, stutter, or do the splits while saying congratulations. You can fantasize in any direction.

    The richer the imagination, the more fun it will be to listen to wishes

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